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13C (1986AJ01)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 13C)

GENERAL: See also (1981AJ01) and Table 13.4 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS).

Nuclear models: (1982KU1B, 1983JA09, 1983SH38, 1983VA31, 1984VA06, 1984ZW1A).

Special states: (1980RI06, 1981KO1Q, 1981LI19, 1983AU1B, 1983GO1R, 1983MI08, 1983VA31, 1984GO1M, 1984RO05, 1984VA06, 1984ZW1A, 1985HA1J, 1985WE02).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1980BA54, 1980RI06, 1981KN06, 1981KO1Q, 1981LI19, 1982AW02, 1983AD1B, 1983MI08, 1984KU07, 1984MA67, 1984MO1D, 1984SC09).

Astrophsical questions: (1980AU1D, 1980GA1Q, 1980WA1M, 1981CR1B, 1981GU1D, 1981LA1L, 1981SC1M, 1981SN1B, 1981WA1N, 1981WA1Q, 1981WI1G, 1982IB1B, 1982JO1B, 1982NO1D, 1983AL23, 1983BO1F, 1983IB1A, 1983SW1A, 1984HA1R, 1984HA1Z, 1984LA1J, 1984LI1L, 1984TR1C, 1984WE1C, 1985GU1A).

Applied work: (1980SE1E, 1981DE2B, 1981FR1D, 1982FR1L, 1982ST1C, 1982ZA1C, 1983AM1A, 1983DO1H, 1983GI1E, 1983JU1B, 1983SC1B, 1983SU1C, 1984AR1C, 1984BO1T, 1984DE1T, 1984DO1B, 1984GI1K, 1984GI1M, 1984HO1E, 1984LE1G, 1984NA1R, 1984RA1J, 1984SH2A, 1984SU1H, 1984SU1J, 1985AR1N).

Complex reactions involving 13C: (1980GR10, 1980RI06, 1981FR02, 1981GR08, 1981ME13, 1981OL1C, 1982LY1A, 1982TA02, 1983CH23, 1983EN04, 1983FR1A, 1983GA01, 1983JA05, 1983MA06, 1983OL1A, 1983SA06, 1983VO04, 1983WI1A, 1984GR08, 1984HI1A, 1984HO23, 1984VO06, 1985GU1A, 1985MO08, 1985ST1J, 1985UT1B).

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1981MU1E, 1981PH1C, 1982SC11, 1982WE02, 1983GM1A, 1984AA1B, 1984KO1U, 1985MI1P).

Pion capture and reactions (See also reactions 8, 28 and 44): (1978MO01, 1979BA16, 1979ME2A, 1980BA27, 1980BU15, 1980DE1X, 1980EI01, 1980GO1M, 1980LE17, 1981AU1C, 1981BA1J, 1981CR1A, 1981FE2A, 1981GI1A, 1981GO1G, 1981HAZU, 1981HI06, 1981KE1A, 1981LI02, 1981LI1B, 1981LO1B, 1981MO11, 1981NI1B, 1981OS04, 1981PE1C, 1981PO10, 1981SI1D, 1981WH01, 1982AS05, 1982BE51, 1982BE1D, 1982CH16, 1982CO07, 1982CO1Z, 1982DE1K, 1982DO01, 1982DO02, 1982DO10, 1982FE1A, 1982FR02, 1982GI1B, 1982GR1F, 1982GR1K, 1982HO1C, 1982IN1A, 1982IQ1A, 1982KE1D, 1982KI1D, 1982LE26, 1982LI1K, 1982LO1K, 1982MA1F, 1982MA1U, 1982NA1K, 1982SO1B, 1982THZZ, 1982WA1G, 1983CH54, 1983GE12, 1983GM1A, 1983KA19, 1983LI1M, 1983LI1Q, 1983LI15, 1983LI1X, 1983MA16, 1983MA40, 1983MI06, 1983PE14, 1983SH01, 1983THZZ, 1983TI1A, 1983TO17, 1983TR1J, 1983ZE1C, 1984AN11, 1984BA2Y, 1984COZY, 1984GO1F, 1984GR27, 1984KE02, 1984LI1U, 1984MI1K, 1984SA1H, 1984ST16, 1984TI02).

Kaon capture and reactions: (1979LI1A, 1981BA1H, 1981DA1C, 1981MA27, 1981MI1F, 1982BA1R, 1982BE1U, 1982DO1C, 1982DO1M, 1982MA1Y, 1982ZH1C, 1983AU1A, 1983FE07, 1983LI1Q, 1983PO1D, 1984GI1E, 1984MI1C, 1984SI13).

Antiproton reactions: (1981YA1C).

Hypernuclei: (1980IW1A, 1980ZH1C, 1981AU05, 1981DA1C, 1981MA27, 1981MI1A, 1981MI1F, 1981RA18, 1981WA1J, 1981ZH1B, 1982BE1U, 1982DO1C, 1982DO1M, 1982GR1P, 1982JO1C, 1982KA1U, 1982KA1D, 1982MA1Y, 1982PI1J, 1982RA1L, 1982SH1P, 1982ZH1C, 1983AU1A, 1983BA2K, 1983CH1T, 1983DO1B, 1983FE07, 1983GA17, 1983JO1E, 1983KO1V, 1983KO1D, 1983LI1Q, 1983MA1F, 1983PO1D, 1983SH1E, 1984AS1D, 1984BA2Y, 1984BA1N, 1984BO1A, 1984CH1G, 1984DA03, 1984DA1D, 1984MI1C, 1984SH1J, 1985AH1A, 1985BA2N).

Other topics: (1979LI1A, 1980BA54, 1981AU05, 1981PL03, 1982AW02, 1982HU1D, 1982LU02, 1982NG01, 1983CO09, 1983GO1R, 1983GU09, 1984PO11).

Ground state of 13C: (1980BA54, 1981AV02, 1982LO13, 1982NG01, 1983AD1B, 1983ANZQ, 1983AU1A, 1983AU1B, 1983BU07, 1983CO09, 1983VA31, 1984FR13, 1984KA25, 1984KU07, 1984WE04, 1985HA18, 1985FA01).

μ = +0.702411 (1) nm (1978LEZA),

< r2 >1/2 = 2.4795 (20) fm (1982SC11). See also (1984AA1B).

Natural abundance: (1.10 ± 0.03)% (1984DE53).

The neutron rms radius is 2.35 (3) fm (1979JO08). See also (1981AJ01). 13C*(3.85):g is negative (1976DY05). From the γ-ray due to the transition 13C*(3.85 → 3.68), ΔEx = 169.356 ± 0.020 keV (1984SC09). See, however, footnote c in Table 13.11 (in PDF or PS).

1. (a) 6Li(7Li, γ)13C Qm = 25.867
(b) 6Li(7Li, n)12C Qm = 20.921 Eb = 25.867
(c) 6Li(7Li, p)12B Qm = 8.334
(d) 6Li(7Li, d)11B Qm = 7.189
(e) 6Li(7Li, t)10B Qm = 1.992
(f) 6Li(7Li, α)9Be Qm = 15.220

The yield curves for d0(E(6Li) = 4 to 14 MeV), t0(E(7Li) = 5 to 14 MeV) and α0(E(6Li) = 4 to 14 MeV) show broad, uncorrelated structures. Energy-averaged differential cross sections are also reported for a number of 12B, 11B and 10B states. Total cross-section measurements have been measured for E(7Li) = 3.8 to 6.0 MeV for p0 → p2, p3+4, p5; d0 → d3, d4+5, d6; t0 → t2; and α0: the total cross sections generally increase smoothly with energy without showing any structure: see (1981AJ01). For reaction (b) see (1981NOZW). See also (1983KAZF).

2. (a) 9Be(α, n)12C Qm = 5.7013 Eb = 10.6476
(b) 9Be(α, 2n)11C Qm = -13.020

Resonances for n0 and n1, for γ-rays from 12C*(4.4, 12.7, 15.1) and resonances in the total neutron cross section are given in Table 13.7 (in PDF or PS). In addition the yield of neutrons to 12C*(7.65, 9.64) has been measured in the range Eα = 2.9 - 6.4 MeV. The n0 and n1 excitation functions exhibit weak resonance anomalies at Eα = 6.44 MeV corresponding to the Jπ = 3/2-, T = 3/2 state at Ex = 15.11 MeV: see Tables 13.6 (in PDF or PS) and 13.7 (in PDF or PS) (1978HI06). The thick-target yield of neutrons has been measured for Eα = 3.0 to 9.0 MeV by (1979BA48). Polarization measurements have been reported for Eα to 100 MeV: see (1981AJ01). Reaction (b) has been studied at a number of energies for Eα = 17 to 44 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at Eα = 19.5 to 32.1 MeV (1981AN16). See also (1982WE16; applied).

3. (a) 9Be(α, d)11B Qm = -8.0312 Eb = 10.6476
(b) 9Be(α, t)10B Qm = -13.2281

Excitation curves have been measured for Eα = 15 to 27.5 MeV for reaction (a) [involving d0, d1 and at the higher energies d2, d3, d4+5, d6] and at 26.0 to 27.5 MeV for reaction (b) [t0, t1, t3]: no structures are observed. See (1981AJ01).

4. 9Be(α, α)9Be Eb = 10.6476

A number of excitation functions have been measured for elastically scattered α-particles for Eα = 1.4 to 20 MeV: these show considerable resonance structure with the variations being most prominent below 10 MeV but persisting up to 20 MeV. The parameters resulting from a best fit of the excitation functions are displayed in Table 13.8 (in PDF or PS): see the footnotes to that table for a summary of the most important caveats. A weak resonance is observed in the α0 yield at Eα = 6.44 MeV corresponding to the excitation of the first T = 3/2 state at Ex = 15.11 MeV: see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS) for the parameters of that state (1978HI06). For inclusive cross sections see (1985AB02). See also (1981FR1T, 1985SR01; theor.).

5. 9Be(6Li, d)13C Qm = 9.1725

A number of 13C states have been studied at E(6Li) = 23.8 MeV: see (1981AJ01).

6. 9Be(7Li, t)13C Qm = 8.1796

Angular distributions for t0, t1, t2+3, t4 are reported at E(7Li) = 5.6 to 6.2 MeV: see (1976AJ04).

7. 9Be(12C, 8Be)13C Qm = 3.2810

Angular distributions have been measured at E(12C) = 12 and 15 MeV and at E(9Be) = 20 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at E(12C) = 10.5, 12.0 and 13.5 MeV (1982TA21; 13Cg.s.). In the earlier work the neutron spectroscopic factors for the first four states of 13C are 1.15, 0.95, 0.20, 1.02. At E(9Be) = 50 MeV several higher states are also populated. For yield measurements see (1981AJ01) and (1982HU06, 1982TA21). See also (1983DEZW; theor.).

8. 10B(3He, π+)13C Qm = -115.710

At E(3He) = 260 and 280 MeV 13Cg.s. and an unresolved group at Ex ≈ 3.6 MeV are observed. The cross section for this reaction at θlab = 20° has been measured (1984WI06).

9. (a) 10B(t, p)12B Qm = 6.342 Eb = 23.8757
(b) 10B(t, d)11B Qm = 5.1969
(c) 10B(t, α)9Be Qm = 13.2281

Yields have been measured for Et = 0.5 to 2.0 MeV: there is no evidence of resonance behavior (1981AJ01). The yield of protons for Et = 3 to 12 MeV shows a structure at Et = 5.4 MeV (Γ ≈ 1 MeV) which may be connected with a state at ≈ 28 MeV (1984GUZY). See also (1980BO1T; theor.).

10. 10B(α, p)13C Qm = 4.0617

Angular distributions of p0 have been measured at many energies up to Eα = 30.4 MeV [see (1970AJ04)] and at 31.2 MeV (1984KO1Q; also p1+2+3), and for p1 at Eα = 2.58 to 3.06 MeV (1983CS03). For γ-decay measurements see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS) (1980WA24). See also 14N.

11. 10B(6Li, 3He)13C Qm = 8.0800

Comparisons of the relative intensities of the 3He groups in this reaction and of the triton groups in the mirror reaction (see reaction 7 in 13N) at E(6Li) = 18 MeV suggest that the following states are analogs: 6.86 - 6.36, 7.49 - 7.16, 9.50 - 9.00, 9.90 - 9.48, (10.82 + 10.75) - (10.36 + 10.36) [the first (set of) Ex is in 13C, the second in 13N]: see (1981AJ01).

12. 10B(7Li, α)13C Qm = 21.4076

Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.20 MeV for the α0, α1, α2+3 and α4 groups: see (1981AJ01).

13. 10B(14N, 11C)13C Qm = 1.139

At E(10B) = 100 MeV angular distributions are reported for the transitions to 13C*(0, 3.68, 7.5, 11.8): see (1981AJ01).

14. 11B(d, γ)13C Qm = 18.6788

The 90° γ0 excitation curve measured for Ed = 1.0 to 12.0 MeV shows resonant structure at Ed = 2.0 ± 0.1 and 4.0 ± 0.1 MeV, Γ ≈ 0.6 and ≈ 1 MeV, corresponding to states at Ex = 20.4 and 22.1 MeV: see Table 13.9 (in PDF or PS). The results are consistent with the hypothesis of the isospin splitting of the giant dipole resonance in 13C (1981KA16). See also (1981AJ01, 1984WO05).

15. (a) 11B(d, n)12C Qm = 13.7325 Eb = 18.6788
(b) 11B(d, 2n)11C Qm = -4.989

The yield of neutrons and 15.1 MeV γ-rays has been measured in the range Ed = 0.2 to 11 MeV: see Table 13.9 (in PDF or PS). For polarization measurements see (1981AJ01). The thick-target yield in reaction (b) has been measured for Ed = 7.00 to 16.01 MeV (1981AN16). See also (1981NO1G; applied.).

16. (a) 11B(d, p)12B Qm = 1.145 Eb = 18.6788
(b) 11B(d, d)11B

The results from the measurements of the proton and γ-ray yields are not consistent: see reaction 19 and Table 13.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1981AJ01). An activation analysis is reported by (1984GUZY) for Ed = 3 to 12 MeV. See also (1980HU1D, 1981HU1G). For reaction (b) see (1981AJ01).

17. 11B(d, α)9Be Qm = 8.031 Eb = 18.6788

At low energies the excitation functions for α0 and α1 increase monotonically: see (1970AJ04). Then at Ed = 1.85 MeV a pronounced resonance is observed in the α0, α1, α2 and α3 yields: see Table 13.9 (in PDF or PS). Some gross structure is also observed in these yields for Ed = 1.0 to 3.2 MeV: see (1981AJ01). See also 9Be in (1984AJ01).

18. 11B(3He, p)13C Qm = 13.1853

Levels derived from proton groups are displayed in Table 13.11 (in PDF or PS) of (1981AJ01). [The only level parameters included in the values of Table 13.4 (in PDF or PS) are Ex = 7500 ± 12 keV and Γc.m. < 5, 70 ± 10 and 150 ± 30 keV for 13C*(7.49, 7.69, 8.86).] The neutron decay of 13C*(6.86, 9.90, 11.75) are to 12Cg.s. (99 ± 9)% and (100 ± 20)% for the first two states, and to 12C*(0, 4.4) (67 ± 16)% and (33 ± 8)% for the third (1973AD02). The decay parameters for the first T = 3/2 state, 13C*(15.11), are shown in Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS). The reduced asymmetries B(13C)/B(13N) - 1 are -0.07 ± 0.13, 0.82+1.2-0.6, ≥ 0.83 ± 0.29 and -0.04 ± 0.14 for the γ0(M1), γ0(E2), γ1(E1) and γ2(M1) transitions. Changes in the wave functions due to binding energy differences in 13C and 13N do not account for the observed asymmetry of the E1 decays of the first excited states in 13C and 13N (1977MA16): see Table 13.5 (in PDF or PS). See, however, (1980BA54).

19. 11B(α, d)13C Qm = -5.1679

Angular distributions of the d0 group have been measured at Eα = 15.1 to 25.2 MeV [see (1981AJ01)], at 29.5 MeV (1983VA28) and at 31.2 MeV (1984KO1Q; also d1+2+3). See also (1983BE1Q; theor.).

20. 11B(6Li, α)13C Qm = 17.2037

Angular distributions have been reported at E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV for α0, α1, α2+3, α4, α5+6+7: see (1981AJ01).

21. 11B(14N, 12C)13C Qm = 8.4064

See 12C in (1985AJ01) and (1984CL09; theor.).

22. 12C(n, γ)13C Qm = 4.94634
Q0 = 4946.362 ± 0.021 keV (1981VA1P, 1980WA24);
Q0 = 4946.336 ± 0.014 keV [see (1983CO09)].

The thermal capture cross section is 3.53 ± 0.07 mb (1982JU01). See also (1981PR04, 1982MU14). The capture is (67.47 ± 0.92)%, (0.16 ± 0.01)% and (32.36 ± 0.44)% via 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68) (1982MU14). (1982JU01) report (68.6 ± 0.9)% and (31.0 ± 0.4)% via 13C*(0, 3.68). (1981VA1P; prelim.) find recoil-corrected C → 0, C → 3.68 and 3.68 → 0 energies of 4946.397 ± 0.031, 1261.854 ± 0.006 and 3684.516 ± 0.030 keV. Folding in the (1980WA24) value for 3.85 → 0 (see Table 13.11 (in PDF or PS)) leads to weighted mean adjusted energies for these three transitions of 4946.362 ± 0.021, 1261.855 ± 0.006 and 3684.507 ± 0.019 keV [E.K. Warburton, private communication]. Other recent Eγ measurements of ground-state transitions are 3089.3 ± 0.3 and 3684.6 ± 0.1 keV (1982MU14; see also for cascade γ-rays). The branching ratios for the decay of 13C*(3.68) to 13C*(0, 3.09) are (99.3 ± 2.0)% and (0.74 ± 0.05)%, respectively (1982MU14).

(1984WO05) have determined the angular distributions and analyzing powers of γ0 for En = 12.0 to 18.8 MeV. The data were used to analyze results from the 13C(γ, n0)12C reaction. These can be understood in terms of two doorway states at Ex = 21.1 ± 0.6 and 20.52 ± 0.07 MeV with Γ = 4.2 ± 0.4 and 0.51 ± 0.07 MeV, respectively (1984WO05). See also (1981AJ01) for the earlier work, (1981MUZQ, 1983SH2K) and (1983HO17, 1985HO1M; theor.).

23. (a) 12C(n, n)12C Eb = 4.94634
(b) 12C(n, n')12C
(c) 12C(n, n')4He4He4He Qm = -7.27476

The coherent scattering length (thermal, bound) acoh = 6.6535 ± 0.0014 fm; σscatt = 4.7456 ± 0.0020 b (1979KO26).

Total cross sections have been measured in the range 1 keV to 273 GeV/c [see (1981AJ01)] and at En = 24 keV (1983AI01; isotopic C), 0.509, 1.024 and 2.003 MeV (1982PO05; to ± (0.2 - 0.4)%), 2.5 to 40 MeV (1979KEZU and R.B. Schwartz, private communication; isotopic C; to ± (1 - 3)%) and 200 to 600 MeV (1980FR1K; prelim.). Differential cross sections are reported to the 4.4 MeV γ-ray to En ≈ 200 MeV and for the 15.1 MeV γ-ray to En = 36 MeV (1985WE1D; prelim.). Integrated cross sections for n1 and n2 are reported at En = 14.7 MeV (1981GU12). Total non-elastic cross sections have been measured at En = 40.3 and 50.4 MeV (1981ZA03). See also (1983CI1E) and see (1981AJ01) for the earlier work. (1983DA22) report elastic differential cross sections for En = 9 to 15 MeV for isotopic carbon and derive predictions for σR and σT. Polarization measurements have been reported for En = 1.5 to 15.9 MeV [see (1976AJ04, 1981AJ01)] and at En = 8.9 to 14.9 MeV (1983WO02; n0, n1) and 16.34 MeV (1984BE1X; n0), and at En = 15.85 MeV (1980TH07; n0, n1) and 15.95 MeV (1981TO1E; n0). See also (1983ANZY).

Observed resonances are displayed in Table 13.10 (in PDF or PS) here, and in Table 13.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1981AJ01) [the latter for (n, n'γ4.4)]. In Table 13.10 (in PDF or PS) the newer work comes from phase-shift analyses (σ(θ) and analyzing power) in the range En = 7.0 to 12.0 MeV by (1983TO19, 1985TO02). A multilevel-multichannel R-matrix analysis is also reported by (1982KN02).

For reaction (c) see (1983AN02, 1984BR19) and (1984HA48). See also 12C in (1985AJ01) and (1980SA34, 1980WE1F, 1982GOZZ, 1984MA2D), (1979CO1B, 1982DI1E, 1983AF01, 1983HA1U, 1985BA2R; applied), (1980LI1M, 1981IN1B, 1981MUZQ, 1981WA1G, 1982FU1F, 1982HA1A, 1983GO1H, 1983SH2K, 1985HO1J) and (1979OL04, 1979ZH1B, 1980DM1A, 1980RI05, 1981DM1A, 1981FL04, 1981SH1A, 1982AZ01, 1982PL1A, 1983HO17, 1983KO44, 1983OL04, 1985MA1U; theor.).

24. 12C(n, 2n)11C Qm = -18.721 Eb = 4.94634

Excitation functions for En = 22.8 to 33.6 MeV are reported by (1981AN16). See also (1981AJ01), (1981WEZZ) and (1979CO1B; applied).

25. 12C(n, p)12B Qm = -12.587 Eb = 4.94634

The cross section exhibits a weak resonance corresponding to Ex ≈ 20.5 MeV and a stronger structure at Ex ≈ 21.5 MeV: see (1976AJ04). Polarization measurements are reported at En = 50 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and 18 MeV (1982DE16). For proton emission at En ≈ 545 MeV see (1985FR07). See also 12B in (1985AJ01), (1983SU07), (1983SH2K) and (1981OL1B; theor.).

26. (a) 12C(n, d)11B Qm = -13.732 Eb = 4.94634
(b) 12C(n, t)10B Qm = -18.9293
(c) 12C(n, 3He)10Be Qm = -19.4670

For deuteron and triton emission at En ≈ 545 MeV see (1985FR07). See also (1983SU07) and (1981AJ01, 1983SH2K).

27. 12C(n, α)9Be Qm = -5.7013 Eb = 4.94634

The cross section for the α0 group shows a broad structure at En ≈ 8 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For cross sections for α0 and total α-emission at En = 14.1 MeV see (1984HA48). See also (1982KN02) in reaction 23, (1983SU07) and (1983SH2K).

28. 12C(p, π+)13C Qm = -135.4033

At Ep = 156.4 to 200 MeV angular distributions are reported to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85, 6.86, 9.5). The energy dependence of the angular distributions and of the cross sections are different for the single-particle states [13C*(0, 3.09, 3.85)] and the 2p2h states [13C*(3.68, 6.86, 9.5)] (1981SO04). At Ep = 200 to 250 MeV the analyzing-power angular distributions for 13C*(0, 3.09 + 3.68 + 3.85, 6.86 + 7.50, 9.50 + 9.90) are found to be energy dependent (1982LO03). Angular distributions have also been measured at Ep = 147 to 159 MeV (1981SJ02) and Ep = 185 MeV [see (1981AJ01)], 200 MeV (1980HO20; to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85)) and 200 to 250 MeV (1982LO03, 1984LO13; to 13C*(0, 3.09 + 3.68 + 3.85) and Ay). Polarization measurements have also been reported at Ep = 147 to 159 MeV (1981SJ02; 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68 + 3.85) and 170, 183 and 190 MeV (1982GRZY). See (1981AJ01) for the earlier work. See also (1980SO05, 1981NAZY, 1982GR1M), (1983VI01) and the "General" section here.

29. (a) 12C(d, p)13C Qm = 2.7218
(b) 12C(d, np)12C Qm = -2.2246

Measurements of proton groups and γ-rays are summarized in Table 13.11 (in PDF or PS). Angular distributions have been studied at many energies to Ed = 80.2 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and more recently in the range Ed = 0.56 to 2.5 MeV (1980HA1X; p0 → 3), 17.7 MeV (1984PE24; to 13C*(9.50)) and at Ed = 16 MeV to 13C*(3.09) [Jπ = 1/2+] and to (12C + n) with zero relative energy (1983WI1D) [the two angular distributions are very similar] as well as at Ed = 56 MeV (1984HA26; p0 → p3). See also (1982SA29) and 14N.

(1981RU04) determine |g| = 0.558 ± 0.015 and τm = 12.2 ± 0.4 psec for 13C*(3.85). For other τm measurements see Table 13.5 (in PDF or PS) in (1981AJ01), and for γ-decay see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS). For reaction (b) see (1981AJ01). For a fragmentation study at 9.1 GeV/c see (1985AB1J). See also 14N, (1983JI04, 1981OZ1A), (1981OS1H) and (1980BA54, 1982GO05, 1982TA19, 1982TH02, 1982TH06; theor.).

30. 12C(t, d)13C Qm = -1.3109

See (1981AJ01).

31. 12C(3He, 2p)13C Qm = -2.7718

See (1981AJ01).

32. 12C(α, 3He)13C Qm = -15.6314

Angular distributions of the 3He particles to the first three states of 13C have been measured in the range Eα = 56 to 139 MeV. The ground-state distributions in this, and in the mirror reaction 12C(α, t)13N, have also been compared: see (1981AJ01).

33. 12C(7Li, 6Li)13C Qm = -2.304

Angular distributions at E(7Li) = 48 MeV to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85) have been analyzed and yield spectroscopic factors of 0.80, 0.44, 0.17 and 0.74, respectively: see (1981AJ01). An angular distribution and TAP measurements are reported at E(pol. 7Li) = 21.1 MeV (1984MO06). See also (1980BA54; theor.).

34. 12C(9Be, 8Be)13C Qm = 3.2810

Excitation curves involving 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68 + 3.85) have been studied by (1983JA09). See also (1980HU1E) and (1983KA17; theor.).

35. 12C(12C, 11C)13C Qm = -13.775

Angular distributions have been reported at E(12C) = 93.8 MeV [to 13C*(0, 3.85)] [see (1981AJ01)] and at 72.5 MeV to 13Cg.s. (1981CH1R).

36. (a) 12C(14N, 13N)13C Qm = -5.6071
(b) 12C(14N, p12C)13C Qm = -7.5506

Angular distributions have been reported in the range E(14N) = 28 to 154.8 MeV involving 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.85, 7.3 ± 0.3): see (1981AJ01). For a study of fragmentation at E(14N) = 48 MeV, see (1983QU02). See also (1980BA54, 1980IZ1B, 1980TA1K, 1983OS08; theor.).

37. 12C(16O, 15O)13C Qm = -10.7176

See (1981AJ01).

38. (a) 12C(17O, 16O)13C Qm = 0.8027
(b) 12C(18O, 17O)13C Qm = -3.098

See (1981AJ01).

39. 13B(β-)13C Qm = 13.436

See 13B and Table 13.2 (in PDF or PS).

40. (a) 13C(γ, n)12C Qm = -4.94634
(b) 13C(γ, 2n)11C Qm = -23.668

The main features of the cross section is a sharp peak corresponding to the T = 3/2 state 13C*(15.11)[Γγ0 = 19.7 ± 2.0 eV], the broad pigmy resonance at Ex = 13 MeV [on which peaks are superimposed at Ex = 11.0, 13.8, 16.5 and 17.8 MeV] and the giant resonance at Ex = 24 MeV (σmax = 9.5 mb) [surrounded by shoulder resonances at Ex = 20.8 and ≈ 30 MeV, both of which appear to decay substantially to highly excited states of 12C]. There is also some evidence for a weak resonance at ≈ 37 MeV superimposed on the high-energy tail of the GDR. A study of the angular distributions of n0 suggests states at Ex = 7.70 (3/2+), 7.95 (3/2+), 8.95 ((1/2-)), 10.0 ((3/2-)), 11.0 ((1/2+)) and 12.05 MeV ((3/2+)). See (1981AJ01) for references and for additional information. See also (1982JU03) and (1980JO1E, 1982KI1H; theor.).

41. 13C(γ, p)12B Qm = -17.534

The integrated cross section for Eγ = 17.5 (threshold) to 28 MeV is 36 ± 5 MeV · mb. Resonances are observed at Ex = 18.6, (19.7), 20.7, (22), 23.5, 24.5 and (26) MeV. [σmax at Ex ≈ 23 MeV is 8 mb]. Below ≈ 18 MeV the cross section is dominated by transitions involving T< states. The states at 18.6 and 20.7 MeV have a significant T> component. The two isospin components of the GDR appear to be split by 6.8 MeV (1983ZU02). For the earlier work see (1981AJ01).

42. 13C(γ, γ)13C

See (1981AJ01).

43. (a) 13C(e, e')13C
(b) 13C(e, ep)12B Qm = -17.534

The elastic scattering has been studied for Ee = 120 to 750 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and 80 to 338 MeV (1982HI07). The form factor for M1 elastic scattering is enhanced above q ≈ 2 fm-1 (1982HI07). See also (1983SI11) and (1985SI05; theor.). A number of inelastic groups are seen: see Table 13.12 (in PDF or PS). [The data (1980SO1B) shown in Table 13.16 (in PDF or PS) of (1981AJ01) have not been published.] A distinct splitting of the giant resonance into two large peaks near Ex = 20.5 and 24.5 MeV, with widths of ≈ 3 and ≈ 4 MeV, respectively, is observed. It is suggested that these are groupings of narrower peaks. The Ex = 20.5 and 24.5 MeV resonances are probably T = 1/2 and T = 3/2, although the 4 MeV splitting is somewhat smaller than expected: see (1981AJ01). For reaction (b) see (1981AJ01). See also (1981SI1B, 1982DE1K, 1984DO20, 1984LI25, 1985HI04) and (1981DE07, 1981DE1U, 1981IS11, 1981LI13, 1981SU03, 1981SU08, 1982CH16, 1982LIZW, 1983CH15, 1983CH1N, 1983GM1A, 1984SA1H; theor.).

44. (a) 13C(π-, π-)13C
(b) 13C(π+, π+)13C

Angular distributions have been measured at Eπ = 20 to 180 MeV: see (1981AJ01) and Table 13.13 (in PDF or PS). At Eπ± = 162 MeV angular distributions have been measured to many states (or groups of states) of 13C with Ex up to 22 MeV [see Table 13.13 (in PDF or PS)]. Enhanced in π- scattering are 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.85, 9.50, 21.60 ± 0.05), the latter very strongly but with a large uncertainty. Enhanced in π+ scattering are 13C*(3.68, 7.55, 8.86, 11.82, 16.05 ± 0.05, 17.92 ± 0.05, 21.37 ± 0.05). The data for 13C*(9.50, 21.60, 16.05, 21.37) indicate pure neutron particle-hole excitations for the first two states and pure proton excitation for the latter two, however with large uncertainties except for 13C*(9.5). Spin assignments are 9/2+ for 13C*(9.50); 7/2+ or 9/2+ for 13C*(16.05, 17.92, 21.37, 21.60); 5/2+ and/or 7/2+ for 13C*(11.82) [unresolved doublet?]. The π-+ asymmetry near 21.5 MeV suggests that there is isospin mixing between T = 1/2 and 3/2 states of Jπ = 7/2+ and/or 9/2+ (1982SE04, 1983SE15). See also (1981AJ01), (1981SE08), (1984LI1T; theor.) and the "General" section here.

45. 13C(n, n)13C

Angular distributions have been measured at En = 4.5 to 11 MeV (1982REZX; n0, n1), 5.7 to 8.25 MeV (1982REZY; n2, n3), 9.97, 11.96, 13.94, 15.94 and 17.92 MeV (1982DA05, 1983DA22; n0; and n1, n2+3 at 9.97 MeV). See also (1981AJ01), 14C and (1984PEZV, 1985DI1B; theor.).

46. (a) 13C(p, p)13C
(b) 13C(p, pn)12C Qm = -4.94634

Angular distributions have been studied at Ep = 1.37 MeV to 1 GeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at Ep = 135 MeV (1982CO08; to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85, 7.55, 8.86, 9.50, 9.90, 10.75, 11.08 [Jπ = 1/2-], 15.11; DWBA) [see also (1982RI05)], Ep = 200 MeV (1981ME02; elastic; also Ay) and 547 MeV (1984SE12; 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85, 6.86, 7.55, 8.86, 9.50; also Ay). At Ep = 135 MeV 13C*(6.86 [weak], 11.85, 14.39, 16.15, 21.4) are also populated (1982CO08). See also (1982PEZY). For reaction (b) see (1981AJ01). For breakup see (1983GL1D). See also 14N, (1983PE14, 1983SC1G) and (1982BA14, 1984PEZV; theor.).

47. 13C(d, d)13C

Angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 0.71 to 13.6 MeV [see (1981AJ01)], at Ed = 17.7 MeV (1984PE24; d0) and at Ed = 56 MeV (1984HA26; d0). See also 15N.

48. 13C(3He, 3He)13C

Angular distributions of elastically scattered 3He ions have been studied at E(3He) = 12 to 41 MeV: see (1981AJ01). Angular distributions have also been reported at E(3He) = 43.6 MeV for the 3He ions to 13C*(3.09, 3.68, 3.85, 6.86, 7.49 + 7.55, 7.69, 8.86, 9.50, 9.90, 10.75 + 10.82, 11.08, 11.85, 15.11, 16.0) [and these have been compared to the analog states reached in the 13C(3He, t)13N reaction] (1981PE08). See (1981AJ01) for the earlier work and (1983PE14).

49. 13C(α, α)13C

Angular distributions have been studied at Eα = 15 to 40.5 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at Eα = 35.5 MeV (1981PE08; to 13C*(3.09, 3.68, 3.85, 6.86, 7.49 + 7.55, 7.69, 8.86, 9.50, 11.08, 11.85)). For 13C*(7.69), Ex = 7686 ± 6 keV, Γc.m. = 70 ± 5 keV (1980FU04; also line shapes). Γγ/Γ ≤ 3 × 10-4 and (3.0 ± 0.6) × 10-4 for 13C*(6.86, 7.49 + 7.55), respectively (1984DEZR). See also (1981AJ01) for the earlier work and (1982BU1D, 1983GO27; theor.).

50. (a) 13C(6Li, 6Li)13C
(b) 13C(7Li, 7Li)13C

Angular distributions of elastically scattered Li ions have been studied at E(Li) = 4.5 to 34 MeV and E(6Li) = 28 MeV (1980CU03), 40 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] as well as at E(7Li) = 34 MeV (1983STZS). For fusion and breakup cross sections see (1982DE30, 1982TA23). See also (1983BI13, 1984CA39, (1984HA53) and (1981ME1F, 1984AG1B; theor.).

51. 13C(9Be, 9Be)13C

The elastic scattering has been studied at E(13C) = 28.1 and 36.2 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For total reaction cross sections see (1984DA17). See also (1981GR17; theor.).

52. (a) 13C(10B, 10B)13C
(b) 13C(11B, 11B)13C

Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(10B) = 18, 25, 32, 39 and 46 MeV (1982MA20) and at 42.5, 62.3 and 80.9 MeV (1985MA10). For fusion and breakup cross sections see (1981MA18, 1982MA20, 1983DA20, 1983MA53, 1984DEZX, 1984FR1A, 1984HAZK, 1985MA10). See also (1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984HA53) and (1984HA43; theor.).

53. (a) 13C(12C, 12C)13C
(b) 13C(13C, 13C)13C
(c) 13C(14C, 14C)13C

Angular distributions for reaction (a) have been reported for E(12C) = 10 to 87 MeV and E(13C) = 12 and 36 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at E(13C) = 21.7, 24.6, 27.4 MeV (1984FR05; 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.85)) and 260 MeV (1985BO2F; 12C*(0, 4.4)). Elastic distributions for reactions (b) and (c) have been studied at E(13C) = 15 to 24 MeV and at 15 MeV, respectively. See (1981AJ01) for references. At E(13C) = 32 MeV the single and mutual inelastic excitation of 13C*(3.09) has been studied by (1984BA31): the mutual excitation is very much smaller than predicted using a molecular particle-core coupling model. For excitation functions, fusion and evaporation cross sections see (1981HE08, 1982CH05, 1982DA16, 1983FR04, 1983KO15, 1984BA31, 1984FR1A). For a spin-flip probability study see (1981TA21). See also 12C in (1985AJ01), (1981PL1C, 1983HAZI), (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1983GR1M, 1983VO1J, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1980BA54, 1982LO13, 1982OH05, 1982VO1F, 1983BA49, 1983CI08, 1983DE1U, 1983FR23, 1983HU1C, 1983LA1E, 1983RO16, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1984MAZT, 1984SA31, 1984VO11, 1985VO01; theor.).

54. (a) 13C(14N, 14N)13C
(b) 13C(15N, 15N)13C

Elastic angular distributions (reaction (a)) have been measured at E(14N) = 19.3 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and 28 and 35 MeV (1983SR01) and at E(13C) = 105 MeV (1980PR09). For excitation curves and fusion cross sections see (1982DI13, 1983SR01). See also (1981AJ01), (1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1983GO13; theor.).

55. (a) 13C(16O, 16O)13C
(b) 13C(17O, 17O)13C
(c) 13C(18O, 18O)13C

Elastic angular distributions have been measured for reaction (a) at E(16O) = 10 to 30 MeV and at E(13C) = 36 and 105 MeV: see (1981AJ01). Those for reaction (b) are reported at E(17O) = 29.8 and 32.3 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at 85.4, 120 and 140 MeV (1982HE07); and those for reaction (c) at E(18O) = 15, 20, 24 and 31 MeV [see (1981AJ01)]. For breakup yield and fusion measurements see (1980RA12, 1982HE07, 1983DA02, 1983FR17, 1984RA10) and (1981AJ01). See also (1982LE1N, 1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53, 1985GA1M) and (1983AB08, 1983CI08, 1983PA1G, 1984AB1A, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1985PAZY; theor.).

56. 13C(22Ne, 22Ne)13C

See (1983DU13).

57. 13C(24Mg, 24Mg)13C

See (1980LI13, 1983CH01, 1984LI14; theor.).

58. 13C(28Si, 28Si)13C

Backward elastic angular distributions are reported at E(28Si) = 77.6 to 94.6 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For an excitation function study see (1982CH02).

59. (a) 13C(32S, 32S)13C
(b) 13C(36S, 36S)13C

For an excitation function study (reaction (a)) see (1982CH02). For reaction (b) see (1983DU13).

60. 13C(40Ar, 40Ar)13C

See (1983DU13, 1986MO15).

61. (a) 13C(40Ca, 40Ca)13C
(b) 13C(48Ca, 48Ca)13C

See (1981AJ01, 1982HO1E) and (1980JA1C, 1980MA34, 1981KU09, 1981KU03, 1981LA04, 1984HU1Q; theor.).

62. 13N(β+)13C Qm = 2.2205

See 13N.

63. 14C(γ, n)13C Qm = -8.1765

See (1985KU01) and 14C.

64. 14C(p, d)13C Qm = -5.9519

Angular distributions have been measured at Ep = 12 to 27 MeV: see (1981AJ01).

65. 14C(d, t)13C Qm = -1.9192

Angular distributions for t0 → t3 have been studied at Ed = 12 and 14 MeV: see (1981AJ01).

66. 14C(3He, α)13C Qm = 12.4013

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 3 to 44.8 MeV: see (1981AJ01).

67. (a) 14C(12C, 13C)13C Qm = -3.2301
(b) 14C(14C, 15C)13C Qm = -6.9584
(c) 14C(16O, 17O)13C Qm = -4.0329

Angular distributions have been measured at E(16O) = 20, 25 and 30 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For reactions (a) and (b) see (1985KO04).

68. (a) 14N(γ, p)13C Qm = -7.5506
(b) 14N(γ, np)12C Qm = -12.4970

Angular distributions measured in the giant resonance region of 14N are consistent with the proton decay of (p1/2)-1(2s1d) giant dipole states to 13Cg.s. and of (p3/2)-1(2s1d) states to 13C*(3.68). The population of 13C*(3.09, 3.85) [and of 13C*(7.55) (1983VA1K)] is also reported. For Ebs = 15.5 to 29.5 MeV a large fraction of the neutron yield appears to be associated with sequential decay to 12C via 13C*(7.75, 8.86, 11.80): see (1981AJ01). See also 14N.

69. 14N(n, d)13C Qm = -5.3260

Angular distributions have been determined at En = 10.1 to 14.7 MeV: see (1981AJ01).

70. 14N(p, 2p)13C Qm = -7.5506

At Ep = 46 MeV, the summed proton spectrum shows transitions to 13C*(0, 3.68, 7.5, 11.9); see (1981AJ01).

71. 14N(d, 3He)13C Qm = -2.0571

At Ed = 52 MeV, angular distributions have been measured for the 3He particles to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 6.86, 7.5, 8.86, 9.50, 11.9 ± 0.15) and analyzed by DWBA: Jπ = 5/2-, 1/2-, 3/2- and 3/2-, respectively, are assigned to 13C*(7.5, 8.86, 9.50, 11.9). [However 13C*(9.50) is known to have Jπ = 9/2+.] As expected, angular distributions of 3He and of tritons (from 14N(d, t)13N) to analog states are closely the same: this has been shown for the ground state 3He and triton groups as well as groups to 13C*(8.9 + 9.5) and 13N*(9.2): see (1981AJ01). Analyzing powers are reported at Ed = 52 MeV to 13C*(0, 7.55) (1981MA14).

72. 14N(t, α)13C Qm = 12.2634

Observed α groups at Et = 2.6 MeV are displayed in Table 13.22 (in PDF or PS) of (1976AJ04).

73. (a) 14N(6Li, 7Be)13C Qm = -1.945
(b) 14N(6Li, 3He α)13C Qm = -3.5322

An angular distribution has been obtained at E(6Li) = 32 MeV for the transition to 13Cg.s. and 7Be*(0, 0.43) [for the mirror reaction see reaction 33 in 13N]: the relative cross sections show a deviation from isospin symmetry which is attributed to Coulomb effects. 13C*(3.09) was also populated: see (1981AJ01). For reaction (b) see (1984ET01).

74. 15N(p, 3He)13C Qm = -10.6658

At Ep = 43.7 MeV 3He groups have been observed to eleven states of 13C: see Table 13.17 (in PDF or PS) in (1981AJ01). See also (1976AJ04).

75. 15N(d, α)13C Qm = 7.6874

See (1970AJ04, 1976AJ04).

76. 15N(α, 6Li)13C Qm = -14.6842

At Eα = 42 MeV, the angular distribution of the 6Li particles to 13Cg.s. has been measured: see (1981AJ01).

77. 16O(n, α)13C Qm = -2.2156

Angular distributions have been measured for En to 18.8 MeV for α0, α1, α2+3: see (1981AJ01).

78. 16O(p, p3He)13C Qm = -22.7934

See (1977GR04).

79. 16O(α, 7Be)13C Qm = -21.2058

At Eα = 42 MeV the angular distributions of the reaction involving 13Cg.s. and 7Be*(0 + 0.43) has been measured: see (1981AJ01).

80. 16O(14N, 17F)13C Qm = -6.9502

See 17F in (1982AJ01).

81. 16O(17O, 20Ne)13C Qm = -1.625

See 20Ne in (1983AJ01).

82. 18O(d, 7Li)13C Qm = -5.678

Angular distributions at Ed = 13.6 MeV involving 13Cg.s. and 7Li*(0, 0.48) are reported by (1980GA1K). See also (1984NE1A).

83. 19F(d, 8Be)13C Qm = 3.5817

An angular distribution involving 13Cg.s. is reported at Ed = 13.6 MeV (1980GA26). See also (1984NE1A).

84. 23Na(d, 12C)13C Qm = 0.4794

At Ed = 13.6 MeV an angular distribution has been reported by (1984GO1H).