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14N (1986AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 14N) GENERAL: See also (1981AJ01) and Table 14.12 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS) here. Nuclear models: (1983KA1K, 1983SH38, 1983VA31, 1984AS07, 1984VA06, 1984ZW1A). Special states: (1980GO1Q, 1980KA28, 1980RI06, 1983AD1B, 1983AD1D, 1983GO1R, 1983VA31, 1984AD1E, 1984AS07, 1984GO1M, 1984VA06, 1984ZW1A, 1985HA1J). Electromagnetic transitions and giant resonances: (1980RI06, 1980SP1E, 1981KN06, 1982RI04, 1983GO1B, 1984AS07, 1984BI10, 1984KU07, 1984MA67). Astrophysical questions: (1980CO1R, 1980SC1L, 1981AD1F, 1981BE2K, 1981DE2C, 1981GA1C, 1981GA1H, 1981GU1D, 1981IB1A, 1981LA1L, 1981WA1N, 1981WA1Q, 1982IB1B, 1983AL23, 1983BO1F, 1983SI1B, 1984CO1H, 1984TR1C, 1985DR1A, 1985GU1A). Complex reactions involving 14N: (1980CE1B, 1980GR10, 1980RI06, 1981BH02, 1981CI03, 1981EG02, 1981ME13, 1981TA16, 1982BO1M, 1982LE1N, 1982LY1A, 1982TA02, 1983BH09, 1983CH23, 1983DE26, 1983FR1A, 1983JA05, 1983OL1A, 1983PAZT, 1983PL1A, 1983SA06, 1983SO08, 1983WI1A, 1984BA1H, 1984BE22, 1984FI17, 1984GR08, 1984HI1A, 1984HO23, 1984KA1J, 1984NA12, 1984SI15, 1984TS03, 1985AG1A, 1985BH02, 1985GU1A, 1985JA18, 1985LI1B, 1985MC03, 1985MO08, 1985ST1J). Applied work: (1980MC1H, 1980SE1E, 1982BE64, 1983AM1A, 1983DU1D, 1983FI1L, 1983FI1C, 1983KU1C, 1984CA1D, 1984HA1Q, 1984MA2H, 1985WA1R). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1980SC18, 1981GI08, 1981MU1E, 1982NA01, 1983GM1A, 1983VA1E, 1984KE1D, 1984KO1U). Pion capture and reactions (See also reactions 36 and 43.): (1980BE24, 1980BE56, 1980ST25, 1981BE63, 1981BE2P, 1981DU1H, 1981FE2A, 1981FR1F, 1981GI1E, 1981GI15, 1981RO14, 1981SI1D, 1981TA08, 1981WH1D, 1982BI08, 1982KA16, 1982LI15, 1982MA22, 1982MU09, 1982RA28, 1982RI1A, 1982WH1A, 1983AZ1B, 1983GE12, 1983GM1A, 1983RI1C, 1983RO07, 1983SP06, 1983TO17, 1983TR1J, 1984CO1V, 1984MI1L, 1985ALZX, 1985DY1C, 1985RO05). Kaon capture and reactions: (1981BA1H, 1981MA27, 1982BA1R, 1982ER1E, 1982KA1U, 1983AN05, 1983FE07, 1983GA17, 1983MA63). Antiproton reactions: (1983SU04, 1983SU07, 1984SU07). Hypernuclei: (1980IW1A, 1981MA27, 1981WA1J, 1982BA1R, 1982ER1E, 1982KA1U, 1982KA1D, 1982ZO1B, 1983AU1A, 1983FE07, 1983MA63, 1983SH38, 1983SH1E, 1984AS1D, 1984BA1N, 1984DA03, 1984ER1A). Other topics: (1980GO1Q, 1981BL1K, 1982BA2G, 1982DE1N, 1982NG01, 1982VE02, 1983AD1B, 1983GO1R, 1983MA35, 1984BU1Q). Ground state of 14N: (1981AV02, 1982BA2G, 1982LO13, 1982NG01, 1983ANZQ, 1983VA31, 1984AN1B, 1984BR25, 1984WE04, 1985HA18).
Q = +0.0156 b (1978LEZA), < γ2 >1/2 = 2.560 (11) fm (1980SC18). See also (1984BR25). Natural abundance: (99.634 ± 0.009)% (1984DE53).
The energy of the 5.83 → 5.11 γ-transition is Eγ = 728.34 ± 0.10 keV. When corrected for the nuclear recoil and added to Ex = 5105.87 ± 0.18 keV, Ex = 5834.23 ± 0.21 keV for 14N*(5.83) (1981KO08). For branching ratios and τm see Tables 14.13 (in PDF or PS) and 14.14 (in PDF or PS) (1981KO08). See (1981KO08) also for a general discussion of electromagnetic transitions in 14C and 14N, and comparison with theory.
Observed resonances are displayed in Table 14.15 (in PDF or PS). See also (1979BA48).
Excitation functions have been measured to Eα = 26 MeV. Observed resonances are displayed in Table 14.15 (in PDF or PS). (1975WI04) has expanded the angular distributions of the p0 → p3 groups into Legendre polynominals and fitted the coefficients at resonances corresponding to 14N*(13.16, 13.24, 13.67, 13.76) obtaining Jπ = 1+, 2-, 2 or 3+, and 1, respectively, for these states. However an R-matrix aanalysis by (1983CS03) suggests Jπ = 2-, 3+, 1+ for 14N*(13.69, 13.74, 13.77). (1975WI04) finds that a surprising proportion of states have a higher cross section for neutron than for proton emission: the fluctuations of σn/σp at low Eα suggest sizable isospin impurities in the 14N states.
Excitation curves have been measured at Eα up to 27 MeV [see (1970AJ04, 1976AJ04, 1981AJ01)]. The low energy resonances are exhibited in Table 14.15 (in PDF or PS). At the higher energies the yield curves are fairly smooth although broad resonances in the d1 and d0 yields corresponding to 14N*(23, 25), respectively, have been reported as has a sharp rise in the 15.1 MeV γ yield ≈ 1 MeV above the 12C*(15.1) + p + n threshold, a channel which is not isospin forbidden: see (1981AJ01).
The yield of α-particles [and of 0.7 MeV γ-rays for Eα = 2.1 to 3 MeV] has been measured for Eα to 50.6 MeV: see (1981AJ01). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 14.15 (in PDF or PS). In addition to two strong resonances in the α0 yields at Eα = 2.21 and 4.26 MeV (14N*(13.19, 14.66)), two other states (14N*(13.72, 14.25)) are required to fit the data: an R-matrix calculation leads to Jπ = 3+, 1+ [see, however, (1975WI04)], 3+ and 2- for 14N*(13.19, 13.72, 14.25, 14.66): see (1981AJ01).
States with Ex > 10 MeV studied in this reaction at E(6Li) = 34 MeV are displayed in Table 14.16 (in PDF or PS) (1984CL08). In addition most of the lower-lying T = 0 states have been populated: see (1970AJ04).
At E(7Li) = 24 MeV angular distributions of the tritons to 14N*(3.95, 5.83, 6.45, 8.96, 9.13, 10.06, 10.81, 12.79 + 12.83, 13.03, 15.26) have been studied. 14N*(4.91, 5.11, 5.69, 6.20, 7.03, 7.97, 8.49, 8.98, 9.39, 11.05, 11.51, 12.42) are also populated: see (1981AJ01).
The capture γ-rays [reaction (a)] have been studied at E(3He) = 0.9 to 2.6 MeV (θ = 0°, 90°). When the barrier penetration factor has been removed a single resonance is observed at E(3He) ≈ 1.4 MeV [14N*(21.8)], Γc.m. = 0.65 MeV. The excitation function for reaction (b) has been measured for E(3He) = 1.5 to 18 MeV [see (1981AJ01)]. A broad peak at E(3He) = 4.15 MeV may indicate the existence of 14N*(24), Γ ≈ 1 MeV. Yield curves for protons [reaction (c)] have been measured for E(3He) = 3.0 to 5.5 MeV (p0, p1, p1 + p2 + p3): they are rather featureless. This is also true for the ground-state deuterons of reaction (d) in the same energy interval. Yield curves for reaction (e) have been measured for E(3He) = 6 to 30 MeV: see (1976AJ04). Ay measurements for t0 and t1 are reported at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV by (1981BA1G). See also 13C and 13N, and 11B, 11C, 12C in (1985AJ01). The excitation functions for α-particle groups [reaction (g)] have been measured for E(3He) = 0.9 to 5.5 MeV: see (1976AJ04). No significant resonance behavior is seen except for the α2 group which, in the 15° excitation function, exhibits a resonance at E(3He) = 4 MeV, Γ ≈ 1 MeV. See also 10B in (1984AJ01). The excitation function for reaction (h) to 6Lig.s. + 8Beg.s. has been measured for E(3He) = 1.4 to 5.8 MeV: no pronounced structure is observed. At E(3He) = 25.20 to 26.25 MeV the excitation functions for the transitions to 8Be*(0, 16.63, 16.91, 17.64) are smooth, indicating a predominantly direct reaction mechanism: see (1976AJ04).
For angular distributions to Eα = 13.9 MeV see (1981AJ01). For radiative transitions and τm see (1982BH06) in Tables 14.13 (in PDF or PS) and 14.14 (in PDF or PS). See also 15N.
States with Ex > 10 MeV studied in this reaction at E(6Li) = 34 MeV are displayed in Table 14.16 (in PDF or PS) (1984CL08).
At E(11B) = 114 MeV the relatively strongly populated states are 14N*(5.83, 8.96, 12.8) [Jπ = 3-, 5+, 4+]: see (1976AJ04).
At 1.5 MeV the capture cross section is < 1 μb: see (1970AJ04).
Resonances in the yields of neutrons and protons are displayed in Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS). Earlier measurements of the yields of neutrons (to Ed = 17 MeV) and of protons (to Ed = 14.7 MeV) are listed in Table 14.11 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04) and Table 14.16 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04). The 0° yield of neutrons has also been reported by (1981LI23: n0, 5.5 to 13.5 MeV; n1, 6 to 14 MeV): broad structures are observed at Ed ≈ 7.2 and 11.5 MeV [n0] and 8 and (10.8) MeV [n1] as well as a sharper structure at Ed ≈ 9.5 MeV [n0]. The 25° excitation functions for n0, n1 and n2+3 are reported for Ed = 10.6 to 13 MeV (1984SC04). See also 1981SH22. Excitation functions for proton groups (p0 → p3) are also reported for Ed = 0.5 to 2.5 MeV (1980HA1X, 1983JI04, 1983JI1B). The VAP and the 0° transverse vector polarization transfer coefficient Ky'y (0°) have been measured for Ed = 5.7 to 9.7 MeV [n0, n1]. The values of Ky'y are large, close to the maximum value of 2/3, consistent with a model of the neutron as a simple spectator in the reaction (1976TE03). Ky'y (0°) has also been measured in the range Epol. d = 5 → 12 MeV by (1981LI23; n0, n1). Polarization measurements are alsoi reported at Epol. d = 10 MeV (1981DR1D; n0) and 12.3 MeV (1981BR1E; n0, n1, n2+3), and for reaction (b) at Epol. d = 10 MeV (1981DR1D; p0), 11.35 MeV (1982BU03; p0) and 56 MeV (1984HA26; p0 → p3). For earlier polarization studies see Table 14.12 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04), Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04), and (1981AJ01). For continuum cross sections [reaction (b)] see (1980MA32; Ed = 56 MeV). For neutron production cross sections see (1984SH04). For total cross sections see (1980DE28, 1981PE01, 1983IM1A). For pion emission see (1981AL1K, 1984AL1L). For fragmentation studies see (1980BO31, 1983AB01). See also (1980HA1N, 1983LIZW) and (1981NO1B, 1984NA06, 1985MA1L; theor.).
Reported resonances are displayed in Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS). Yield measurements of d0 up to Ed = 26.5 MeV are listed in Table 14.16 (in PDF or PS) of (1976AJ04). A recent measurement at Ed = 0.5 to 2.5 MeV is reported by (1980HA1X). See also of (1981AJ01). For polarization measurements to Ed = 52 MeV see Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04), (1981AJ01) and (1984HA26: Epol. d = 56 MeV; d0). For polarization transfer in the deuteron breakup at Epol. d = 56 MeV see (1985SA16). See also (1981DA1B, 1983JI04, 1983JI1B) and (1980HA56, 1980ST1K, 1982TA19, 1983BA1V; theor.).
At Epol. d = 29 MeV, polarizations of the groups to 11Bg.s. and 11Cg.s. have been studied by (1978CO13). VAP measurements to 11Bg.s. are reported at Epol. d = 52 MeV by (1981MA14).
Reported resonances are displayed in Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS). Listing of the measurements of the yields of α-groups to Ed = 29.5 MeV are given in Tables 14.16 (in PDF or PS) (1976AJ04) and 14.11 (in PDF or PS) (1970AJ04). The major interest in this reaction has been the study of the yield of the α2 group to the Jπ = 0+, isospin "forbidden" T = 1 state. In particular, the work of (1971RI15, 1972SM07) has shown that while the α0, α1 and α3 yields show only weak fluctuations, the α2 "forbidden" yield shows narrow resonances which implies that the source of the isospin mixing (at least in the region which they, and the subsequent work of (1974JO01) studied: Ed = 7.2 to 16 MeV) is due to states in the 14N compund nucleus. The ratio of the σt for the α2 group compared to the σt for the "allowed" groups is ≈ 1%, an order of magnitude greater than predicted by direct of multistep processes (1972SM07). An S-matrix analysis leads to the resonance parameters shown in Table 14.17 (in PDF or PS) (1981JO02). See also (1972SM07, 1974JO01). Polarization measurements have been reported at Epol. d = 11 to 29 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at 52 MeV (1982MA25; α0, α1, α3 → 5).
For polarization measurements see (1981AJ01) and (1983TA1Q, 1983YA1D; Epol. d = 51.7 MeV).
Angular distributions have been measured to states below 8.7 MeV at Et = 1.12 to 1.68 MeV and at 8 MeV: see (1976AJ04).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 14.18 (in PDF or PS). Angular distributions have been measured for E(3He) to 25.3 MeV [see (1970AJ04, 1976AJ04)] and at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV (1983RO22, 1983LE17; p0, p1, p2). See also 15O. For τm and |g| measurements see Table 14.14 (in PDF or PS). For inclusive proton measurements see (1984AA01; E(3He) = 52 MeV). See also (1983CA07) and (1983GO2D; applied).
Angular distributions of deuterons corresponding to T = 0 states in 14N have been measured at Eα = 42 and 55 MeV: see Table 14.19 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04), and (1981AJ01). At Eα = 34.5 MeV a ZRDWBA analysis has been made of the angular distributions to 14N*(4.92, 5.11, 5.69, 5.83, 7.97, 8.49, 8.96, 9.13, 9.39, 10.81). Spectroscopic information on the 2- states 14N*(5.11, 7.97, 9.13, 9.39) [but see Table 14.12 (in PDF or PS)] is also reported (1984YA03). At the higher energies the deuteron spectrum is dominated by very strong groups corresponding to the (d5/2)2, Jπ = 5+ state at 8.96 MeV, and to a state at 15.1 MeV: see (1976AJ04).
At E(6Li) = 20 MeV [see Table 14.9 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04)] and 32 MeV (1984CL08: see Table 14.16 (in PDF or PS) here) many of the α-groups corresponding to T = 0 states with Ex < 17.2 MeV are observed. The spectrum is dominated by the α-group corresponding to the 5+ state at 9.0 MeV: see (1970AJ04). Angular distributions have been measured for E(6Li) = 2 to 33 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at E(6Li) = 3.2 to 8.0 MeV (1981SC13; α0 → α2). See also 18F in (1983AJ01) and (1981MA26, 1983OS03; theor.).
At E(11B) = 114 MeV the spectrum is dominated by groups to the 5+ state at Ex = 8.96 MeV and to one or more of states at 12.9 MeV, presumably the 4+ one: see (1981AJ01).
This reaction has been studied at E(12C) = 114 MeV: the spectrum is dominated by 14N*(8.96)[Jπ = 5+] but there is substantial population also of 14N*(5.83)[3-] and of a state at Ex = 11.2 MeV. Angualr distributions are reported at E(12C) = 58 to 64.5 MeV, at 93.8 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at E(12C) = 49.0 to 75.5 MeV (1980CO10; involving also 10B*(0, 0.7); see also for excitation functions).
Observed resonances are displayed in Table 14.19 (in PDF or PS). Radiative decay and τm measurements are exhibited in Tables 14.13 (in PDF or PS) and 14.14 (in PDF or PS). The low-energy capture cross section yields an extrapolated S-factor at Ep = 25 keV (c.m.), S0 = 6.0 ± 0.8 kev · b. The capture cross section rises from (7.7 ± 1.8) × 10-10 b at Ep = 100 keV to (9.8 ± 1.2) × 10-9 b at Ep = 140 keV: see (1970AJ04). Following is a summary of the reasons for the assignments of Jπ; T to some of the lower resonances displayed in Table 14.19 (in PDF or PS): for a fuller discussion and complete references see (1970AJ04, 1976AJ04, 1981AJ01). 14N*(7.97): angular distribution of the γ-rays is consistent with Jπ = 2-. 14N*(8.06): width of resonance, isotropy of γ-rays show lp = 0: Jπ = 1- from 13C(p, p); E1 transition to g.s. is uninhibited e.g. T = 1 [but 1.4% 8.06 → 2.31 transition [Ex = 2312.6 ± 0.3 keV] shows T = 0 admixture: α2 = 0.046]. The strong transition 8.06 → 5.69 [3.5%] permits either E1 or M1, ΔT = 1. Since 5.69 → 2.31 is seen 14N*(5.69) cannot have Jπ = 0+, and 2+ is excluded by the strength of the 8.62 → 5.69 transition. It is then Jπ = 1-; T = 0 [the isospin mixing α2 = 0.09]; Ex = 5690.5 ± 1.5 keV. 14N*(8.49, 8.96, 9.13) correspond to anomalies in the cross section. The nature of their γ-decays [see Table 14.13 (in PDF or PS)] and the angular distribution leads to Jπ; T = 4-; 0, 5+; 0, 3+; 0, respectively. 14N*(8.62) [Jπ = 0+ from 13C(p, p)] shows strong transitions to 14N*(0, 3.95, 5.69): T = 1. The strength of the 8.62 → 3.95 decay shows it is dipole and therefore J = 1 for 14N*(3.95)[Ex = 3947.6 ± 0.4 keV]. The strength of the transition 8.62 → 6.20 and the angular correlation 8.62 → 6.20 → g.s. is consistent with Jπ = 1+, T = 0 for 14N*(6.20)[Ex = 6203.7 ± 0.6 keV]. 14N*(8.79)[Jπ = 0- from 13C(p, p)] has a large Γγ consistent with E1 and T = 1. 14N*(9.17): angular correlation and angular distribution measurements indicate Jπ = 2+ for that state, 3- for 14N*(6.45) [see however Table 14.12 (in PDF or PS)] and J = 2 for 14N*(7.03). For a recent study of 14N*(9.17) see (1981BI17): Ex = 9172.5 ± 0.3 keV from Eγ, Γγ0/Γγ = (79 ± 4)%, Γ [from (p, p)]=135 ± 8 eV [135 ± 11 eV in (γ, γ)]. Other Ex determined by (1981BI17) are 2312.90 ± 0.03, 3948.2 ± 0.2, 5105.9 ± 0.3, 5691.55 ± 0.13 and 6446.3 ± 0.2 keV. See also Table 14.13 (in PDF or PS). The angular distribution of the γ-rays from 10.23 → 2.31 is consistent with Jπ = 1+ for 14N*(10.23): T = 0 from M2(M1) [see, however, Table 14.12 (in PDF or PS)]. The γ0 angular distribution is consistent with J = 2 for 14N*(10.43): the similar decay characteristics of this state and of 14N*(9.17) suggest that they are both Jπ = 2+, T = 1. Below Ep = 5.5 MeV only γ0 can be observed in the capture radiation. A number of resonances in the γ0 yield and in the yield of the ground-state γ-rays from 13C*(3.09, 3.68, 3.85) have been observed: these are shown in Table 14.19 (in PDF or PS) in the range Ep = 3.7 to 6.6 MeV. Angular distributions and measurements of Γγ0 lead to the Jπ values shown. Above Ep = 7 MeV the γ0 yield shows broad structure and the giant dipole resonance at Ex = 22.5 and 23.0 MeV. Measurements of the γ0 and γ1, 90° yields Ex = 23 to 33 MeV find that the T = 2 resonances reported earlier at Ex = 23.7 and 24.2 MeV do not exist and that there is no evidence for the T = 2 GDR between Ex = 25 and 29 MeV. The 90° yields of γ-rays to T = 0 states (4.9 < Ex < 5.9 MeV) and to T = 1 states (8.0 < Ex < 9.5 MeV) have been measured from Ex = 23 and 26 MeV, respectively, to Ex = 33 MeV. A study of the 90° yield of γ0 and γ1 [and of analyzing powers] has been reported for Epol. p = 6.25 to 17.0 MeV. The γ0 results are in good agreement with those in the inverse reaction [14N(γ, p)13C]. Broad structures are observed at Ep ≈ 8, 13, 14, 15 and 16.5 MeV. The γ1 results indicate that the T = 0 strength is spread out fairly uniformly between Ex = 13 and 23 MeV. At Ep = 25 MeV strong transitions are observed to two groups of states centered near Ex = 5.8 and 8.9 MeV. See also (1980WE1D, 1981WE1A, 1984SE16), (1981BA2F, 1982BA80, 1984BO1Q, 1984TR1C; astrophys.) and (1980SO1D, 1981AB1E, 1983GO1B; theor.).
The elastic scattering has been studied for Ep = 0.14 MeV to 1 GeV: see (1981AJ01) and 13C here. For observed resonances see Table 14.19 (in PDF or PS). A study of the 0+ - 0- doublet at Ex ≈ 8.7 MeV is presented by (1984AD04). A phase-shift analysis implies the existence of resonances with Jπ = 1-, 2- and 3+ in the vicinity of Ep ≈ 15 MeV. The 1- and 2- resonances have widths of ≈ 3 - 4 MeV and have a total Γp/Γ value of 0.1. The correlation between these resonances and the GDR is not clear (1978WE13). Ay measurements are reported at Epol. p = 200 MeV (1981ME02) and 547 MeV (1984SE12; p0 → p4 and to 13C*(7.55, 8.86, 9.5)). See also (1976AJ04) and (1981CO1D; theor.).
The yield of neutrons has been measured from threshold to Ep = 13.7 MeV: see (1970AJ04). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 14.20 (in PDF or PS). The n0 excitation function is also reported for Ep = 10.1 to 16.8 MeV (1981BY01; n0). The ratio of the reaction cross section at Ep = 22.8 MeV to the n0 yield is 1.06 ± 0.07: thus there is little competition of γ-rays from the excited states of 13N with neutron emission making this a convenient fast neutron calibration source. Ay measurements are reported for Epol. p = 6.88 to 17.0 MeV (1981MU1C, 1981MU1D; n0; prelim.) and 160 MeV (1981GOZX; 13N*(0, 3.5)). For the earlier work see (1981AJ01). See also 13N and (1981BY1C, 1984HE20).
Excitation functions have been reported recently for Ep = 16 to 21 MeV (1982MA1H) and 200 to 500 MeV (1980KA01; d0, d1). Ay measurements have been made at Epol. p = 13.6 to 14.4 MeV (1982BU03; d0), 65 MeV (1980HO18; for d to 12C*(0, 12.71, 15.1, 16.1)), (1982KA01; for d to 12C*(16.11)), 200 and 400 MeV (1981LI06; d0, d1) and 530 MeV (1984OH06; d0). See also 12C in (1985AJ01), (1981IR1A) and (1982YA1A).
At Ep = 49.6 MeV polarization measurements have been carried out for the tritons and 3He ions to the mirror groups 11B*(0, 2.12, 4.45, 5.02, 6.74, 12.91) and 11C*(0, 2.00, 4.32, 4.80, 6.48, 12.50) (1974MA12). Ay measurements are reported at Epol. p = 65 MeV for the triton and 3He groups to 11B*(0, 2.12) and 11C*(0, 2.00) (1982KA10).
Excitation functions have been measured from Ep = 5.5 (α0), 6.0 (α1), 7.0 (α2), 8.0 (α3), 10 (α4), 11 (α to 10B*(5.11)) to 18 MeV. Total cross sections have also been obtained for the production of 6Li, 9Be and 10B: the latter shows a great deal of structure. The analyzing power for the α0 group has been measured at Epol. p = 65 MeV: see (1981AJ01).
Observed neutron groups are displayed in Table 14.21 (in PDF or PS). Angular distributions have been reported at many energies up to Ed = 12 MeV: see see (1970AJ04). Comparisons of relative spectroscopic factors obtained in this reaction and in reaction 31 are shown in Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) of (1976AJ04): it appears that Srel for 14N*(2.31) [T = 1] is smaller in this reaction than in the (3He, d) reaction although simple DWBA calculations would suggest that the factors would be the same in both proton pickup reactions. The τ · T term appear to be energy dependednt: see Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1976AJ04). See also 15N.
Angular distributions have been studied at E(3He) = 13 to 17 MeV [see (1976AJ04)] and at 43.6 MeV (1981PE07): see Table 14.21 (in PDF or PS) for the states observed in this reaction. See also (1981AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at Eα = 27 MeV for the α groups to 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, 4.92, 5.11). See also (1981AJ01).
At E(7Li) = 34 MeV 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, 5.11, 5.69, 5.83, 7.03, 8.91) are populated: the ground state is dominant (1984CL08). See also (1981AJ01) and reaction 17 in 14C.
For fusion cross sections [and population of a 6.73 MeV γ-ray] see (1982CH05).
See 14C.
Forward-angle differential cross sections for the isobaric-analog state have been measured at Eπ+ = 100, 165, 230 and 295 MeV (1983IR04). See also (1984KNZY, 1985KNZZ; Eπ+ = 35 - 100 MeV) and (1985KA04).
Angular distributions, generally for the n0, n1 and n2 groups, have been measured in the range Ep = 2.45 to 35 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at 25.7, 35 and 45 MeV (1984TA02). (1984TA07) have measured the transverse spin-transfer coefficients [DNN(0°)] at 160 MeV for the groups to 14N*(0, 2.31 [DNN = 1], 3.95, 13.72). The main GT strength lies in the three 1+ states and their DNN values, which are consistent with 1/3, are those expected for pure L = 0 transitions (1984TA07). See also (1982MAZZ, 1983OR1D, 1985OR1G, 1985OR1H), (1981GO1H, 1982GO1C, 1982TA03, 1982YA1A, 1983TA1F, 1984TAZS, 1985TA1T) and (1982TO1C, 1983BO24, 1984HA58; theor.).
At E(3He) = 44.8 MeV, triton groups are observed corresponding to all known levels of 14N with Ex < 7.1 MeV. Triton groups were also seen to unresolved states with E x = 8.0 → 9.5 MeV, to 14N*(10.43) and to excited states with Ex = 12.49 ± 0.04, 12.83 ± 0.05 and 13.70 ± 0.04 MeV. Angular distributions were obtained for nine of the triton groups and analyzed using a local two-body interaction with an arbitrary spin-isospin exchange mixture. Dominant L = 0 transitions are found to 14N*(2.31, 3.95, 13.7), L = 1 to 14N*(5.11), L = 2 to 14N*(0, 7.03, 10.43) and L = 3 to 14N*(5.83) (1969BA06).
Angular distributions have been studied at E(6Li) = 34 MeV (1981CU02; to 14N*(0, 3.95, 5.11)), at 62 MeV (1980WH03; to 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, 5.11, 5.83, 6.20, 7.03, 8.49)), and at 210 MeV (1985AN1H; to 14N*(3.95); prelim.). At E(6Li) = 93 MeV and E(7Li) = 78 MeV (1984GL06) report the population of a number of states: the most intense groups are to 14N*(0, 3.95, 5.0, 7.0, 8.5). (1980WH03) have measured the total GT strength up to Ex ≈ 12 MeV. See also (1981AJ01), (1982AL1F, 1983AL1L) and (1983GA12; theor.).
The total absorption over the range Eγ = 9 to 31 MeV is dominated by a single peak at 22.5 MeV [estimated σ ≈ 29 mb, Γ ≈ 2 - 3 MeV] and appreciable strength extending beyond 30 MeV. The cross section cannot be accounted for solely by the (γ, n) and (γ, p0) processes: particle unstable excited states of 13C, 13N are involved. The combined (γ, n) and (γ, pn) cross section begins to rise rapidly above 18 MeV, reaches its maximum value of 15 mb at 23.3 MeV and exhibits structure at about 19, 20.5 and 26 MeV. The main peak (Γ ≈ 3.5 MeV: see (1970AJ04)) at 23.3 MeV appears to be split into two absorption levels: see (1981AJ01). Maxima reported in other experiments and "breaks" in the (γ, n) activation curve are listed in (1970AJ04). Most of the photon absorption in the giant resonance region forms Jπ = 2- states in 14N which decay by d-wave neutron emission to 13N g.s. Some evidence is found for the existence of Jπ = 0- strength at the peak of the giant resonance and for a small amount of isospin T = 0 mixing near 22.5 MeV: see (1981AJ01). The (γ, p0) and (γ, p2) cross sections and angular distributions have been measured in the giant resonance region. The giant dipole states [(p3/2)-1(2s1d)] which decay by p0 emission to 13C*(3.68) appear to carry ≈ 90% of the E1 strength and do not contribute substantially to the (γ, p0) process which is populated by (p1/2)-1(2s1d) giant dipole states. Above Eγ = 22 MeV d-wave emission from 2- states appears to dominate the (γ, p0) cross section: see (1976AJ04) and (1983VA1K). For reaction (c) see (1980IS10) and reaction 42. See also (1982JU03) and (1982VI07; applied).
See (1981BI17) and Table 14.12 (in PDF or PS). See also (1985SM1G) and (1983ZH1D; theor.).
Form factors have been determined at many energies in the range Ee = 60.7 to 300 MeV: see (1981AJ01) for the earlier references and (1984HU07; q = 0.80 fm-1 to 3.33 fm-1; to 14N*(0, 2.31)) and (1984BE13; see Table 14.22 (in PDF or PS) and below). In addition to the states above Ex = 11 MeV reported in Table 14.22 (in PDF or PS), (1984BE13) have populated 14N*(12.50, 13.17, 13.71, 15.43, 15.7, 17.2, 17.8) but not the 5- states at Ex = 14.66 and 17.46 MeV which are thus presumably T = 0. (1984BE13) report that within the triplet of 5- states at 14.66, 16.91, 17.46 MeV, they can account for ≈ 60% of the isovector 5- strength but only 35% of the isoscalar strength. There is no other significant M4 strength up to Ex ≈ 28 MeV (1984BE13). See (1981AJ01) for the earlier work. For reaction (b) see (1980TA15) and reaction 40. See also (1984DO20, 1984LI25, 1985HI04) and (1981DE1T, 1981IS11, 1981KE15, 1983AL04, 1983DE13, 1983GM1A, 1984VO1G, 1984VOZW; theor.).
Angular distributions at Eπ± = 162 MeV have been studied to the states listed in Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) (1983GE03). See the the "GENERAL" section here.
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered neutrons are displayed in Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) of (1970AJ04). See also (1984TEZZ; n0; 11, 14, 17 MeV). Observed γ-rays are shown in Table 14.25 (in PDF or PS) of (1976AJ04).
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered protons have been studied at many energies up to Ep = 155 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at Epol. p = 21 MeV (1982AO05; p0, p1, p2) and 159.4 MeV (1983TA12; p0, p1, p2), as well as at Ep = 800 MeV (1982BL08; p0, p2 and p to 14N*(5.83, 7.03, 7.97, 8.49): see Table 14.24 (in PDF or PS). The spin-flip probability has been measured at Epol. p = 32 MeV to 14N*(2.31) by (1981CO08). For reaction (b) see (1984VDZZ; Ep = 50 MeV). See also (1981AJ01), 15O, (1983BEYW, 1984DE1F), (1983SC1G), (1984HA1Q; applied), (1984BO1Q; astrophys.) and (1981FE04, 1981IS11, 1983GO10, 1983IK1B, 1984HUZY; theor.).
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered deuterons have been studied to Ed = 52 MeV: see (1981AJ01) and Table 14.24 (in PDF or PS) for the listing of the observed states. The deuteron group to the 0+, T = 1 state 14N*(2.31) is isospin forbidden: its cross section is 1 - 2 orders of magnitude less than that to 14N*(3.95) [Jπ; T = 1+; 0]. It is summarized for Ed = 6 to 20 MeV by (1979AO01) who find that the observed isospin violation is well accounted for by a direct multistep reaction mechansim which assumes that there is isospin mixing in the intermediate channels.
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered 3He ions have been measured at E(3He) up to 44.6 MeV: see Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04) and see (1976AJ04). At E(3He) = 44.6 MeV, twelve 3He groups are reported corresponding to states in 14N: see Table 14.24 (in PDF or PS). The angular distributions were analyzed using a local two-body interaction with an arbitrary spin-isospin exchange mixture. A comparison of the cross sections of the reactions 14N(3He, t)14O(g.s.), 14N(3He, 3He)14N*(2.31) and 14C(3He, t)14N(0) [which all correspond to transitions between identical initial and final states] shows that they are roughly equal, as would be expected from charge independence, once detailed-balance, isospin-coupling and phase-space corrections have been applied: see (1976AJ04).
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered α-particles have been measured for Eα = 7.6 to 104 MeV: see Table 14.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04) and (1976AJ04, 1981AJ01), as well as (1982PE05; Eα = 34.85 MeV) in Table 14.24 (in PDF or PS) here. Generally the intensity of the α1 group is weak: see also 18F in (1983AJ01). See also (1983SA07) and (1980SP1E, 1982BU1D, 1983GO27; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(6Li) = 19.5 and 32 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and at 36 MeV (1983ET02) as well as at E(7Li) = 36 MeV: see (1981AJ01). See also (1979KN1A). For reaction (c) see 18F in (1987AJ02), (1983ET02).
For fusion cross sections see (1984MA28).
Elastic angular distributions have been measured for reaction (a) at E(10B) = 100 MeV and E(14N) = 73.9 and 93.6 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] as well as at 86 MeV (1982OR02). Those for reaction (b) have been studied at E(14N) = 41, 77 and 113 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For fusion and other yield measurements see (1980PA19, 1982BE54, 1982OR02) for (a) and (1983DA10) for (b). See also (1981AJ01), (1982HO1F), (1983BI13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1981AB1A, 1983GO13, 1984HA43, 1984IN03; theor.).
Elastic and inelastic angular distributions have been studied in the range E(14N) = 21.3 to 155 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For fusion cross-section measurements and for yield measurements see (1981AJ01) and (1981CO11, 1984GO05, 1985CA01). For evaporation studies see (1982BO1M, 1983QU02). See also (1981DIZW, 1983CA1N, 1983DA10), (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1981CH23, 1981CU06, 1981DE13, 1981VA1E, 1981VA1H, 1982BL12, 1982HA42, 1982HA56, 1982HU1G, 1982LO13, 1983CI08, 1983GO13, 1984HA43, 1984MAZT; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(14N) = 19.3 MeV [see (1981AJ01)] and 28 and 35 MeV (1983SR01) as well as at E(13C) = 105 MeV (1980PR09). For fusion studies see (1980WI09, 1982DI13). See also (1983BI13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1983GO13; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been studied for E(14N) = 4.99 to 20.22 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For fusion and reaction cross-section measurements see (1981AJ01) and (1982DE39, 1982TR1C). See also (1983DA10), (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1981AB1A, 1982HA42, 1982LO13, 1984HA43, 1984IN03; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been studied for E(14N) = 8.08 to 155 MeV: see (1981AJ01). For fusion cross-section measurements see (1981AJ01) and (1981VO01). See also (1982FI1G, 1983DA10), (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A) and (1982HA42, 1982LO13, 1983CI08, 1984HA43, 1984IN03; theor.).
† For other heavy-ion reactions see (1981AJ01). Elastic angular distributions are reported at E(14N) = 53.03 MeV for reaction (a), 52.29 MeV for (b) and 53.40 MeV for (c) (1981MA02) and at E(14N) = 40, 46 and 56 MeV for reactions (b, c, d) (1983CR1B; prelim.). For fusion and fragmentation studies see (1981BI10, 1981TA22, 1983CR1B, 1984GU05, 1985GU1M). See also (1981AJ01) and (1982DM1A, 1984SHZY), (1983BI13) and (1980BI13, 1982FR1Q, 1983CE1C, 1985BE09, 1985BL09; theor.).
14Og.s. decays predominantly to its analog state 14N*(2.31): Ex = 2312.798 ± 0.011 keV (1982WA16): see reaction 1 in 14O.
For cross sections see (1982JU03, 1983WA03) in 15N. See also (1981AJ01).
Angular distributions have been obtained for the deuterons corresponding to 14N*(0 → 8.06, 8.62, 8.91, 8.96 + 8.98, 9.17 → 10.43, 10.81, 11.05, 11.24 + 11.29, 11.36 → 11.66, 11.75, 11.95, 12.20, 12.50, 12.61, 12.79 + 12.82, 13.17 + 13.24, 13.71 + 13.72). Spectroscopic factors were extracted by DWBA analysis of the ln = 1 pickup angular distributions (1969SN04).
Observed states in 14N are displayed in Table 14.28 (in PDF or PS) of (1976AJ04) together with the derived spectroscopic factors.
At E(15N) = 30, 32 and 45 MeV the angular distributions involving 14N*(0, 2.31) have been studied: they are symmetric about 90° for the transition to the T = 1 analog state 14N*(2.31): see (1981AJ01).
At Eπ+ = 59.6 MeV 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, ≈ 7, ≈ 11) are populated (1985WH01): the 14Ng.s. form factor shows a large L = 0 component. For reaction (b) see (1980BA31) and (1981AJ01).
For reaction (a) see 16O in (1982AJ01). At Ep = 75 MeV, angular distributions to 14N*(0, 3.95) have been studied by (1977GR04); 14N*(2.31) is also populated.
Angular distributions have been measured in the range Ep = 27 to 54.1 MeV: see (1981AJ01). Comparisons have been made of the ratio of (p, 3He) to the T = 1 state at 2.31 MeV and of (p, t) to the analog 14Og.s.: see 17F in (1982AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at many energies up to Ed = 40 MeV: see (1981AJ01). The yield of the isospin-forbidden α1 group [to 14N*(2.31)] has been studied for Ed = 2 to 15 MeV: the intensity of the isospin group is strongly dependent on Ed and on the angle of observation. The α1 reaction appears to proceed almost exclusively by a compound-nuclear process and its study leads to the determination of a large number of 18F states: the average isospin impurity in 18F for 10 ≤ Ex ≤ 20 MeV is 3 - 10%. At Ed = 50 MeV, the intensity of 14N*(2.31) is 0.1 - 0.2% that of 14Ng.s.. See also (1981KA21, 1982AOZZ) and 18F in (1983AJ01). See also (1983GO2D, 1983LI1T; applied).
At Eα = 42 MeV the transitions involving (14Ng.s. and 6Li*(0, 3.56)), (14N*(2.31) + 6Lig.s.) and (14N*(3.95) + 6Lig.s.) have been studied: see (1976AJ04).
The ground-state angular distribution (involving 7Li*(0, 0.48)) has been measured at Ed = 13.6 MeV by (1980GA27). See also (1984NE1A).
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