13B (1986AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 13B) (Reactions on which no new work is reported are not always discussed.) GENERAL: See also (1981AJ01) and Table 13.1 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Model calculations: (1981SE06, 1984VA06). Complex reactions involving 13B: (1983EN04, 1983MA06, 1983OL1A, 1983WI1A, 1984HI1A). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1984KO1U). Pion capture and reactions (See also reactions 4 and 5.): (1981OS04, 1982CH16, 1983LI15). Hypernuclei: (1983FE07). Other topics: (1981SE06, 1981WA1J, 1982NG01, 1984PO11). Ground-state properties of 13B: (1980FU1G, 1982NG01, 1983ANZQ, 1984KU07). Mass of 13B: From the Q0 of the 11B(t, p)13B reaction [-233.4 ± 1.0 keV], the atomic mass excess of 13B is 16561.3 ± 1.4 keV.
μ = +3.17778 (51) nm (1978LEZA).
The half-life of 13B is 17.36 ± 0.16 msec: see (1981AJ01). The branching ratios to various 13C states are shown in Table 13.2 (in PDF or PS): they indicate Jπ = 1/2- or 3/2- for 13Bg.s.. See also (1981KO27; theor.).
Observed proton and γ-ray groups are shown in Table 13.3 (in PDF or PS). See also 14C.
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 13.3 (in PDF or PS).
Differential cross sections have been measured to 13Bg.s. (Eπ+ = 18, 29, 42 MeV) and the unresolved structure at Ex ≈ 3.5 - 3.7 MeV (Eπ+ = 42 MeV) (1982LE26) and to 13Bg.s. (1983SH01; Eγ = 194 MeV, Eπ+ ≈ 40 MeV) [see the latter for a discussion of the comparison of the results with DWIA]. At Ee = 195 MeV the 13B Ex region to 12 MeV has been studied by (1983MI06): they find that the photopion reaction predominantly excites M2 states at low q and M4 states at high q. Fits to the data are obtained by assuming the excitation of 13Bg.s. and 13B*(3.5, 6.4, 9.0) [the latter are clearly due to unresolved groupings of levels]. Comparisons are made with the 13C(e, e') work in the analog region in 13C (1983MI06). [For T = 3/2 states see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS).] See also reaction 43 in 13C and the "GENERAL" section here.
Gamma rays have been observed which are associated with the 13B ground state; an unresolved doublet at Ex ≈ 3.5 - 3.7 MeV; sharp states at Ex ≈ 6.5 and 7.6 MeV; a broad level (or unresolved levels) at ≈ 10.2 MeV (1983MA16; see for radiative capture branching ratios). The analogs of the peaks at Ex = 6.5, 7.6 and 10.2 MeV, calculated to be at 13C*(21.6, 22.7, 25.3), are attributed to a ΔL = 1, ΔS = 1, ΔT = 1 spin-isospin giant dipole resonance of 13C (1983MA16). See also the "GENERAL" section here.
See (1982AL1G, 1984GL1G; E(7Li) = 78 MeV).
See (1981AJ01).
At Et = 23 MeV the angular distribution for α 0 has been analyzed by (1979SE07): the DWBA fit is poor. The extracted S(3/2) = 5.7, near that predicted for a filled p3/2 shell.
See (1984NE1A).