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13C (1970AJ04)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 13C) GENERAL: See Table 13.4 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Model calculations: (1959BR1E, 1960PH1A, 1960TA1C, 1960ZE1B, 1961BA1G, 1961BA1E, 1961KU17, 1961KU1C, 1961NE1B, 1962EA01, 1963BO1G, 1963MA1E, 1963PE04, 1963SE19, 1963TR02, 1964AM1D, 1964NA1D, 1964ST1B, 1965CO25, 1965MA1T, 1965ME1C, 1965NE1C, 1965WE1D, 1966EL08, 1966GU08, 1966HA18, 1966MA1P, 1966NO1B, 1966RI12, 1966WI1E, 1967BA12, 1967CO32, 1967FA1A, 1967HU1C, 1967KU1E, 1967PO1J, 1967RI1B, 1967WA1C, 1968FI1F, 1968HO1H, 1968RE1G, 1969KU1J, 1969VA1C, 1970KU1K). Other: (1962BA1K, 1964LI1B, 1965BO1M, 1966HE1C, 1966OL1C, 1968RI1H, 1968TA1C, 1968WI1B, 1969AL1G, 1969AR1G, 1969AU1D, 1969BA2V, 1969CH1C, 1969HA1G, 1969HE1N, 1969MC1C, 1969OC1A). Ground state: μ = +0.702381 ± 0.000002 nm (1964LI14). See also (1958LA04, 1963BE36, 1964BE24, 1967CO1D, 1967SH14, 1968PE16, 1968RO1E, 1969FU11, 1969NO1E, 1969VA1C).
Differential and total cross sections have been measured for E(7Li) = 3.8 to 6.0 MeV for the proton groups to 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 2.6 + 2.7, 3.4), the deuteron groups to 11B*(0, 2.14, 4.44, 5.02, 6.74 + 6.79, 7.30), the triton groups to 10B*(0, 0.72, 1.74) and the α group to 9Be(0). The dominant reaction appears to be transfer of an α-particle. The total cross sections generally increase smoothly with energy without showing any structure (1967KI03). See also 9Be and 10B in (1966LA04) and 11B and 12B in (1968AJ02). The 11C yield has been measured for E(6Li) = 1.2 to 3.6 MeV by (1961NO05). See also (1957NO17, 1963GA15, 1963HU02, 1963KA1E, 1964GA1E, 1965BE1X).
The ΔE for the 3.85 and 3.68 MeV transitions is 169.63 ± 0.23 keV (1969TH01). See also (1963HO1E).
At Eα = 6.446 ± 0.004 MeV, corresponding to the excitation of the first T = 3/2 state in 13C (Ex = 15.114 ± 0.005 MeV, Γ ≤ 7 keV), ΓαΓγ/Γ ≈ 2 eV for the ground state transition. Capture radiation has also been observed to one of the three states 13C*(3.1, 3.7, 3.9) (1966MI1K). (1968SN1B) find Ex = 15.107 ± 0.003 MeV, Γ = 6.7 ± 1.7 keV. See also (1969MC1C).
Resonances for neutron groups to the ground and first excited states of 12C, for γ-rays from 12C*(4.4, 12.7, 15.1) and resonances in the total neutron cross section are given in Table 13.5 (in PDF or PS) (1959AJ76, 1963SE04, 1965GI02, 1965GR22, 1966MI12, 1968DA05, 1968SN1B). See also 12C in (1968AJ02) and (1959SM98, 1959BR75, 1967FO1B, 1968DA1D, 1968OB1B, 1968VE06). The yield of neutrons to 12C*(7.65) has been measured for Eα = 1.7 to 6.4 MeV (1968OB1B, 1970WE1L) and 6 to 10.1 MeV (1966MI12). Angular distributions of ground-state neutrons suggest two broad resonances in the region Eα = 3.9 to 4.6 MeV, probably Jπ = 3/2+ and 5/2+ (1957RI38). At the threshold for formation of the T = 3/2 state at 15.11 MeV, weak interference anomalies are observed in the n0 and n1 yields (1966MI1K). Polarization measurements have been carried out for Eα = 1.9 to 4.5 MeV by (1965LI09; n0, n1) and for 4.5 to 5.9 MeV by (1966DO1E, 1967DE1U; n0, n1). See also (1962GO1J, 1963GO1J, 1965CL1B, 1965TS1A, 1966DA1B, 1966DE1M, 1968ST1R).
See 12B.
See 11B.
A number of excitation functions have been measured for elastically scattered α particles (reaction (a)) for Eα = 1.7 to 20 MeV: these show considerable resonance structure with the variations being most prominent below 10 MeV but persisting up to 20 MeV. Angular distributions have been analyzed by the optical model: see (1965TA1C, 1969GO1P). See also 9Be in (1966LA04) and (1967FU08). For reactions (b) and (c), see (1952AJ38) and 8Be in (1966LA04). See also (1963IG01).
At E(7Li) = 3.2 MeV, triton groups are observed to the first eight states of 13C (not all resolved). No triton groups are observed to the previously reported states at 5.51 and 6.10 MeV (1964CA05)†.
†Angular distributions for the triton groups to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68 + 3.85, 6.86) have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2 MeV (1969SN02). For reaction (a) see reaction 3 (1969TH01). See also (1968OG1A).
See (1965GR1F, 1966EL1D, 1969BR1D).
The p0 and p1 yields from reaction (a), the d0 yield from reaction (b) and the α0 yield from reaction (c) have been determined for Et = 0.8 to 2.0 MeV. There is no evidence of resonance behavior (1963HO19).
Proton groups have been observed to the first four states of 13C: see (1959AJ76) and (1962ED01). Angular distributions of ground state protons have been measured at Eα = 4.9 to 8.1 MeV (1957VO25), 12.1 to 16.0 MeV (1967IV1B), 22 MeV (1963YA1C), 25.9 MeV (1963TE1A), 27.5 and 33.1 MeV (1961YA02) and at 30.4 MeV (1959HU19). See also (1965NI1B). A study of γ rays from this reaction and from 12C(d, p)13C shows three lines with Eγ = 0.1695 ± 0.0004, 3.844 ± 0.015 and 3.69 ± 0.02 MeV. The lifetime of 13C*(3.85) is (9.0+2.5-1.5) psec (1968RI16). (1968FO1F) find τm = 10.8 ± 1 psec. See also (1959DI46). The 3.69 MeV line shows approximately the maximum possible Doppler shift (τ < 0.3 psec): see also Table 13.16 (in PDF or PS). The 170 keV line is due to the cascade transition between the 3.85 and 3.68 MeV states; the internal conversion coefficient is consistent with E1, although M1 cannot be excluded. The probability of this cascade decay of 3.85 MeV state is 0.24 ± 0.05 (1956MA1Q, 1956MA52). The cascade decay via the 3.09 MeV state has a strength relative to all other decays of (9.3 ± 2.0) × 10-3. This branching ratio is of the order expected for an E2 transition of single-particle (proton) strength (1960PI09)†.
† The intensity ratio for the transitions (3.85 → 3.68)/(3.85 → 0) is 0.55 ± 0.03. The cascade decay via 13C*(3.09), relative to the g.s. decay, is (2.5 ± 0.5) × 10-2, Eγ = 3854 ± 1 keV (1969LI07). The angular distributions and p-γ correlations for the 3.8 MeV radiation indicate Jπ = 5/2+ for the 3.84 MeV state. If the 170 keV line is due to an E1 transition, the Jπ of the 3.68 MeV state is then 3/2- (Jπ = 1/2-, 3/2- follows from 12C(d, p)13C); the angular distribution of the 3.68 MeV radiation is consistent with M1 (1954ST20): Γγ = 0.40 to 0.75 eV (1960KA13). The 3.68 MeV state also decays via the 3.09 MeV state with a probability of (6.5 ± 1.0) × 10-3 (1960KA13). See also reaction 31, (1960EL1C), (1969GA01) and 14N.
The first four states of 13C have been observed at E(6Li) = 4.89 MeV (1966MC05). See also (1965CA05).
At E(7Li) = 5.20 MeV, angular distributions have been measured for the α-particles to 13C*(0, 3.1, 3.7 + 3.9, 6.9). Alpha groups have also been observed to 13C*(7.5 + 7.7, 9.5, 9.9, 10.5, 11.1, 12, 13.5, 16.1) (1966MC05). See also (1963MI02, 1963MO1B, 1965CA05).
For reaction (a) see (1966CO27); for reaction (b) see (1963HO1E).
See (1961SU17, 1963SU1C, 1966SU05).
The yield of neutrons has been measured for Ed = 0.2 to 11 MeV: observed resonant structure is displayed in Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS) (1965AL17). See also (1959AJ76, 1959NE1A, 1965CL02, 1965SI12, 1966HU1H). The yield of 15.1 MeV γ-rays shows 4 resonances for Ed = 1.5 to 5.5 MeV: see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS) (1958KA31, 1964KU09). See also (1963KI02, 1967LE1J). Polarization of neutrons has been studied at Ed = 1.4 to 1.9 (1966MA21; n0, n1), 2 (1967MI1E, 1969MI20; n0, n1, n2, n3, n7), 2.8 (1964CH1F; n0, n1), 2.8 to 4.0 (1967ME1L; n0, n1), 3.0 (1966BR1E; n0) and 12.3 MeV (1964SM05; n0, n1). See also (1959BR75) and 12C.
It is reported that the thin-target yield rises smoothly from Ed = 0.3 to 3.1 MeV with no evidence of resonances (1949HU41, 1958KA31, 1963RO22, 1965SA15). However, (1964BR1A) reports a strong resonance at Ed = 2.3 MeV in the p0, p1 and p2 yield. Analysis of yield curves of 0.95 and 1.67 MeV γ-rays (1968CH05) also suggest a broad resonance at Ed ≈ 2.1 MeV. See also (1963SE1F). The polarization of 12B recoils has been studied for Ed = 0.9 to 3.2 MeV: resonances in the recoil polarization are observed at Ed = 1.5, 2.1 and 3.0 MeV (see Table 13.6 (in PDF or PS)) (1967PF02). See also (1963KE06, 1967BE10). See also 12B and (1964TI03, 1967BO17, 1967TI1A).
See 11B in (1968AJ02) and (1963NE1H).
The excitation function for α-particles to the ground state increases monotonically for Ed = 0.39 to 1.05 MeV (1963RO22, 1965SA15); that for the α-particles to 9Be*(2.43) increases monotonically for Ed = 0.39 to 0.70 MeV (1965SA15). At Ed = 1.83 MeV, a pronounced resonance is observed in the α0, α1, α2 and α3 yields: Γcm ≈ 200 keV (1964DU1C, 1969FR03). Some gross structure is observed in these yields for Ed = 1.0 to 3.2 MeV (1964BR1A, 1969FR03). See also (1966DR04, 1968CO31, 1969MC1C) and 9Be in (1966LA04).
See 14C.
Levels derived from reported proton groups are listed in Table 13.7 (in PDF or PS). The proton groups thought to correspond to 13C levels at Ex = 5.51 and 6.10 MeV (1958MO99) come instead from the proton decay of 13N*(9.48, 10.37) fed in the reaction 11B(3He, n)13N (1966CH18). See also (1963GA03). At E(3He) = 8 to 12 MeV, proton groups are observed to the first five T = 3/2 states of 13C: see Table 13.7 (in PDF or PS) (1965HE1C, 1966HE1F). The angular distribution of the protons to the first T = 3/2 state at Ex = 15.106 MeV is consistent with Jπ = 3/2- (the known character of 13Bg.s.) (1965HE1C). The neutron and γ-widths of 13C*(15.10) are displayed in Table 13.8 (in PDF or PS) where they are compared with the corresponding quantities for 13N*(15.07) (1968CO27, 1969AD01). Comparison of the reduced widths for the particle decays to 12C(0) and 12C*(4.4) show that the form of the isospin impurity in the 15.1 MeV, T = 3/2 state, depends in TZ (1969AD01). Preliminary results for the branching ratios for the α-decay to 9B(0) are (1.9 ± 0.5)% for 13C*(15.10) and (6.5 ± 1.5)% for 13C*(19.12) (1969NE1G). Other angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 4.5 MeV (1957HO61; p0, p1, (p2 + p3)), 8.6, 9.6 and 10.3 MeV (1963MA24; p0) and 10 and 12 MeV (1968LI1K, 1969AD1C; p0, p1, p2, p4, p6, p7, p10, p11). The parity of 13C*(9.90) is odd (1969AD1C). See also (1959AL96, 1963CL1A, 1969BA1Z, 1969MC1C).
Differential cross sections of deuterons corresponding to 13C(0) have been measured at Eα = 23 and 25 MeV (1967AL16). See also (1968ZE1B).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV to the 13C ground state and to 13C*(3.1, 3.8 [u], 6.9, 7.5 [u]) [u = unresolved]. The 13C states at 8.86, 9.50 and 9.90 MeV have also been observed (1966MC05). See also (1963MO1B, 1965CA05).
See (1968OK06).
The thermal capture cross section is 3.4 ± 0.3 mb (1964ST25), 3.8 ± 0.8 mb (1963MO1C). Reported γ-transitions are listed in Table 13.9 (in PDF or PS). See also (1963MA60, 1964FO1A, 1967FO1B, 1968RO1H).
The total cross section data up to 164 MeV is summarized in (1964ST25). Table 13.11 (in PDF or PS) lists recent cross section measurements: see also 12C in (1968AJ02), (1964ST25) and (1959HA06, 1966DE1M, 1968HA1V). Angular distributions are summarized in (1963GO1M). See also (1966GA1M, LA67Q). The coherent scattering length (thermal, bound) is 6.656 ± 0.004 fm (1967HO1J, 1967KO1M). See also (1961WI1A, 1963SE13, 1966DA1B, 1969BA1P). An effective range theory analysis ascribes the s-wave scattering to the (bound) 3.09 MeV state: θ2(En = 0) = 0.20 ± 0.02 (1963SE13). In the region En = 0 to 20 MeV a number of resonances have been reported: see Table 13.10 (in PDF or PS) (1960TS02, 1961LA1A, 1961FO07, 1966LI03, 1964HA1G, 1965HA21, 1968BO34, 1968CI1A, 1968DA1F, 1968SC1G, 1969DA13), and (1959AJ76) for a listing of the earlier references. Polarization measurements have been carried out with En up to 24 MeV: see Table 13.12 (in PDF or PS) for recent references and (1959AJ76) for earlier ones. See (1963HA1G, 1966DA1B, 1966RO1B) for a general discussion of 12C + n polarization. See also (1958HA1A, 1959MA1C, 1959PR65, 1960PE02, 1960SA25, 1963KU1F, 1965AN1A, 1965DE1G, 1965FR1B, 1967CH42, 1967MA1K, 1968EN1A, 1969AN1E, 1969CR1C) and (1959KE1A, 1959WI1C, 1960HO14, 1960MI1B, 1960TO1B, 1962CA1C, 1962KA1D, 1963ED1B, 1963KA27, 1963LU10, 1963MC1B, 1964CR1B, 1965SL1B, 1966AG1A, 1966JA08, 1966LE1M, 1966LO1M, 1966SE1E, 1967BE1F, 1967PI02, 1967RO1J, 1967SC1H, 1967TA1B, 1968CH35, 1968KO1A, 1968RE1G, 1968TI1B, 1969PU05).
From threshold to En = 19 MeV, twelve resonances are observed in the yield of 4.4 MeV γ-rays: see Table 13.13 (in PDF or PS) (1959HA13, 1968BO34). Cross sections have also been measured for various of the elastic transitions for En = 5.5 to 15.6 MeV by (1959HA06, 1959SI79, 1960BE24, 1963BO15, 1964CL05, 1964PE20, 1964ST30, 1965WI17, 1967BR23, 1968HA1V, 1969MA39). See (1959AJ76) for a listing of the earlier references. See also (1959GA1D, 1968GA1L, 1969GA1U) and 12C. For reaction (b) see 12C and (1959AJ76).
See (1961BR1A, 1952BR61, 1958AS63, 1969MA39).
The cross section for reaction (a) has been measured from threshold to En = 22 MeV (1959KR69, 1968RI02). It exhibits a strong resonance with a peak cross section of 19 mb at Ex ≈ 22 MeV in 13C and another weaker resonance corresponding to Ex ≈ 20.5 MeV (1968RI02). See also (1959AL83, 1963LE1D, 1966JE1B). For reaction (b) see (1962AU1A).
The cross section for the transition to 9Be(0) shows a broad structure at En ≈ 8 MeV (1963DA12). See also (1963AL10, 1963CH1C, 1966HU1J, 1967KO27, 1969KI02) and 9Be in (1966LA04).
Measurements on the proton groups are summarized in Table 13.14 (in PDF or PS). In addition to a number of relatively sharp states, the proton spectrum exhibits a conspicuous broad structure attributed to a 13C level at Ex = 8.4 MeV, Γ = 1.1 ± 0.3 MeV. [It seems probable that this level is to be identified with the D3/2 level of similar width observed in 12C(n, n)12C at Ex = 8.25 MeV: see Table 13.10 (in PDF or PS)]. Angular distributions have been studied at many energies, and analyzed by PWBA and DWBA. A listing of the early work is given in (1959AJ76). Recent experiments are listed in Table 13.15 (in PDF or PS). See also (1965GA1A). A DWBA stripping description of the direct reaction interaction part of the reaction almost certainly will require the use of spin dependent potentials. There is pronounced compound nucleus formation even up to Ed = 11 MeV (1963EV04, 1967SC29). See also (1969PE09, 1969PE1L) and 14N. Observed gamma rays are listed in Table 13.16 (in PDF or PS). The cascade decay of the 3.85 MeV state (via 13C*(3.68)) occurs in 37 ± 4% of the decays; the direct transition occurs in 62 ± 4% of the events (1966GO15). The mixing ratio for the transition 3.68 → 0 χ(E2/M1) = -(0.096+0.030-0.021), while the transition 3.85 → 0, χ(E3/M2) = +(0.12 ± 0.03) (1966PO11). Angular correlation measurements at Ed = 2.8 to 3.7 MeV show Γ(E2)/Γγ ≲ 5% for 13C*(3.68) and Γ(E3)/Γγ ≲ 2% for 13C*(3.85) (1962FL06). See also (1966KA05, 1966PR1B, 1967TI1A, 1968GO14). The lifetime of 13C*(3.09) is < 10 fsec (1968RI16), < 15 fsec (1968AL03) [see also (1967ME02)]; τm for 13C*(3.68) < 26 fsec (1968RI16); τm for 13C*(3.85) = 7.5+3-2 psec (1962SI08): see also Table 13.17 (in PDF or PS). A study with polarized deuterons at Ed = 7 and 10 MeV is reported by (1968YU01; p0, p1). For other polarization measurements see 14N, (1959AJ76) and (1961GO1K). For reaction (b), see (1963PI04, 1968BO02, 1969SA1K). See also (1958AR1B, 1959LO59, 1960AL35, 1960BA26, 1961GO27, 1961GO28, 1961PU1B, 1961ST10, 1962AL1D, 1962GR10, 1963NE16, 1963NE09, 1963SE1G, 1963VA1E, 1964RI1C, 1965HE1B, 1965ZI1A, 1966BE31, 1966GO1L, 1967WA1C, 1968FO1E) and (1959AM1B, 1959BO1C, 1959HO1D, 1960BE1B, 1960BU1D, 1960LU1B, 1960NE1C, 1961GI04, 1961RO1G, 1962JO1C, 1963GL1C, 1963SM05, 1963TA1A, 1964VA1F, 1964ZA1B, 1965BA1T, 1965ST1E, 1966HO1D, 1966PE1F, 1967LE1F, 1967MO1N, 1968BE1Z, 1968ED1C, 1968EL1G, 1968ST1T).
At Et = 12 MeV, DWBA fits have been made of the angular distributions of the deuterons to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85) (1966GL01). See also (1960MU07, 1961BA10, 1969GL1C, 1969LI1D).
For reaction (a) see (1963SA1E, 1967PO13, 1969BR1D). For reaction (b), see (1965GA1B, 1967BI1F, 1969BR1D, 1969DO07). For reaction (c), see (1968GA1K).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered 6Li and 7Li ions have been measured at E(Li) = 20 MeV (1969BE90).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered 12C and 16O ions have been studied for E = 10 to 30 MeV (1968GO1H).
See 13N.
At Ep = 12 MeV, the angular distribution of the deuterons to 13C(0) is PWBA-fitted with l = 1: θ2 = 0.038 (1966GL01). At Ep = 18.5 MeV, angular distributions have also been obtained for 13C*(3.09, 3.68, 3.85) (1961LE1A, 1963LE03). See also (1969CU1D).
At Ed = 12 MeV, angular distributions of the tritons to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 3.85) have been PWBA fitted: θ2 = 14.5, 0.43 and 5.76 for the three most energetic triton groups. The group to 13C*(3.85) does not show a stripping pattern (1966GL01). See also (1958MO97, 1959KU1C).
Angular distributions of the α particles to 13C(0) have been determined at E(3He) = 2, 6, 8, 10 (1964DU1A) and 44.8 MeV (1966BA13). At the highest energy, the differential cross sections to 13C*(3.68) and to the T = 3/2 state at 15.11 MeV have also been measured (1966BA13). See also (1966GO1J).
Angular distributions of ground state deuterons have been determined at En = 14.1 to 14.7 MeV (1963ZA01, 1967AN08, 1967FE06, 1968MI02). Excitation of 13C*(3.68) is also reported (1957CA07, 1963ZA01, 1967FE06). Gamma rays with energies of 3.686 ± 0.003 and 3.853 ± 0.003 MeV are reported by (1969NY1A). See also (1959HA1G, 1963MO04, 1964MO1D).
At Ep = 460 MeV, the summed proton spectrum shows three peaks with binding energies 7.5 ± 0.5, 15.3 ± 0.5 and 19.8 ± 0.6 MeV (13C* = 0, 7.8 and 12.3 MeV) corresponding to the ejection of p1/2 protons in the case of the ground state and p3/2 protons in the case of the two excited states. There is also some indication of other structure (1966TY01). See also (1961CL09, 1962MA1L, 1963CL1B, 1965DE1P, 1965DE21, 1966BE1B), and (1962BA1J, 1962BA1A, 1963EL1C, 1965BA21). For reaction (b) see (1969BA1F).
At Ed = 52 MeV, angular distributions have been measured for the 3He particles to 13C*(0, 3.09, 3.68, 6.87, 7.5, 8.85, 9.51, 11.9 ± 0.15) and analyzed by DWBA: Jπ = 5/2-, 1/2-, 3/2- and 3/2-, respectively, are assigned to 13C*(7.5, 8.85, 9.51, 11.9) (1968HI01). See also (1969KA1A, 1969KA1W). As expected, angular distributions of 3He and of tritons (from 14N(d, t)13N) to analog states are identically the same: this has been shown for the ground state 3He and triton groups (1966DE1C, 1968GA13; Ed = 28.5 MeV) and for the groups to 13C*(8.9 + 9.5) and 13N*(9.2) (1968HI01; Ed = 52 MeV). See also (1968BA2J).
Observed particle groups at Et = 2.6 MeV are displayed in Table 13.19 (in PDF or PS) (1962SI08). See also (1964SC09) and 16O in (1971AJ02).
This sequential reaction has been studied at Eα = 22.9 MeV (1968KU1C, 1969BA17).
For reaction (a) see (1969VO01) and 13N. For reaction (b) see (1966GA04).
Not reported.
At Ep = 43.7 MeV, 3He groups have been observed to eleven states of 13C: see Table 13.19 (in PDF or PS) (1966CE02, 1968FL03). Angular distributions of the 3He particles to these states are generally found to be in agreement with DWBA predictions, using intermediate coupling wave functions to obtain the two-nucleon structure factors (1968FL03). Detailed comparisons are made with the results of the mirror reaction 15N(p, t)13N: the (p, t) transitions are generally stronger than expected relative to the mirror (p, 3He) transitions. This may arise from interference effect terms due to a spin-orbit interaction on the optical potential, or to interference terms between direct-reaction and core-excitation (1968FL02, 1968FL03). See also (1969VA1C).
Observed α-particle groups are displayed in Table 13.20 (in PDF or PS) (1951MA08, 1957WA01, 1961JA23). Angular distributions of α-particles have been measured at Ed = 1.0 to 1.2 MeV (1966ST16; α0), 20.9 MeV (1968PR04; α0, α1) and 21 MeV (1959FI30; α0). See also (1961LO02, 1965MA59).
At Eα = 42 MeV, the angular distribution of the 6Li particles to 13C(0) has been measured (1968MI05).
At En = 14.1 to 18.8 MeV angular distributions of α-particles have been measured: see (1961CI01, 1966MC14, 1968LE11; α0), (1967HS04; α0, α1, α2 + α3), (1968MA10; α0, α1 + α2), (1968SI06; α0, α1 + α2 + α3). See also (1959AJ76, 1962RO1G, 1963DA12, 1963MO04, 1963SE08, 1964MA1N, 1964MO1D, 1965CH13, 1965FU1E, 1966CI1A, 1966FA1B, 1967FU1K, 1967SI1E).
See (1966DE09).
See (1966PE08).
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