17O (1971AJ02)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 17O) GENERAL: See also (1959AJ76) and Table 17.5 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Shell model: (1957WI1E, 1959BR1E, 1959FE1B, 1959KH1A, 1959SA11, 1960AK1A, 1960TA1C, 1961BA1E, 1961NE1B, 1962BH09, 1962TA1B, 1962TA1E, 1963CO12, 1963HA05, 1963KU1B, 1963PA03, 1964BR1H, 1964RI1A, 1965GI1B, 1965LE1E, 1965MA16, 1965ZA1B, 1966AR10, 1966BO1R, 1966BR04, 1966BR1R, 1966BR1Q, 1966DE18, 1966LA1E, 1966MA12, 1966QU1A, 1966RI1F, 1966SO05, 1966ZA1E, 1967BO1T, 1967EL03, 1967EN01, 1967FE01, 1967GO04, 1967LY02, 1967NI1D, 1967PA05, 1967PF01, 1968BI07, 1968DE13, 1968EL1C, 1968EL1A, 1968HE1H, 1968HO1H, 1968KA1E, 1968MA2B, 1968NI1A, 1968SU1E, 1968ZU02, 1969BO37, 1969CH1R, 1969EL1D, 1969EL1B, 1969GI1B, 1969GU1M, 1969KA09, 1969KU1G, 1969MA38, 1969PI1D, 1969SA1J, 1969UL03, 1969ZU1D, 1970BO2B, 1970EL1G, 1970GU1E, 1970HI15, 1970WA01). Collective model: (1959YU1A, 1960RA1A, 1960SH1A, 1961NE1B, 1962AR1C, 1962DA1B, 1962MA1K, 1962MA23, 1962MA32, 1962MO1B, 1963CH02, 1964BA1L, 1964BR1H, 1965NE1C, 1966BR04, 1966BR1R, 1966BR1Q, 1967FE01, 1967GO04, 1967GR1D, 1968BI07, 1968EL1C, 1968MA2B, 1969BA2E, 1969MA38, 1970BA2B). Electromagnetic transitions: (1959BA1C, 1959FA1C, 1960RA1A, 1962MA1K, 1962MA32, 1963CH02, 1964BA1L, 1965GR1H, 1965KA1D, 1966MA12, 1966QU1A, 1967KA21, 1969KH1C, 1969MA38, 1970EL08, 1970GO1H, 1970SI1C). Special levels: (1961WI1D, 1962IN02, 1963CO12, 1965EJ1A, 1965GI1B, 1965LE1E, 1965NE1C, 1966SO05, 1967BE02, 1967GR1D, 1967PF01, 1967PI01, 1968MA2B, 1969BA2E, 1969GI1B, 1969HA1G, 1970BA2B, 1970EL08, 1970RY02, 1970WA01). Other topics: (1959FE1B, 1959KH1A, 1959SA11, 1960GO1C, 1963WA1E, 1964LI1B, 1964NI1A, 1965HU1D, 1965ZA1B, 1966MI1F, 1966WA1K, 1967EL03, 1967GR1H, 1967KA1G, 1967LY02, 1967NI1D, 1968KA1E, 1968NI1A, 1968SU1F, 1968SU1C, 1968SU1E, 1968WO1C, 1969DE16, 1969FO1G, 1969HE1N, 1969IW1B, 1969JA1P, 1969KA09, 1969NO03, 1969NO1E, 1969PA1G, 1969PI1D, 1969SA1J, 1969SC14, 1969SC1Q, 1970BA1M, 1970HA1T, 1970MC17, 1970SU1B). Ground state: Q = 26.5 ± 3.0 mb (1964LI14). See also (1959FA1C, 1960RA1A, 1962BE1D, 1963BE36, 1964ST1B, 1965IC1A, 1966MA1V, 1966MA19, 1966MI1F, 1967CO1D, 1967GO1A, 1967GR1D, 1967SH05, 1968BE1X, 1968LE1L, 1968PE16, 1968RO1E, 1969CH1R, 1969FU11, 1969SI1E, 1970EL08, 1970SI02, 1970SI1C).
The angular distribution of the α-particles corresponding to 17O*(0, 0.87) (unresolved) has been measured at E(14N) = 27.6 MeV (1964WA1B).
The lifetime of 17O*(0.87), τm, is 253 ± 6 psec (1969NI09): see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS). At E(16O) = 15 and 18 MeV, the transitions to 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied (1970BA1J). The excitation curve for the one-neutron transfer to 17O*(0.87) has been measured for E(16O) = 6 to 22 MeV (1970BA55). See also (1968KN1A).
Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.20 MeV (1966MC05). See also (1963MO1B).
Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV (1966MC05). See also (1963MO1B).
Angular distributions have been reported at E(6Li) = 3 MeV (1963BA08; p2, p3, p4), 3.4 to 4.0 MeV (1962BL13; p0 → p3), 4.5 to 5.5 MeV (1966HE05; p0 → p4), 5.6 to 6.6 MeV (1970JO09; p0 → p3), 9.0 to 14.0 MeV (1970JO09; p0 → p4) and 20 MeV (1968ME10; p to 17O*(8.47)). Neither the direct reaction model nor the statistical compound nucleus model alone is adequate to describe the data (1970JO09). Proton groups to various states of 17O with Ex ≤ 15.8 MeV have been identified by (1966HE05, 1968ME10, 1970JO09). See also (1960SH05, 1967DZ01), (1967CA1D), (1968GA1J, 1969GI1B; theor.) and 18F in (1972AJ02).
Angular distributions of the d0 and d1 groups have been measured at E(7Li) = 3.24 to 3.64 MeV (1967MO23). At E(7Li) = 20 and 24.4 MeV, deuteron groups are observed to many states of 17O with Ex < 15 MeV, including states at Ex = 8.50 and 11.85 MeV and probable T = 3/2 states at 11.08, 12.47, 12.99, 13.64, 14.28 and 14.80 MeV (1969BA2U, 1970COZA). See also (1970CA1N) and 19F in (1972AJ02).
The yield of neutrons (reaction (a)) increases monotonically for Eα = 0.475 to 0.700 MeV: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] × 105 MeV · b (1968DA05). The astrophysical considerations are discussed by (1968DA1D). See also (1959AJ76). Elastic scattering studies (reaction (b)) have been carried out for Eα = 2.0 to 3.5 MeV (1965BA32) and 3.5 to 6.5 MeV (1968KE02). Recent measurements of yield curves for reaction (a) have been made at Eα = 2.0 to 3.5 MeV (1965BA32), 2.0 to 5.6 MeV (1967SE07; σt), 3.5 to 6.5 MeV (1968KE02), 4.5 to 10.5 MeV (1970RO08; n0), 5 to 10 MeV (1963SP02: 6.13 and 7 MeV γ) and 17.4 to 22.5 MeV (1963DE27; n0). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies. A number of resonances in the neutron yield and of anomalies in the elastic scattering have been observed: see Table 17.6 (in PDF or PS) (1953JO1A, 1956BE98, 1956BO61, 1956RU1A, 1957WA46, 1963SP02, 1965BA32, 1967SE07, 1968KE02, 1970RO08). See also (1960ST02). Table 17.6 (in PDF or PS) also shows the results from the inverse reaction 16O(n, α)13C. The study of the n0 yield by (1970RO08) indicates more structure than is displayed in Table 17.6 (in PDF or PS). In the range En = 17.4 to 22.4 MeV the n0 cross section does not show any appreciable variation with energy. See also (1968LE1N) and (1963KE1A; theor.). Jπ assignments derived from polarization measurements at Eα = 3.36 to 4.80 MeV are displayed in Table 17.6 (in PDF or PS) (1971BA06). See also (1969SC04).
At E(6Li) = 18 MeV, deuteron groups have been seen corresponding to many 17O states with Ex < 9 MeV: see Table 17.8 (in PDF or PS) (1970BE31). See also (1968OG1A, 1970OG1A).
This reaction has been studied at E(7Li) = 17 MeV: see reaction 8 and Table 17.8 (in PDF or PS) (1970BE31). See also (1968OG1A).
At E(16O) = 17 and 20 MeV, the transitions to 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied (1968KN1A, 1970BA1J). The excitation curve for the one-neutron transfer to 17O*(0.87) has been measured for E(16O) = 12 to 25 MeV (1970BA55).
The n0 yield (reaction (a)) for E(3He) = 1.6 to 3.25 MeV indicates two resonances at E(3He) = 2.1 and 2.8 MeV, corresponding to 17O*(20.5, 21.1) (1961JO24). The excitation function shows a resonance in the n0 and n3+4 yields at E(3He) = 4.1 MeV [17O*(22.1)], but not in the n1+2 yield: Jπ = 1/2- or 3/2- is suggested (1970HO08). Resonances are observed in the α-yield (reaction (c)) at E(3He) = 3.6 and 4.1 MeV [17O*(21.7, 22.1)] and in the 3He yield (reaction (b)) at 5.1 MeV [17O*(23.0)], with Jπ = (5/2+), (7/2-) and (1/2+), respectively (1970KE1D). The variation of the 3He optical parameters has been studied for E(3He) = 10 to 18 MeV (1970DU07).
A study of n - γ correlations leads to Jπ = 1/2- for 17O*(3.06) and probably to Jπ = 5/2- for 17O*(3.84). The upper limits to the decays 3.06 → 0 and 3.84 → 0.87 are, respectively, 2 and 5%. The lifetimes of 17O*(3.06, 3.84) are 120+80-60 and < 25 fsec, respectively (1964AL11).
Excitation functions have been measured in the range Et = 1.0 to 2.0 MeV for the p0, p1, p2, p3 groups, the d0 and t0 groups and the α0 and α1 groups: the reactions appear to proceed primarily via a direct interaction mechanism (1964SC09). See also 16N, and 13C and 15N in (1970AJ04).
Differential cross sections have been measured at Eα = 8.12 to 11.52 MeV (1969SC21; pγ1), 12.9 to 24.9 MeV (1970ZE01; p0, p1), 13.0, 13.4, 14.25, 14.5 and 18.1 MeV (1969RO07: states with Ex < 7.6 MeV), 17.3 to 24.9 MeV (1970ZE01; p2), 22.3 MeV (1963YA1C; p0, p1), 22.5 to 24.9 MeV (1970ZE01; p3), and 26.8, 28.1 and 33.3 MeV (1961YA02; p0 → p3). Using the (2J + 1) rule, J = 7/2, 9/2 or 11/2 for 17O*(5.22). The previously reported states at Ex = 6.24 and 7.29 MeV were not excited, but 17O*(6.97) is confirmed by the work of (1969RO07). The lifetime of 17O*(0.87), measured by this reaction and by reaction 29, τm = (4.30 ± 0.21) × 10-10 sec (1962GA15): see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS). See also (1959AJ76) and 18F in (1972AJ02). At Eα = 22.9 MeV, the sequential decay (reaction (b)) appears to take place via a number of 17O states with 8.46 ≤ Ex ≤ 13.57 MeV. Those involved are believed to have J ≥ 5/2, Γα/Γ ≥ 0.6 (1969BA17). See also (1968KU1C).
The excitation function has been measured for Ed = 0.5 to 5.3 MeV. Above Ed = 1.0 MeV, pronounced peaks are observed, presumably to be ascribed to numerous overlapping resonances (1958WE31). See also (1970MU1H). Polarization measurements (n0 group) are reported at En = 1.6 to 3.0 MeV (1966BR12), 2.65 MeV (1966BU09), 2.75 MeV (1969BU19), 3.09 to 3.83 MeV (1968ME15) and 4.35 and 5.50 MeV (1967BU16). See also (1966BR1E). See also 16O.
The excitation curve has been obtained for Ed = 0.3 to 2.7 MeV. There is some resonance structure at Ed = 1.3 and 1.9 MeV [17O*(15.2, 15.7)] (1957BO04). See also 16N.
The α0 yield curve for Ed = 0.8 to 1.8 MeV indicates two resonances at Ed = 1.06 and 1.25 MeV [Γ ≈ 100 and 200 keV, respectively], attributed to an 17O state at Ex = 14.98 MeV [Jπ = 5/2+] and to one or more 17O states at Ex = 15.15 MeV [Jπ = 5/2- or 7/2-] (1966TI03). In the range Ed = 1.2 to 2.5 MeV a broad maximum is observed in both the α0 and α1 yields at Ed ≈ 1.7 MeV (1965MA59). See also (1959FI30).
Not reported.
At E(3He) = 18 MeV, many 17O states with Ex < 11.6 MeV have been observed. The levels at 5.70 MeV (7/2-), 7.38 MeV (5/2-) and 11.08 MeV (1/2-; T = 3/2) are particularly strongly populated (1969ME1K). See also (1965SE01, 1968BE1Y, 1968SE1C). At E(3He) = 8.4 MeV a T = 1/2 state at Ex = 11.02 MeV is excited (1970MC02): see also reaction 43 and Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS). See also (1963PA01) and (1969BA1Z).
At Eα = 45.4 MeV, the deuteron spectrum is dominated by the groups corresponding to states with Ex = 7.742 ± 0.020 and 9.137 ± 0.030 MeV. These states are assigned Jπ = (11/2-) and (9/2-), respectively and arise from a dominant (d5/2)25p-11/2 configuration. Angular distributions were measured as well for the deuterons corresponding to 17O(0) and to states with Ex = 0.87 ± 0.05, 5.208 ± 0.030, 5.690 ± 0.030, 7.367 ± 0.030, 8.459 ± 0.030, 8.890 ± 0.030 and 9.814 ± 0.030 MeV. In addition the excitation of states with Ex = 3.85 ± 0.05, 4.57 ± 0.05 and 8.147 ± 0.030 MeV is also reported (1969LU07). See also (1962HA40, 1966RI04) and (1963GL1C; theor.).
At E(11B) = 115 MeV, the states at Ex = 7.7 and 9.1 MeV [Jπ = 11/2- and 9/2-, respectively] are strongly populated. as in the 15N(α, d)17O reaction (1967PO1E). See also (1966PO1E, 1967VO1A).
Capture γ-rays with Eγ = 870 ± 5, 1088 ± 5, 2180 ± 25 and 3271 ± 15 keV, from the transitions to and decay of 17O*(0.87, 3.06), are reported by (1964JU05). See also (1969HO1X). Astrophysical considerations are discussed by (1968FOZY).
The scattering amplitude (bound) is a = 5.80 ± 0.05 fm (1965DO14). The coherent scattering cross section is 4.23 ± 0.07 b (1964ST25). See also (1961WI1A, 1965RA15, 1969BA1P). Recent cross section and angular distribution measurements are listed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). Cross section data are summarized in (1964ST25), while angular distribution data are displayed in (1970GA1A). See also (1968AL1G). A large number of resonances have been observed for En ≤ 11.5 MeV: these are displayed in Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS) (1960TS02, 1961FO07, 1967JO12, 1968DA1F, 1968JO1F, 1969DA13, 1970BO30, 1970FO03) and (1959AJ76, 1964ST25). See also (1966LI03). Recent high-resolution cross section measurements and phase-shift analyses have led to a much better understanding of the 17O level structure: see (1967JO12, 1970FO03) for a general review of the work on this reaction. See also (1960PE02, 1961GO1H, 1963KU1F), (1968AL1G) and (1959AU1A, 1960CO1A, 1960FO14, 1960MI1B, 1963JO1D, 1963KA27, 1963LU10, 1963PI03, 1965GA1F, 1965SL1B, 1966AG1A, 1966GA1L, 1967GR1J, 1967RE1C, 1967SC1E, 1967SC1H, 1967UN1A, 1968FO1D, 1969IW1A, 1969IW1C, 1969MA2B, 1970CO1U, 1970MU1C, 1970WA1J; theor.). Polarization measurements have been carried out for En = 0.2 to 3.5 MeV: see Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) (1962BE1C, 1962EL01, 1962MA05, 1962OT01, 1963GL1D). See also the reviews by (1963HA1G, 1963PI03, 1966DA1B, 1966RO1B) and (1967BE1F; theor.)
Recent cross section measurements are listed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). The cross sections for production of 6.13 and (6.92 + 7.12) γ-rays in the range En = 6.5 to 10 MeV show a number of resonances: see Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) (1969HAZE). See also (1970SU01).
The cross section has been measured for En = 17 to 37 MeV (1961BR1A). See also (1964HE18).
Recent cross-section measurements are listed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). Resonances are reported at 11.8 and (15.2) MeV (1962DE13) and at 13.50 ± 0.01, 14.10 ± 0.01 and 15.10 ± 0.05 MeV (1961SE02, 1962SE1F). See also (1958RO1A, 1969BR1F), (1959AJ76, 1960BU1C, 1963LE1D, 1963SH1C, 1966JE1B, 1968AL1G) and (1964DU1B; theor.).
See (1967VA12) and 15N in (1970AJ04).
The cross section has been measured from threshold to 20 MeV: see (1959AJ76) and Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). All of the 17O levels observed in the inverse reaction 13C(α, n)16O from 17O* = 7.95 to 9.95 are also observed in this reaction: see Table 17.6 (in PDF or PS) (1955SE1A, 1957WA46, 1963DA12). (1963BO1E) also report a broad maximum at En ≈ 16 MeV. See also (1965FU1E), (1960BU1C, 1963CH1C, 1966JE1B) and (1964GA1A; theor.).
Angular distributions of the protons to many 17O states have been studied for Ed = 0.3 to 26.3 MeV: see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS) (1959HA29, 1961HA19, 1961KE01, 1962MA25, 1963AL04, 1963AM1A, 1963YA03, 1964AM1A, 1964SC12, 1964TE1C, 1965DE1N, 1965GA1A, 1965LO02, 1965MO16, 1966AL09, 1966GA09, 1966SC09, 1967AL06, 1967OG1A, 1968DI06, 1968HO23, 1968NA06, 1968NG1B, 1969TH04, 1970DA14). See also (1969CO12, 1970CO1P) and 18F in (1972AJ02). (1970VI03) report a DWBA calculation to the unbound 3/2+ state at Ex = 5.08 MeV. The width of the corresponding neutron resonance [En = 1.00 MeV: see reaction 23] is determined to be 67 keV from the magnitude of the cross section. 17O levels derived from proton spectra measurements are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) (1951BU1A, 1957BR82, 1965GA1A). The lifetime of 17O*(0.87) is 258.6 ± 2.6 psec: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) (1960KA10, 1963LO03, 1964BE15, 1965AL14, 1965MC10, 1967BI05, 1969GO04). Eγ = 870.81 ± 0.22 keV (1966WI01), 870.5 ± 2.0 keV (1952TH24); the internal conversion coefficient is consistent with E2 (1952TH24). See also (1959LO59, 1960AL35, 1960GO20, 1961JA23, 1961LO1C, 1961PU1B, 1963DO1B, 1965HE1B, 1966BE1E, 1967LA1M, 1968GO1N), (1959AJ76) and (1960BE1B, 1960BI1B, 1960NA1A, 1961BU16, 1961WI1D, 1963GL1C, 1963LE1E, 1963SA1B, 1963SM05, 1963TA1A, 1965BU1G, 1965HU1E, 1965SI1D, 1965SM1A, 1967BA1R, 1967BA2E, 1967SC16, 1967SH1J, 1967SH1K, 1968EL1G, 1968PE1E, 1969HA1V, 1969IC02, 1969MA2C, 1969MC1G, 1969PE1K, 1969PE1L, 1970BU16, 1970OH06, 1970PE14, 1970PE1B; theor.).
The angular distribution of the d0 groups has been studied at Et = 5.5 MeV (1961BA10). See also (1960MU07) and (1964EL1B; theor.).
Angular distributions of the 3He particles corresponding to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.06, 3.84) have been measured at Eα = 46 MeV (1968PR1C).
The excitation of 17O*(0, 0.87) is reported at E(11B) = 113.1 MeV (1967PO13). See also (1969BR1D).
See (1965GA1B).
See 17N.
See (1964GR08).
The 17O charge radius, rrms = 2.662 ± 0.026 (using a distorted wave approximation), 2.700 ± 0.026 fm (using a Born approximation) (1970SI02). See also (1966DE1K, 1970TI1C).
The angular distribution of elastically scattered protons has been studied at Ep = 11 MeV (1967AL06). At Ep = 29 MeV, the odd parity states 17O*(3.84, 4.55, 5.22, 5.70, 7.75) are strongly populated (R. Mendelson, private communication). See also 18F in (1972AJ02) and (1969IC02; theor.).
The elastic angular distribution has been measured at E(3He) = 17.3 MeV (1968HA30). See also (1969HA1U, 1969MA1G).
See 17F.
See (1963FU06).
Angular distributions have been measured at Ep = 17.6 MeV (1961LE1A, 1963LE03; d0, d1, d2), 18.2 MeV (1967LU05; d0, d1, d2, d3) and at 27 and 31 MeV (R. Mendelson, private communication; d0 → d8 and 17O*(11.08)). 17O*(3.06, 5.38) contain most (> 80%) of the p1/2 and p3/2 hole strength respectively (R. Mendelson). See also (1969IG1A, 1970BO1K, 1970HI15; theor.).
Angular distributions of the tritons corresponding to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.84, 4.55, 5.08, 5.38) have been studied at Ed = 15 MeV (1961AR06). See also (1961VL02) and (1963OG1A, 1963RO12, 1968KA1E, 1970BO1K; theor.).
Angular distributions of alpha particles are reported by (1965WA1D; α0, α1) at E(3He) = 2.68 to 6.47 MeV and by (1969DE06: see Table 17.15 (in PDF or PS)) at E(3He) = 16 MeV. The T = 3/2 states reported by (1969DE06) are displayed in Table 17.15 (in PDF or PS) [the isospin identification is based on the enhanced excitation and the narrow widths of these states]. The branching ratios for transitions to 16O*(0, 6.05) for 17O*(11.08) [the first T = 3/2 state in 17O] and for the analog state in 17F are displayed in Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS): the ratios of the reduced widths are quite different in the two mirror nuclei (1970MC02). See also (1969BA1Z).
Angular distributions of the t0 and t1 groups are reported at En = 14.4 MeV by (1968AN1F, 1968RE07). See also (1964VA1E).
Angular distributions have been measured at Ep = 30.5 MeV (1967CO05, 1968CO1U: to 17O*(0, 0.87)), 40 MeV (1966BR1X, 1966HO1F: to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.06, 3.84)) and 46 MeV (1969HU1H, 1970HU1J: to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.06)). The Ep = 30.5 MeV distributions have been compared by (1968CO1U) with those from the mirror (p, t) reaction.
Observed alpha groups are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) (1951BU1A, 1952WA1A, 1968BI09). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies in the range Ed = 0.3 to 27.5 MeV: see Table 17.16 (in PDF or PS) (1960HU10, 1961CI02, 1962FO02, 1962TA07, 1963HO1F, 1964JA08, 1964MA04, 1965CO07, 1965CO09, 1965ST14, 1966WE04, 1968BI09, 1968PR04, 1968TA02, 1969ME07, 1970BE68). The cross sections for formation of the low-lying states of 17O obey the 2J + 1 rule, when it is cautiously applied: see (1965CO07, 1965CO09, 1968TA1N). Application of this rule, together with the results of reaction 29, leads to Jπ = 5/2- for 17O*(3.84) (1965CO07, 1965CO09). J for 17O*(5.22) is found to be 3/2 (1968BI09). At Ed = 1.2 MeV, the γ-transition (3.06 → 0.87) and (3.84 → 0) are observed: the absence of (3.06 → 0) is consistent with J = 1/2 for 17O*(3.06) (1957MU1A). See also (1960KR02, 1960RI05, 1969LI22, 1970BI1D), (1969DA1L) and (1963MI1E; theor.).
At Eα = 42 MeV, angular distributions are reported for the 6Li ions corresponding to 17O*(0, 0.87) (1968MI05).
At En = 14.1 MeV, angular distributions are reported for the α-particles, corresponding to 17O*(0, 0.87) (1966MC14). See also (1959BE66, 1966CE03, 1969KA1D).