17O (1982AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 17O) GENERAL: See (1977AJ02) and Table 17.7 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Shell model: (1976BA55, 1977DU04, 1977HA1Z, 1977PO16, 1978CH26, 1978KR02, 1979KA06, 1980BR13, 1980VA05). Collective and cluster models: (1978CH26, 1978TA1A, 1978TH1A, 1980FU1G). Special states: (1977HE18, 1977SH18, 1978AL1T, 1978EN1D, 1978TA1A, 1979MA2P, 1979ZA07, 1980CH35, 1980FU1G, 1980HI1C, 1980VA05, 1981TA09). Electromagnetic transitions: (1976MC1G, 1977AL18, 1977AN1L, 1977BR03, 1977HA1Z, 1977HO04, 1978ZA1E, 1979SU1G, 1980CH35). Complex reactions involving 17O: (1976DU04, 1976LE1F, 1977AR06, 1977PE08†, 1977RE1C, 1978KO01, 1978SE1H, 1979SA27, 1980LA1P, 1980OLZW, 1981SH1G).
† See also for spectroscopic factors. Astrophysical questions: (1976BO1M, 1976NO1C, 1977AU1E, 1977CA1K, 1977CO1U, 1977CO1W, 1977DE1N, 1977DI1C, 1977EN1B, 1977NO1E, 1977PR1E, 1977RA1C, 1977TR1D, 1977WA1P, 1978BU1B, 1978CL1F, 1978LE1W, 1978PO1B, 1978ST1C, 1978TR1C, 1979CH1T, 1979JA1M, 1979LA1H, 1979LE1F, 1979PE1E, 1979RO1A, 1979SW1B, 1979WO07, 1980AU1D, 1980CL1B, 1980PE1F, 1980WA1M, 1981GU1D, 1981WI1D, 1981WI1G). Applications: (1978AM1D). Pion and other meson capture and reactions (See also reactions 38 and 68): (1977HO1B, 1977SI01, 1978GA1C, 1979JO08, 1980DO1E, 1981OS04). Other topics: (1976BA55, 1976BI1A, 1976OF1A, 1976SA1H, 1977BA3P, 1977GR16, 1977SH18, 1977SU1H, 1978EN1D, 1978GA1C, 1978KR02, 1978MC04, 1978SH1B, 1979BE1H, 1979BR30, 1979CO10, 1979HE1F, 1979KA06, 1979MA2P, 1979PI10, 1979VA06, 1979ZO1A, 1980HI1C, 1980ZO1A, 1981TA09). Ground state of 17O: (1976DU04, 1976FU06, 1976JO1B, 1976MC1G, 1976SA1H, 1977AN21, 1977BR03, 1977DU04, 1977HA1Z, 1977KO28, 1977NO07, 1977PO16, 1977SH13, 1978AN07, 1978AR1R, 1978AR04, 1978CH26, 1978FO22, 1978HE1D, 1978SL1B, 1978ZA1D, 1979BR17, 1979BR30, 1979SA27, 1979SU1G, 1979VA06, 1980BO04, 1980BR13, 1980CH35, 1980HI1C, 1981AV02, 1981SI1B, 1981TA09, 1981VA1F).
Q = -25.78 mb (1969SC34).
The angular distribution of the α0+1 group has been measured at E(14N) = 27.6 MeV (1964WA1B).
Angular distributions have been studied at E(16O) = 11, 15 and 18 MeV, involving 17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02). The cross section for the population of 17O*(0.87) has been measured for E(16O) = 5.5 to 22 MeV: see (1970BA55, 1977SW05). See also (1979CH12). For astrophysical questions see (1977SW05, 1980CU1E). At E(9Be) = 50 MeV the population of 17O*(5.09, 5.7, 7.6) is also reported (1977ST20).
Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.20 MeV (1966MC05).
Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV (1966MC05).
Angular distributions have been studied for E(6Li) = 3 to 20 MeV (see (1971AJ02)) and at 28 MeV (1980WA1H; p0, p1, p2 and p to 17O*(8.47, 11.8, 12.4)). See also 18F in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 3.24 → 3.64 MeV and at 21.1 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). See also 19F in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).
Angular distributions of the α0 and α1 groups are reported at E(9Be) = 20 MeV (1979JA22) and 16.1, 17.0 and 17.9 MeV (1981DE09; also α2). The yield of α-particles has been studied for E(9Be) = 9.0 to 20 MeV (1981DE09; α to 17O* < 7.5 MeV), 10.5 to 26.3 MeV (1980HU1E; α0) and 17.5 to 26.3 MeV (1978MA44; α0 → α3). See also (1977AJ02), (1979BO1K) and (1980BR05; theor.).
See (1978CH16).
See (1979OR01).
The yield of neutrons increases monotonically for Eα = 0.475 to 1 MeV: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] × 105 MeV · b (1968DA05; Eα = 0.48 to 0.70 MeV), [(4.87 ± 1.28) + (10.86 ± 2.46)E] × 105 MeV · b (1976RA36, 1977RA1C; Eα = 0.60 to 0.90 MeV). Astrophysical considerations are discussed by (1976RA36, 1977CO1U, 1977RA1C) and see (1977AJ02). Yield curves for reaction (a) have been measured for Eα = 1.0 to 22.5 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02) and (1975BE44; αγ6.13; thresh. to 7.2 MeV). Elastic scattering studies [(reaction (b))] have been studied at Eα = 2.0 to 26.6 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 17.8 (in PDF or PS).
For reaction (b) see (1977AJ02). For all three reactions see 16N here, and 14N and 15N in (1981AJ01).
Angular distributions of deuteron groups to many states of 17O have been measured earlier at E(6Li) = 18 and 25.6 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). At E(6Li) = 35.5 MeV angular distributions are reported to 17O*(13.58 ± 0.02) which is strongly populated. Comparisons with 12C(6Li, d)16O*(16.29) and with the results of reaction 13 here suggest that the peak corresponding to 17O*(13.58) contains a state or states of spin 11/2-, 13/2-, or both, based on 16O*(16.29) (1978CL08). (d, α) angular correlations [E(6Li) = 26, 29 and 34 MeV] indicate the involvement of 17O states at 13.6 ± 0.1 [l = 6], 14.15 ± 0.1 [5], 15.1 ± 0.1 [5], 15.95 ± 0.15 [5], 16.6 ± 0.15 [6], 17.1 ± 0.15 [6], 19.6 ± 0.15 [7], 20.2 ± 0.15 [7], 21.2 [7] and 22.1 MeV. Γ ≈ 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.25 and 0.25 MeV for 17O*(14.2, 15.1, 16.0, 19.6, 20.2) (1978AR15). See also (1976ST22; theor.).
Angular distributions of triton groups to many states of 17O have been measured earlier at E(7Li) = 17, 20.5 and 30.1 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). At E(7Li) = 35.7 MeV angular distributions are reported to 17O*(3.06) and to 17O*(13.58) which is preferentially populated (see discusion in reaction 12). Narrow states at Ex = 14.86, 18.17 and 19.24 MeV are also strongly excited (1978CL08). See also (1978MA2G).
At E(13C) = 105 MeV states of 17O with Ex = 3.9, 5.2, 5.8 ± 0.1, 7.2, 7.6, 8.4 ± 0.06, 8.9, 9.8 ± 0.07, 10.55 ± 0.06, 12.1 ± 0.06, 13.3, 14.6 and 18.9 ± 0.14 MeV are reported (1979BR04).
Angular distributions for reaction (a) have been studied at E(16O) = 12 to 25 MeV [17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02)] and at 13 and 14 MeV (1976DU04; see also for rn). For reaction (b) see (1978CH16). See also (1980GO1L, 1980PA04; theor.).
The capture cross sections at 90° for γ0 and for γ1 have been studied for E(3He) = 3.2 to 7.5 MeV and angular distributions of the γ-rays have been studied at the six observed resonances: see Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS) (1976CH04).
See (1977AJ02) and Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS). See also 16N and 16O here, and 13C, 14C and 15N in (1981AJ01).
The upper limits to the decays 3.06 → 0 and 3.84 → 0.87 are, respectively, 2 and 5%. A study of n-γ correlations leads to Jπ = 1/2- and (5/2-) for 17O*(3.06, 3.84) (1964AL11).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(16O) = 20, 25 and 30 MeV (17O*(0, 0.87)): see (1977AJ02). See also (1977WE1H; theor.).
The excitation functions for γ0 and γ1 have been measured for Et = 0.8 to 3.3 MeV: broad resonances are observed at 2.2 and 2.8 MeV in the γ0 cross section, and at 2.4 and 2.8 MeV in the γ1 cross section. Both also exhibit a structure at 1.5 MeV. The data are consistent with states at Ex = 19.76 ± 0.06 [Jπ = 3/2], 20.39 ± 0.05 [5/2, 7/2-], 20.58 ± 0.05 [1/2] and 21.05 ± 0.05 MeV [3/2] with Γ = 0.55 ± 0.05, 0.66 ± 0.07, 0.57 ± 0.08 and 0.47 ± 0.06 MeV, and possibly with a state at ≈ 19.3 MeV. Γγ0 > 1.0, 4.3 and 5.8 eV for 17O*(19.8, 20.4, 21.1) and Γγ1 > 2.3, 5.1 and 6.5 eV for 17O*(19.8, 20.6, 21.1) (1980LO07). For reactions (b) → (e) see (1977AJ02). See also 16N here, and 13C, 14N and 15N in (1981AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured for 17O states with Ex < 7.6 MeV in the range Eα = 8.1 → 33.3 MeV: see a listing of the references in (1971AJ02). The sequential decay [reaction (b)] appears to take place via 17O states with 8.46 ≤ Ex ≤ 13.57 MeV. Those involved are believed to have J ≥ 5/2, Γα/Γ ≥ 0.6 (1969BA17).
At E(6Li) = 18 MeV, the groups in this reaction and the triton groups in the mirror reaction (see reaction 8 in 17F) have been compared: 17O*(3.84, 4.55, 5.22, 5.70 + 5.73) are strongly excited. 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.06, 5.09, 5.38, 5.87 + 5.94, 6.86, 6.97) are also populated (1973BI01). See also (1977MA2G, 1978MA2G).
See (1977MO1A).
See (1977AJ02) [paper quoted there has not been published].
Excitation functions have been measured for a number of neutron groups for Ed = 0.5 to 5.9 MeV: a great deal of unresolved structure is apparent. Polarization measurements are reported for Ed = 1.6 to 5.5 MeV and at 10.0 and 11.8 MeV. See (1977AJ02) for a listing of the work. See also 16O.
Excitation functions have been obtained for Ed = 0.3 to 6.3 MeV: [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ed = 1.4 to 2.7 MeV (1977CA03; p0 → p3). Structures are reported at Ed = 1.8 [p0, p1, p3] and 2.4 MeV [p2] [17O*(15.6, 16.2)] (1977CA03).
Excitation functions for d0 have been measured for Ed = 4.25 to 6.25 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and 1.4 to 2.7 MeV (1977CA03). The latter report structures at ≈ 1.4 and 1.8 MeV.
Yield curves have been measured for Ed = 0.8 to 2.5 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and 1.2 to 2.7 MeV (1976CA28; α0 → α3): structures have been reported at Ed = 1.06 and 1.25 MeV, and at ≈ 1.8 MeV. The latter has Γ ≈ 300 keV (1976CA28).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02). For the parameters of the first T = 3/2 state see Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS).
At Eα = 45.4 MeV, the deuteron spectrum is dominated by the groups corresponding to states with Ex = 7.742 ± 0.020 and 9.137 ± 0.030 MeV. These states are assigned Jπ = (11/2-) and (9/2-) and arise from a dominant (d5/2)25p-11/2 configuration. Angular distributions were measured as well for the deuterons corresponding to 17Og.s. and to states with Ex = 0.87 ± 0.05, 5.22, 5.70, 7.38, 8.46, 8.89 and 9.81 [± 0.03] MeV. In addition the population of 17O*(3.84, 4.55, 8.15 ± 0.03) is also reported (1969LU07).
At E(11B) = 115 MeV angular distributions have been studied to 17O*(5.23, 7.75, 9.18) [Jπ = 9/2-, 11/2-, 9/2-] (1979RA10, 1980PR09). See also (1977AJ02).
At thermal energies the branchings via 17O*(0.87, 3.05) are (18 ± 3) and (82 ± 3)%; Eαγ = 870.89 ± 0.22 keV. The cross section for two-photon emission σ2γ < 3 ± 19μb for 1200 < Eαγ < 2843 keV. The two-photon branching ratio is (1.6 ± 10) × 10-2 (1977MC05). See also (1976LE27; theor.).
The scattering amplitude (bound) a = 5.805 ± 0.005 fm, σfree = 3.761 ± 0.007 b (1979KO26). High resolution cross-section measurements and analyses of the elastic scattering and of the (n, α) and 13C(α, n) data have led to a much better understanding of the 17O structure below Ex = 18.2 MeV: see Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) (1973FO11, 1973JO01, 1980CI03, 1981HI01). (1973JO01) has performed a multi-level two-channel R-matrix analysis. Five states contain nearly 100% of the 1d3/2 strength and have their eigenenergy at Ex ≈ 5.7 MeV [the dominant state is 17O*(5.08)]. Spectroscopic factors are deduced for 26 states in 17O for 4.5 < Ex < 9.5 MeV [see Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02)]: the sum of these factors is 1% for Jπ = 1/2+, 5% for 1/2-, 12% for 3/2-, 99% for 3/2+m 0.1% for 5/2+, 1% for 5/2- and 14% for 7/2- (1973JO01). T = 3/2 resonances are discussed by (1981HI01): see Tables 17.11 (in PDF or PS) and 17.12 (in PDF or PS). Cross-section measurements are listed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) of (1971AJ02) and in (1977AJ02). At En = 23.5 keV, σt = 3.736 ± 0.007 b (1975BI14; elemental O), σt has also been measured with high resolution for En = 4.5 to 8 MeV (1980CI03). At En = 40.3 and 50.4 MeV, σnon is reported for elemntal O (1981ZA03). See also 16O, (1975FI1B, 1978SU1E, 1979LAZQ, 1980FR1K, 1980LA1D, 1980PA10), (1976CI1A, 1976KI1F), (1977LI1N, 1979JO1H; applications) and (1976LE26, 1977BA1N, 1977HO1P, 1977TH09, 1978FE06, 1978LE1H, 1979BA29; theor.).
A number of resonances have been observed in the cross sections for production of 6.13 and (6.92 + 7.12) γ-rays: see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04). For cross-section measurements see Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02), (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04: En = 6.95 to 10.25; γ6.13, γ6.92+7.12). See also (1978YA15).
See (1977AJ02).
For cross sections of reaction (a) see (1977AJ02). See also (1976SL2A). For reaction (b) see 15N in (1981AJ01) and (1976SL2A). For triton emission see (1978QA01).
Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) displays the results from a multi-level two-channel R-matrix analysis of the data from this reaction and from the elastic scattering of neutrons (1973JO01). For cross-section measurements see Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02), (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04; En = 8.06 to 10.25 MeV; γ3.09, γ3.68+3.85). See also (1978SU1D, 1978YA15, 1979ROZV) and (1976SL2A).
At Ep = 185 MeV (1974DA23) and 800 MeV (1979HO1L) angular distributions of pions to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.05) are reported. The cross section for π+ production near threshold has been studied by (1979MA38, 1979MA39). For polarization measurements see (1981SJ1C; to 17O*(0, 0.87)). See also (1979SOZY, 1980SJ1A), (1979JO1C, 1981AU1C) and (1977BR01; theor.).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) of (1977AJ02). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies in the range of Ed = 0.3 to 63.2 MeV: see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) and (1977AJ02), and at Ed = 698 MeV (1981BO03; p0, p1). At Ed = 12 MeV angular distributions are reported for the proton groups to 17O*(0, 0.87, 5.09): Γn for 17O*(5.09) = 97 ± 5 keV (1979AN15). Reported parameters for 17O*(0.87) are τm = 258.6 ± 2.6 psec [see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02)] and Eγ = 870.81 ± 0.22 keV [see (1977AJ02)], Eγ = 870.725 ± 0.020 keV (1980WA24) [Ex = 870.749 ± 0.020 keV (E.K. Warburton, private communication)]. See also 18F in (1983AJ01), (1978RO1M, 1979SO01, 1980FLZU), (1978AM1D, 1978BO1L, 1978HI1E, 1978NI1B; applications), (1977TE1A) and (1976CO29, 1977GR20, 1977KA2D, 1977KO2J, 1977MU04, 1978KA1X, 1979GR11, 1980AM02, 1980AY01, 1980KR18, 1981SH1G; theor.).
The angular distribution of the d0 group has been studied at Et = 5.5 MeV (1961BA10).
See (1977AJ02) and (1979GR11; theor.).
The angular distribution involving 17Og.s. has been studied at E(7Li) = 36 MeV. The population of 17O*(0.87, 3.06, 3.84, 4.55, 5.38) is also reported (1973SC26).
Angular distributions are reported at E(11B) = 115 MeV to 17Og.s. (1979RA10). See also (1977AJ02).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(13C) = 36 MeV [(1976WE21); to 17O*(0.87)] and 105 MeV [(1979RA10); to 17O*(0, 0.87)]. See also (1977AJ02) and (1977DU04, 1980SI12; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1977ZE1A; theor.).
See (1981KO07).
At E(14N) = 79 MeV angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied: an anomaly is observed in the phase behavior of the distribution to the excited state. From this and other studies it is concluded that a multistep process via inelastic scattering is unlikely to occur in the excitation of 2s1/2 states (1976MO03). An angular distribution involving 17O*(0 + 0.87) has also been reported at E(14N) = 155 MeV (1975NA15). See also (1980IZ1B; theor.).
At E(18O) = 42 and 52 MeV, the angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied (1975RE15).
The decay is principally to 17O*(4.55, 5.38, 5.94): see Table 17.2 (in PDF or PS).
Forty-five resonances are reported for Ex up to 26.9 MeV in the differential cross section for (γ, n0). T = 1/2 components of the giant resonance are observed at Ex = 19.8, 21.5 and ≈ 26 MeV (1979JO05; brems.). Monoenergetic photons with Eαγ = 8.5 to 39.7 MeV have been used to measure the (γ, n) and the (γ, 2n) [above 10 MeV] cross sections. The giant dipole resonance, 6 MeV broad, is centered at 23 MeV; a pigmy resonance is also observed at 13 MeV. Most of the GDR strength decays to T = 1 states in 16O: this implies a T = 3/2 assignment for the main part of the GDR. A broad structure, of T = 1/2 nature, with 28 < Ex < 36 MeV is also reported (1980JU01). For radiative widths see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02).
The 17O charge radius, < r2 >1/2 = 2.710 ± 0.015 fm, based on < r217 >1/2/ < r216 >1/2 = 1.0015 ± 0.0025 (1978KI01). (1979MI09) report < r217 >1/2 - < r216 >1/2 = -0.008 ± 0.007 fm. Considerable deviation from single-particle predictions is observed in the elastic scattering for an effective momentum transfer range of 0.55 to 2.8 fm-1 (1979HY01). Inelastic scattering is reported to a number of 17O states: see Tables 17.14 (in PDF or PS) and 17.15 (in PDF or PS). The data of (1977NO06) show a broad dipole resonance centered at 22 - 23 MeV with strength extending down to 10 - 12 MeV. A smaller resonance, with a form factor consistent with C2, is found between Ex = 17.5 and 19.6 MeV (1977NO06). The transitions to 17O*(0.87, 5.08) can be described as single-particle transitions (1978KI01). See also (1980HY1A) and (1978AR04, 1979AR1F, 1979ZA1C, 1980BO04, 1981LI1N; theor.).
See (1977NO07; theor.).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered protons have been measured at a number of energies in the range Ep = 8.6 to 65.8 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ep = 35.2 MeV (1980FA07). See also 18F in (1983AJ01), (1978NO1G, 1978SE08, 1980KE1C, 1981PU1A) and (1976CO29, 1977TO1E, 1978AM05, 1978KA1X, 1979GR11, 1980AM02; theor.).
The angular distribution of elastically scattered deuterons has been studied at Ed = 18 MeV (1976LI01).
Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 11.0 and 17.3 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at E(pol. 3He) = 33.3 MeV (1981LE1H; also polarization; to both 17O*(0, 0.87)). In a study of the (3He, p) reaction, (1978FO22) find 3 - 4% core excitation [3p-2h configuration] in the ground state of 17O. For reaction (b) see (1977KN1E, 1979KN1F). See also (1977MA2E).
For reaction (a) see (1979PAZY; theor.). For fusion cross sections in reaction (b) see (1980WI09, 1981CHZW).
Elastic angular distributions are reported at E(17O) = 30.5 and 33.8 MeV for reaction (a) and 29.8 and 32.3 for reaction (b) [also 17O*(0.87)] (1977CH22, 1978CH03). For fusion cross section measurements see (1978HE18; reaction (a)) and (1980WI09; reactions (a) and (b)). See also (1978PA1B, 1978VA1A, 1979PAZY; theor.).
Angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) in reaction (a) have been studied at E(16O) = 22 to 32 MeV and E(17O) = 25.7 to 32.0 MeV: see (1977AJ02). The elastic scattering angular distribution in reaction (b) has been reported at E(17O) = 36 MeV (1977KA1Y). For fusion cross sections see (1980WI09; reaction (a)). See also (1974FI1D, 1978HO1C) and (1977IM1B, 1979CR03, 1979LE1B, 1979SA27; theor.).
For reaction (a) see (1980PA1H; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1977EI01) for fusion cross sections. See also (1980SA1L) and (1978VA1A; theor.). For reaction (c) see (1980LA05; elastic σ(θ); E(17O) = 61.1 MeV).
See 17F.
See (1976BA41) and 18O in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at a number of energies for Ep = 17.6 to 43.6 MeV [see (1977AJ02)], at Ep = 24.4 MeV (1973PI09; d0 → d7) and at Ep = 51.9 MeV (1977OH02; d0 → d2). See also 19F in (1983AJ01).
Angular distributions of tritons have been measured at Ed = 17 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ed = 17 and 52 MeV: see Table 17.16 (in PDF or PS). Comparisons of the analog reactions (d, t) and (d, 3He) have been made at Ed = 52 MeV (1977MA10): see also reaction 9 in 17N.
The T = 3/2 states reported by (1969DE06) are displayed in Table 17.17 (in PDF or PS) [the isospin identification is based on the enhanced excitation and the narrow widths of these states]. The branching ratios for the various decays of 17O*(11.08) [the lowest T = 3/2 state in 17O] and for the analog state in 17F are displayed in Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS): the decay width of the 17O state is approximately 200 times greater than that of the 17F state (1973AD02).
Angular distributions have been studied at E(18O) = 16 and 20 MeV: see (1977AJ02).
Angular distributions (reaction (a)) have been measured at E(18O) = 20 and 24 MeV: see (1977AJ02). For S-factor measurements see (1974SW04). Cross sections for reaction (b) are several orders of magnitude less than those for reaction (a) for E(18O)cm = 3 → 7.7 MeV (1974SW04).
For reactions (a) and (b) see (1977AJ02). For reaction (c) see (1974SW04).
See (1977KA21). See also (1977AJ02).
The 0.87 MeV γ- ray is observed (1976EN02).
Angular distributions of the t0 and t1 groups are reported at En = 14.4 MeV: see (1977AJ02).
Angular distributions have been reported at Ep = 30.5 and 42.4 MeV: see (1977AJ02). See also 20Ne in (1978AJ03).
Observed α-groups are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) of (1977AJ02). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies in the range Ed = 0.3 to 27.5 MeV: see Table 17.16 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) and 17.14 (in PDF or PS) (1977AJ02). See also (1979AN35).
Angular distributions are reported at Eα = 28 and 42 MeV, involving 17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02).
At En = 14.1 MeV angular distributions of α0 and α1 are reported: see (1977AJ02).
See (1980SI12; theor.).