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17O (1982AJ01)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 17O)

GENERAL: See (1977AJ02) and Table 17.7 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS).

Shell model: (1976BA55, 1977DU04, 1977HA1Z, 1977PO16, 1978CH26, 1978KR02, 1979KA06, 1980BR13, 1980VA05).

Collective and cluster models: (1978CH26, 1978TA1A, 1978TH1A, 1980FU1G).

Special states: (1977HE18, 1977SH18, 1978AL1T, 1978EN1D, 1978TA1A, 1979MA2P, 1979ZA07, 1980CH35, 1980FU1G, 1980HI1C, 1980VA05, 1981TA09).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1976MC1G, 1977AL18, 1977AN1L, 1977BR03, 1977HA1Z, 1977HO04, 1978ZA1E, 1979SU1G, 1980CH35).

Complex reactions involving 17O: (1976DU04, 1976LE1F, 1977AR06, 1977PE08, 1977RE1C, 1978KO01, 1978SE1H, 1979SA27, 1980LA1P, 1980OLZW, 1981SH1G).

See also for spectroscopic factors.

Astrophysical questions: (1976BO1M, 1976NO1C, 1977AU1E, 1977CA1K, 1977CO1U, 1977CO1W, 1977DE1N, 1977DI1C, 1977EN1B, 1977NO1E, 1977PR1E, 1977RA1C, 1977TR1D, 1977WA1P, 1978BU1B, 1978CL1F, 1978LE1W, 1978PO1B, 1978ST1C, 1978TR1C, 1979CH1T, 1979JA1M, 1979LA1H, 1979LE1F, 1979PE1E, 1979RO1A, 1979SW1B, 1979WO07, 1980AU1D, 1980CL1B, 1980PE1F, 1980WA1M, 1981GU1D, 1981WI1D, 1981WI1G).

Applications: (1978AM1D).

Pion and other meson capture and reactions (See also reactions 38 and 68): (1977HO1B, 1977SI01, 1978GA1C, 1979JO08, 1980DO1E, 1981OS04).

Other topics: (1976BA55, 1976BI1A, 1976OF1A, 1976SA1H, 1977BA3P, 1977GR16, 1977SH18, 1977SU1H, 1978EN1D, 1978GA1C, 1978KR02, 1978MC04, 1978SH1B, 1979BE1H, 1979BR30, 1979CO10, 1979HE1F, 1979KA06, 1979MA2P, 1979PI10, 1979VA06, 1979ZO1A, 1980HI1C, 1980ZO1A, 1981TA09).

Ground state of 17O: (1976DU04, 1976FU06, 1976JO1B, 1976MC1G, 1976SA1H, 1977AN21, 1977BR03, 1977DU04, 1977HA1Z, 1977KO28, 1977NO07, 1977PO16, 1977SH13, 1978AN07, 1978AR1R, 1978AR04, 1978CH26, 1978FO22, 1978HE1D, 1978SL1B, 1978ZA1D, 1979BR17, 1979BR30, 1979SA27, 1979SU1G, 1979VA06, 1980BO04, 1980BR13, 1980CH35, 1980HI1C, 1981AV02, 1981SI1B, 1981TA09, 1981VA1F).

μ = -1.89379 ± 0.00009 nm (1978LEZA).

Q = -25.78 mb (1969SC34).

1. 7Li(14N, α)17O Qm = 16.157

The angular distribution of the α0+1 group has been measured at E(14N) = 27.6 MeV (1964WA1B).

2. 9Be(16O, 8Be)17O Qm = 2.479

Angular distributions have been studied at E(16O) = 11, 15 and 18 MeV, involving 17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02). The cross section for the population of 17O*(0.87) has been measured for E(16O) = 5.5 to 22 MeV: see (1970BA55, 1977SW05). See also (1979CH12). For astrophysical questions see (1977SW05, 1980CU1E). At E(9Be) = 50 MeV the population of 17O*(5.09, 5.7, 7.6) is also reported (1977ST20).

3. (a) 10B(7Li, p)16N Qm = 13.989 Qm = 27.770
(b) 10B(7Li, d)15N Qm = 13.723
(c) 10B(7Li, t)14N Qm = 9.147
(d) 10B(7Li, α)13C Qm = 21.4099

Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.20 MeV (1966MC05).

4. (a) 11B(6Li, p)16N Qm = 9.785 Qm = 23.565
(b) 11B(6Li, d)15N Qm = 9.5178
(c) 11B(6Li, t)14N Qm = 4.9418
(d) 11B(6Li, α)13C Qm = 17.205

Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV (1966MC05).

5. 12C(6Li, p)17O Qm = 7.608

Angular distributions have been studied for E(6Li) = 3 to 20 MeV (see (1971AJ02)) and at 28 MeV (1980WA1H; p0, p1, p2 and p to 17O*(8.47, 11.8, 12.4)). See also 18F in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).

6. 12C(7Li, d)17O Qm = 2.582

Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 3.24 → 3.64 MeV and at 21.1 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). See also 19F in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).

7. 12C(9Be, α)17O Qm = 9.733

Angular distributions of the α0 and α1 groups are reported at E(9Be) = 20 MeV (1979JA22) and 16.1, 17.0 and 17.9 MeV (1981DE09; also α2). The yield of α-particles has been studied for E(9Be) = 9.0 to 20 MeV (1981DE09; α to 17O* < 7.5 MeV), 10.5 to 26.3 MeV (1980HU1E; α0) and 17.5 to 26.3 MeV (1978MA44; α0 → α3). See also (1977AJ02), (1979BO1K) and (1980BR05; theor.).

8. 12C(18O, 13C)17O Qm = -3.098

See (1978CH16).

9. 12C(20Ne, 15O)17O Qm = -9.089

See (1979OR01).

10. (a) 13C(α, n)16O Qm = 2.2156 Eb = 6.3599
(b) 13C(α, (α)13C

The yield of neutrons increases monotonically for Eα = 0.475 to 1 MeV: S(E) = [(5.48 ± 1.77) + (12.05 ± 3.91)E] × 105 MeV · b (1968DA05; Eα = 0.48 to 0.70 MeV), [(4.87 ± 1.28) + (10.86 ± 2.46)E] × 105 MeV · b (1976RA36, 1977RA1C; Eα = 0.60 to 0.90 MeV). Astrophysical considerations are discussed by (1976RA36, 1977CO1U, 1977RA1C) and see (1977AJ02). Yield curves for reaction (a) have been measured for Eα = 1.0 to 22.5 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02) and (1975BE44; αγ6.13; thresh. to 7.2 MeV). Elastic scattering studies [(reaction (b))] have been studied at Eα = 2.0 to 26.6 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 17.8 (in PDF or PS).

11. (a) 13C(α, p)16N Qm = -7.421 Eb = 6.3599
(b) 13C(α, d)15N Qm = -7.6874
(c) 13C(α, t)14N Qm = -12.2634

For reaction (b) see (1977AJ02). For all three reactions see 16N here, and 14N and 15N in (1981AJ01).

12. 13C(6Li, d)17O Qm = 4.886

Angular distributions of deuteron groups to many states of 17O have been measured earlier at E(6Li) = 18 and 25.6 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). At E(6Li) = 35.5 MeV angular distributions are reported to 17O*(13.58 ± 0.02) which is strongly populated. Comparisons with 12C(6Li, d)16O*(16.29) and with the results of reaction 13 here suggest that the peak corresponding to 17O*(13.58) contains a state or states of spin 11/2-, 13/2-, or both, based on 16O*(16.29) (1978CL08). (d, α) angular correlations [E(6Li) = 26, 29 and 34 MeV] indicate the involvement of 17O states at 13.6 ± 0.1 [l = 6], 14.15 ± 0.1 [5], 15.1 ± 0.1 [5], 15.95 ± 0.15 [5], 16.6 ± 0.15 [6], 17.1 ± 0.15 [6], 19.6 ± 0.15 [7], 20.2 ± 0.15 [7], 21.2 [7] and 22.1 MeV. Γ ≈ 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.25 and 0.25 MeV for 17O*(14.2, 15.1, 16.0, 19.6, 20.2) (1978AR15). See also (1976ST22; theor.).

13. 13C(7Li, t)17O Qm = 3.893

Angular distributions of triton groups to many states of 17O have been measured earlier at E(7Li) = 17, 20.5 and 30.1 MeV: see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02). At E(7Li) = 35.7 MeV angular distributions are reported to 17O*(3.06) and to 17O*(13.58) which is preferentially populated (see discusion in reaction 12). Narrow states at Ex = 14.86, 18.17 and 19.24 MeV are also strongly excited (1978CL08). See also (1978MA2G).

14. 13C(13C, 9Be)17O Qm = -4.288

At E(13C) = 105 MeV states of 17O with Ex = 3.9, 5.2, 5.8 ± 0.1, 7.2, 7.6, 8.4 ± 0.06, 8.9, 9.8 ± 0.07, 10.55 ± 0.06, 12.1 ± 0.06, 13.3, 14.6 and 18.9 ± 0.14 MeV are reported (1979BR04).

15. (a) 13C(16O, 12C)17O Qm = -0.8021
(b) 13C(18O, 14C)17O Qm = 0.132

Angular distributions for reaction (a) have been studied at E(16O) = 12 to 25 MeV [17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02)] and at 13 and 14 MeV (1976DU04; see also for rn). For reaction (b) see (1978CH16). See also (1980GO1L, 1980PA04; theor.).

16. 14C(3He, γ)17O Qm = 18.7611

The capture cross sections at 90° for γ0 and for γ1 have been studied for E(3He) = 3.2 to 7.5 MeV and angular distributions of the γ-rays have been studied at the six observed resonances: see Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS) (1976CH04).

17. (a) 14C(3He, n)16O Qm = 14.6168 Eb = 18.7611
(b) 14C(3He, p)16N Qm = 4.981
(c) 14C(3He, d)15N Qm = 4.7139
(d) 14C(3He, 3He)14C
(e) 14C(3He, α)13C Qm = 12.4013

See (1977AJ02) and Table 17.9 (in PDF or PS). See also 16N and 16O here, and 13C, 14C and 15N in (1981AJ01).

18. 14C(α, n)17O Qm = -1.8167

The upper limits to the decays 3.06 → 0 and 3.84 → 0.87 are, respectively, 2 and 5%. A study of n-γ correlations leads to Jπ = 1/2- and (5/2-) for 17O*(3.06, 3.84) (1964AL11).

19. 14C(16O, 13C)17O Qm = -4.0322

Angular distributions have been measured at E(16O) = 20, 25 and 30 MeV (17O*(0, 0.87)): see (1977AJ02). See also (1977WE1H; theor.).

20. (a) 14N(t, γ)17O Qm = 18.6233
(b) 14N(t, p)16N Qm = 4.843 Eb = 18.6233
(c) 14N(t, d)15N Qm = 4.5760
(d) 14N(t, t)14N
(e) 14N(t, α)13C Qm = 12.2634

The excitation functions for γ0 and γ1 have been measured for Et = 0.8 to 3.3 MeV: broad resonances are observed at 2.2 and 2.8 MeV in the γ0 cross section, and at 2.4 and 2.8 MeV in the γ1 cross section. Both also exhibit a structure at 1.5 MeV. The data are consistent with states at Ex = 19.76 ± 0.06 [Jπ = 3/2], 20.39 ± 0.05 [5/2, 7/2-], 20.58 ± 0.05 [1/2] and 21.05 ± 0.05 MeV [3/2] with Γ = 0.55 ± 0.05, 0.66 ± 0.07, 0.57 ± 0.08 and 0.47 ± 0.06 MeV, and possibly with a state at ≈ 19.3 MeV. Γγ0 > 1.0, 4.3 and 5.8 eV for 17O*(19.8, 20.4, 21.1) and Γγ1 > 2.3, 5.1 and 6.5 eV for 17O*(19.8, 20.6, 21.1) (1980LO07). For reactions (b) → (e) see (1977AJ02). See also 16N here, and 13C, 14N and 15N in (1981AJ01).

21. (a) 14N(α, p)17O Qm = -1.1908
(b) 14N(α, αp)13C Qm = -7.55063

Angular distributions have been measured for 17O states with Ex < 7.6 MeV in the range Eα = 8.1 → 33.3 MeV: see a listing of the references in (1971AJ02). The sequential decay [reaction (b)] appears to take place via 17O states with 8.46 ≤ Ex ≤ 13.57 MeV. Those involved are believed to have J ≥ 5/2, Γα/Γ ≥ 0.6 (1969BA17).

22. 14N(6Li, 3He)17O Qm = 2.829

At E(6Li) = 18 MeV, the groups in this reaction and the triton groups in the mirror reaction (see reaction 8 in 17F) have been compared: 17O*(3.84, 4.55, 5.22, 5.70 + 5.73) are strongly excited. 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.06, 5.09, 5.38, 5.87 + 5.94, 6.86, 6.97) are also populated (1973BI01). See also (1977MA2G, 1978MA2G).

23. 14N(10B, 7Be)17O Qm = -0.045

See (1977MO1A).

24. 15N(d, γ)17O Qm = 14.0473

See (1977AJ02) [paper quoted there has not been published].

25. 15N(d, n)16O Qm = 9.9029 Eb = 14.0473

Excitation functions have been measured for a number of neutron groups for Ed = 0.5 to 5.9 MeV: a great deal of unresolved structure is apparent. Polarization measurements are reported for Ed = 1.6 to 5.5 MeV and at 10.0 and 11.8 MeV. See (1977AJ02) for a listing of the work. See also 16O.

26. 15N(d, p)16N Qm = 0.267 Eb = 14.0473

Excitation functions have been obtained for Ed = 0.3 to 6.3 MeV: [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ed = 1.4 to 2.7 MeV (1977CA03; p0 → p3). Structures are reported at Ed = 1.8 [p0, p1, p3] and 2.4 MeV [p2] [17O*(15.6, 16.2)] (1977CA03).

27. 15N(d, d)15N Eb = 14.0473

Excitation functions for d0 have been measured for Ed = 4.25 to 6.25 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and 1.4 to 2.7 MeV (1977CA03). The latter report structures at ≈ 1.4 and 1.8 MeV.

28. 15N(d, α)13C Qm = 7.6874 Eb = 14.0473

Yield curves have been measured for Ed = 0.8 to 2.5 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and 1.2 to 2.7 MeV (1976CA28; α0 → α3): structures have been reported at Ed = 1.06 and 1.25 MeV, and at ≈ 1.8 MeV. The latter has Γ ≈ 300 keV (1976CA28).

29. 15N(3He, p)17O Qm = 8.5537

Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02). For the parameters of the first T = 3/2 state see Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS).

30. 15N(α, d)17O Qm = -9.7995

At Eα = 45.4 MeV, the deuteron spectrum is dominated by the groups corresponding to states with Ex = 7.742 ± 0.020 and 9.137 ± 0.030 MeV. These states are assigned Jπ = (11/2-) and (9/2-) and arise from a dominant (d5/2)25p-11/2 configuration. Angular distributions were measured as well for the deuterons corresponding to 17Og.s. and to states with Ex = 0.87 ± 0.05, 5.22, 5.70, 7.38, 8.46, 8.89 and 9.81 [± 0.03] MeV. In addition the population of 17O*(3.84, 4.55, 8.15 ± 0.03) is also reported (1969LU07).

31. 15N(11B, 9Be)17O Qm = -1.769

At E(11B) = 115 MeV angular distributions have been studied to 17O*(5.23, 7.75, 9.18) [Jπ = 9/2-, 11/2-, 9/2-] (1979RA10, 1980PR09). See also (1977AJ02).

32. 16O(n, γ)17O Qm = 4.1443
σcapt. = 202 ± 28 μb (1977MC05).

At thermal energies the branchings via 17O*(0.87, 3.05) are (18 ± 3) and (82 ± 3)%; Eαγ = 870.89 ± 0.22 keV. The cross section for two-photon emission σ2γ < 3 ± 19μb for 1200 < Eαγ < 2843 keV. The two-photon branching ratio is (1.6 ± 10) × 10-2 (1977MC05). See also (1976LE27; theor.).

33. 16O(n, n)16O Eb = 4.1443

The scattering amplitude (bound) a = 5.805 ± 0.005 fm, σfree = 3.761 ± 0.007 b (1979KO26). High resolution cross-section measurements and analyses of the elastic scattering and of the (n, α) and 13C(α, n) data have led to a much better understanding of the 17O structure below Ex = 18.2 MeV: see Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) (1973FO11, 1973JO01, 1980CI03, 1981HI01). (1973JO01) has performed a multi-level two-channel R-matrix analysis. Five states contain nearly 100% of the 1d3/2 strength and have their eigenenergy at Ex ≈ 5.7 MeV [the dominant state is 17O*(5.08)]. Spectroscopic factors are deduced for 26 states in 17O for 4.5 < Ex < 9.5 MeV [see Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02)]: the sum of these factors is 1% for Jπ = 1/2+, 5% for 1/2-, 12% for 3/2-, 99% for 3/2+m 0.1% for 5/2+, 1% for 5/2- and 14% for 7/2- (1973JO01). T = 3/2 resonances are discussed by (1981HI01): see Tables 17.11 (in PDF or PS) and 17.12 (in PDF or PS).

Cross-section measurements are listed in Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) of (1971AJ02) and in (1977AJ02). At En = 23.5 keV, σt = 3.736 ± 0.007 b (1975BI14; elemental O), σt has also been measured with high resolution for En = 4.5 to 8 MeV (1980CI03). At En = 40.3 and 50.4 MeV, σnon is reported for elemntal O (1981ZA03). See also 16O, (1975FI1B, 1978SU1E, 1979LAZQ, 1980FR1K, 1980LA1D, 1980PA10), (1976CI1A, 1976KI1F), (1977LI1N, 1979JO1H; applications) and (1976LE26, 1977BA1N, 1977HO1P, 1977TH09, 1978FE06, 1978LE1H, 1979BA29; theor.).

34. 16O(n, n')16O* Eb = 4.1443

A number of resonances have been observed in the cross sections for production of 6.13 and (6.92 + 7.12) γ-rays: see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04). For cross-section measurements see Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02), (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04: En = 6.95 to 10.25; γ6.13, γ6.92+7.12). See also (1978YA15).

35. 16O(n, 2n)15O Qm = -15.6639 Eb = 4.1443

See (1977AJ02).

36. (a) 16O(n, p)16N Qm = -9.636 Eb = 4.1443
(b) 16O(n, d)15N Qm = -9.9029
(c) 16O(n, t)14N Qm = -14.4790

For cross sections of reaction (a) see (1977AJ02). See also (1976SL2A). For reaction (b) see 15N in (1981AJ01) and (1976SL2A). For triton emission see (1978QA01).

37. 16O(n, α)13C Qm = -2.2156 Eb = 4.1443

Table 17.12 (in PDF or PS) displays the results from a multi-level two-channel R-matrix analysis of the data from this reaction and from the elastic scattering of neutrons (1973JO01). For cross-section measurements see Table 17.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02), (1977AJ02) and (1978NO04; En = 8.06 to 10.25 MeV; γ3.09, γ3.68+3.85). See also (1978SU1D, 1978YA15, 1979ROZV) and (1976SL2A).

38. 16O(p, π+)17O Qm = -136.205

At Ep = 185 MeV (1974DA23) and 800 MeV (1979HO1L) angular distributions of pions to 17O*(0, 0.87, 3.05) are reported. The cross section for π+ production near threshold has been studied by (1979MA38, 1979MA39). For polarization measurements see (1981SJ1C; to 17O*(0, 0.87)). See also (1979SOZY, 1980SJ1A), (1979JO1C, 1981AU1C) and (1977BR01; theor.).

39. 16O(d, p)17O Qm = 1.9197

Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) of (1977AJ02). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies in the range of Ed = 0.3 to 63.2 MeV: see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) and (1977AJ02), and at Ed = 698 MeV (1981BO03; p0, p1). At Ed = 12 MeV angular distributions are reported for the proton groups to 17O*(0, 0.87, 5.09): Γn for 17O*(5.09) = 97 ± 5 keV (1979AN15). Reported parameters for 17O*(0.87) are τm = 258.6 ± 2.6 psec [see Table 17.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02)] and Eγ = 870.81 ± 0.22 keV [see (1977AJ02)], Eγ = 870.725 ± 0.020 keV (1980WA24) [Ex = 870.749 ± 0.020 keV (E.K. Warburton, private communication)].

See also 18F in (1983AJ01), (1978RO1M, 1979SO01, 1980FLZU), (1978AM1D, 1978BO1L, 1978HI1E, 1978NI1B; applications), (1977TE1A) and (1976CO29, 1977GR20, 1977KA2D, 1977KO2J, 1977MU04, 1978KA1X, 1979GR11, 1980AM02, 1980AY01, 1980KR18, 1981SH1G; theor.).

40. 16O(t, d)17O Qm = -2.1130

The angular distribution of the d0 group has been studied at Et = 5.5 MeV (1961BA10).

41. 16O(α, 3He)17O Qm = -16.434

See (1977AJ02) and (1979GR11; theor.).

42. 16O(7Li, 6Li)17O Qm = -3.106

The angular distribution involving 17Og.s. has been studied at E(7Li) = 36 MeV. The population of 17O*(0.87, 3.06, 3.84, 4.55, 5.38) is also reported (1973SC26).

43. 16O(11B, 10B)17O Qm = -7.311

Angular distributions are reported at E(11B) = 115 MeV to 17Og.s. (1979RA10). See also (1977AJ02).

44. (a) 16O(12C, 11C)17O Qm = -14.577
(b) 16O(13C, 12C)17O Qm = -0.802

Angular distributions have been measured at E(13C) = 36 MeV [(1976WE21); to 17O*(0.87)] and 105 MeV [(1979RA10); to 17O*(0, 0.87)]. See also (1977AJ02) and (1977DU04, 1980SI12; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1977ZE1A; theor.).

45. 16O(14C, 13C)17O Qm = -4.032

See (1981KO07).

46. 16O(14N, 13N)17O Qm = -6.409

At E(14N) = 79 MeV angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied: an anomaly is observed in the phase behavior of the distribution to the excited state. From this and other studies it is concluded that a multistep process via inelastic scattering is unlikely to occur in the excitation of 2s1/2 states (1976MO03). An angular distribution involving 17O*(0 + 0.87) has also been reported at E(14N) = 155 MeV (1975NA15). See also (1980IZ1B; theor.).

47. 16O(18O, 17O)17O Qm = -3.900

At E(18O) = 42 and 52 MeV, the angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) have been studied (1975RE15).

48. 17N(β-)17O Qm = 8.680

The decay is principally to 17O*(4.55, 5.38, 5.94): see Table 17.2 (in PDF or PS).

49. (a) 17O(γ, n)16O Qm = -4.1443
(b) 17O(γ, 2n)15O Qm = -19.808
(c) 17O(γ, α)13C Qm = -6.3599

Forty-five resonances are reported for Ex up to 26.9 MeV in the differential cross section for (γ, n0). T = 1/2 components of the giant resonance are observed at Ex = 19.8, 21.5 and ≈ 26 MeV (1979JO05; brems.). Monoenergetic photons with Eαγ = 8.5 to 39.7 MeV have been used to measure the (γ, n) and the (γ, 2n) [above 10 MeV] cross sections. The giant dipole resonance, 6 MeV broad, is centered at 23 MeV; a pigmy resonance is also observed at 13 MeV. Most of the GDR strength decays to T = 1 states in 16O: this implies a T = 3/2 assignment for the main part of the GDR. A broad structure, of T = 1/2 nature, with 28 < Ex < 36 MeV is also reported (1980JU01). For radiative widths see Table 17.13 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02).

50. 17O(e, e)17O

The 17O charge radius, < r2 >1/2 = 2.710 ± 0.015 fm, based on < r217 >1/2/ < r216 >1/2 = 1.0015 ± 0.0025 (1978KI01). (1979MI09) report < r217 >1/2 - < r216 >1/2 = -0.008 ± 0.007 fm. Considerable deviation from single-particle predictions is observed in the elastic scattering for an effective momentum transfer range of 0.55 to 2.8 fm-1 (1979HY01). Inelastic scattering is reported to a number of 17O states: see Tables 17.14 (in PDF or PS) and 17.15 (in PDF or PS). The data of (1977NO06) show a broad dipole resonance centered at 22 - 23 MeV with strength extending down to 10 - 12 MeV. A smaller resonance, with a form factor consistent with C2, is found between Ex = 17.5 and 19.6 MeV (1977NO06). The transitions to 17O*(0.87, 5.08) can be described as single-particle transitions (1978KI01). See also (1980HY1A) and (1978AR04, 1979AR1F, 1979ZA1C, 1980BO04, 1981LI1N; theor.).

51. 17O(n, n)17O

See (1977NO07; theor.).

52. 17O(p, p)17O

Angular distributions of elastically scattered protons have been measured at a number of energies in the range Ep = 8.6 to 65.8 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ep = 35.2 MeV (1980FA07). See also 18F in (1983AJ01), (1978NO1G, 1978SE08, 1980KE1C, 1981PU1A) and (1976CO29, 1977TO1E, 1978AM05, 1978KA1X, 1979GR11, 1980AM02; theor.).

53. 17O(d, d)17O

The angular distribution of elastically scattered deuterons has been studied at Ed = 18 MeV (1976LI01).

54. (a) 17O(3He, 3He)17O
(b) 17O(α, α)17O

Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 11.0 and 17.3 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at E(pol. 3He) = 33.3 MeV (1981LE1H; also polarization; to both 17O*(0, 0.87)). In a study of the (3He, p) reaction, (1978FO22) find 3 - 4% core excitation [3p-2h configuration] in the ground state of 17O. For reaction (b) see (1977KN1E, 1979KN1F). See also (1977MA2E).

55. (a) 17O(9Be, 9Be)17O
(b) 17O(10B, 10B)17O

For reaction (a) see (1979PAZY; theor.). For fusion cross sections in reaction (b) see (1980WI09, 1981CHZW).

56. (a) 17O(12C, 12C)17O
(b) 17O(13C, 13C)17O

Elastic angular distributions are reported at E(17O) = 30.5 and 33.8 MeV for reaction (a) and 29.8 and 32.3 for reaction (b) [also 17O*(0.87)] (1977CH22, 1978CH03). For fusion cross section measurements see (1978HE18; reaction (a)) and (1980WI09; reactions (a) and (b)). See also (1978PA1B, 1978VA1A, 1979PAZY; theor.).

57. (a) 17O(16O, 16O)17O
(b) 17O(18O, 18O)17O

Angular distributions involving 17O*(0, 0.87) in reaction (a) have been studied at E(16O) = 22 to 32 MeV and E(17O) = 25.7 to 32.0 MeV: see (1977AJ02). The elastic scattering angular distribution in reaction (b) has been reported at E(17O) = 36 MeV (1977KA1Y). For fusion cross sections see (1980WI09; reaction (a)). See also (1974FI1D, 1978HO1C) and (1977IM1B, 1979CR03, 1979LE1B, 1979SA27; theor.).

58. (a) 17O(24Mg, 24Mg)17O
(b) 17O(27Al, 27Al)17O
(c) 17O(40Ca, 40Ca)17O

For reaction (a) see (1980PA1H; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1977EI01) for fusion cross sections. See also (1980SA1L) and (1978VA1A; theor.). For reaction (c) see (1980LA05; elastic σ(θ); E(17O) = 61.1 MeV).

59. 17F(β+)17O Qm = 2.762

See 17F.

60. 18O(γ, n)17O Qm = -8.0446

See (1976BA41) and 18O in (1978AJ03, 1983AJ01).

61. 18O(p, d)17O Qm = -5.820

Angular distributions have been measured at a number of energies for Ep = 17.6 to 43.6 MeV [see (1977AJ02)], at Ep = 24.4 MeV (1973PI09; d0 → d7) and at Ep = 51.9 MeV (1977OH02; d0 → d2). See also 19F in (1983AJ01).

62. 18O(d, t)17O Qm = -1.787

Angular distributions of tritons have been measured at Ed = 17 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at Ed = 17 and 52 MeV: see Table 17.16 (in PDF or PS). Comparisons of the analog reactions (d, t) and (d, 3He) have been made at Ed = 52 MeV (1977MA10): see also reaction 9 in 17N.

63. 18O(3He, α)17O Qm = 12.533

The T = 3/2 states reported by (1969DE06) are displayed in Table 17.17 (in PDF or PS) [the isospin identification is based on the enhanced excitation and the narrow widths of these states]. The branching ratios for the various decays of 17O*(11.08) [the lowest T = 3/2 state in 17O] and for the analog state in 17F are displayed in Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS): the decay width of the 17O state is approximately 200 times greater than that of the 17F state (1973AD02).

64. 18O(9Be, 10Be)17O Qm = -1.233

Angular distributions have been studied at E(18O) = 16 and 20 MeV: see (1977AJ02).

65. (a) 18O(10B, 11B)17O Qm = 3.411
(b) 18O(11B, 12B)17O Qm = -4.675

Angular distributions (reaction (a)) have been measured at E(18O) = 20 and 24 MeV: see (1977AJ02). For S-factor measurements see (1974SW04). Cross sections for reaction (b) are several orders of magnitude less than those for reaction (a) for E(18O)cm = 3 → 7.7 MeV (1974SW04).

66. (a) 18O(12C, 13C)17O Qm = -3.098
(b) 18O(13C, 14C)17O Qm = 0.132
(c) 18O(14N, 15N)17O Qm = 2.789

For reactions (a) and (b) see (1977AJ02). For reaction (c) see (1974SW04).

67. 18O(18O, 19O)17O Qm = -4.088

See (1977KA21). See also (1977AJ02).

68. 19F(π-, 2n)17O Qm = 122.747

The 0.87 MeV γ- ray is observed (1976EN02).

69. 19F(n, t)17O Qm = -7.5560

Angular distributions of the t0 and t1 groups are reported at En = 14.4 MeV: see (1977AJ02).

70. 19F(p, 3He)17O Qm = -8.320

Angular distributions have been reported at Ep = 30.5 and 42.4 MeV: see (1977AJ02). See also 20Ne in (1978AJ03).

71. 19F(d, α)17O Qm = 10.033

Observed α-groups are displayed in Table 17.14 (in PDF or PS) of (1977AJ02). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies in the range Ed = 0.3 to 27.5 MeV: see Table 17.16 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) and 17.14 (in PDF or PS) (1977AJ02). See also (1979AN35).

72. 19F(α, 6Li)17O Qm = -12.340

Angular distributions are reported at Eα = 28 and 42 MeV, involving 17O*(0, 0.87): see (1977AJ02).

73. 20Ne(n, α)17O Qm = -0.587

At En = 14.1 MeV angular distributions of α0 and α1 are reported: see (1977AJ02).

74. 29Si(16O, 28Si)17O Qm = -4.330

See (1980SI12; theor.).