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18O (1983AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 18O) GENERAL: See also (1978AJ03) and Table 18.2 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Shell model: (1977AN1P, 1977GR16, 1977SO11, 1977ZH1A, 1978CH26, 1978CO08, 1978DA1N, 1978MA2H, 1978MO06, 1978RU02, 1979DA15, 1979WU06, 1980GO01, 1980KU05, 1980MA18, 1981EL1D, 1982KI02, 1982OL01). Cluster, collective and deformed models: (1977BU22, 1978BU03, 1978CH26, 1978PI1E, 1978RU02, 1978SA15, 1979SA31, 1980BA1T, 1980ZH01). Electromagnetic transitions and giant resonances: (1976MC1G, 1977BU22, 1977HA1Z, 1978BU03, 1978MO06, 1978SA15, 1979KO07, 1979SA31, 1980BA1T, 1980BR08, 1980BR09, 1980KO1L, 1980KU05, 1980MI1G, 1982LA26). Special states: (1977AN1P, 1977GR16, 1977HE18, 1977SH18, 1978AN1P, 1978BA10, 1978BU03, 1978EN1D, 1978FO18, 1978KR1G, 1978MA2H, 1978MO06, 1978PI1E, 1978SA15, 1978ZA04, 1979BA35, 1979CHZL, 1979DA15, 1979KO07, 1979KU04, 1979SA31, 1979ZA07, 1980GO01, 1980MA18, 1980SH1K, 1981AR1D, 1981EL1D, 1981SO03, 1982KI02, 1982NA03, 1982ZH1D). Astrophysical questions: (1977AU1E, 1977CA1K, 1977CL1C, 1977CO1W, 1977DE1N, 1977DI1C, 1977EN1B, 1977SI1F, 1977TR1D, 1977WA1P, 1978CL1F, 1978LE1W, 1978PO1B, 1978TR05, 1978TR1C, 1979CH1T, 1979GU1D, 1979JA1M, 1979LA1H, 1979LE1F, 1979PE1E, 1979RO1A, 1979TU1A, 1979WO07, 1980CL1B, 1980MC1G, 1980PE1F, 1980WA1M, 1981BL1J, 1981GU1D, 1981PE1F, 1981WE1F, 1981WI1D, 1981WI1G, 1981WO1B). Applied work: (1977EP1A, 1977GR1L, 1977SH1E, 1978AM1D, 1978EM1A, 1978HA2B, 1979JU1D, 1979LE1L, 1980SI1G, 1981BU1B). Complex reactions involving 18O: (1977LO1K, 1978FO05, 1978FR19, 1978FR1B, 1978KO01, 1978LI1F, 1978SH18, 1978SP1D, 1978TA15, 1979AL22, 1979FE06, 1979HE1D, 1979LA16, 1979PO08, 1979SA27, 1980BR09, 1980OLZW, 1981GR08). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1977BA1P, 1980BA36). Pion capture and reactions (See also reaction 29.): (1977AL2B, 1977BA2G, 1977BO1E, 1977EI1A, 1977LE16, 1977MI1E, 1977PE12, 1977SP1B, 1977ST27, 1978IV01, 1978JA13, 1978LE1Y, 1978LU09, 1978OS02, 1978SE07, 1978SP07, 1979AB1H, 1979AL1J, 1979AR1M, 1979CO1H, 1979GO1X, 1979GR18, 1979IN1A, 1979IV03, 1979LE1Q, 1979LU09, 1979MO2C, 1979OS05, 1979SE08, 1980AR1E, 1980AS1A, 1980BR08, 1980BR09, 1980DE24, 1980FR09, 1980GE09, 1980JO06, 1980KA1L, 1980LE04, 1980LI1H, 1980LI1L, 1980NA1D, 1980SA04, 1980SC24, 1980TH01, 1981BE31, 1981FR17, 1981KA1N, 1981LI04, 1981LI1J, 1981LI1L, 1981LI1M, 1981LI1Q, 1981LI1W, 1981MI09, 1981OS1F, 1981RI1A, 1981TH1B, 1982DE1K, 1982GR02, 1982GR1F, 1982IN1A, 1982TH1C). K-mesons and other meson interactions: (1980DO1E, 1981BA1H, 1981MA27, 1982BA1R). Anti-proton interactions: (1977BA1W, 1977WE1E, 1978PO02). Other topics: (1977AN1P, 1977GR16, 1977SH18, 1977SO11, 1978AN1P, 1978CO08, 1978DA03, 1978EN1D, 1978GA1C, 1978GO1U, 1978KR1G, 1978MA2H, 1978SH1B, 1979BA35, 1979BR30, 1979CO10, 1979CO09, 1979GO1W, 1979HE1F, 1979KU04, 1979WU06, 1980GO01, 1980ZH01, 1981AR1D, 1981BE31, 1981EL1D, 1981MA27, 1981SH17, 1981SO03, 1982BA1R, 1982KI02, 1982LA02, 1982NA03). Ground and 1.98 MeV states of 18O: (1976MC1G, 1977BA2E, 1977GO18, 1977HA1Z, 1978AN07, 1978CH26, 1978FO05, 1978HE1D, 1978LE1X, 1978RU02, 1978SM02, 1978TA09, 1979BR17, 1979BR30, 1979KO07, 1979KO28, 1979SA27, 1979WU06, 1980BA36, 1980BR09, 1980BR13, 1980DE24, 1980MA18, 1980MO05, 1981AR1D, 1981AV02, 1981SI1B, 1982LA02, 1982ZH1D).
g = -0.35 ± 0.04 (1975FO03, 1975SP03); Q = -0.023 ± 0.021 b · e (1979FE06) [(1981SP07) adopts -0.02 ± 0.03 b · e]; B(E2; 0+ → 2+) = 39.0 ± 1.8 e2 · fm4 (1979FE06) (Assuming destructive interference (see (1979KO28)) from the coupling through the second 2+ state. See however the discussion in (1982BA06).); = 44.8 ± 1.3 e2 · fm4 (1982NO04); = 47.6 ± 1.0 e2 · fm4 (1982BA06).
Yield measurements are reported at a number of energies for E(9Be) = 3.0 to 16.0 MeV (1977YO02).
Cross sections to various of the final states have been measured at E(7Li) = 5.00 MeV (1966MC05).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 18.4 (in PDF or PS). See also (1978AJ03). (1978FO18) suggests that an unresolved 0+ state at Ex = 7.11 MeV and the 2+, 4+ and 6+ states at 3.21, 10.29 and 12.53 MeV are 6p - 4h states.
See (1979OR01).
See (1978AJ03).
Angular distributions for α0 and α1 [reaction (a)] have been measured at E(9Be) = 27.9 MeV (1980BO21). For yields see (1981PO05). For reaction (b) see (1982CH05).
Angular distributions for the transitions to 18O*(0, 1.98) are reported at E(17O) = 29.8 and 32.3 MeV (1978CH16).
Resonances in the yields of capture γ-rays [reaction (a)] are observed at Eα = 1.14, 1.79, 2.09, 2.33, 2.44, 2.55 and 2.64 MeV: see (1978AJ03) and (1982GA1D). Gamma-ray angular distribution and correlation measurements lead to Jπ = 4+, 1-, 1- and 5- for 18O*(7.12, 7.62, 8.04, 8.13), as well as to Jπ assignments for lower states involved in the cascade decay: see Tables 18.3 (in PDF or PS) and 18.5 (in PDF or PS). See also (1980SP1B; astrophys.) and (1978AJ03). Observed anomalies in the scattering [reaction(b)] for Eα = 2 to 8.2 MeV are shown in Table 18.5 (in PDF or PS). The yield of elastic scattering has been measured up to Eα = 16.5 MeV (1970MO13). See also 14C in (1981AJ01).
The relative neutron yield has been measured for Eα = 2.3 to 8.5 MeV: the parameters of observed resonances are displayed in Table 18.5 (in PDF or PS).
At E(6Li) = 34 MeV the spectra are dominated by the groups to 18O*(5.10, 7.12) [Jπ = 3-, 4+]. Angular distributions, analyzed in terms of HF and FRDWBA, are reported for 18O*(0, 1.98, 3.55 + 3.63, 3.92, 4.46, 5.10, 5.26 + 5.34, 6.2, 7.12, 7.62, 7.86, 8.14, 8.29, 8.9, 10.12, 10.30, 11.39 + 11.41, 11.62 + 11.69, 12.04, 12.25 + 12.23, 12.53, 14.6, 17.0). Differential cross sections are also reported for 18O*(9.36 + 9.41, 10.91 + 10.99, 11.13, 12.9). Jπ = 4+, 2+, 2+, (4+), and (4+) are suggested for 18O*(7.86, 8.9, 12.04, 14.6, 17.0). The results indicate that 18O*(5.26, 7.12, 11.69) are the 2+, 4+ and 6+ members of the Kπ = 0+2 rotational band based on 18O*(3.63) (1981CU07). See also (1982AR1F).
At E(7Li) = 20.4 MeV, triton groups are observed corresponding to a number of states of 18O with Ex < 12.6 MeV. Angular distributions were obtained for some of these, including 18O*(0, 1.98, 7.12, 11.69) with Jπ = 0+, 2+, 4+, 6+. The latter two are the most strongly populated in this reaction: they appear to be part of the ground-state rotational band (1970MO17). See also (1978FO16; theor.).
Angular distributions at E(16O) = 20, 25 and 30 MeV have been studied by (1973SC24, 1975SC35). See also (1978KA23; theor.).
See (1978AJ03).
For reaction (a) see 19F. The work reported in (1978AJ03) for reaction (b) has not been published.
At E(13C) = 105 MeV 18O*(11.06, 11.79) [Jπ = (7-), (6-)] are relatively strongly populated (1979RA10). See also (1977FO1E).
Proton groups corresponding to states of 18O are displayed in Table 18.6 (in PDF or PS) (1981CO13). Angular distributions have been measured at many energies up to Et = 15 MeV: see (1978AJ03) and Table 18.6 (in PDF or PS). Analysis of spectroscopic factors suggest that 18O*(5.34) [0+3] is largely (s1/2)2 while 18O*(3.63) [0+2] has a dominantly collective nature as does 18O*(5.25) [2+3] (1974FO14, 1976LA13): see (1976LA13) for a general discussion of the properties of the states of 18O. Lifetime measurements are reported in Table 18.4 (in PDF or PS) of (1978AJ03). See also (1977CI1D, 1979PI01) and (1977PI10, 1978PI10, 1979PI10; theor.).
At Eα = 65 MeV, the angular distribution to 18O*(3.55) [Jπ = 4+] has been studied. In addition 18O*(8.04, 9.15, 10.3) are also populated (1978JA10).
At E(10B) = 100 MeV, reaction (a) preferentially populates 18O*(3.55) [first (d5/2)24+ state]. 18O*(1.98, 5.26, 7.12, 8.0, 8.3, 9.1) are also populated (1978HA10). For reaction (b) see (1978AJ03). At E(13C) = 105 MeV [reaction (c)] the angular distribution to 18O*(3.55) has been measured (1979RA10, 1980PR09). For reaction (d) see (1979HAYV).
The thermal capture cross section of 17O is 538 ± 65 μb (1979LOZK; prelim.).
The scattering amplitude (bound) a = 5.62 ± 0.45 fm, σfree = 3.55 ± 0.25 b (1979KO26). See also (1981MA16) and (1978AJ03, 1981MUZQ).
See (1978AJ03).
The thermal cross section is 235 ± 10 mb: see (1973MU14).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 18.7 (in PDF or PS). Proton-γ coincidence measurements are shown in Table 18.3 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977PE08, 1978AJ03) and (1979SA31; theor.).
Angular distributions [reaction (a)] involving 18O*(0, 1.98, 3.55) have been studied at E(12C) = 115 MeV (1980PR09). For reaction (b) see (1972AJ02).
The transitions observed in the β- decay are displayed in Table 18.8 (in PDF or PS) (1982OL01).
The cross sections for the (γ, p), (γ, n), (γ, 2n) and (γ, tot) [tot = total absorption] have been measured with monoenergetic photons to 42 MeV: observed resonances are displayed in Table 18.9 (in PDF or PS). All three of the partial cross sections have substantial strength in the giant resonance region; the (γ, 2n) cross section is a significant fraction of σ(γ, tot) and is even larger than σ(γ, p). Above the GDR the partial cross sections decrease but the integrated σ(γ, tot) between 29 and 42 MeV is about one-third of the value integrated from threshold to 42 MeV. The relative strengths of partial cross sections leads to the T assignments shown in Table 18.8 (in PDF or PS). The T< and T> components of the 18O photo absorption cross section are also derived (1979WO04). Structures in the (γ, α0) cross section are reported at Ex = 18.2, 20.9, 22.1 and 24.2 MeV (1982BA03; Ebrems.). See also (1980PY01). The decay of the GDR to 14C, 15N, 16O, 17N and 17O states has been studied by (1976BA41, 1982BA03). See also (1978AJ03) for the earlier work, (1979BE1X) and (1981BA04; theor.).
The γ0 width of 18O*(6.20) is 0.18 ± 0.03 eV, assuming Γγ0/Γ = 0.88; Ex = 6202.7 ± 0.8 keV (1974HA15).
The 18O charge radius, < r2 >1/2 = 2.784 ± 0.020 fm, based on studies of the elastic charge form factors for Ee = 70 to 370 MeV, the resulting determination of the difference in the 18O and 16O radii [+0.074 ± 0.005 fm] (1979MI09) and the rms radius of 16O quoted in (1982AJ01). [The Δr from muon studies is 0.076 ± 0.005 fm (1980BA36)]. See also (1982NO04). For earlier values see (1978AJ03). Inelastic scattering has been reported to 18O*(1.98, 3.55, 3.63, 3.92, 5.10, 5.26, 5.34, 7.12, 7.86) [see (1978AJ03, 1982NO04)], to states at Ex = 11.6, 12.1, 12.5, 14.8, 15.8, 18.0 and 20.8 MeV (most probable assignments 2+) [or (2+, 4+) for the 11.6 and 12.5 MeV levels] (1980AN17: Ee = 80 to 166 MeV). [Several weak and broad bumps are also reported at Ex = 31.2, 34.0 and 36.8 MeV, and some transverse contributions are suggested in the range 14.8 to 21.8 MeV (1980AN17). In addition to determining the form factors at 90° and 160° in the range 0.6 ≤ q ≤ 2.7 fm-1 for the 0+ states 18O*(3.63, 5.34), the 2+ states 18O*(1.98, 3.92, 5.26) and the 4+ states 18O*(3.55, 7.12, 7.86). (1982NO04) report transition charge density parameters for 18O*(1.98, 3.92, 5.26, 7.11) as well as B(EL; 0+1 → L+). The B(E2) are 44.8 ± 1.3, 22.2 ± 1.0 and 28.3 ± 1.5 e2 · fm4 for 18O*(1.98, 3.92, 5.26) and the B(E4) = (9.04 ± 0.90) × 102 and (1.31 ± 0.06) × 104 e2 · fm8 for 18O*(3.55, 7.12) (1982NO04). At Ee = 45 to 59 MeV sharp states are observed at Ex = 16.38 and 18.86 ± 0.01 MeV (≤ 30 and ≤ 60 keV). It is suggested that both are T = 2 states with the first the analog of the ground state of 18N. B(M2)(uparrow) = 58 ± 8 μ2k · fm2 and B(M1)(uparrow) = 0.28 ± 0.04 μ2k for 18O*(16.38, 18.86). In addition a structure at Ex = 23.7 MeV is also reported (1980AN18). See also (1981RI1A, 1982BE1J, 1982RI1B) and (1981PE1C; theor.).
Angular distributions for the elastic scattering and the inelastic scattering to 18O*(1.98) have been studied at Eπ± = 29.2 MeV (1979JO08), 163 MeV (1978JA13; also to 18O*(5.10)), 180 MeV (1978LU09) and 164 and 230 MeV (1978IV01, 1979IV03; also to 18O*(5.10)). See also (1982SEZZ). The ratio σ(π-)/σ(π+) for the 2+ state is 1.86 ± 0.16 while for the 3- state it is 0.89 ± 0.06. An optical model analysis leads to < r2n >1/2 - < r2p >1/2 = 0.03 ± 0.03 fm (1979IV03). (1979JO08) report < r2n >1/2 = 2.81 ± 0.03 fm. The inclusive inelastic scattering and true absorption cross sections have been measured at Eπ± = 165 MeV and Eπ+ = 315 MeV (1980NA10). See also the "GENERAL" section here.
Angular distributions have been measured at En = 24 MeV (1980GR15; n0, n1 and n to 18O*(5.10): deformation and isospin effects are discussed). See also Table 18.8 (in PDF or PS) in (1972AJ02) and (1981DI1C; theor.).
Angular distributions have been measured for Ep = 0.84 to 135 MeV: see (1978AJ03) and (1979MU05; 6.1 - 16.6 MeV; p0, p1 [and p to 18O*(3.55, 5.09, 7.11) at 16.2 MeV]), (1980FA06, 1980FA07; 17.7 - 44.1 MeV; p0), (1978NO1G, 1980KE1C, 1981KE1B; 135 MeV; all abstracts) and (1981GL1B; Epol. p = 800 MeV; p0, p1, p4, p5, p6 and p to 18O*(7.12)). At Ep = 24.5 MeV (1974ES02) have studied the angular distributions of the proton groups to 18O*(1.98, 3.55, 3.63, 3.92, 4.46, 5.10, 5.26, 5.53, 7.12): a modified DWBA analysis leads to Jπ = 2+, 4+, 0+, 2+, 1-, 3-, 2+, 2- and 4+ for these states. A coupled-channels calculation suggests β2 = 0.37 ± 0.03, 0.56 ± 0.06 and 0.18 ± 0.04 for 18O*(1.98, 5.10, 7.12). Such calculations also support evidence for a rotational band involving 18O*(0, 1.98, 7.12). The 3- state at 5.10 MeV is strongly excited and collective in nature: B(E3) = 1120 e2 · fm6. For 18O*(1.98, 3.92, 5.26), B(E2) = 45, 8.3 and 24 e2 · fm4 (1974ES02). 18O*(1.98) has |g| = 0.287 ± 0.015 [τm = 2.99 ± 0.12 psec] (1976AS04). 18O*(3.55) has |g| = 0.62 ± 0.10 suggesting a mainly (d5/2)2 configuration for this state (1974BE63). The work on T = 2 states reported earlier has not been published: see (1978AJ03). For polarization measurements see 19F. See also (1978DI13) and (1978KU03, 1978MO06, 1981PI11; theor.).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered deuterons have been measured for Ed = 7.0 to 15.0 MeV (also d1 at 15 MeV): see (1978AJ03) and (1979ST21; Ed-bar ≈ 10 MeV; d0). See (1972AJ02) for the population of other states of 18O and see 20F.
The elastic scattering has been studied at Et = 6.4 and 7.2 MeV (1964PU01).
The elastic scattering has been studied at E(3He) = 11.0 to 17.3 MeV [see (1972AJ02)] and at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV (1981LE1H; also inelastic to 18O*(1.98) and analyzing powers) and E(3He) = 41 MeV (1980TR02). See also (1981CO15; theor.).
Angular distributions of many α-groups have been measured in the range Eα = 21 to 40.5 MeV: see (1978AJ03). The transitions to 18O*(4.46, 5.10) are L = 1 and 3, respectively, fixing Jπ = 1- and 3- for these states (1966HA19). Measurements of α-groups near 180° for Eα = 20.0 to 23.4 MeV confirm assignments of natural parity for 18O*(1.98, 3.55, 3.63, 3.92, 4.46, 5.10, 5.26, 5.34, 6.20, 6.40, 7.12, 7.62, 7.86, 8.22, 8.29, 8.82, 8.96, 9.03, 9.10, 9.36, 9.41, 9.68, 9.72 ± 0.03, 9.88, 10.12, 10.29, 10.40, 11.62, 11.69). The levels at Ex = 5.38, 8.48 and 8.64 MeV were not observed, and those at 5.53, 6.35 and 6.88 MeV were populated weakly indicating unnatural parity: Jπ = 3+ and 2- respectively for 18O*(5.38, 5.53) (1971OL06). Alpha-gamma correlation measurements involving 18O states below Ex = 6.4 MeV [see Table 18.3 (in PDF or PS)] lead to Jπ = 1- and 3- for 18O*(6.20, 6.40). Other Jπ values agree with previous assignments. The transitions 3.92 → 1.98 and 5.26 → 1.98 are almost pure M1 (1971BE45). For τm measurements see Table 18.4 (in PDF or PS) in (1978AJ03). 18O*(1.98) has a negative g-factor (1975FO03), |g| = 0.35 ± 0.04 (1975SP03). See also (1977MA2E, 1979KN1F) and (1981CA1E, 1981LA1G; theor.).
An elastic angular distribution has been measured at E(6Li) = 32 MeV (1975WH01). For reaction (b) see (1972AJ02).
See (1971KN05).
An elastic angular distribution has been reported at E(11B) = 115 MeV (1980PR09). For reaction (a) see (1971KN05). See also (1979HU1B; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been studied at E(18O) = 32.3 and 35 MeV (1978CH03) and 47.5, 55 and 57.5 MeV (1976WE05) for reaction (a) and at E(18O) = 31 MeV for reaction (b) (1978CH03). Yields and fusion cross sections are reported by (1976SP07, 1978CH03, 1978CO07, 1978FR05, 1979CH07, 1979KO20, 1980WI09). See also (1979DAZK, 1979EN1F, 1979GAZV, 1981HEZW), (1978LE1T, 1978TS04) and (1978BI1G, 1978VA1A, 1979KR07, 1979NA03, 1980CH1J, 1980LE11, 1980LO02, 1980VA03, 1981HA18; theor.).
Angular distributions have been measured at many energies for E(16O) = 24 to 54.5 MeV and E(18O) = 25 to 52 MeV, involving besides 18Og.s., 18O*(1.98, 3.55 + 3.63, 3.92, 4.46, 5.10, 7.12) at some energies [see (1978AJ03)], and at E(18O) = 35 MeV (1981CA1E; to 18O*(0, 1.98, 4.46, 5.10)). At E(18O) = 126 MeV 18O*(9.0) is relatively strongly populated (1979RA10). For yield measurements see (1978FR05). See also (1974FI1D, 1978HO1C) and (1978LE16, 1981CA09, 1981LA16; theor.).
Angular distributions involving 18O*(0, 1.98) are reported at E(17O) = 36 MeV (1977KA1Y). Angular distributions [reaction (b)] have been studied at E(18O) = 42 and 52 MeV [see (1978AJ03)] and at E(18O) = 20 to 36 MeV (1977KA21; to 18O*(0, 1.98), the latter from 24 MeV). 18O*(3.55 + 3.63, 4.46, 5.10, 7.12) are also populated: see (1978AJ03). For yield measurements [reaction (b)] see (1977KA21). See also (1979GAZV) and (1978CH10, 1978VO06, 1978VO13, 1981CA09, 1982LA04; theor.).
The elastic scattering has been studied at E(19F) = 27, 30 and 33 MeV (1973GA14). See also (1979GAZV).
Angular distributions are reported at E(18O) = 29 and 35 MeV to 18O*(0, 1.98) (1978CA07). For fusion measurements see (1978TA05, 1981RAZN). See also (1980RA1F).
For fusion measurements see (1977EI01, 1979RA21). See also (1980MI1B, 1980SA1L, 1981TA16, 1981WUZZ), (1977SC1G) and (1978VA1A; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions are reported at E(18O) = 36 MeV (1973GA09, 1977EC04), 40 MeV (1978CA07) and 56 MeV (1979ME04, 1979ME12). For fusion measurements see (1979RA21, 1981WUZZ). See also (1979SA27; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1982DA07, 1982LA02; theor.).
See 18F.
In reaction (a) 18O*(1.98, 3.63) are involved: see (1978AJ03), (1979KE1B, 1979TH05) and 19F. Proton spectra [reaction (b)] have been measured for Ee = 15 to 26 MeV (1975TS03): see 19F.
Angular distributions have been measured at En = 14 to 14.4 MeV: see (1972AJ02). Gamma rays from the de-excitation of 18O*(1.98, 3.55, 3.63) are reported by (1976PR08). See also (1978CO18, 1980CO1U) and 20F.
The reaction to the ground state has been studied at Ep = 42.7 MeV (1972HI10).
Many states of 18O (Ex < 14.6 MeV) have been populated in this reaction: see Table 18.8 (in PDF or PS) in (1978AJ03). Analyzing powers for the ground-state transitions are reported at Ed-bar = 12.4 MeV (1981EN1A). See also (1978RO01).
Table 18.10 (in PDF or PS) displays the very accurate Ex measurements of (1973OL02) obtained from γ-measurements. This study, as well as the angular correlation work of (1973BE48), leads to some J-assignments, and to the branching ratios displayed in Table 18.3 (in PDF or PS). (1975SO05) have determined Γπ/Γ for the 0+ → 0+ transitions from 18O*(3.63, 5.34) to be (3.0 ± 0.6) × 10-3 and ≤ 2.3 × 10-3. Using the adopted values of τm for these states [see Table 18.4 (in PDF or PS) in (1978AJ03)] < M >π = 6.0 ± 0.7 fm2 and ≤ 4.5 fm2. 18O*(5.34) appears to be the expected nearly spherical (s1/2)2 state (1975SO05).
This reaction, leading to 18Og.s., has been studied at Eα = 140 MeV: DWIA provides a fairly good fit to the data (1979NA06).
See (1978AJ03).
At Ed = 55 MeV 18O*(1.98, 3.55, 5.10, 6.40) are preferentially populated (1981JAZV). See also (1978BE1H).
See (1978AJ03).
This reaction has been studied at Eα = 90.3 MeV (1980BE15).
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