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16N (1982AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 16N) GENERAL: See also (1977AJ02) and Table 16.4 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Model calculations: (1979RO1J, 1980HA35). Reactions involving muons: (1977BO23, 1977ER04, 1977NA1N, 1978GU07, 1978PA1F, 1978RO1P, 1979ER07, 1979GU06, 1979GU08, 1979HO07, 1979KI1G, 1979RH1A, 1979ST1Q, 1979WU10, 1980BR1A, 1980CH03, 1980GR05, 1981EI1A). Reactions involving pions: (1977AL1W, 1977BA1Q, 1977BE2L, 1977ER04, 1977HO13, 1977SH1C, 1977SU1L, 1978FU09, 1978NA1N, 1978OH03, 1979BO21, 1979DE1W, 1979ER07, 1979KN1G, 1979NA1J, 1979PE1C, 1979SR1B, 1979TR1B, 1979WI1E, 1979WI1A, 1980BO1B, 1980BO24, 1980DE29, 1980GR05, 1980ST15, 1980WU01, 1981YA1A). Other topics: (1976LE1F, 1977AR06, 1977BA22, 1977BR03, 1977HA1L, 1978BU1B, 1978FO10, 1978GA1C, 1978GE1C, 1978HE1C, 1978KO01, 1978LE15, 1979AB04, 1979AL22, 1981GR08).
The half-life of 16N is 7.13 ± 0.02 sec: see Table 16.3 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02). See also (1975SA1D). From the character of the beta decay [see Table 16.21 (in PDF or PS)] it is concluded that 16Ng.s. has Jπ = 2-: see 16O. The beta decay of 16N*(0.12) [Jπ = 0-, τ1/2 = 5.26 ± 0.06 μsec] to 16Og.s. has been studied: the β-decay rate λβ = 0.43 ± 0.10 sec-1 (1975PA01). See also (1977AK1B; applications) and (1977BO23, 1978GU07, 1979GU08, 1979KO39, 1979MU1B, 1979RH1A, 1980CH03, 1981CH1B, 1981TO1J; theor.).
The yields of t0 and of α0, α1 and α2 have been measured for E(7Li) = 4 to 14 MeV at 0°: several broad peaks are observed (1971WY01). The yields of α0 and α2 have also been studied for E(7Li) = 3.3 and 5.0 to 6.2 MeV (1969SN02). The cross section for reaction (c) rises monotonically for E(7Li) = 1.1 to 4 MeV (1957NO17, 1959NO40).
Angular distributions have been obtained at E(7Li) = 16 MeV to 16N*(3.36, 3.52, 3.96, 4.32, 4.39). The σt for 16N*(3.36, 3.96, 4.32, 4.39), whose Jπ are known, follow the 2Jf + 1 relation. From the σt for 16N*(3.52) it follows then that J = 2 if it is a single state or J = 0 and 1 (with one of the two states having odd parity) if the group corresponds to two unresolved states (1975FO10). See also (1971AJ02).
See (1966MC05).
See (1966MC05) and (1969TH01: Ex = 297.6 ± 0.9 and 397.8 ± 1.0 keV).
At Eα = 50 MeV proton groups are reported to 16N*(5.1, 5.6, 7.6, 11.4, 12.1) (1976BU21). See also (1977FO1E, 1981HAZV).
At E(6Li) = 44 MeV angular distributions to 16N*(3.96, 5.73, 7.65, 11.21, 11.81) are strongly forward peaked (1977MA1B; prelim.).
The cross section has been measured for 1.2 < Ed < 2.6 MeV. It shows some evidence of structure (1964NE09). See also (1971AJ02).
Observed resonances for n0, p and d0 are displayed in Table 16.5 (in PDF or PS). For polarization measurements in reaction (a) see (1977AJ02). For reaction (b) see also (1977AJ02). See also 12B in (1968AJ02) and 13C, 14C, 15C and 15N in (1981AJ01).
Proton groups have been observed to 16N states with Ex < 12 MeV and angular distributions (with E(3He) ≤ 15 MeV) lead to the Jπ assignments shown in Table 16.6 (in PDF or PS).
At Eα = 46 MeV the angular distributions of the groups to 16N*(0.30, 3.96, 5.73, 7.60) have been determined: the most strongly populated state is the (5+) state 16N*(5.73) (1969LU07).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 16.7 (in PDF or PS). Angular distributions have also been measured at Et = 15 MeV to the first four states of 16N: cross sections obtained by DWBA analysis using microscopic wave functions are in poor agreement with the data (1979FO01). These distributions have also been compared with those in the (3He, p) reaction to analog states in 16O: see reaction 38 in 16O (1978FO27). τm for 16N*(0.40) = 5.1 ± 0.3 psec (1977HE1D, 1977HE12). See also (1977AJ02).
At Eα = 65 MeV strong transitions are observed to the unresolved ground state quartet and to 16N*(5.25, 6.61, 7.68) (1978JA10).
At E(10B) = 100 MeV strong transitions are observed to the unresolved ground state quartet and to 16N*(5.14, 6.59, 7.65) (1978HA10). For reaction (b) see (1980PR09).
The thermal cross section is 24 ± 8 μb (1973MU14).
The scattering amplitude (bound) a = 6.44 ± 0.03 fm, σfree = 4.59 ± 0.05 b, σspininc(bound nucleus) < 1 mb (1979KO26). The total cross section has been measured for En = 0.4 to 32 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1976GAYV) and (1971ZE02). Observed resonances and parameters derived from R-matrix and phase-shift analyses of these data, angular distributions and polarization measurements are displayed in Table 16.8 (in PDF or PS) (1971ZE02, 1971DO06). See also (1977AJ02) and (1976RO16, 1977RO09, 1978RO05, 1979AB17, 1979RO04, 1980HA35; theor.).
For reaction (b) see (1976AJ04, 1978BA1M). For reaction (c) see (1978BA1M). For reactions (a) and (d) see (1977AJ02).
Levels derived from observed proton groups and γ-rays are listed in Table 16.9 (in PDF or PS). Gamma transitions are shown in the inset of Fig. 2: (1971PA28) report that the branchings of 16N*(0.40) to 16N*(0, 0.12, 0.30) are, respectively, 26.6 ± 0.6%, 73.4 ± 1.6% and ≤ 0.15%. The 0.30 → 0.12 transition is ≤ 1% (1971PA28). The mean life of 16N*(0.12) is 7.58 ± 0.09 μsec (1967BE14); together with the angular distribution analyses this leads to Jπ = 0- for this state. The very strong evidence for Jπ = 2-, 3- and 1-, respectively, for 16N*(0, 0.30, 0.40) is reviewed in (1971AJ02). See also (1977BA22, 1978PA05, 1979PA02; theor.).
See (1980PR09).
See 16C.
Partial μ--capture rates leading to 16N*(0.12, 0.40) [Jπ = 0-, 1-] are consistent with the assumption of a large mesonic exchange effect in the time part of the weak axial current (1979GU06). See also (1981GI1C), (1978GU07; theor.) and the "GENERAL" section here.
See (1979TR1B).
See (1978NE1A, 1978NE1B; En = 60 MeV). See also (1977AJ02).
At Et = 23.5 MeV 16N*(0, 0.30) [Jπ = 2-, 3-] are strongly populated relative to 16N*(0.12, 0.40) [0-, 1-]. This suggests that the 2- and 3- states in 16F are those that are strongly populated in the 16O(3He, t)16F reaction [16F*(0.42, 0.72)] and that the other two states in 16F [16F*(0, 0.20)] are 0- and 1- [the ordering within the 2- and 3-, and the 0- and 1- states, in 16F is ambiguous] (1974FL06). See also 16O(3He, t) [reaction 4] in 16F.
At E(11B) = 115 MeV unresolved groups near Ex = 0 and 6 MeV are relatively strongly populated (1979RA10).
3He groups observed in this reaction are displayed in Table 16.10 (in PDF or PS) (1978MA16). Polarization data is consistent with 1p1/2 for 16N*(0, 0.30), with perhaps some small 1p3/2 admixture for 16Ng.s.. There is no significant deviation for a pure 1p3/2 VAP for the groups to 16N*(6.17, 6.36) [Jπ = 4-, 3-] (1981MA1E). Comparisons of the 16N states with T = 1 states in 16O are discussed by (1977WA11, 1978MA16): see reaction 81 in 16O and Table 16.20 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02).
At Ep = 43.7 MeV, the angular distribution of the 3He nuclei corresponding to a state at Ex = 9.9 MeV fixes L = 0 and therefore Jπ = 0+ for 16N*(9.9): it is presumably the T = 2 analog of the ground state of 16C. Some lower-lying T = 1 states were also observed (1964CE05). See also (1978FO10).
Alpha-particle groups observed in this reaction are displayed in Table 16.9 (in PDF or PS). Polarization measurements are reported at Ed-bar = 8.5 to 11.3 MeV (1978BA43) and at 52 MeV (1981MA1W): see footnotes j, k and l in Table 16.9 (in PDF or PS). 16N*(8.82, 9.8, 10.06) may be related to nearly bound virtual states of a 2s1/2 neutron with 15N*(6.32, 7.30, 7.57) (1970BO08, 1970BO09). (1975AS02) find τm = 6.5 ± 0.5 psec for 16N*(0.40) and |g| = 1.83 ± 0.13; |M|2 for the M1 transition to 16N*(0.12) is 0.17 ± 0.02 W.u..
Angular distributions have been reported for En = 4.7 to 14.4 MeV [see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02)] and at En = 13.9 and 15.6 MeV (1977RO06; α0+1+2+3). See also 20F in (1983AJ01).
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