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15N (1976AJ04)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 15N)

GENERAL: See also (1970AJ04) and Table 15.4 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS) here.

Shell model: (1968GO01, 1969UL03, 1970CO1H, 1970FR11, 1970GO1H, 1970HS02, 1970LI23, 1971BA2Y, 1971LI17, 1971NO02, 1972BA60, 1972GE05, 1972LE1L, 1973BA2L, 1973BE1V, 1973DE13, 1973HA49, 1973RE17, 1973WA35, 1974DI15, 1974SA06, 1975MA2H).

Collective and deformed models: (1974PU02).

Cluster and α-particle models: (1971NO02, 1972LE1L, 1972WE01, 1974PU02, 1975BU03).

Special levels: (1968GO01, 1969HA1F, 1970FR11, 1970FR1C, 1971BE59, 1971BE2D, 1971HS05, 1971LI17, 1971NO02, 1972WE01, 1973BA2L, 1974PU02, 1974SA06, 1974VA24, 1975BU03, 1975HS01).

Giant resonance: (1970AL1E, 1972BA60, 1972LE06, 1973DE1V, 1974DI15, 1974HA1C, 1975HA39, 1975MA2H).

Special reactions: (1969GA18, 1971AR02, 1973KO1D, 1973KU03, 1973WI15, 1975HU14, 1975KU01, 1975OS01, 1976YOZZ).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1969HA1F, 1970GO1H, 1970LI23, 1970SI1J, 1971LI17, 1973RE17, 1974HA1C, 1974SA06, 1975BU03, 1975HS01).

Astrophysical questions: (1972CL1A, 1973AR1E, 1973AU1B, 1973AU1D, 1973AU1C, 1973BO1R, 1973SM1A, 1973TA1D, 1973TR1B, 1974BE1R, 1975AR1E, 1975AU1D, 1975DW1A, 1975EN1A, 1975KE1A, 1975NO1D, 1975RA1M, 1975SC1H, 1975SN1A, 1975TR1A).

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1970BU1B, 1970KA1E, 1970PR1H, 1972BL01, 1972BU29, 1972HI04, 1973BE16, 1973BU20, 1973ER06, 1973JO1G).

Pion capture and reactions: (1970DO04, 1970JA11, 1971KO23, 1973EI01, 1974LI15, 1975LI06).

Applied work: (1974MA1U).

Other topics: (1968GO01, 1969UL03, 1970CO1H, 1970LE1D, 1970RY04, 1970SI1C, 1971BA2Y, 1971BE59, 1971HS05, 1972AN05, 1972CA37, 1972LE1L, 1972SH32, 1973AR1K, 1973BE1V, 1973DE13, 1973HY1A, 1973JU2A, 1973KU03, 1973MA48, 1973RE17, 1973WA35, 1974CA1H, 1974SL1C, 1974VA24, 1975BE48, 1975HE10, 1975KU01, 1975SH1H, 1976MA04).

Ground state properties: (1964BA11, 1970SI1J, 1971SC29, 1971SH26, 1971TA1A, 1972GE05, 1972GL06, 1972LE1L, 1972LE1N, 1972VA36, 1972YO1B, 1973ARYL, 1973HI1A, 1973HO32, 1973RE17, 1973SU1B, 1973SU1C, 1974DE1E, 1974DIZR, 1974HA27, 1974SA06, 1975BE31, 1975BU03, 1975MI1N, 1975SC18).

μ = -0.2831892 (3) nm (1974SHYR).

Mass of 15N: The mass of 15N derived from the work of (1975SM02) is 15.000108963 (14) a.m.u. Using the conversion factor 931.5016 (26) MeV/a.m.u., the mass excess of 15N would be 101.50 (2) keV. (1971WA37) quotes 101.8 ± 0.4 keV which we shall continue to assume. See also (1971KE01).

1. (a) 9Be(6Li, p)14C Qm = 15.127 Eb = 25.334
(b) 9Be(6Li, t)12C Qm = 10.486
(c) 9Be(6Li, α)11B Qm = 14.343
(d) 9Be(6Li, 2n)13N Qm = 3.947

The yield of p0 and p1 (reaction (a)) for E(6Li) = 3.84 to 6.40 MeV shows some broad structure: analysis in terms of Ericson fluctuation theory gives a value of ≈ 0.4 MeV for the average level width at Ex = 28 MeV in 15N (1967SE08). See also (1969KO1A, 1973AJ01) and 14C. The excitation functions for α0, α1 and α2+3 (reaction (c)) [E(6Li) = 2 to 4 MeV: (1961LE01)] and the yield of 13N (reaction (d)) [E(6Li) = 1.5 to 3.5 MeV: (1961NO05)] show a smooth increase in the cross section with energy. However, the excitation functions for t0 (reaction (b)), α0, α1 and α2 (reaction (c)) show broad structures for E(6Li) = 4 to 14 MeV (1971WY01).

2. 9Be(7Li, n)15N Qm = 18.083

See (1970AJ04).

3. 10B(6Li, p)15N Qm = 18.749

At E(6Li) = 4.9 MeV, thirty proton groups are observed corresponding to 15N states with Ex < 16.8 MeV. Angular distributions have been measured for the proton groups corresponding to 15N*(5.27 + 5.30, 6.32, 7.16 + 7.30, 7.57, 8.31, 8.58, 9.05 + 9.15) (1966MC05). See also (1970AJ04).

4. 10B(7Li, d)15N Qm = 13.723

At E(7Li) = 5.2 MeV, thirty deuteron groups are observed corresponding to 15N states with Ex < 15.1 MeV. Angular distributions have been measured for the deuterons to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32, 7.16 + 7.30, 7.57, 8.31, 9.05 + 9.15, 9.83) (1966MC05). At E(7Li) = 24 MeV, angular distributions have been studied to many of the 15N states with Ex < 15.5 MeV: see reaction 12 (1976KO11). See also (1970AJ04).

5. 11B(α, n)14N Qm = 0.1574 Eb = 10.9911

Reported resonances are displayed in Table 15.7 (in PDF or PS): see (1970AJ04) for earlier references and (1975VA06: 0° excitation function for n0, n1, n2; Eα = 3.7 to 7.9 MeV). For angular distributions see 14N. For polarization measurements see (1970CI02, 1970MO37; Eα = 3.6 and 3.8 MeV).

6. 11B(α, p)14C Qm = 0.7837 Eb = 10.9911

Reported resonances are listed in Table 15.7 (in PDF or PS): see (1970AJ04) for the earlier references and (1976DA1U; Eα = 1.43 to 2.94 MeV) and (1969SP02; p0; Eα = 10 to 25 MeV). The yield curve for 14C [1.4 to 2.9 MeV] is dominated by two strong resonances at Eα = 1.57 and 2.64 MeV (1976DA1U: CTR implications). The p0 excitation functions at three angles [10 to 25 MeV] show broad uncorrelated structures (1969SP02). See also 14C.

7. 11B(α, d)13C Qm = -5.1686 Eb = 10.9911

The yield of d0 has been measured for Eα = 17 to 22 MeV (1967AL16).

8. 11B(α, t)12C Qm = -3.8574 Eb = 10.9911

Excitation functions for t0 (Eα = 14 to 25 MeV) and t1 (Eα = 17 to 25 MeV) show strong uncorrelated structures (1972VA34, 1974DM01). See also 12C in (1975AJ02).

9. 11B(α, α)11B Eb = 10.9911

Observed resonances for Eα = 2.1 to 7.9 MeV are shown in Table 15.7 (in PDF or PS) (1972OT04, 1972RA03): the yield curves have been fitted by R-matrix analysis. See also 11B in (1975AJ02).

10. 11B(α, 2α)17Li Qm = -8.666 Eb = 10.9911

See (1969FU09, 1974JE1A) and 7Li in (1974AJ01).

11. 11B(6Li, d)15N Qm = 9.517

At E(6Li) = 4.72 MeV, angular distributions are reported for the deuteron groups corresponding to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32, 7.16 + 7.30, 7.57, 8.31, 8.58, 9.05 + 9.15) (1966MC05). At E(6Li) = 34 MeV this reaction appears to be less selective than reaction 12. The most strongly populated states are 15N*(10.5, 13.05, 14.76, 15.52) (1976NO01). See also (1970AJ04).

12. 11B(7Li, t)15N Qm = 8.524

At E(7Li) = 5.00 MeV angular distributions have been reported to the states listed in (1966MC05). At E(7Li) = 12 MeV, angular distributions have been measured to states at Ex = 0, 5.288 [3 + 1], 6.324 [(0)], 7.160, 7.306, 7.565, 8.313 [1]. 8.576 [3], 9.052 [1]. 9.154 [2 + 1], 9.224 [2], 9.765 [(2)], 9.827 [2], 9.925 [2], 10.073 [3], 10.458 [2], 10.535 [3], 10.701 [3] and 10.799 [2] MeV (± 0.007 MeV) [the numbers on brackets are reported L-values] (1975EL04). At E(7Li) = 24 and 34 MeV, angular distributions to many of the same states have been measured (1976KO11, 1976NO01): 15N*(10.69, 13.01, 13.84, 15.37) are particularly strongly populated and Jπ = 9/2+, 11/2-, 11/2+, 15/2+, respectively (1976KO11). (1976NO01: E(7Li) = 34 MeV) suggest that only 14N*(15.4) has a large cluster component corresponding to 11B + α.

13. 11B(11B, 7Li)15N Qm = 2.326

At E(11B) = 114 MeV broad peaks are observed at 15N*(5.3, 9.7, 13, 16.8, 20) (1974AN36).

14. 11B(16O, 12C)15N Qm = 3.829

Angular distributions have been measured at E(16O) = 27, 30, 32.5, 35 and 60 MeV involving 15Ng.s. + 12Cg.s., 15Ng.s. + 12C*4.4, 15N*6.32 + 12Cg.s. and 15Ng.s. + 12C*9.6 (1972SC03, 1972SC17, 1975SC35): the reaction selectivity populates the two proton-hole states of 15N: 15N*(0, 6.32) [Jπ = 1/2- and 3/2-, respectively]. See also (1970AJ04), 12C in (1975AJ02), (1972MO1E) and (1970AN1D, 1970SC1G, 1972BO21, 1973DE1W, 1973DE35, 1973OS03, 1974FL1A, 1974OS1A, 1975OS01; theor.).

15. (a) 12C(t, γ)15N Qm = 14.8485
(b) 12C(t, n)14N Qm = 4.0149 Eb = 14.8485
(c) 12C(t, p)14C Qm = 4.6412
(d) 12C(t, t)12C
(e) 12C(t, α)11B Qm = 3.8574

Reported resonances are listed in Table 15.8 (in PDF or PS). The 90° excitation function for γ0 (reaction (a)) in the range Et = 1 to 3 MeV shows one very strong resonance (at peak, 8 μb/sr) corresponding to 15N*(16.7): the angular distributions show interference between at least two levels (1973SC1G). For reaction (b) see Table 15.8 (in PDF or PS). See also (1971MA46). The excitation function for p0 (reaction (c)) has been measured for Et = 14 to 17 MeV, and the polarization of p0 has been studied at Et = 16 MeV (1972KE02). See also (1973BA1R; applied). For reaction (c) see Table 15.8 (in PDF or PS), (1970AJ04) and (1972KE02; Et = 13.5 to 17.2 MeV; t0): an anomaly in the elastic scattering is reported at Et = 15 MeV. For reaction (d) see Table 15.8 (in PDF or PS). See also 11B and 12C in (1975AJ02), and 14C and 14N here.

16. 12C(α, p)15N Qm = -4.9661

Angular distributions have been measured for Eα = 13.4 to 42 MeV [see (1970AJ04)], at Eα = 11.2 to 17.9 MeV (1971ZE01; p0) and at 96.8 MeV (1975FA07: see Table 15.9 (in PDF or PS); reduced widths are calculated). At 97 MeV the spectrum at 10.5° is dominated by 15N*(15.40) [Jπ = 13/2+]: DWBA calculations have been carried out using a semi-microscopic three-nucleon form factor and several different sets of wave functions (1975FA07). See also (1971AU1E, 1975SP04, 1975VA1K), (1971BU1K, 1971TE10, 1975AR1J; theor.) and 16O in (1977AJ02).

17. 12C(6Li, 3He)15N Qm = -0.946

Angular distributions have been measured at E(6Li) = 30.8 MeV (1971CH1R) and 60.1 MeV (1975BI06: see Table 15.9 (in PDF or PS)). Comparison of the distributions obtained in this reaction and in the (6Li, t) reaction shows analog correspondence for the following pairs of levels, 5.27 - 5.24, 7.16 - 6.86, 7.57 - 7.28, 8.58 - 8.28, 10.80 - 10.48, 13.15 (u) - 12.84, 15.49 (u) - 15.05 [first listed is Ex in 15N - second in 15O] (1975BI06). [Ex are nominal; u = unresolved.] See also (1974HO1P), (1973OG1A) and (1973ST1D; theor.).

18. 12C(7Li, α)15N Qm = 12.382

Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 3.2 to 4 MeV (1962HO06), 30.3 MeV (1969GL07) and at 35 MeV (1973TS02: see Table 15.9 (in PDF or PS)). The mean lifetime of 15N*(9.83) < 190 fsec: see Table 15.6 (in PDF or PS) [Eγ = 4562.6 ± 4.0 keV for the (9.83 → 5.27) transition] (1969TH01). Comparison of spectra from this reaction (E(7Li) = 34.9 MeV) with those from 13C(6Li, α) [reaction 31] lead to configurations of (d)3 for 15N*(10.7, 12.57, 13.20, 15.42) and suggest that 15N*(12.57, 13.20) have lower J than 15N*(10.7, 15.5), probably J ≤ 7/2. 15N*(13.00) is shown to be p(d)2 in agreement with Jπ = 11/2- (1976HAZR and private communication). See also (1970CA14, 1972CR1B), (1970OG1A, 1971BA2V, 1973OG1A, 1974FO1J) and 19F in (1978AJ03).

19. (a) 12C(10B, 7Be)15N Qm = -3.820
(b) 12C(11B, 2α)15N Qm = 3.716

At E(10B) = 100 MeV angular distributions have been measured for 15N*(5.27, 7.57, 9.87, 10.87, 13.15, 15.72, 16.26, 17.83) and comparisons have been attempted with those to states in 15O, in the mirror reaction (1973NA09) [see 15O]. (1974AN36: E(10B) = 100 MeV), on the other hand, report population of 15N*(0, 5.24, 7.28, 9.64, 10.47, 12.89, 15.36, 15.88). 15N*(12.89, 15.36) are the most intense groups (1974AN36). See also (1973BR1C, 1973SC1B). For reaction (b) see (1974EY01).

20. 12C(18O, 15N)15N Qm = -0.986

See (1974CH1Q).

21. 12C(19F, 16O)15N Qm = 3.149

At E(19F) = 40, 60 and 68.8 MeV angular distributions have been measured for the transitions involving 15N*(0, 5.3) and various 16O states: 15N*(5.3) is veryy strongly excited (1972SC17). See also (1975PU02), (1969VO1D, 1972MO1E, 1973SC1J) and (1972BO21; theor.).

22. 13C(d, γ)15N Qm = 16.1597

The 90° yields of the γ0 have been measured for Ed = 1 to 4.2 MeV (1973WE12) and 3 to 10 MeV (1975DE1M). In the lower energy region, a resonance is observed at Ed = 1.73 ± 0.05 MeV, Γlab ≈ 600 keV, peak cross section ≈ 1.6 μb/sr; assuming E1, 15N*(17.7) has Jπ = 1/2+ or 3/2+ (1973WE12). A resonance is reported at Ed = 6.63 MeV over a generally monotonic decrease in cross section for Ep = 3 to 10 MeV (1975DE1M): see Table 15.10 (in PDF or PS).

23. 13C(d, n)14N Qm = 5.3260 Eb = 16.1597

Observed resonances are displayed in Table 15.10 (in PDF or PS): see (1970AJ04) for the earlier references and (1973BO10: Ed = 4.75 → 5.35 MeV; n1). Polarization measurements have been carried out at Ed = 2.65 to 3.90 MeV (1972ME06; n0, n1, n2). See also (1970LI1R) and 14N.

24. 13C(d, p)14C Qm = 5.9524 Eb = 16.1597

Observed resonances are displayed in Table 15.10 (in PDF or PS): see (1970AJ04) for the earlier references and (1971PU01: Ed = 0.4 to 0.85 MeV; p0) and (1973BO10: Ed = 4.75 to 5.3 MeV). See also (1970LI1E, 1971LI1K), (1972FI1E, 1973FI1C) and 14C.

25. 13C(d, d)13C Eb = 16.1597

Excitation functions for elastically scattered deuterons have been measured for Ed = 0.4 to 0.85 MeV (1971PU01) and 4.5 to 5.7 MeV (1968CO04). A polarization study is reported at Ed = 15 MeV (1974BU06; d0). See also (1970LI1E), (1970GU01; theor.) and 13C.

26. 13C(d, t)12C Qm = 1.3112 Eb = 16.1597

Observed resonances are listed in Table 15.10 (in PDF or PS) (1956MA35). In the t0 yield for Ed = 0.4 to 0.85 there appears to be some indication of the 0.6 MeV resonance (1971PU01). Polarization measurements have been carried out a Ed = 12.1 MeV (1971DE03; t0, t1) and 15 MeV (1974LU06; t0). See also (1970LI1E, 1971LI1K) and 12C in (1975AJ02).

27. 13C(d, α)11B Qm = 5.1686 Eb = 16.1597

Observed resonances are listed in Table 15.10 (in PDF or PS) (1956MA35, 1966KL1A). The yield of α0 and α1 shows a monotonic increase for Ed = 0.4 to 0.85 MeV (1971PU01). See also (1970LI1E, 1971LI1K) and 11B in (1975AJ02).

28. 13C(t, n)15N Qm = 9.9021

Not reported.

29. 13C(3He, p)15N Qm = 10.6659

Observed proton groups and γ-rays are listed in Table 15.11 (in PDF or PS). Gamma ray branching ratios are displayed in Table 15.5 (in PDF or PS) which also shows Jπ values obtained from angular correlation measurements: see (1970AJ04) for the earlier measurements and (1971ST1F, 1972ST22). The two states at Ex = 9.16 MeV are separated by 2.5 ± 0.5 keV (1968ST10). Lifetimes are displayed in Table 15.6 (in PDF or PS) (1966LI07, 1972ST22, 1975FO06).

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 5 MeV for the proton groups to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32, 7.16, 7.30, 7.57, 9.05, 9.15, 9.22). This study, in conjunction with angular correlation measurements, leads to an assignment of Jπ = 1/2- for 15N*(9.22) and is consistent with J = 5/2 for 15N*(9.152) (1972ST22). The p0 angular distribution has also been measured for E(3He) = 15 MeV (1975HA33). The g-factor for 15N*(5.27) [Jπ = 5/2+] has been measured to be +(0.9 ± 0.3) (1975FO06). See also 16O in (1977AJ02).

30. 13C(α, d)15N Qm = -7.6879

This reaction has been studied at Eα = 40.1 MeV: see Table 15.11 (in PDF or PS) (1969LU07). Angular distributions for the d0 group have been measured at Eα = 18.7, 20.4 and 25.8 MeV (1973LE28). See also (1971BU1K; theor.).

31. 13C(6Li, α)15N Qm = 14.686

Angular distributions have been measured for E(6Li) = 3.2 to 3.8 MeV (1964BL1B; α0, α1+2). This reaction has also been studied at E(6Li) = 32 MeV (1976HAZR and private communication): see reaction 18 for discussion. See also (1974CO13) and 19F in (1978AJ03).

32. 13C(11B, 9Be)15N Qm = 0.343

At E(11B) = 114 MeV, strong population of 15N*(7.57, 9.83, 11.95, 13.03, 15.1, 16.1, 18.7, 19.2) is reported by (1974AN36, 1975PO10): the dominant group is 15N*(13.03). See also (1970AJ04).

33. 13C(14N, 12C)15N Qm = 5.887

The mean lifetimes of 15N*(5.27, 7.16, 7.30) are 2.5 ± 0.5 psec, 28 ± 8 fsec and < 50 fsec, respectively (1975SE04): see Table 15.6 (in PDF or PS). See also (1975SE03).

34. 13C(17O, 15N)15N Qm = 2.114

See (1974CH1Q).

35. 14C(p, γ)15N Qm = 10.2073

Observed resonances are displayed in Table 15.12 (in PDF or PS); the branching ratios are shown in Table 15.5 (in PDF or PS): see the earlier references in (1970AJ04) and (1970RA22, 1971KU01, 1971YO03, 1972RA03, 1972WE07, 1973WE04, 1974WE01, 1975BE23, 1975HA39, 1976BE1B, 1976KU01). The angular distribution of the (10.81 → 8.31) γ-ray fixes J = 1/2 for 15N*(8.31). A triple correlation measurement of the decay of 15N*(10.81) to Ex = 9.15 MeV leads to J = 3/2 for the lower and J = 5/2 for the upper of these two states (1969SI04 and private communication). Besides the sharp resonances seen at Ep < 2.5 MeV, broad structures are observed at Ep ≈ 4.8 and 5.8 MeV in the 60° yield for Ep = 3.2 to 12 MeV (1972WE07): the angular distributions are isotropic. In the 90° γ0 yield a shoulder in the cross section is observed at Ep ≈ 9 MeV and two large structures are reported at Ep ≈ 10 and 10.8 MeV (1973WE04). Studies of angular distributions by (1973WE04) and a study using polarized protons (Ep = 4.85 to 12.45 MeV (1974WE01)) lead to Jπ = 1/2+, 3/2+ and 3/2+ respectively for the corresponding 15N states. Both E2 and M1 transitions are present in the giant dipole resonance region (1974WE01). (1975HA39: γ0 yield for Ep = 2.8 to 30 MeV) find that the T = 1/2 and 3/2 components of the GDR are located near Ex = 20 and 26 MeV. Narrow anomalies are reported at Ep = 10.0 and 11.0 MeV (relative strength is not in agreement with (1973WE04)), 12.35, 13.6 and 16.4 MeV. Above the giant dipole resonance region the 90° γ0 cross scetion decreases smoothly with energy except for a small peak which would correspond to 15N*(37.0) (1975HA39). See also (1973PA1P, 1973SU1E) and (1970TI1A, 1974DI15, 1975MA2H; theor.).

36. 14C(p, p)14C Eb = 10.2073

Observed anomalies in the elastic scattering are displayed in Table 15.12 (in PDF or PS). See (1970AJ04) for the earlier work and (1970RA22, 1972RA03: Ep = 2.7 to 4.0 MeV) and (1974WE06, 1974WE07: Ep = 4 to 12.5 MeV). Polarization measurements have been carried out for Ep = 3.2 to 5.7 MeV (1974WE06). See also (1969IW1A, 1974DI15; theor.).

37. 14C(p, n)14N Qm = -0.6263 Eb = 10.2073

Observed resonances are listed in Table 15.12 (in PDF or PS): see (1970AJ04) for the earlier references and (1971YO03: Ep = 2.3 to 2.6 MeV; n0) and (1970RA22, 1972RA03: Ep = 2.6 to 3.9 MeV for n0 and 3.3 to 4.4 MeV for n1). Polarization measurements are reported at several energies in the range Ep = 7.2 to 13.3 MeV (1971WO03; n0, n1, n2). See also 14N and (1970TI1A, 1971DU1B; theor.).

38. 14C(p, α)11B Qm = -0.7837 Eb = 10.2073

Observed resonances are displayed in Table 15.12 (in PDF or PS): see (1970RA22, 1972RA03: Ep = 2.8 to 4.0 MeV; α0) and (1975WE09: Ep = 3.9 to 7.5 MeV; α0). See also 11B in (1975AJ02).

39. 14C(d, n)15N Qm = 7.9827

Angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 1.3 to 6.5 MeV: see (1970AJ04) and (1975BO34, 1975BO35: Ed = 6.5 MeV; for Ex < 12.1 MeV; see for spectroscopic factors). The transitions to 15N*(5.30, 9.05) involve lp = 0: therefore Jπ = 1/2+ (1967LA11, 1975BO34, 1975BO35); while l = 2 is involved in the population of 15N*(9.23) (1975BO34, 1975BO35): see, however, reaction 29. For studies of the γ-decay of states observed in this reaction see Table 15.5 (in PDF or PS). See also 16N in (1977AJ02).

40. 14C(3He, d)15N Qm = 4.7136

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 14 MeV (1969AL04; d0 → d3) and for 1 to 9 MeV (d0: see (1970AJ04)).

41. 14C(α, t)15N Qm = -9.6073

Not reported.

42. 14C(14N, 13C)15N Qm = 2.657

See (1975VO1B).

43. (a) 14C(16O, 15N)15N Qm = -1.920
(b) 14C(18O, 17N)15N Qm = -5.735

The angular distributions leading to the ground state (reaction (a)) have been studied at E(16O) = 20, 25 and 30 MeV (1975SC42). For reaction (b) see (1972EY01).

44. 14N(n, γ)15N Qm = 10.8337
Q0 = 10833.64 ± 0.13 keV (1974GR37);
Q0 = 10833.395 ± 0.030 keV (1975SM02); see also (1969JO1G).

The thermal cross section is 75 ± 7.5 mb (see (1973MU14)). This large cross section is not understood in terms of the present level structure in 15N: see (1959AJ76).

Observed γ-rays are displayed in Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) (1967TH05, 1968GR14, 1969JO1G, 1971BE34, 1974GR37). The very accurate γ-ray measurements of (1968GR14, 1974GR37) show that two states at Ex = 9.1 and 9.155 MeV are involved in this reaction. The lower state decays preferentially to the ground state. The state at 9.155 MeV is fed preferentially in this reaction and decays primarily via cascades: see Tables 15.5 (in PDF or PS) and 15.13 (in PDF or PS). For τm measurements see Table 15.6 (in PDF or PS). See also (1967RA24, 1972LO26, 1975SH18) and (1968FOZY, 1973CL1E; astrophys. considerations).

45. 14N(n, n)14N Eb = 10.8337

The thermal (bound) scattering cross section is 5.51 b (1961WI1A). The scattering amplitude (bound) is a = 9.38 ± 0.03 fm [recommended by (1973MU14)]. The coherent scattering cross section is 10.6 ± 0.5 b (1973MU14).

Older cross section data are summarized in (1964ST25, 1970GA1A) and the older measurements are displayed in Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) of (1970AJ04) [En = 0.01 → 152 MeV]. Recent measurements of the total cross section include those by (1970CA1F: high resolution; En = 0.5 to 9.0 MeV), (1974SC1C: high resolution; En = 0.5 to 25 MeV), (1971FO1P, 1971FO24: 2.5 to 15 MeV), (1971AN16: 14.7 MeV) and (1972AU01: 36.3, 46.2, 49.1, 54.4 and 58.9 MeV). The elastic cross section has been measured at forward angles for En = 7.40 to 9.50 MeV (1974BU19). For polarization measurements see (1969IV1A: 0.01 to 40 eV). See also (1970KN1B) and (1970AJ04).

Observed resonances are shown in Table 15.14 (in PDF or PS): for a discussion of the evidence leading to Jπ assignments see (1959AJ76).

Cross sections for production of γ-rays due to the decay of excited states of 14N have been measured in the range En = 4 - 20 MeV (1974ROXP; σt), 4.2, 5.9 and 6.9 MeV (1972NY02), 8.6 to 11.0 MeV (1970DI1A) and 15 MeV (1971NY03). For a discussion of non-elastic cross sections in the range En = 7 - 9 MeV, see (1971PE19). See also (1970SU01) and 14N.

46. 14N(n, 2n)13N Qm = -10.554 Eb = 10.8337

Older measurements of cross sections [En = 10 to 37 MeV] are llisted in Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) of (1970AJ04). Recent experiments give σ = 8.2 ± 1.1 mb at En = 14.7 MeV (1970IS1B) and 7.45 ± 0.4 mb at 14.78 MeV (1973RO29). See also (1971NY03) and (1973BO1K, 1974KO35).

47. 14N(n, p)14C Qm = 0.6263 Eb = 10.8337

The thermal cross section is 1.81 ± 0.05 b (1973MU14). Reported resonances are displayed in Table 15.14 (in PDF or PS). See also Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04) for a listing of the older cross section measurements. Differential cross sections have been measured at En = 9.0 to 11.0 MeV for the production of γ-rays from excited states of 14C (1970DI1A). See also (1971NY03, 1972NY02) and 14C. See also (1971CU1B, 1972ED01) and (1971DU1B; theor.).

48. (a) 14N(n, d)13C Qm = -5.3260 Eb = 10.8337
(b) 14N(n, np)13C Qm = -7.5507

Differential cross sections for production of γ-rays from 13C*(3.09, 3.68) have been measured for En = 10 to 11 MeV by (1970DI1A). See also (1971NY03, 1974ROXP). For reaction (b) see Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04). See also 13C.

49. (a) 14N(n, t)12C Qm = -4.0149 Eb = 10.8337
(b) 14N(n, t)4He4He4He Qm = -11.2897
(c) 14N(n, 2α)7Li Qm = -8.823

For cross section measurements see Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04). See also (1971NY03), 7Li in (1974AJ01) and 11B and 12C in (1975AJ02).

50. (a) 14N(n, α)11B Qm = -0.1574 Eb = 10.8337
(b) 14N(n, nα)10B Qm = -11.6134

Earlier cross section measurements are displayed in Table 15.13 (in PDF or PS) of (1970AJ04): observed resonances are listed in Table 15.14 (in PDF or PS) here.

Recent work on reaction (a) includes measurements of differential cross sections for the α0 and α1 groups for En = 14.8 to 18.8 MeV (1971SA31), for the 4.4 MeV γ-ray (1974ROXP: En = 6 to 19 MeV) and for various γ-rays from 11B states with Ex < 8 MeV (1970DI1A: En = 9 to 11 MeV). See also (1971NY03, 1972NY02, 1973BO26) and 11B in (1975AJ02).

51. 14N(d, p)15N Qm = 8.6090

Proton groups corresponding to levels of 15N are listed in Table 15.15 (in PDF or PS). The Jπ assignments are based on PWBA and DWBA analyses: see Tables 15.9 (in PDF or PS) in (1959AJ76) and 15.16 (in PDF or PS) in (1970AJ04) for the earlier angular distribution studies in the range Ed = 0.5 to 27 MeV. Recent measurements have been carried out at Ed = 3.0 and 3.6 MeV (1971BE2A, 1972AM06, 1973AM1A), 7, 8 and 9 MeV (1969PH02: see also for spectroscopic factors) and 13.6 MeV (1967GO27; p0). Ex derived form very accurate γ-ray measurements are shown in column B of Table 15.15 (in PDF or PS).

Branching ratios and multipolarities are shown in Table 15.5 (in PDF or PS) and lifetime measurements in Table 15.6 (in PDF or PS). The two states of 15N at Ex = 9.15 MeV [see Table 15.5 (in PDF or PS) for branching ratios] are separated by 2.8 ± 0.5 keV (1968ST10, 1970RE04): see also 14N(n, γ).

The probability pj for transfer of a neutron with j = 3/2 has been determined for the p0 group using vector polarized deuterons at Ed = 10 and 12 MeV (1970FI07). See also (1967SP09, 1975ZA06), (1975OL1A; applications), (1973DO02, 1974BA19, 1975HS01; theor.) and 16O in (1977AJ02).

52. 14N(t, d)15N Qm = 4.5761

The d0 angular distributions have been measured at Et = 1.50, 1.83 and 1.98 MeV (1964SC09).

53. 14N(α, 3He)15N Qm = -9.7448

At Eα = 56 MeV, the angular distribution of the ground state 3He particles has been measured by (1969GA11) and analyzed by DWBA: the ratio of the (α, 3He) and (α, t) cross sections at this energy is 1.50 ± 0.15.

54. 14N(9Be, 8Be)15N Qm = 9.169

See (1970AJ04).

55. 14N(11B, 10B)15N Qm = -0.622

See (1967PO13, 1970GO1B).

56. 14N(12C, 11C)15N Qm = -7.888

At E(12C) = 114 MeV, the strongly populated states are 15N*(0, 7.5) (1974AN36). See also (1973SC1J).

57. 14N(14N, 13N)15N Qm = 0.280

Angular distributions of the transition to the ground state of 15N have been measured for E(14N) (cm) = 5.5 to 16 MeV (1961TO07, 1964JO1A, 1965BE1B, 1965HI1A). Below ≈ 6.5 MeV, the tunneling theory of neutron transfer gives a good account of the data. At higher energies, nuclear absorption of the incident 14N ions occurs (1965HI1A, 1966GA04). See also (1970GO1B) and (1968TO1C, 1970AN1D, 1970KA41, 1970MA57, 1970TR1B, 1971AL1D, 1971AN12, 1971BU23, 1972AN25, 1973OS03, 1974OS1A, 1975OS01; theor.). For earlier theoretical discussions see (1970AJ04).

58. 14N(18O, 17O)15N Qm = 2.787

See (1974SW04).

59. 14N(19F, 18F)15N Qm = 0.403

See (1968GA03, 1971GA13).

60. 15C(β-)15N Qm = 9.772

The β- decay takes place to 15N*(0, 5.30, 7.30, 8.31, 8.57, 9.05): see Table 15.2 (in PDF or PS) also for Ex in 15N. Older measurements of γ-ray energies gave Eγ = 5299.03 ± 0.43 keV (1967CH19), 8315 ± 6 and 9048 ± 4 keV (1966AL12). See also 15C.

61. 15N(γ, n)14N Qm = -10.8337

See (1971DE1P, 1972GO23; theor.). See also (1970AJ04).

62. (a) 15N(γ, p)14C Qm = -10.2073
(b) 15N(e, p0e')14C Qm = -10.2073

The integrated cross section for transitions to 14C(0) for Eγ up to 30.5 MeV = 22 ± 3 MeV · mb, assuming an isotropic angular distribution. Pronounced maxima are observed at Eγ = 19.5, 20.4, 22.7 and 24.5 MeV. In addition a "pigmy" resonance at Eγ = 15.2 MeV and less pronounced structures at Eγ = 13.6 and 17.0 MeV are observed (1964KO10).

A study at Ee = 18.8, 20.8, 25.7 and 29.7 MeV (reaction (b)) shows a "pigmy" resonance at Ex = 14.8 MeV, a shoulder at 15.6 MeV, a peak at 16.7 MeV [probably 1/2+ but 3/2+ is not ruled out], and the giant dipole resonance, which exhibits a great deal of structure, centered at 22 MeV. The data on the pigmy resonance are consistent with an admixture of ≈ 1% 3/2- (E2) or 1/2- (M1) to a predominantly 1/2+ (E1) state. The experiment shows that for 14 < Ex < 28 MeV the reaction goes predominantly via 1/2+ or 3/2+ (E1) states in 15N; the T = 3/2 strength is concentrated above 18 MeV (1975MU07) [see also (1975HA39)]. See also (1973DE30) and (1970FR11, 1970HS03, 1972GO23; theor.).

63. 15N(γ, d)13C Qm = -16.1597

For Eγ < 25 MeV the 13C ground state is reported to be preferentially populated (1973DE30).

64. (a) 15N(γ, γ)15N
(b)15N(e, e)15N

15N*(6.32) has been excited in reaction (a). Measurements of the angular distribution and polarization confirm Jπ = 3/2-. See Tables 15.5 (in PDF or PS) and 15.16 (in PDF or PS) (1973MO15).

The r.m.s. radius of 15N is 2.580 ± 0.026 fm (1973FE13, 1975SC18) (reaction (b)). See also (1969DA21, 1970DA20). The inelastic scattereing of 15N*(5.27, 5.30, 6.32, 7.16, 7.30, 7.57, 9.15) has been reported by (1975KI08, 1975KI09): see Table 15.16 (in PDF or PS) for Γγ0, B(E3) and mixing ratios. See also (1970DA20).

See also (1971FL1B, 1973FL1B), (1972THZF, 1973TH1B, 1974DE1E) and (1973GA19; theor.).

65. 15N(n, n)15N

For angular distributions see (1971ZE02: En = 0.8 to 3.1 MeV) and 16N in (1971AJ02). See also (1974HO1L; theor.) and 16N in (1977AJ02).

66. 15N(p, p)15N

The angular distribution of inelastically scattered protons has been measured at Ep = 39.8 MeV (1969SN04) and 22.4, 24.5, 26 and 39.8 MeV (1974PI05). See also (1971RO1H, 1971RO1J; unpublished) for distributions to excited states of 15N and (1972FR1G, 1972PA1A).
67. 15N(d, d)15N

Angular distributions of the elastic deuterons have been measured at Ed = 5.0, 5.5 and 6 MeV (1972BO49) and at 5.5 MeV (1970BU15). See also 17O in (1977AJ02).

68. 15N(3He, 3He)15N

Angular distributions have been studied at E(3He) = 11 MeV (1969BO13, 1970BO21, 1970BO25; elastic), 16.5, 20.0 and 24.4 MeV (1975PI01; elastic), 30.2, 34.4, 37.7 MeV (1975PI01: 15N*(5.27 + 5.30, 6.32, 7.16 + 7.30 + 7.57) and 39.8 MeV (1969BA06: see Table 15.17 (in PDF or PS)). See also (1970LE1G).

69. 15N(α, α)15N

The surface thickness a = 0.36 fm, as determined from analysis of the scattering of 44 MeV α-particles from 15N (1968FA1A). At Eα = 40.5 MeV, a number of particle groups have been observed, and angular distributions have been measured: see Table 15.17 (in PDF or PS) (1966HA19). B(E2)(↓)/e2 = 4.7 fm4 for 15N*(6.32); B(E3)(↓)/e2 = 60 fm6 for both 15N*(5.27, 7.57) (1966HA19). At Eα = 22, 24 and 28 MeV, the intensity of the back scattering is greatly enhanced over pure Coulomb scattering (1972OE01, 1973OE01). See also (1971TE10, 1972DM01, 1974CH58, 1974KU15; theor.).

70. 15N(16O, 16O)15N

See (1970SI09). See also (1971GO1T, 1975VO1B).

71. 15N(19F, 19F)15N

Elastic angular distributions have been studied at E(15N) = 23, 26 and 29 MeV (1973GA14). See also (1975VO1B).

72. 15O(β+)15N Qm = 2.7538

See 15O.

73. (a) 16O(γ, p)15N Qm = -12.1277
(b) 16O(e, ep)15N Qm = -12.1277

Over the giant resonance region in 16O, the decay takes place to the odd parity states 15N*(0, 6.32) and less strongly to the even-parity states 15N*(5.27, 5.30, 8.31, 9.05) and to 15N*(9.22): see (1970HO21) and the earlier references in (1970AJ04). See also (1971AD05, 1975MA2G), (1970FI1D, 1974HA1C, 1975MA1E), (1973CL1E; astrophys. questions), (1969VA1A, 1970MU1D, 1973SP03; theor.) and 16O in (1977AJ02).

74. 16O(n, d)15N Qm = -9.9031

Angular distributions of the d0 groups have been measured at En = 14 MeV (1963GA10) and 14.4 MeV (1964PA11, 1965VA05). See also (1971MI12; theor.).

75. 16O(p, 2p)15N Qm = -12.1277

At Ep = 460 MeV, the summed proton spectrum shows two peaks corresponding to the knockout of p1/2 and p3/2 protons with binding energies of 12.4 and 19.0 MeV, respectively [15N*(0, 6.32)] (1966TY01). The ground state angular correlation has been studied at Ep = 45 MeV (1971EI06). See also (1973GO27), (1973WA1E), (1972LI1J; theor.) and (1970AJ04).

76. 16O(d, 3He)15N Qm = -6.6340

Angular distributions of 3He groups have been measured at Ed = 20 MeV (1969PU04: to 15N*(0, 5.27, 5.30)), 28 MeV [(1968GA13: to 15Ng.s.), (1970IN1A, 1971IN1C; unpublished: to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32), also elastic at Ed = 20 and 24 MeV)], 29 MeV (1974FI1F; abstract: to 15N*(0, 5.27, 5.30, 6.32, 7.16, 7.57), 34.4 MeV (1967HI06: to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32)), 52 MeV (1969KA1A: to 15Ng.s.) and 82 MeV (1969DO04: to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32)). At Ed = 52 MeV the spectrum at 11° is dominated by 15N*(0, 6.32): states at 9.94 ± 0.02 and 10.705 ± 0.010 MeV are also populated (1973MA21). See also the mirror reaction 16O(d, t)15O, (1973WA1E), (1973FA02; theor.) and 18F in (1978AJ03).

77. 16O(t, α)15N Qm = 7.6869

Angular distributions have been measured at Et = 13 MeV (1965AJ01; α0, α1+2, α3). See also (1970AJ04).

78. 16O(10B, 11C)15N Qm = -3.436

The ground state angular distribution has been studied at E(10B) = 100 MeV (1975NA15).

79. 16O(14N, 15O)15N Qm = -4.830

See reaction 33 in 15O (1975NA15, 1975VO05).

80. 16O(16O, 17F)15N Qm = -11.527

See (1974RO04).

81. 16O(19F, 20Ne)15N Qm = 0.717

Angular distributions are reported at E(19F) = 36 MeV involving 15Ng.s. and 20Ne*(0, 1.63) (1973GA14).

82. 17O(p, 3He)15N Qm = -8.552

At Ep = 39.8 MeV angular distributions of the groups to 15N*(0, 6.32) have been compared with those to the analog states in 15O (1970OL1B, 1971OL04).

83. 17O(d, α)15N Qm = 9.802

See (1954PA39).

84. (a) 18O(p, α)15N Qm = 3.9799
(b) 18O(p, tp)15N Qm = -15.8347

Angular distributions of α0 have been measured at Ep = 0.84 to 2.00 MeV (1961CA02) and at 20.6, 26.1, 34.2, 42.2 MeV (1974PI05). Angular correlation measurements lead to J = 5/2, 3/2, 5/2, 3/2, 7/2, (1/2) and (3/2), respectively for 15N*(5.27, 6.32, 7.16, 7.30, 7.57, 8.31, 8.58) (1965WA06, 1966HA30, 1966LO02). J = 5/2 for 15N*(5.27) and the mixing parameter fix J = 5/2 for 15N*(10.54) which feeds 15N*(5.27) [as observed in 14C(p, γ)15N] (1965WA06).

At Ep = 46 MeV the first T = 2 state [Jπ = 0+] in 16O at Ex = 22.72 MeV (reaction (b)) decays by proton emission with branching ratios of (25 ± 6)%, (22 ± 5)% and (15 ± 5)% to 15N*(0, 5.27 + 5.30, 6.32) (1973KO02). See also (1973CL1E, 1975FO19, 1975RO20; astrophys. questions), (1974NI1A; theor.) and 19F in (1978AJ03).

85. 18O(18O, 20F)15N Qm = -1.651

See (1972EY01).

86. (a) 19F(γ, α)15N Qm = -4.0129
(b) 19F(p, pα)15N Qm = -4.0129
(c) 19F(α, 2α)15N Qm = -4.0129

In reaction (a) the yields of 5.27 MeV γ-rays have been measured at Ebs = 19, 21.5 and 25 MeV (1972TH15). See also (1972SP1B) and (1970AJ04).

87. 19F(d, 6Li)15N Qm = -2.539

Angular distributions of the 6Li ions corresponding to 15Ng.s. have been measured at Ed = 9.0 to 12.5 MeV (1967DE14), 14.5 - 14.9 MeV (1964DA1B, 1966DE09), 19.5 MeV (1971GU07: also to 15N*(5.3, 6.3)) and 28 MeV (1972BE1T, 1972BE29). See also (1972GA1E).

88. 19F(3He, 7Be)15N Qm = -2.426

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 30 MeV (1970DE12) and 40.7 MeV (1971DE04, 1971DE37) involving 15Ng.s. and 7Be*(0, 0.43).