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15C (1976AJ04)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 15C)

GENERAL: See also (1970AJ04) and Table 15.1 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS) here.

Model calculations: (1973PH03, 1973RE17).

Special levels: (1973PH03, 1974VA24).

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1973BE16, 1973BU20).

Pion capture and reactions: (1970JA11).

Special reactions: (1971AR02, 1973KO1D, 1973WI15, 1974KO25, 1975UD01).

Other topics: (1970SU1B, 1973PH03, 1973RE17, 1974VA24, 1975BE31).

1. 15C(β-)15N Qm = 9.772

The half-life is 2.449 ± 0.004 sec (D.E. Alburger, private communication). See also (1970AL21). Transitions have been observed to the 15Ng.s. and to the upper of the 5.3 MeV levels of 15N. The latter transition (which is to a 1/2+ state) is clearly allowed: see Table 15.2 (in PDF or PS). Therefore Jπ(15Cg.s.) = 1/2+ or 3/2+ (1959AL06, 1959AL97, 1966AL12, 1969GA05). Weak transitions are observed to 15N*(7.30, 8.31, 8.57, 9.05). See also (1970AS1C) and (1970HS02, 1972TO03; theor.).

2. 9Be(6He, α)11Be Qm = 6.344 Eb = 19.072

See (1970AJ04).

3. 9Be(7Li, p)15C Qm = 9.094

Observed proton groups and a γ-ray measurement are displayed in Table 15.3 (in PDF or PS) (1974GA33, 1975HA42). τm for 15C*(0.74) = 3.77 ± 0.11 nsec (1968ME08). Angular distributions have been reported at E(7Li) = 1.7 to 1.9 MeV (1969KA1C; p1 → p4), 5.6-6.2 MeV (1969SN02; p0, p1) and 20 MeV (1974GA33; to states with Ex < 8.6 MeV, and partial distributions to 15C*(9.79, 10.25, 11.13, 11.83). See also (1970AJ04).

4. 14C(n, γ)15C Qm = 1.218

σγ < 1 μb (1951YA1A, 1973MU14).

5. 14C(n, n)14C Eb = 1.218

See (1973PH03, 1974PH03; theor.).

6. 14C(d, p)15C Qm = -1.007

Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 15.3 (in PDF or PS) (1973GO28, 1975GO31) and compared with the results of reaction 3. The spectroscopic factors obtained for the bound states 15C*(g.s., 0.74) [Jπ = 1/2+ and 5/2+, respectively] are somewhat less than the value 1 predicted theoretically (1973PH03, 1973RE17) [see, however, (1975CE04)]. τm of 15C*(0.74) = 3.73 ± 0.23 nsec (1962LO02): the angular distribution of the 0.74 MeV γ-rays requires J ≥ 5/2; ln = 2 stripping permits Jπ = 3/2+ or 5/2+. Therefore Jπ = 5/2+ for 15C*(0.74) (1962CH14); g = -0.77 ± 0.06 (1975HA42). See (1970AJ04) for a review of the earlier work.

7. 15N(n, p)15C Qm = -8.989

See 16N in (1977AJ02).

8. 18O(n, α)15C Qm = -5.009

See (1966BA1F).

The following light-particle induced reactions leading to 15C have not been reported:

13C(t, p)15C Qm = 0.913
14C(t, d)15C Qm = -5.039
14C(α, 3He)15C Qm = -19.360