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6Li (1979AJ01)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 6Li)

GENERAL: See also (1974AJ01) and Table 6.2 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS) here.

Shell model: (1974KA11, 1975DI04, 1975GO1B, 1975VE01, 1976CE03, 1976GHZY).

Collective, rotational and deformed models: (1974BO25).

Cluster and α-particle models: (1972KR1A, 1973DO09, 1973LI23, 1974BA30, 1974GR24, 1974JA1K, 1974KA11, 1974NO03, 1974PA1B, 1974SH08, 1974WO1B, 1975BL1C, 1975GO08, 1975GR26, 1975HA48, 1975KR1A, 1975LE1A, 1975LI1C, 1975MI09, 1975NO03, 1975PA11, 1975RA32, 1975SH05, 1975TH1C, 1975VI08, 1976PL02, 1976RO02, 1976SC34, 1977BO35, 1977CH07, 1977SI10, 1977SM1A, 1977TA1C, 1978BO43, 1978DE1K, 1978HO1E, 1978IO1A, 1978LO1B, 1978OS1D).

Astrophysical questions: (1973TI1A, 1973TR1B, 1973WE1D, 1974AU1A, 1974CA1C, 1974JA11, 1974PA10, 1974RE1A, 1975BR1B, 1975ME1E, 1975TR1A, 1976AU1B, 1976AU1C, 1976BE1C, 1976CL1A, 1976CO1B, 1976EP1A, 1976GI1C, 1976HA1F, 1976SI1C, 1976VI1A, 1977CA1B, 1977MA1H, 1977MO1D, 1977MO1E, 1977SC1D, 1977WE1D, 1978AU1C, 1978DW1A).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1973WE18, 1974HA1C, 1974KU06, 1974MU13, 1974NO03, 1974VE02, 1974VE10, 1974YA01, 1975VE01, 1976KU07, 1977DO06, 1978KI08).

Special levels: (1974DZ07, 1974IR04, 1974KA11, 1974KU06, 1975DI04, 1975DO05, 1975LI20, 1975LO1D, 1975SH01, 1976IR1B, 1976PR07, 1977FA09, 1978FA1C, 1978HO1E).

Applied work: (1975GE1C, 1977BR1H, 1977MO1B, 1978KA1E).

Special reactions: (1973SI38, 1974BA70, 1974BO08, 1974JA11, 1974LA18, 1974PA10, 1974QU01, 1974TI02, 1975BA1G, 1975EC02, 1975KU01, 1975RA14, 1975RA21, 1975ZE01, 1976BE67, 1976BO08, 1976BU16, 1976CRZX, 1976LE1F, 1976LO03, 1976MI13, 1976NA11, 1976OS04, 1976RA1C, 1976RO12, 1977AU1B, 1977BO21, 1977CA22, 1977FE1B, 1977GI08, 1977MO1C, 1977PA27, 1977RE08, 1977RO23, 1977SH1D, 1977ST34, 1977YA1B, 1978BI08, 1978CA15, 1978DI04, 1978FL03, 1978GE1C, 1978GE04, 1978GR1F, 1978LA1F, 1978OT1A).

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1973MU1B, 1974CA04, 1974DO1C, 1974EN10, 1974WA1C, 1974WI01, 1975BE42, 1975CH22, 1975DO1F, 1975FE1B, 1976WA02, 1977BA1P, 1977BA1R, 1977CA1C, 1977MU1A, 1977PR1B, 1977WA1F, 1977WA1G, 1978DE15, 1978HW01, 1978LE04, 1978MI1C).

Pion and kaon and other meson capture and reactions: (1972BA1C, 1973AL1A, 1973AR1B, 1973BA1G, 1973BA1E, 1973BA30, 1973NA20, 1973RO1F, 1973WI1A, 1974AM01, 1974CA24, 1974CL04, 1974DE1C, 1974GO04, 1974HU14, 1974JA1K, 1974KO27, 1974NO03, 1974TA18, 1974VE02, 1975AR02, 1975BA1L, 1975BE1G, 1975BR1D, 1975BU1A, 1975CA32, 1975DE1D, 1975MO22, 1975PN1A, 1975SA01, 1975TA1C, 1975VE05, 1975YA02, 1976AL1F, 1976AS1B, 1976BA1G, 1976BO32, 1976CA20, 1976DU1B, 1976DYZY, 1976HU1C, 1976HUZK, 1976LE1H, 1976LE1G, 1976LI26, 1976PI1B, 1976RO14, 1976TR1A, 1976TZ1A, 1977AB09, 1977AL1C, 1977AL1D, 1977AM1A, 1977AR1C, 1977AU02, 1977BA1Q, 1977BE1L, 1977BO1E, 1977BU25, 1977CO1E, 1977DO06, 1977HA1K, 1977HO1B, 1977MA35, 1977NA08, 1977RA1A, 1977SH1C, 1977SI03, 1977SI10, 1977TE1A, 1977VE05, 1977WA1H, 1978EI1A, 1978KA1C, 1978KI08, 1978MO01, 1978OT1A, 1978RE05, 1978WIZO).

Anti-proton interactions: (1977WE1E).

Other topics: (1973DZ1A, 1974DZ07, 1974IR04, 1974KU06, 1974MU13, 1974RE1B, 1974SE1B, 1975BL1C, 1975DO05, 1975ER09, 1975GO1B, 1975GO08, 1975HE09, 1975KU01, 1975KU08, 1975LI1C, 1975LI20, 1975LO1B, 1975NO03, 1975RA32, 1975SH01, 1976GHZY, 1976IR1B, 1976MA04, 1976MI1B, 1976MI1E, 1976PR07, 1977BL1B, 1977BU1D, 1977FA09, 1978DE1K, 1978FA1C, 1978FR1E, 1978JE1B, 1978LE05, 1978PA02).

Ground state properties: (1974BL1B, 1974DE1E, 1974DZ07, 1974KU06, 1974MU13, 1974PA1B, 1974SHYR, 1974VE02, 1974WO1B, 1974YA01, 1975BE31, 1975CA32, 1975DO05, 1975GO04, 1975JO1A, 1975RA32, 1976FU06, 1976GHZY, 1976RO02, 1977AN21, 1977BO35, 1977BU09, 1977DU01, 1977FA09, 1977MA35, 1978AN07, 1978BO43, 1978FA1C, 1978LE05, 1978ZA1D).

μ = 0.8220467 (6) nm (1974BE50),

Q = -0.644 (7) mb (V. Shirley, private communication).

1. (a) 3He(3H, γ)6Li Qm = 15.7940 Eb = 15.7940
(b) 3He(3H, p)5He Qm = 11.20
(c) 3He(3H, p)4He + n Qm = 12.0959
(d) 3He(3H, n)5Li Qm = 10.13
(e) 3He(3H, d)4He Qm = 14.3205
(f) 3He(3H, 3H)3He
(g) 3He(3H, dn)3He Qm = -6.2573
(h) 3He(3H, p2n)3He Qm = -8.4820
(i) 3He(3H, 2d)2H Qm = -9.5263
(j) 3He(3H, pd)3H Qm = -5.4936

Capture γ-rays (reaction (a)) to the first three states of 6Li [γ0, γ1, γ2] have been observed for E(3He) = 0.5 to 25.8 MeV, while the yields of γ3 and γ4 have been measured for E(3He) = 12.6 to 25.8 MeV: see (1974AJ01). The γ2 excitation function does not show resonance structure. However, the γ0, γ1, γ3 and γ4 yields do show broad maxima at E(3He) = 5.0 ± 0.4 [γ0, γ1], 20.6 ± 0.4 [γ1], ≈ 21 [γ3] and 21.8 ± 0.8 [γ4] MeV. The magnitude of the ground state capture cross section is well accounted for by a direct capture model; that for the γ1 capture indicates a non-direct contribution above E(3He) = 10 MeV, interpreted as a resonance due to a state with Ex = 25 ± 1 MeV, Γc.m. = 4 MeV, T = 1 (because the transition is E1, to a T = 0 final state) [the E1 radiative width |M|2 ≳ 5.2/(2J + 1) W.u.], Jπ = (2, 3, 4)-, α + p + n parentage (1973VE09, 1973VE1B). The γ4 resonance is interpreted as being due to a broad state at Ex = 26.6 MeV with T = 0. Jπ = 3- is consistent with the measured angular distribution (1973VE1B). The ground and first excited state reduced widths for 3He + t parentage, θ20 = 0.8 ± 0.2 and θ21 = 0.6 ± 0.3 (1971VE10, 1973VE09, 1973VE1B).

Elastic scattering (reaction (f)) angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 5.00 to 32.3 MeV and excitation functions have been reported for E(3He) = 4.3 to 33.4 MeV: see (1974AJ01) and (1977VL01). At the lower energies the elastic yield is stuctureless and decreases monotonically with energy (1968IV01). Polarization measurements are reported for Epol. t = 9.02 to 17.02 MeV (1977HA17) and E(3He) = 19.9 → 33.3 MeV (1977KA10, 1977VL01). A strong change occurs in the analyzing power angular distributions at Epol. t = 15 MeV (1977HA17). A phase-shift analysis by (1977VL01) [single level R-matrix formalism, L ≤ 4] yields P-states [0-, 2-; T = 1] at Ex ≈ 21.5 and 21.0 MeV and F-states [3-, 4-; T = 1] at Ex ≈ 26.7 and 25.7 MeV. There is some indication also of T = 0, 3-, 5- and 3+ states at Ex ≈ 25, 29.5 and 31.5 MeV whose decay is presumably primarily by d + α (1977VL01).

For reactions (b) and (c) see 5He and 5Li and (1966LA04, 1974AJ01). See also (1975SC1F). The angular distribution and polarization of the neutrons in reaction (d) have been measured at E(3He) = 2.70 and 3.55 MeV. The excitation function for E(3He) = 0.7 to 3.8 MeV decreases monotonically with energy (1971KL04). The excitation function for n0 has been measured for E(3He) = 2 to 6 MeV (1975AB11) and for E(3He) = 14 to 26 MeV (1974CH15: θ = 20°); evidence for a broad structure at E(3He) = 20.5 ± 0.8 MeV is reported [6Li*(26.1)]. Since reaction (d) is not restricted to T = 0 or T = 1 the structure could correspond to both 6Li*(25.0, 26.6) (1974CH15). See (1973NO07) for suggestions of 6Li states at ≈ 16.2 and ≈ 17 MeV.

Angular distributions of deuterons (reaction (e)) have been measured for Et = 1.04 to 3.27 MeV and at E(3He) = 0.29 to 0.80 MeV: see (1974AJ01). Recent measurements are reported at E(3He) = 4.25 to 9.85 MeV (1975SC1F) and 32 MeV (1974RO01). (1977HA42) have studied the polarization in this reaction at Epol. t = 9.02, 12.86 and 17.02 MeV and report an excitation function at θc.m. = 90° for Et = 9.02 to 17.27 MeV. The angular distributions show marked deviations from the antisymmetric shape predicted by a simple particle-transfer model incorporating charge symmetry (1977HA42). An excitation curve for E(3He) = 17 to 33 MeV shows resonant behavior at about Ex = 31 MeV, corresponding to the 3+, T = 0 state suggested in the elastic scattering (1978EN1A; prelim.).

For reaction (c) see (1972KU08, 1975SC1F). For reactions (c), (i) and (j) see (1973SL03, 1974AL01). See also (1974RE1C), (1975FO19; astronomical considerations), (1974LO1B, 1974SL04, 1976CO1E, 1976HA1C) and (1973KO14, 1973SL1C, 1974BR30, 1975KU09, 1975SH1B, 1975TA1A, 1977KA1D, 1977KA1G, 1978FE1C; theor.).

2. 3H(α, n)6Li Qm = -4.7839

Neutron groups corresponding to 6Li*(0, 2.19) have been detected: see 7Li (1976SP10).

3. 4He(d, γ)6Li Qm = 1.4735

Searches for γ-rays from resonant capture by 6Li*(3.56) [Jπ = 0+; T = 1] have been unsuccessful: the upper limit for its parity-forbidden heavy particle width, Γdα, is 1.7 × 10-2 eV (1975BA06), 8 × 10-4 eV (1975BE44). The radiative capture has been observed at seven energies in the range Eα = 5.4 to 25 MeV (1978RO1E; prelim.). See also (1974AJ01, 1977BI1D).

4. (a) 4He(d, n)5Li Qm = -4.19 Eb = 1.4735
(b) 4He(d, p)5He Qm = -3.12
(c) 4He(d, np)4He Qm = -2.2246
(d) 4He(d, t)3He Qm = -14.3205
(e) 4He(d, d)p + 3H Qm = -19.8140
(f) 4He(d, d)2H2H Qm = -23.8467

The proton yield gives no evidence of states in 6Li with 6.5 < Ex < 8.7 MeV (1964OH01). Polarization measurements at Ed = 8.5, 10 and 11 MeV (1971KE16) indicate scattering through the first two states of 5He. See also 5He and 5Li and (1974AJ01).

Reaction (c) has been studied at Ed = 8.9 MeV (1977SA21) to determine the n-α FSI [see 5He]; at Eα = 14.99 MeV (1977KO18) to determine the n-p FSI and the sequential decay via states of 6Li; and at Ed-bar = 6.78 MeV (1977NO1C), 8.7, 11.4 and 14.4 MeV (1975WA1G, 1976LI1V; pol. n), and 15 MeV (1978NA08), Eα = 18 MeV (1976SA29, 1978SA07), 27.2 MeV (1977KO42), 39.4 MeV (1975KN02) and 100 MeV (1977LE18) and Ed = 50 MeV (1977LE18) for polarization and angular distribution measurements, most analyzed by the modified impulse approximation (MIA). (1976SA29) report destructive interference between the MIA matrix elements and the n-p FSI for Enp ≲ 0.6 MeV. For other measurements to Eα = 165 MeV see 5He, reaction 5(b) in (1974AJ01) and (1977FO07).

Studies of the t and 3He differential cross sections (reaction (d)) at Ed = 45.8 MeV (1974RO01), Eα = 48.3 MeV (1971WA20), 49.9, 64.3 and 82.1 MeV (1970GR07, 1972GR07) and 166 MeV (1974BA09), and of the vector analyzing power at Ed-bar = 32.41 MeV (1976DA1C), show pronounced deviations from 90°c.m. symmetry which are angle and energy dependent [the asymmetry is appreciably less at 166 MeV (1974BA09)]. These deviations appear to be reproduced by (1974WE13) who used an exact finite-range multi-interaction DWBA analysis which includes all appropriate one-particle transfer reaction mechanisms, and Coulomb and other effects. See also (1974BA09).

For reactions (d) and (e) see (1972LI04). See also (1978MC1D), (1977MO1E; astrophys.), (1972CH1B, 1974NA10, 1975HE1D, 1976HA1C, 1976NA12, 1976SC34, 1977CL1A, 1977CO1B, 1977OS06, 1977OS1B, 1978KO13; theor.).

5. 4He(d, d)4He Eb = 1.4735

Elastic scattering differential cross-section measurements have been carried out at many energies up to Eα = 166 MeV: see (1974AJ01). Recent measurements are those of (1978KA11) at Ed = 7.8 MeV and (1974WI13) at Ed = 29.8, 32.3, 34.8, 37.3 and 39.8 MeV. See also (1974CH1G). Polarization measurements have been carried out for Ed to 45 MeV [see listing in Table 6.3 (in PDF or PS) of (1974AJ01)] and at Ed-bar = 2.38 to 13.60 MeV (1976SC15), 4 to 5 and 10 to 12.5 MeV (1975GR09), 1975GR10)), 6.04 to 7.05 MeV (1977HA34), 2 to 17 MeV (1978BR1F), 15 to 44.9 MeV (1976CO1D, 1976CO1H, 1976ST1D; preliminary results) and 30.6 MeV (1976HE1D; prelim.). See also (1977SE1C, 1978SE01).

Phase shift analyses have been carried out for Ed = 0.3 to 27 MeV: see (1974AJ01) and for Ed = 3 to 17 MeV by (1975GR09, 1975GR10) [using all available differential cross-section, vector and tensor analyzing power measurements, and L ≥ 4] and in the vicinity of the 1+; T = 0 state 6Li*(5.65) by (1977HA34) [R-matrix analysis: see Table 6.3 (in PDF or PS)]. On the basis of these analyses it is found that the d-wave shifts are split and exhibit resonances at Ex = 2.19 (3D3), 4.7 (3D2) and 5.65 MeV (3D1): see Table 6.3 (in PDF or PS). The P-wave phase shifts remain small below Ed = 17 MeV,a s do the F and G phase shifts (1975GR09, 1975GR10); see also for contour plots of analyzing power) [see, however, (1978BR1F)]. See also (1974DO1D).

The breakup of 6Li with E = 22.2 and 23.0 MeV in the bombardment of 118Sn and 208Pb proceeds primarily by the sequential decay via 6Li*(2.19) → α + d (1977SC25). Total cross sections are reported at E = 0.87 and 2.1 GeV/nucleon by (1975JA1A). See also (1975CA1D, 1978FI1E) and (1973KO14, 1974BL1B, 1974HA21, 1974HE21, 1974TH05, 1975AB1C, 1975BA76, 1975DU09, 1975HA1E, 1975KU09, 1975LI1C, 1975PL1B, 1975TA1A, 1975WI1C, 1976BA1E, 1976CH1C, 1976HA1C, 1976KO21, 1976LE17, 1977CH07, 1977CO1B, 1977EL1B, 1977FL13, 1977FR12, 1978KA1F; theor.).

6. (a) 4He(3He, p)6Li Qm = -4.0201
(b) 4He(3He, n2p)4He Qm = -7.7182

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 8 to 18 MeV and Eα = 42, 71.7 and 81.4 MeV: see (1974AJ01). At Eα = 28, 63.7, 71.7 and 81.4 MeV the α-spectra show that the sequential decay (reaction (b)) involves 6Li*(2.19) and possibly 5Li (1973HA50, 1977KO09). See also 7Be.

7. 4He(α, d)6Li Qm = -22.3733

See (1977KI12; Eα = 46.7 to 49.5 MeV) and (1975MA1G; Eα = 140 MeV). See also (1974KO1C; astrophys.) and 8Be.

8. 6He(β-)6Li Qm = 3.507

See 6He.

9. 6Li(γ, γ)6Li

The width, Γγ, of 6Li*(3.56) = 8.1 ± 0.5 eV (1969RA20): see Table 6.4 (in PDF or PS); Ex = 3569.0 ± 1.7 keV (1977WE1C), 3562.89 ± 0.10 keV (R.G.H. Robertson and J.A. Nolen, private communication).

10. (a) 6Li(γ, n)5Li Qm = -5.66
(b) 6Li(γ, p)5He Qm = -4.59
(c) 6Li(γ, d)4He Qm = -1.4735
(d) 6Li(γ, t)3He Qm = -15.7940
(e) 6Li(γ, pd)3H Qm = -21.2875
(f) 6Li(γ, nd)3He Qm = -22.0513
(g) 6Li(γ, π+)6He Qm = -143.074

The (γ, n) and the (γ, xn) cross sections increase from threshold to a maximum at Eγ ≈ 12 MeV then decrease to Eγ = 32 MeV without clear evidence of additional structure: see (1975BE1F, 1976BE1H).

The cross section for photoproton production (reaction (b)) is generally flat up to 90 MeV with a slight evidence of a hump at Eγ ≈ 16 MeV (1970WO10). The spectra of photoprotons have been studied at Ebs = 60, 80 and 100 MeV; angular distributions of the highest energy protons were measured at Ebs = 60 MeV. The spectra show a broad asymmetric peak corresponding to the first two states of 5He (σ = 34.1 ± 1.6 μb) and another broad peak centered at Ex ≈ 20 MeV (1976MA34). The cross section for reaction (c) is ≲ 5 μb in the range Eγ = 2.6 to 17 MeV consistent with the expected inhibition of dipole absorption by isospin selection rules: see (1966LA04). See also (1976SK02).

The 90° differential cross section for reaction (d) decreases monotonically for Eγ = 18 to 70 MeV: reaction (d) contributes ≈ 1/3 of the total cross section for 6Li + γ, consistent with a 3H + 3He cluster description of 6Lig.s. with θ2 ≈ 0.68. The agreement with the inverse reaction, 3H(3He, γ) [see reaction 1] is good (1975SH05).

(1974DE1C, 1977AU02) have measured the yield of π+ (reaction (g)) near threshold and up to 7.2 MeV above it: transitions are observed to 6He*(0, 1.8). See also (1974GO04, AL77Z, 1977AR1C) and (1975BE42, 1977RA42; theor.).

For the earlier work on 6Li + γ, see (1974AJ01). See also (1974BU1A, 1975BE60, 1975BE1G, 1975DO05; reviews), (1975FO19; astrophys.) and (1973CI1A, 1974CL01, 1974GH03, 1974SH08, 1974YA01, 1975LO1D, 1975LO1C, 1975NO1A, 1977TA1C; theor.).

11. (a) 6Li(e, e)6Li
(b) 6Li(e, ep)5He Qm = -4.59
(c) 6Li(e, ed)4He Qm = -1.4735
(d) 6Li(e, eπ+)6He Qm = -143.074

Elastic scattering has been measured at Ee = 85 to 600 MeV [see (1974AJ01)] and at 82 to 292 MeV (1977BU09). The diffraction feature in F2 indicates a lowering of the central charge density (1971LI10). A model independent analysis of the scattering yields rrms = 2.51 ± 0.10 fm (1972BU01).

Table 6.4 (in PDF or PS) summarizes the results obtained in the inelastic scattering of electrons. Form factors have been measured for 6Li*(2.19) (1974YE01; Ee = 60 MeV), (1976BE22; Ee = 107.6 MeV) and 6Li*(3.56) (1975BE42; Ee = 124.9 MeV). Values at Ee = 40.5 and 50.5 MeV have also been obtained for 6Li*(5.37) (1977FA02). See (1974AJ01) for the earlier work. (1975BE42) find that the 1p harmonic oscillator radial wave functions do not give a good description of the form factor for 6Li*(3.56). The monopole breakup appears to be predominant near threshold but the influence of 6Li*(4.31) [Jπ = 2+] becomes important a few MeV above threshold (1976BE22). The inelastic electron groups are superposed on a large quasi-continuous background: see (1974AJ01) and (1974WH05). A study of the scattering at Ee = 2.5 and 2.7 GeV finds that a shell model analysis including short range correlations fits the data when a correlation parameter qe ≈ 250 MeV/c is used (1974HE20).

Because of the astrophysical implications of a 0+ state in 6Be near the 3He + 3He binding energy, several attempts have been made to locate the analog state in 6Li at Ex ≈ 15.2 MeV. The results are negative: e.g., Γγ < 3 eV for the M1 width of the 0+ → 1+ transition to 6Lig.s. (1973FA04). See also (1974AJ01). At Ee = 700 MeV the proton separation spectra (reaction (b)) are similar to those observed in (p, 2p) (1978NA05). See also (1973KU19, 1974HE17, 1975AN11). For reaction (c) see (1974GE10, 1974HE17, 1975GE12, 1976SK02, 1977TA1B). For π+ production (reaction (d)) see (1977SH1C) and (1977TO20; theor.).

See also (1973BI1A, 1974DE1E, 1975FA1A) and (1973GA19, 1974BA30, 1974BE10, 1974GR24, 1974KU06, 1974ME24, 1974PE08, 1974TO08, 1974WA1C, 1975BA1H, 1975CA32, 1975DO1D, 1975GO30, 1975GR26, 1975JA1B, 1975JA1C, 1975ME27, 1975VI08, 1976BU1B, 1976DU05, 1976TO07, 1976WA02, 1977BR37, 1977KU12, 1977TO03, 1977WA1F, 1977WA1G, 1978BO24; theor.).

12. (a) 6Li(n, n')6Li*
(b) 6Li(n, nd)4He Qm = -1.4735

Angular distributions have been reported at En = 1.0 to 14.2 MeV (see (1974AJ01)), 2.3 and 2.8 MeV (1978KN1D; n0) and at En = 4.0 to 7.5 MeV (1976KN1D, 1976LA1C; n0), 7.5 to 14 MeV (1976BI1B, 1976VO1B, 1977HO1A; n0, n1) and 14.1 MeV (1974HY01; n0, n1). See also (1976KN1C, 1976MI1C, 1978LI1C). For reaction (b) see (1975AN1C) and (1978RI02; En = 800 MeV; the quasi-elastic and quasi-free yields of deuterons do not show special enhancement from A1/3 systematics). See also 7Li and (1978ST05; theor.).

13. (a) 6Li(p, p)6Li
(b) 6Li(p, 2p)5He Qm = -4.59
(c) 6Li(p, pd)4He Qm = -1.4735
(d) 6Li(p, p3H)3He Qm = -15.7940
(e) 6Li(p, pn)5Li Qm = -5.66
(f) 6Li(p, 2d)3He Qm = -19.8258

Proton angular distributions have been measured at Ep = 0.5 to 600 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1974AJ01) for a listing of the references. Inelastic groups corresponding to excited states of 6Li are displayed in Table 6.5 (in PDF or PS) (1957BR12, 1965HA17, 1975VO04, 1977KI08).

Angular correlations of protons (reaction (b)) are discussed in reaction 14 of 5He (1974BH03). See also (1974MI05, 1975VO04, 1976COZN, 1977RO1E) and the earlier work described in reaction 12 of 6Li in (1974AJ01).

Reaction (c) has been studied at Ep = 9 MeV to 1 GeV: see (1974AJ01) for the earlier work and (1975VO04; 11 MeV), (1976BOZP; Ep = 28.5 MeV, (1977BO35; Ep = 39.8 MeV), (1974DU10; 40 MeV), (1976RO76, 1977RO02; 100 MeV), (1975KI02; 590 MeV), (1978CH1H, 1978CH1K; 795 MeV) and (1976COZN; 800 MeV). See also (1974BE46, 1975MI1A, 1978DE1J). At Ep = 100 MeV the agreement with DWIA is good: Sα = 0.58 ± 0.02 (1977RO02). A study of reaction (f) indicates dominance, at Ep = 100 MeV, of the direct quasi-free reaction process (p + α → d + 3He): Sα = 0.52 ± 0.03 (1977CO07).

(1975VO04) have compared yields from reactions (b), (c) and (e): by comparing yields in the isospin allowed and forbidden (reaction (c)) channels, they set an upper limit of α2 ≤ 8 × 10-3 for a possible T = 0 admixture in the T = 1 state, 6Li*(5.37). Reaction (e), at Ep = 47 MeV, may proceed by sequential decay involving 6Li*(21, 30) or states in 6Be [see reaction 3 in 6Be] (1977WA05). See also (1974MI05, 1977BO35). Reaction (d), studied at Ep = 100 MeV, and compared with the (p, pα) reaction indicates that the 3He + t parentage of 6Li is comparable with the α + d parentage: the quantitative estimates depend strongly on the wave functions used in the estimate (1976RO02). See also (1976COZN) and (1974AJ01) for the earlier work.

See also 7Be, (1976MOZF, 1977BR33, 1978FR1D), (1973TH1A, 1976SL2A, 1977CO1C, 1978CH1G) and (1973DO09, 1973LI23, 1974GO1G, 1974HA36, 1974JA1F, 1974PR1C, 1974PR10, 1974RA1D, 1974SA09, 1974ZH01, 1975CH1C, 1975HA48, 1975LE1A, 1975PR1A, 1975SA01, 1976GO1E, 1976GO04, 1976OH04, 1978BE1K, 1978KA1C, 1978WO13; theor.).

14. (a) 6Li(d, d')6Li*
(b) 6Li(d, pn)6Li Qm = -2.2246
(c) 6Li(d, 2d)4He Qm = -1.4735
(d) 6Li(d, αp)3H Qm = 2.5592
(e) 6Li(d, αn)3He Qm = 1.7954

Angular distributions of deuterons have been measured at Ed = 4.5 to 19.6 MeV: see (1974AJ01), (1976AB11; Ed = 4 to 10 MeV; d0) and (1978FU03; Ed = 13.6 MeV; d0). The T = 1, 0+ state, 6Li*(3.56) is not appreciably populated. For a summary of the results on excited states see Table 6.5 (in PDF or PS) (1957BR12, 1975BR21).

At Ed = 21 MeV reaction (b) shows spectral peaking (characteristic of 1S0 for the pn system [T = 1]) when 6Li*(3.56) is formed, in contrast with the much broader shape (characteristic of 3S1) seen when 6Li*(0, 2.19) are populated (1972BR03). A study of reaction (c) at Ed = 52 MeV shows that the α-clustering probability, Neff = 0.12+0.12-0.06 if a Hankel function is used (1973HA31) [see this reference also for a discussion of other results on momentum distributions and α-clustering probability in 6Li]. The α-particle and the deuteron clusters in 6Li have essentially a relative orbital momentum of l = 0. The D-state probabilty of the ground state of 6Li is ≈ 5% of the S-state (1973HA31). Quasifree scattering is an important process even for Ed = 6 to 11 MeV (1973MI20). Interference effects are evident in reaction (c) proceeding through 6Li*(2.19, 4.31): this is due to the experiment being unable to determine whether the detected particle was emitted first or second in the sequential decay (1968LE15). Reactions (c) and (d) studied at Ed = 7.5 to 10.5 MeV indicate that the three-body breakup of 6Li at these low energies is dominated by sequential decay processes (1974MI10, 1977MI13). See also (1977BR33, 1977FU1B, 1977TE1A, 1978FU03), (1975GR41, 1975RO1B) and (1972CH1B, 1973JA1B, 1974CH58, 1974WE1B, 1975GO27, 1975KO1A; theor.).

15. 6Li(t, t')6Li*

At Et = 17 MeV angular distributions have been measured for the tritons to 6Li*(0, 3.56) (1976SH14): see also reaction 7 in 6He.

16. (a) 6Li(3He, 3He)6Li
(b) 6Li(3He, t)3He3He Qm = -15.7940

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 8 to 217 MeV [see (1974AJ01)] and at 70 MeV (1975DA1A; abstract; d0). Reaction (b) has been studied by (1977HA19) at 45 MeV. See also (1974AJ01), (1975GR41) and (1976VR01, 1978HA1H; theor.).

17. (a) 6Li(α, α')6Li*
(b) 6Li(α, 2α)2H Qm = -1.4735
(c) 6Li(α, αp)5He Qm = -4.59

Angular distributions (reaction (a)) have been measured at Eα = 3.0 to 166 MeV [see (1974AJ01)] and at Eα = 34.8, 39.8 and 45.0 MeV (1975BE11; α0, α1). In the range Eα = 12.5 to 18.5 MeV the optical model gives good agreement with the elastic angular distributions when a target spin-orbit potential is included (1971BI12). At Eα = 104 MeV the elastic angular distribution shows a pronounced diffraction pattern (1969HA14) while at 166 MeV there is some backward peaking in addition to a single strong forward peak (1972BA89).

Reaction (b) has been studied at Eα = 50.4, 59.0, 60.5, 70.3 and 79.6 MeV (1969PU01, 1971WA19) and at 700 MeV by (1975DO11). The low energy work, summarized in (1974AJ01), reported a width for the momentum distribution of α particles in 6Li of 29 ± 2 MeV/c, and an effective number of α + d clusters for 6Lig.s., Neff = 0.08 ± 0.04 (1971WA19). On the other hand (1975DO11), using a width parameter of 60.5 MeV/c, find Neff = 1.05 ± 0.12, and suggest that the lower value reported by (1971WA19) arises from the low energies of the outgoing α-particles in that experiment and consequent nuclear distortions. For other measurements of reaction (b) [Eα = 23.6 to 64.3 MeV] see (1974AJ01). See also (1974MA49) and 8Be. For reaction (c) see (1978CA1E).

See also 10B, (1975GR41, 1975RO1B, 1977BR33, 1978CH1G) and (1973LI23, 1974CL03, 1974GR43, 1974HA36, 1974JA27, 1974NO03, 1975BA43, 1975CL01, 1975GO27, 1975MI09, 1975VO1B, 1976AV05, 1976ME20, 1977BE1M, 1977TR1A, 1978JA1C, 1978SU1C; theor.).

18. 6Li(6Li, 6Li)6Li

Angular distributions of 6Li ions have been studied for E(6Li) = 3.2 to 32 MeV [see (1974AJ01)] and at 32 and 36 MeV for the reaction in which both outgoing ions are excited to 6Li*(3.56) (1974WH01, 1974WH02, 1975WH01). The ratios for populating 6Li*(3.56) and 6Heg.s. + 6Beg.s. [the analog states] vary with angle: see reaction 9 in 6He. See also 12C in (1975AJ02), (1975NO1C, 1978NO08) and (1976OG1A).

19. 6Li(9Be, 9Be)6Li

The elastic scattering has been studied at E(6Li) = 4.0 and 6.0 MeV (1974VO06) and 24 MeV (1968DA20).

20. 6Li(10B, 10B)6Li

The elastic scattering has been studied at E(6Li) = 5.8 MeV (1976PO02) and 30 MeV (1977KE09).

21. (a) 6Li(12C, 12C)6Li
(b) 6Li(13C, 13C)6Li

The elastic scattering has been studied recently at E(6Li-bar) = 9 MeV (1978DR07) and E(6Li) = 4.5 to 13 MeV (1976PO02), 36.4 and 40 MeV (1974BI04), 59.8 MeV (1975BI06) and 100 MeV (1977SC1B). For the earlier work, and for inelastic scattering to excited states of 12C, see 12C in (1975AJ02). See also (1975GR41, 1976OG1A, 1978FI1E) and (1975TH1C, 1976AM01, 1977KU07, 1978NO08, 1978PE1C; theor.). For reaction (b) see (1976PO02; 4.5 to 13 MeV) and (1978DR07).

22. (a) 6Li(14N, 14N)6Li
(b) 6Li(14N, 14N)4He + 2H Qm = -1.4735

See (1977KU06; E(14N) = 19.5 MeV).

23. 6Li(16O, 16O)6Li

Elastic angular distributions have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.5 to 13 MeV (1976PO02) and at E(16O) = 36 MeV (1971OR02). See also (1975GR41, 1978FI1E) and (1976OH03, 1978PE1C; theor.).

24. 6Li(28Si, 28Si)6Li

See (1976PO02, 1977DE23).

25. 7Li(γ, n)6Li Qm = -7.251

The (γ, n0) and (γ, n1) transitions have been studied for Ebs = 13 to 25 MeV (1977FE05): see 7Li.

26. 7Li(n, 2n)6Li Qm = -7.251

See 8Li.

27. (a) 7Li(p, d)6Li Qm = -5.026
(b) 7Li(p, pn)6Li Qm = -7.251
(c) 7Li(p, 2d)4He Qm = -6.499
(d) 7Li(p, pd)5He Qm = -9.62

Angular distributions of deuterons (reaction (a)) have been studied at Ep = 17.5 to 155.6 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1974AJ01) and at Ep = 16.7 and 17.7 MeV (1977GU14; to 6Li*(0, 2.19, 3.56)) and 185 MeV (1976FA03): to 6Li*(0, 2.19, 3.56, 4.31, 5.37)). A DWBA analysis of the 185 MeV data leads to C2S = 0.87, 0.67, 0.24, (0.05), 0.14, respectively (1976FA03). No other states are seen below Ex ≈ 20 MeV (1976FA03). At Ep = 800 MeV 6Li*(2.19) is populated much more strongly than the ground state (1978SH1C). See also (1974KA28) and (1974AJ01). At Ep = 12 MeV (1969CO06) have studied the ratio of the cross section of the (p, d) reaction to that for the (p, d-bar) reaction, in which singlet deuterons are formed: σ(p, d)/σ(p, d-bar) = 41.0.

For reaction (b) see (1977WA05). A kinematically complete experiment at Ep = 45 MeV shows that reaction (c) proceeds via low-lying excited states of 6Li (1972FU07). For reaction (d) see (1969DE04).

28. 7Li(d, t)6Li Qm = -0.993

A study at Ed = 23.6 MeV of the relative cross sections of the analog reactions 7Li(d, t)6Li (to the first two T = 1 states at 3.56 and 5.37 MeV) and 7Li(d, 3He)6He (to the ground and 1.80 MeV excited states) shows that 6Li*(3.56, 5.37) have high isospin purity (α2 < 0.008): this is explained in terms if antisymmetrization effects which prevent mixing with nearby T = 0 states (1971DE08). See also (1974AJ01) and (1975KU27, 1976KU07; theor.).

29. (a) 7Li(3He, α)6Li Qm = 13.327
(b) 7Li(3He, dα)4He Qm = 11.854
(c) 7Li(3He, tp)6Li Qm = -6.487
(d) 7Li(3He, t3He)4He Qm = -2.467
(e) 7Li(3He, n3He)6Li Qm = -7.251

Angular distributions have been reported at E(3He) = 5.1 to 18 MeV: see (1974AJ01). At E(3He) = 16 to 18 MeV, in a region where there are no sharp or strong resonances in the compound nucleus, both the forward and the backward maxima in the α0 angular distributions are reproduced by conventional DWBA without inclusion of exchange terms. However, the cross section derived from zero-range DWBA is a factor of 25 smaller than the observed cross section. For finite-range analysis no appreciable renormalization is necessary (1971ZA07). Excited states observed in this reaction are displayed in Table 6.5 (in PDF or PS) (1968CO07, 1975SC31). See also (1969LI06). No other states are reported below Ex = 10 MeV (1968CO07).

Several attempts have been made to look at the isospin decay of 6Li*(5.37) [Jπ = 2+; T = 1] via 7Li(3He, α)6Li* → d + α: the branching is < 2% (1971CO22), < 1% (1973BR20). If Γ(5.37) = 560 keV, Γd ≤ 12 keV and θ2d(5.37) ≤ 0.5% (1971CO22). See, however, (1973BR20). Γp/Γ = 0.35 ± 0.10 and Γp + n/Γ = 0.65 ± 0.10 for 6Li*(5.37) (1973AR05). See also (1976DA24) for reaction (b). For reactions (c), (d), (e) see (1976WA12). See also 10B, (1976STYX, 1978SM1B) and (1974WE12; theor.).

30. 9Be(γ, t)6Li Qm = -17.689

See 9Be.

31. (a) 9Be(p, α)6Li Qm = 2.125
(b) 9Be(p, d)4He4He Qm = 0.651

Angular distributions of α-particles (reaction (a)) have been measured at Ep = 0.11 to 45 MeV [see (1974AJ01)] and at 4.6, 4.8 and 5.5 MeV (1974YA1C: α0, α1, α2). At Ep = 45 MeV the reaction appears to proceed by a direct process, with a rise at back angles attributed to a pickup process (1972DE01, 1972DE02). 6Li*(3.56) decays by γ-emission consistent with M1 (1954MA26); Γα/Γ < 0.025 (1971AR37) [forbidden by spin and parity conservation]. (1974DU08) report a state of 6Li at 14.0 MeV (Γ < 0.1 MeV) while (1976DE30) find no evidence for it but report a state at Ex = 8.2 ± 0.2 MeV (Γ = 2.2 ± 0.2 MeV). See also Table 6.5 (in PDF or PS) (1977KI08).

At Ep = 9 MeV, the yield of reaction (b) is dominated by FSI through 8Be*(0, 2.9) and 6Li*(2.19) with little or no yield from a direct three-body decay (1971EM01).

See also 10B, (1966YO1A, 1976KI1C, 1977KI04), (1978PR1A; applied) and (1974LO1B).

32. 9Be(t, 6He)6Li Qm = -5.383

Angular distributions of 6Heg.s. + 6Lig.s., 6Lig.s. + 6Heg.s., 6Li*3.56 + 6Heg.s., and 6Heg.s. + 6Li*3.56 [the second listed ion being the detected one] have been measured at Et = 21.5 and 23.5 MeV. In the latter two cases the final state is composed of two isobaric analog states: angular distributions are symmetric about 90°c.m., within the overall experimental errors. In the reaction leading to the ground states of 6He and 6Li differences from symmetry of as much as 40% are observed at forward angles. Angular distributions involving 6Heg.s. + 6Li*(2.19) and 6Lig.s. + 6He*(1.8) have also been measured. This reaction appears to proceed predominantly by means of the direct pickup of triton or 3He from 9Be (1973VO08, 1975VO08). See also (1975BR1E; theor.) and 12B in (1980AJ01).

33. 9Be(3He, 6Li)6Li Qm = -1.895

Angular distributions of the 6Li ions have been obtained at E(3He) = 6 to 10 MeV [see (1974AJ01)]: these and the fairly smooth yield curves [see 12C in (1975AJ02)] seem to suggest that the mechanism of the reaction is essentially direct (1972YO02). See also (1974CA04; theor.).

34. 9Be(7Li, 10Be)6Li Qm = -0.439

See (1977KE09; abstract).

35. (a) 10B(γ, α)6Li Qm = -4.460
(b) 10B(n, nα)6Li Qm = -4.460
(c) 10B(p, pα)6Li Qm = -4.460
(d) 10B(d, dα)6Li Qm = -4.460
(e) 10B(α, 2α)6Li Qm = -4.460

See (1974AJ01) and 10B here. For reaction (b) see (1977TU1D).

36. 10B(d, 6Li)6Li Qm = -2.987

Angular distributions have been measured for the 6Li ions to 6Li*(0, 2.19). The ground state transition in two orders of magnitude greater than predicted by the shell model (1971GU07).

37. 10B(3He, 7Be)6Li Qm = -2.874

Angular distributions of the 7Be ions [7Be*(0, 0.43)] corresponding to formation of 6Li*(0, 2.19) have been measured at E(3He) = 30 MeV (1970DE12, 1972OH01).

38. 10B(α, 8Be)6Li Qm = -4.552

At Eα = 72.5 MeV only 6Li*(0, 2.18 ± 0.03) are observed: the latter is excited much more strongly than is the ground state [Sα for the ground state is 0.4 that for 6Li*(2.19)]. The angular distributions for both transitions are flat (1974WO1C, 1976WO11). See also (1974CE1A).

39. 10B(16O, 20Ne)6Li Qm = 0.270

See 20Ne in (1978AJ03).

40. 11B(d, 7Li)6Li Qm = -7.192

Angular distributions of 6Li ions are reported at Ed = 19.5 MeV for transitions to 7Li*(0, 0.48) (1971GU07). See also (1974AJ01).

41. 11B(3He, 8Be)6Li Qm = 4.570

Angular distributions of 6Li ions are reported at E(3He) = 3.0 and 5.2 MeV. The reaction has been observed to lead to 8Be*(2.9) + 6Li(0) and to 8Be(0) + 6Li*(3.56). It is suggested that 6Li*(3.56) contains a far smaller admixture of the (3He + t) configuration than does 6Li(0) (1964YO06, 1967YO02).

42. 12C(p, 7Be)6Li Qm = -22.568

Angular distributions of the 6Li ions corresponding to the transition to 7Be*(0 + 0.43) have been measured at five energies in the range Ep = 36.0 to 56.8 MeV and the data have been analyzed using zero-range and finite-range DWBA assuming the pickup of 5He and 6Li clusters as the dominant mechanism (1971HO25). See also (1971BR07) and (1978KU02; theor.).

43. 12C(d, 8Be)6Li Qm = -5.893

Angular distributions of 6Li ions are reported at Ed = 19.5 MeV (1971GU07; transition to 8Be(0)) and at 51.8 MeV (1970EI05; transitions to 8Be*(0, 2.9)).

44. 12C(3He, 9B)6Li Qm = -11.572

Angular distributions of 6Li have been obtained at E(3He) = 28 to 40.7 MeV: see (1974AJ01).

45. 12C(α, 10B)6Li Qm = -23.714

Angular distributions have been obtained of 6Li and 10B ions corresponding to transitions to 6Li*(0, 2.19) and 10B*(0, 0.72, 2.15) (1972RU03; Eα = 42 MeV).

46. 13C(p, 8Be)6Li Qm = -8.615

At Ep = 45 MeV, the angular distribution of the 6Li ions corresponding to 8Be*(0, 2.9) have been measured by (1971BR07). The production of 6Li has been studied for Ep = 10 to 18 MeV (1975OB01). See also 14N in (1976AJ04).

47. (a) 14N(α, 12C)6Li Qm = -8.799
(b) 14N(α, αd)12C Qm = -10.2724

For reaction (a) see (1975AJ02). Reaction (b), studied at Eα = 22.9 MeV, appears to involve 6Li*(2.19) (1969BA17).

48. 16O(p, 11C)6Li Qm = -22.185

See (1974AJ01).

49. 16O(d, 12C)6Li Qm = -5.688

Angular distributions of 6Li ions have been obtained at Ed = 19.5 MeV corersponding to formation of 12C*(0, 4.4) (1971GU07). See also 12C in (1975AJ02).

50. 16O(3He, 13N)6Li Qm = -9.239

Angular distributions of 6Li ions have been measured at E(3He) = 30.0 and 40.7 MeV (1972OH01).

51. 16O(α, 14N)6Li Qm = -19.263

Angular distributions have been obtained of 6Li and 14N ions corresponding to the population of the ground states (1972RU03; Eα = 42 MeV).

52. 19F(d, 15N)6Li Qm = -2.540

See 15N in (1976AJ04).

53. 19F(3He, 16O)6Li Qm = 4.094

Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 11 to 40.7 MeV involving 6Li*(0, 3.56) and various state of 16O: see (1974AJ01). The angular distributions involving 16Og.s. show pronounced diffraction structure. The direct-reaction mechanism appears to involve coupling 3He and t with l = 0 angular momentum to either a singlet or triplet state. The ratio σg.s.3.56 = 2.24 ± 0.07 rather than 3 (from the ratios of 2J + 1) but this is accounted for by the Q-value dependence of the cross sections (1970KL09; E(3He) = 28 MeV).

54. 19F(α, 17O)6Li Qm = -12.340

See 17O in (1977AJ02).