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17F (1977AJ02)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 17F)

GENERAL: See also (1971AJ02) and Table 17.17 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS).

Shell and cluster models: (1970HA49, 1972EN03, 1972LE1L, 1973DE13, 1973KU04, 1973LA1D, 1973RE17, 1973SM1C, 1974LO04).

Special levels: (1969WI1C, 1971SE1C, 1972BE1E, 1972EN03, 1973LE06, 1974VA24).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1970AL1D, 1970HA49, 1970SI1J, 1972EN03, 1972SE1G, 1973HA53, 1973LE06, 1974HA1C, 1974LO04, 1974MC1F, 1976SH04).

Special reactions: (1971AR02, 1974LI1D, 1975WI07).

Other topics: (1970RY04, 1970SI1J, 1971AU02, 1971SE1C, 1971NG01, 1972BA25, 1972CA37, 1972CH16, 1972LE1L, 1972SH32, 1973DE13, 1973GO1H, 1973OS1A, 1973RE17, 1973RO1R, 1974BR1E, 1974RE03, 1974SL1C, 1974VA24, 1975SH20, 1975SH1H).

Ground state:

μ = 4.7223 ± 0.0012 nm (1974SHYR);

Q = 0.10 ± 0.02 b (1974MI21).

See also (1970AL1D, 1970SI1J, 1971SH26, 1971TA1A, 1972LE1L, 1972VA36, 1972YO1B, 1973NO06, 1973RE17, 1974AN1F, 1974HA27, 1974MC1F, 1974RE03, 1974WI1N, 1975BE31, 1976CH1T).

1. 17F(β+)17O Qm = 2.762

The half-life of 17F is 65.2 ± 0.2 sec (1969WO09), 64.50 ± 0.25 sec (1972AL42). The mean of previous values [see Table 17.18 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02)] was 66.0 ± 0.2 sec which was the value reported by (1960JA12). We adopt τ1/2 = 64.50 ± 0.25 sec, log ft = 3.488 ± 0.001 (1972AL42) but suggest that another measurement of this half-life is in order. The upper limit for the β+ decay to 17O*(0.87) is < 3.4 × 10-4 per decay (1969GA05) [log ft > 5.6]. See also (1970KO41, 1970MC23, 1971BH04, 1971LI1H, 1971WI18, 1972WI28, 1972WI1C, 1973LA03, 1973MU1D, 1973WI04, 1973WI11, 1974WI1M, 1975BA59, 1975BL1G, 1975KR14, 1975WI1E; theor.).

2. 12C(12C, 7Li)17F Qm = -16.861

See (1971AJ02).

3. 12C(14N, 9Be)17F Qm = -10.436

See (1975ZE1C).

4. 14N(3He, γ)17F Qm = 15.8437

The yield of γ0+1 at 90° shows resonant structures at E(3He) = 4.35 ± 0.05, 5.36 ± 0.05, 5.7 and 6.28 ± 0.05 MeV, corresponding to 17F*(19.42, 20.25, 20.5, 21.01), respectively. Angular distribution measurements are consistent with Jπ = 5/2+, 7/2-, (3/2-) and 1/2+ for these states; the widths of the three highest ones are ≈ 350, 210 and 280 keV (1972MO39).

5. (a) 14N(3He, n)16F Qm = -0.969 Eb = 15.8437
(b) 14N(3He, p)16O Qm = 15.2430
(c) 14N(3He, d)15O Qm = 1.8037
(d) 14N(3He, np)15O Qm = -0.4210
(e) 14N(3He, 3He)14N
(f) 14N(3He, α)13N Qm = 10.025
(g) 14N(3He, 2α)11C Qm = 2.2955

Excitation functions for p0 have been measured for E(3He) = 2.5 to 5.5 MeV (1963GO09), 3.5 to 18 MeV (1972BI01) and 5.5 to 10.5 MeV (1971GU22; also p1+2, p3, p4): some large structures are observed. The elastic scattering of 3He (reaction (e)) has been studied for E(3He) = 4 to 7 MeV: there is some evidence in the excitation functions of the resonances reported in (3He, γ) (reaction 4) (1972MO39). The yields of α0, α1 and α2+3 (reaction (f)) in the range E(3He) = 2.5 to 8.5 MeV show broad un-correlated fluctuations, except for a structure at E(3He) = 4.5 MeV (1970KN01). However, a study of α0 [E(3He) = 3.5 to 7 MeV] shows, at θ = 150°, strong structures corresponding to the resonances at E(3He) = 4.35 and 5.36 MeV reported in (3He, γ): their analysis suggests Γ = 300 and 350 keV (1972MO39). For reaction (d) see (1973AD02). See also (1971ADZZ), (1971AJ02, 1974LO1B), (1974FA1A; theor.), 16O, 16F, and 13N, 14N and 15O in (1976AJ04).

6. 14N(α, n)17F Qm = -4.7347

See 18F in (1972AJ02). See also (1973DO1K).

7. 14N(6Li, t)17F Qm = 0.049

At E(6Li) = 18 MeV the triton groups in this reaction and the 3He groups in the mirror reaction have been compared. 17F*(3.86, 5.22, 5.67 + 5.68) are strongly excited. A state at Ex = 5.220 ± 0.010 MeV is identified as the mirror state to 17O*(5.22): its probable Jπ is 9/2-. 17F*(0, 0.50, 3.10, 4.70, 5.52, 5.82, 6.04, 6.70) are also populated (1973BI01). See also (1972BA1P).

8. 14N(10B, 7Li)17F Qm = -1.944

See (1976HAXX).

9. 15N(3He, n)17F Qm = 5.0101

Angular distributions have been measured for the neutron groups to 17F*(0, 0.50, 3.10, 3.86) at E(3He) = 3.8 and 4.8 MeV and to 17F*(4.70, 5.52, 5.68) at the higher energy. The population of a state at Ex = 5.179 ± 0.020 MeV and of 17F*(6.04, 6.70, 7.03, 7.36, 8.08) is also reported. 17F*(5.18) probably has Jπ = 3/2+ or 9/2+ (1972TH07, 1973ET01). Neutron groups have also been reported to 17F states at Ex = 11.195 ± 0.007, 12.540 ± 0.010 and 13.059 MeV, with Γ < 20, < 25 and < 25 keV, respectively. Angular distributions at E(3He) = 10.36 and 11.88 MeV lead to Jπ = 1/2- for 17F*(11.20) [L = 0], 3/2- or 5/2- for 17F*(12.54) and (3/2-, 5/2-) for 17F*(13.06). These three states are probably the first three T = 3/2 states in 17F (1969AD02). The branching ratios for transitions to 16O*(0, 6.05, 6.13) for 17F*(11.20) and for the analog T = 3/2 state in 17O are displayed in Table 17.11 (in PDF or PS): the ratios of the reduced widths are quite different in the two mirror nuclei (1970MC02, 1973AD02).

10. 16O(p, γ)17F Qm = 0.6007
Q0 = 600.35 ± 0.28 keV (1975RO05).

At low energies the direct capture to 17F*(0, 0.50) has been observed: see (1971AJ02) for a summary of the earlier measurements and (1973RO34: 0.3 - 3.1 MeV), (1975CH34: 0.85 - 2.55 MeV). Extrapolation of cross section data leads to S(0) = 9 keV · b (1973RO34), 7.45 keV · b (1971BA1A). See also (1973CL1E, 1975CH34). An anomaly is observed at Ep = 2.66 MeV [17F*(3.10)] in the yield of the γ-ray transition to 17F*(0.50): Γγ = 12 ± 2 meV; C2S = 0.90 and 1.00, respectively, for 17F*(0, 0.50) (1973RO34). Another resonance is observed at Ep = 3.47 MeV [17F*(3.86)]: angular distributions of the γ-rays are characteristic of an almost pure dipole transition. The data lead to Jπ = 5/2-, Γ < 1.5 keV, Γγ = 0.11 ± 0.02 eV, τm = 6 ± 1 fsec (1963SE14). For 17F*(0.50), τm = 445 ± 22 psec (1960KA10).

Five resonances corresponding to T = 3/2 states are observed in the γ1 and γ0 + γ1 yields: see Table 17.18 (in PDF or PS) for the reported parameters (1975HA06). The lowest T = 3/2 states of even parity at Ex = 13.27 and 14.02 MeV [Jπ = (1/2+) and 5/2+] (see Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS)) are not observed here: Γγ ≤ 7 and ≤ 11.8 eV, respectively (1975HA06). The (E1) values for the T = 3/2 states are in good agreement with shell model 2p - 1h calculations using realistic Kuo-Brown interaction matrix elements (1975HA06).

The (γ0 + γ1) yield at 90° has been studied for Ep = 15.75 to 31.66 MeV: it shows the giant dipole resonance centered at Ex = 22 MeV with a width of ≈ 5 MeV and a pigmy resonance centered at 17.5 MeV. The integrated strength of the, mainly T = 1/2, giant resonance is 10 MeV · mb: the observed strength distribution is in good agreement with odd parity 2p - 1h, 1p excitation calculations. The pigmy resonance is due to f7/2 → d5/2: the main f7/2 strength lies in two states at Ex = 16.9 and 18.0 MeV (1975HA07). See also (1971JO1D).

11. (a) 16O(p, p)16O Eb = 0.6007
(b) 16O(p, pα)12C Qm = -7.1616
(c) 16O(p, pn)15O Qm = -15.6640

Yield curves for elastic protons, protons scattered to 16O*(6.05, 6.13, 6.92, 7.12, 8.87) and for γ-rays from 16O*(6.13, 6.92) have been studied at many energies up to Ep = 46 MeV: see Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) for a listing of the earlier measurements and (1975CH34: p0, 171.5c.m., Ep = 0.39 to 1.99 MeV), (1971AU04: p1+2, p5; σt; Ep = 17.0 to 46.1 MeV) and (1969BU1B, 1971BU05: p0, p1+2, p5; Ep = 21.3 to 38.5 MeV). The observed resonances are displayed in Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS). Phase-shift analyses of elastic scattering polarization and cross section data have led to an increased understanding of the T = 1/2 states of 17F (1971PR05, 1975HI02) and the work of (1974SK02, 1976HI09) has fixed the characteristics of the first seven T = 3/2 states of 17F. (1974SK02) has studied the isospin multiplet mass equation by comparing analog T = 3/2 states in A = 17. See also (1976IK01).

Other polarization measurements are reported at Ep = 3.47 and 6.83 MeV (1974DA04; p0), 20 MeV (1974PL05, 1976PL1C; p3, p4, p6, p7), 30.3 MeV (1976DE12; p0, p2, p3, p5), 30.4 MeV (1972GR02; p0, p5), 30.4 to 39.9 MeV (1976LE16; p5) and 49.4 MeV (1970CL10; p0). See also (1971KL03). Total reaction cross section measurements are reported at Ep = 18.8 to 47.7 MeV (1975CA26), 21 to 43 MeV (1975SL02), and 231, 345, 464 and 552 MeV (1972RE06). See also (1971BE1D, 1971CR1A, 1973GO27, 1976WUZZ).

For reaction (b) see (1971EP03: 46.8 MeV). For reaction (c) see (1965VA23). For spallation measurements see (1973BE36, 1974LA18). See also (1970SH1J, 1971EP1D, 1971ST30, 1972AM04, 1973BA81).

See also 16O, (1971AJ02, 1971PA1H), (1975ME1E; astrophys. considerations) and (1972GE07, 1972PH06, 1973CL01, 1973MO1E, 1973RU07, 1973TH02, 1974SI13, 1975BA05, 1975CA05, 1975GE08, 1975SM01, 1975TA1A, 1975TH03, 1975TH12, 1976COZV; theor.).

12. 16O(p, n)16F Qm = -16.212 Eb = 0.6007

See 16F and (1974MO06; theor.).

13. 16O(p, d)15O Qm = -13.4393 Eb = 0.6007

The excitation function for d0 at θ = 70° has been measured for Ep = 21 to 38.5 MeV: a strong resonance is observed at Ep ≈ 24 MeV (1969BU1B, 1971BU05): see Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS). For polarization measurements see (1967CH15; 30.3 MeV; d0, d3). See also 15O in (1976AJ04) and (1970DE38, 1971SA1D; theor.).

14. (a) 16O(p, t)14O Qm = -20.4064 Eb = 0.6007
(b) 16O(p, 3He)14N Qm = -15.2430

The excitation function at θ = 70° for tritons (reaction (a)) has been measured for Ep = 32 to 39.5 MeV: no structure is observed (1969BU1B, 1971BU05). Differential cross sections and analyzing powers have been studied at Ep = 43.8 MeV for the transitions to 14O*(0, 5.17, 6.29, 6.59, 7.78, 9.72) and 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, 5.11, 7.03, 9.17): attempts to fit the analyzing powers with zero-range DWBA were only successful for the first pair of analog states [14Og.s., 14N*(2.31)] (1974MA12). For other polarization measurements see (1970NE17: Ep = 49.5 MeV; t0, 3He to 14N*(0, 2.31)). See also (1975MI01, 1976PL1C), (1971AJ02, 1972HA1X, 1976DA1K) and 14N and 14O in (1976AJ04).

15. 16O(p, α)13N Qm = -5.218 Eb = 0.6007

Excitation functions of various α-groups and activation functions have been measured from threshold to Ep = 44 MeV: see Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02) for the earlier work and (1973MC12, 1973MC1H: 5.6 to 7.7 MeV; σt), (1973NE12: 5.7 to 10.5 MeV; σt for α0). (1971GU23: 19 to 44 MeV; σt for α0, α1, α2+3, α4) and (1969BU1B, 1971BU05: 21.5 to 38.5 MeV). In addition, the work of (1974SK02, 1976HI09) has established the parameters of the first seven T = 3/2 states of 17F: see Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS). No other resonances corresponding to T = 3/2 states have been observed below Ex = 16.21 MeV (1974SK02). Resonances corresponding to T = 1/2 states are also reported in Table 17.19 (in PDF or PS). Some broad structures have been reported above Ep ≈ 15 MeV: see (1971AJ02) and (1971BU05, 1971GU23): particularly strong peaks appear at Ep ≈ 22 and 25.5 MeV (1971BU05).

This reaction is involved in explosive oxygen burning in stars: cross sections, and reaction rates determined as a function of the temperature of the star are discussed in (1973NE12, 1973MC12, 1973WO1C). See also (1973AR1E).

16. 16O(d, n)17F Qm = -1.6239
Ethresh. for 2H(16O, n)17F = 14530 ± 3.2 keV (1973MA1V).

Slow neutron thresholds have been observed corresponding to the ground and first excited states of 17F: see (1971AJ02). The Ex of 17F*(0.50) is 495.33 ± 0.10 keV (1966AL10; from γ-measurement); τm = 407 ± 9 psec (1964BE15). Neutron groups have been observed corresponding to 17F*(0, 0.50, 3.10, 3.86, 4.70). Angular measurements have been obtained for the n0 and n1 groups (lp = 2 and 0; Jπ = 5/2+ and 1/2+, respectively) for Ed ≤ 12 MeV: see Table 17.21 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02). For polarization measurements see (1972AN1G; n0, n1; Ed = 3 - 4 MeV). See also (1971TH1E, 1976FR13), (1976LO1B; applied) and (1971DZ07, 1976SH13; theor.).

17. (a) 16O(3He, d)17F Qm = -4.8930
(b) 16O(3He, dp)16O Qm = -5.4938

At E(3He) = 18 MeV, angular distributions of the deuterons to 17F*(0, 0.50, 3.104 ± 0.003, 3.857 ± 0.004) have been measured. The spectroscopic factors for 17F*(0, 0.50) are 0.94 and 0.83. Two step processes appear to be involved in the excitation of 17F*(3.10, 3.86) (1975FO16). See also (1972PR1D). For reaction (b) see (1967HO14). See also (1971AJ02).

18. 16O(α, t)17F Qm = -19.2139

See (1972PR1D). See also (1971AJ02).

19. 16O(7Li, 6He)17F Qm = -9.377

The angular distribution involving 17Fg.s. has been measured at E(7Li) = 36 MeV (1973SC26).

20. 16O(10B, 9Be)17F Qm = -5.985

Angular distributions have been measured at E(10B) = 100 MeV for the transitions to 17F*(0 + 0.50, 5.1, 8.1) (1975NA15).

21. 16O(11B, 10Be)17F Qm = -10.629

17F*(0 + 0.50) are populated at E(11B) = 113 MeV (1967PO13). See also (1971AL1D; theor.).

22. 16O(12C, 11B)17F Qm = -15.357

See (1972SC21). See also (1971SC1F).

23. 16O(14N, 13C)17F Qm = -6.950

Angular distributions involving 17F*(0, 0.50) have been measured at E(14N) = 79 MeV (1976MO03) and 155 MeV (1975NA15, 1976NA09).

24. 16O(16O, 15N)17F Qm = -11.527

See (1974RO04).

25. 17O(p, n)17F Qm = -3.542
Ethresh. = 3743 ± 6 keV (1973BA31).

Angular distributions of the n0 and n1 groups have been obtained for Ep = 6.95 to 13.50 MeV (n0) and 6.95 to 12.45 MeV (n1). There appears to be collective enhancement in the L = 2 transition to 17F*(0.5). A large spin-flip term in the effective two-body force is necessary to account for the strength of the ground state transition (1969AN06). See also 18F in (1978AJ03).

26. 17O(3He, t)17F Qm = -2.778

At E(3He) = 17.3 MeV, angular distributions have been obtained for the tritons corresponding to 17F*(0, 0.50). The data have been analyzed using DWBA and a two-body interaction between the incident and target nucleons. An exact coupled-channel-equation calculation was also made for the ground state transition (1968HA30). See also (1971AJ02).

27. 17Ne(β+)17F Qm = 14.53

See 17Ne.

28. 19F(γ, 2n)17F Qm = -19.581

See (1959OC07, 1976AN06) and 19F in (1978AJ03).

29. 19F(p, t)17F Qm = -11.099

Angular distributions have been measured for the t0, t1, t2 and t3 groups at Ep = 22.8 MeV (1963HO24), 42.4 MeV (1974NE03) and 45 MeV (1972HU1B). See also (1968AN1A, 1972PR1D), (1971AJ02) and 20Ne in (1978AJ03).

30. 20Ne(p, α)17F Qm = -4.1293

See (1971AJ02). See also (1973CL1E; astrophys. considerations).