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Tables of Energy Levels

The Image Map below will direct you to the table of energy levels [PDF format only] for that particular nuclide from the most recent publication found within the TUNL and FAS publications of "Energy Levels of Light Nuclei" for A = 4 - 20.

If your browser does not support image maps or you would like the choice of PostScript and PDF formats for the tables, please view the list below.

Click on the button corresponding to the nucleus for which you would like to see:

18Mg19Mg 20Mg
17Na 18Na 19Na 20Na
15Ne 16Ne 17Ne 18Ne 19Ne 20Ne
13F 14F 15F 16F 17F 18F 19F 20F
11O 12O 13O 14O 15O 16O 17O 18O 19O 20O
 9N   10N   11N   12N  13N 14N 15N 16N 17N  18N   19N   20N 
  8C     9C    10C  11C 12C 13C 14C 15C 16C 17C  18C   19C   20C 
7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B
 6Be  7Be 8Be 9Be 10Be 11Be 12Be 13Be 14Be 15Be 16Be
 4Li  5Li 6Li 7Li 8Li 9Li 10Li 11Li 12Li
4He 5He 6He 7He 8He 9He 10He
4H 5H 6H 7H

Listed below are tables of energy levels from the most recent publications for the nuclides found within the TUNL and FAS publications of "Energy Levels of Light Nuclei" for A = 4 - 20. They are available in PostScript and PDF formats below.

A = 4 (1992TI02):

4H: PS or PDF.
4He: PS or PDF.
4Li: PS or PDF.

A = 4 (from ENSDF):

4n: PS or PDF.

A = 5 - 7 (2002TI10):

5He: PS or PDF.
5Li: PS or PDF.
6He: PS or PDF.
6Li: PS or PDF.
6Be: PS or PDF.
7He: PS or PDF.
7Li: PS or PDF.
7Be: PS or PDF.

A = 7 (from ENSDF):

7H: PS or PDF.

A = 5 - 8 (from ENSDF):

5H: PS or PDF.
6H: PS or PDF.
7H: PS or PDF.
7B: PS or PDF.
8C: PS or PDF.

A = 8 - 10 (2004TI06):

8He: PS or PDF.
8Li: PS or PDF.
8Be: PS or PDF.
8B: PS or PDF.
9Li: PS or PDF.
9Be: PS or PDF.
9B: PS or PDF.
9N: PS or PDF.
10He: PS or PDF.
10Be: PS or PDF.
10B: PS or PDF.
10C: PS or PDF.

A = 9 - 11 (from ENSDF):

9He: PS or PDF.
9C: PS or PDF.
9N: PS or PDF.
10Li: PS or PDF.
10N: PS or PDF.
11O: PS or PDF.

A = 11 (2012KE01):

11Li: PS or PDF.
11Be: PS or PDF.
11B: PS or PDF.
11C: PS or PDF.
11N: PS or PDF.

A = 12 (2017KE05):

12Li: PS or PDF.
12Be: PS or PDF.
12B: PS or PDF.
12C: PS or PDF.
12N: PS or PDF.
12O: PS or PDF.

A = 13 - 15 (1991AJ01):

13B: PS or PDF.
13C: PS or PDF.
13N: PS or PDF.
13O: PS or PDF.
14B: PS or PDF.
14C: PS or PDF.
14N: PS or PDF.
14O: PS or PDF.
15C: PS or PDF.
15N: PS or PDF.
15O: PS or PDF.

A = 13 - 15 (from ENSDF):

13Be: PS or PDF.
13F: PS or PDF.
14Be: PS or PDF.
14F: PS or PDF.
15Be: PS or PDF.
15B: PS or PDF.
15F: PS or PDF.
15Ne: PS or PDF.

A = 16 - 17 (1993TI07):

16C: PS or PDF.
16N: PS or PDF.
16O: PS or PDF.
16F: PS or PDF.
17N: PS or PDF.
17O: PS or PDF.
17F: PS or PDF.

A = 16 - 17 (from ENSDF):

16Be: PS or PDF.
16B: PS or PDF.
16Ne: PS or PDF.
17B: PS or PDF.
17C: PS or PDF.
17O: PS or PDF.
17Ne: PS or PDF.
17Na: PS or PDF.

A = 18 - 19 (1995TI07):

18N: PS or PDF.
18O: PS or PDF.
18F: PS or PDF.
18Ne: PS or PDF.
19O: PS or PDF.
19F: PS or PDF.
19Ne: PS or PDF.

A = 18 - 20 (from ENSDF):

18B: PS or PDF.
18C: PS or PDF.
18N: PS or PDF.
18Na: PS or PDF.
18Mg: PS or PDF.
19B: PS or PDF.
19C: PS or PDF.
19N: PS or PDF.
19Na: PS or PDF.
19Mg: PS or PDF.
20B: PS or PDF.
20C: PS or PDF.
20N: PS or PDF.
20Mg: PS or PDF.
21B: PS or PDF.

A = 20 (1998TI06):

20O: PS or PDF.
20F: PS or PDF.
20Ne: PS or PDF.
20Na: PS or PDF.

Last modified: 1 December 2024