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16O (1986AJ04)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 16O) GENERAL: See also (1982AJ01) and Table 16.10. [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS) here. Shell model: (1978WI1B, 1981AN18, 1981BR16, 1981CO1X, 1981DE2G, 1981FO12, 1982AB05, 1982BR08, 1982HA19, 1982RA1N, 1982RE05, 1983DE37, 1983GL05, 1983GL1B, 1983MI26, 1983VA31, 1983WA17, 1983WA23, 1984BA04, 1984BO11, 1984CL10, 1984FA1F, 1984JA09, 1984MA11, 1984PRZY, 1984SA26, 1984VA06, 1984ZI04, 1984ZW1A, 1985AD04, 1985AN16, 1985CA26, 1985EL12, 1985GOZN, 1985KL04, 1985MI23, 1985PH01, 1985YE02, 1986DR04). Collective, deformed and rotational models: (1981DE2G, 1982AB05, 1982BR08, 1982KU1K, 1982OS1C, 1982PA1E, 1982RA1N, 1983IK02, 1983MA29, 1983SC08, 1984BA04, 1984BU25, 1984CA1X, 1984DH03, 1984FL04, 1984SA37, 1984ZI04, 1985BA11, 1985EL12, 1985RO1G, 1986SU01). Cluster and α-particle models: (1981AG1B, 1981FU1G, 1981KN12, 1981MA1G, 1982KI1C, 1982KU1F, 1982PA1E, 1982SMZM, 1982SU1B, 1982VA11, 1983CA12, 1983FU1D, 1983GI06, 1983GL05, 1983JA09, 1983KA39, 1983PI03, 1983SH38, 1983UE1B, 1984AU14, 1984BA04, 1984BA48, 1984DH03, 1984IK01, 1984OK04, 1985BA26, 1985EL12, 1985KW02, 1985VO1E, 1986SU01). Special states: (1978WI1B, 1981DE2G, 1981ME1H, 1981SP1D, 1981SU09, 1981TO14, 1981TO16, 1982AB05, 1982BR08, 1982BR1M, 1982BU24, 1982HA19, 1982NA03, 1982OS1C, 1982PA1E, 1982RA1N, 1982RO01, 1982SMZM, 1982WE1J, 1982ZA1D, 1983AD1B, 1983AU1B, 1983BI1C, 1983DE1X, 1983IK02, 1983SP1B, 1983UE1B, 1983VA13, 1983VA31, 1983WA17, 1983WI15, 1984AD1E, 1984AU14, 1984BA04, 1984BA48, 1984BU25, 1984CA11, 1984CA07, 1984CL10, 1984CO02, 1984CZ01, 1984CZ02, 1984FL04, 1984HA14, 1984MO13, 1984NA26, 1984SA37, 1984ST1E, 1984VA06, 1984ZW1A, 1985BA11, 1985BA26, 1985BE2K, 1985BO18, 1985CA25, 1985CA08, 1985CH27, 1985CO01, 1985EL12, 1985FU05, 1985FUZZ, 1985GOZN, 1985HA18, 1985HA1J, 1985MI10, 1985PH01, 1985RO1G, 1985VO1E, 1986CZ01, 1986PI02, 1986SU01, 1986WA1T, 1986WI1P). Electromagnetic transitions: (1981DWZZ, 1981SU09, 1982HA19, 1982LA26, 1983IK02, 1983VA08, 1983VA13, 1983WA17, 1984BA48, 1984CA11, 1984CA1W, 1984CZ01, 1984DE23, 1984HA14, 1984MO13, 1984NA26, 1984OR01, 1984SA26, 1984WE13, 1985AD04, 1985CA26, 1986DR04, 1986ER1A, 1986SU01, 1987RA01). Giant resonances (See also reactions 36 and 37.): (1981GA12, 1981KN12, 1981KO41, 1981SP1D, 1982CA1H, 1982DE51, 1982GO1T, 1982NA20, 1983BA65, 1983DA23, 1983DE37, 1983IS1F, 1983KA07, 1983KA28, 1983ME1K, 1983VA13, 1983WA1P, 1983WA1Q, 1983WA17, 1984AN10, 1984IS1B, 1984OR01, 1985CA06, 1985CA26, 1985CA08, 1985GI1G, 1986AD1B, 1986BLZZ, 1986ER1A, 1986ISZZ, 1986NA1H). Astrophysical questions: (1981BE2K, 1981DE2C, 1981LA1L, 1981WA1Q, 1981WE1F, 1982BU1A, 1982CA1A, 1982HI1E, 1982WI1B, 1982WO1A, 1983AL23, 1983BO1F, 1983HA1P, 1983IB1A, 1983SI1B, 1983WE1A, 1984BL1J, 1984CO1H, 1984HA1R, 1984HA1Z, 1984LA1J, 1984NO1B, 1984TR1C, 1985AR1A, 1985BR1E, 1985DW1A, 1985HA1Z, 1985HA1R, 1985KO2A, 1986DO1L, 1986TH1E). Applications: (1982BE64, 1983AM1A, 1983FA1F, 1983GO2D, 1983GR1L, 1983KI1D, 1983LI1T, 1984CA1D, 1985HA38, 1985WA1R, 1985YO1B, 1986DU1K, 1986SI1L). Complex reactions involving 16O: (1981EG02, 1981LA10, 1981MA1G, 1981NA07, 1981OL1C, 1982BJ01, 1982HI1G, 1982HO10, 1982MA1Z, 1982MO1K, 1982SI1C, 1982TA02, 1982VI01, 1982YU1A, 1983BE02, 1983BH09, 1983CH23, 1983DE26, 1983FR1G, 1983FR17, 1983FR1A, 1983IS1E, 1983JA05, 1983KW01, 1983LE1R, 1983LE1F, 1983OL1A, 1983PL1A, 1983SA06, 1983SI1A, 1983SO08, 1983VA23, 1983WE1C, 1983WI1A, 1984AI1B, 1984AN1G, 1984AS1D, 1984BA2F, 1984DE1Q, 1984FI17, 1984GR08, 1984HI1A, 1984HO23, 1984KA1J, 1984MA1P, 1984MU1G, 1984NA12, 1984PO03, 1984SI15, 1984SJ01, 1984ST1B, 1984TS03, 1984XI1B, 1985AG1A, 1985DA18, 1985GU08, 1985HO05, 1985KA1E, 1985KA1G, 1985KAZQ, 1985LI1B, 1985MC03, 1985MO08, 1985PO11, 1985RO10, 1985SA1W, 1985SH1G, 1985SI19, 1985ST20, 1985ST1B, 1985TO12, 1985UT01, 1985WA22, 1986MA19, 1986PA05, 1986RA1L, 1986SH2B, 1986UT01, 1986VA10, 1986WE1C). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions: (1981GM02, 1981IS11, 1981OH06, 1981TO16, 1982DU04, 1982GA1A, 1982NA01, 1983EG03, 1983GM1A, 1983JA10, 1983VA1E, 1984GM1B, 1984JA06, 1984KI09, 1984NO03, 1984SR05, 1985BE2K, 1985CH04, 1985DO04, 1985GA1P, 1985NO10, 1986GM03, 1986MC02, 1986NO04, 1986RO06). Pion capture and reactions (See also reactions 37 and 40.): (1979MI1A, 1980SH1R, 1981AN1H, 1981BE63, 1981BE2P, 1981CI04, 1981FE2A, 1981FR14, 1981FR17, 1981FR18, 1981GA1K, 1981GI1E, 1981GM03, 1981GO1K, 1981HO1G, 1981IS11, 1981LI1Q, 1981LI1T, 1981LI1W, 1981MA23, 1981OS1A, 1981RA16, 1981RO14, 1981SEZR, 1981ST19, 1981WE1G, 1982BE51, 1982BE1A, 1982BI08, 1982BL20, 1982CA03, 1982CH34, 1982DE1K, 1982DE24, 1982DO01, 1982ER04, 1982FR17, 1982GI12, 1982GO1B, 1982GOZX, 1982GR02, 1982GR1F, 1982IL02, 1982IN1A, 1982KA16, 1982KA14, 1982LI10, 1982LI1L, 1982MA22, 1982MO1G, 1982MO12, 1982MO1W, 1982OS01, 1982OS1C, 1982PI06, 1982RE15, 1982RI1A, 1982TH1C, 1982TH08, 1982WH1A, 1982ZA1E, 1983AM1C, 1983AS01, 1983BEYZ, 1983BI1N, 1983BL10, 1983CO08, 1983ER02, 1983ER04, 1983ER06, 1983GE12, 1983GI02, 1983GM1A, 1983GR07, 1983HO14, 1983KA08, 1983KI01, 1983KO2B, 1983MA16, 1983MA56, 1983MO1M, 1983PE14, 1983RI1C, 1983RIZW, 1983SE10, 1983SE11, 1983SH41, 1983SP1B, 1983TR1E, 1983TR1J, 1983YU1A, 1983ZA1D, 1984AL20, 1984AS05, 1984BE1Q, 1984BO1L, 1984BU11, 1984CA07, 1984CE1D, 1984CO02, 1984CO1U, 1984CZ01, 1984EF03, 1984GE1A, 1984GIZZ, 1984GI05, 1984GI1H, 1984GM01, 1984GR27, 1984KA36, 1984KA31, 1984KI17, 1984KY01, 1984LI25, 1984LI16, 1984MA1T, 1984MA33, 1984MA63, 1984SC09, 1984TR15, 1984WU05, 1985ALZX, 1985AN1G, 1985AR15, 1985BE1C, 1985BE1K, 1985BI01, 1985ER03, 1985FU05, 1985GI06, 1985KA30, 1985KO06, 1985LA20, 1985LE1E, 1985MA1X, 1985MA1K, 1985OH09, 1985RE1D, 1985RO17, 1985RO1M, 1985WH01, 1985WO1C, 1986AN40, 1986BO03, 1986CZ01, 1986ER1A, 1986FO03, 1986KA05, 1986RO03, 1986ZO1A). K-mesons and other meson interactions: (1981BO09, 1981PO1F, 1981TO14, 1982BO1U, 1982PI02, 1982PO1C, 1983BA1Y, 1983BA71, 1983FE07, 1983GA17, 1983GE13, 1983GE1C, 1983MA1V, 1983PO1D, 1983TO21, 1984BO1H, 1984MA1F, 1984SIZZ, 1985BE31, 1985BE62, 1985CO1H, 1985GA1E, 1986BR1U, 1986DA1G, 1986HA1Y, 1986KI1K, 1986MI1N, 1986RO1X, 1986SH1K, 1986ZO1A). Hypernuclei: (1981BO09, 1981PO1F, 1981RA18, 1982BA17, 1982BO1U, 1982BR1Q, 1982DA1Q, 1982DEZQ, 1982DO1L, 1982DO1M, 1982ER1E, 1982JO1C, 1982KA1D, 1982PO1C, 1983AU1A, 1983BA2P, 1983FE07, 1983JO1E, 1983MA1F, 1983PO1D, 1983SH38, 1983SH1E, 1983SI1E, 1983SI1H, 1984AS1D, 1984BA1N, 1984BO1H, 1984HA1D, 1984MA1F, 1984MI1E, 1984SIZZ, 1984ZH1B, 1985AH1A, 1985DEZY, 1985HA1X, 1985OS1C, 1985WA1N, 1985YA1B, 1985YA1C, 1985YA1K, 1985ZH1E, 1986BR1V, 1986DA1G, 1986DA1B, 1986HA1Y, 1986MA1W, 1986RO1X, 1986YA1Q, 1986YA1F, 1986ZO1A). Antinucleon interactions: (1982BO24, 1982GR1J, 1982ZH1G, 1983GR11, 1983HE23, 1983NI07, 1983SU04, 1984DA23, 1984DA20, 1984MA17, 1984PO1A, 1984SU07, 1984WO01, 1985BA09, 1985BA51, 1985DA24, 1985DO1E, 1985DU05, 1985LE1B, 1985LI16, 1986SP01). Other topics: (1978WI1B, 1981AN18, 1981BL1K, 1981BR16, 1981CA1H, 1981FO12, 1981GA1N, 1981GU10, 1981RA18, 1981SH1M, 1981ZH1G, 1982AB1J, 1982BA2G, 1982BO01, 1982BR08, 1982BR1M, 1982BR1U, 1982BU24, 1982CA12, 1982DE1N, 1982DR1E, 1982FA04, 1982HU12, 1982KU1F, 1982MO20, 1982NA03, 1982NE1E, 1982NG01, 1982PA22, 1982RE05, 1982SA31, 1982SH1H, 1982VE02, 1982ZA1D, 1983AD1B, 1983AR1J, 1983BA1U, 1983BI1C, 1983BIZU, 1983DA03, 1983DA23, 1983DE1W, 1983DO1D, 1983EI01, 1983FU1D, 1983GR26, 1983MA35, 1983ME1J, 1983ME1K, 1983MI1J, 1983MI26, 1983SH2D, 1983ST1K, 1983TR1K, 1983UE1B, 1983WA16, 1984BO53, 1984CA1X, 1984CL06, 1984CL10, 1984CZ01, 1984CZ02, 1984DH04, 1984DU04, 1984GO14, 1984GR18, 1984HO1N, 1984MA11, 1984PRZY, 1984SA26, 1984SH1X, 1984YA1F, 1985AD04, 1985AN28, 1985BA1A, 1985BO18, 1985BO30, 1985CA04, 1985CA25, 1985FU05, 1985GO1W, 1985KU1N, 1985MI10, 1985PH01, 1985PR02, 1985TR03, 1986DR04, 1986FO03, 1986PI02, 1986SA02, 1986YA1F, 1987RA01). Ground state of 16O: (1978WI1B, 1979MA1C, 1981AG1B, 1981BO39, 1981DE24, 1981DU16, 1981JA07, 1981VA1N, 1981ZA05, 1982AN1F, 1982BA2G, 1982BO01, 1982BR24, 1982BR1M, 1982CA12, 1982DE35, 1982FA04, 1982FR01, 1982KR1C, 1982LI07, 1982LO13, 1982MO20, 1982NE1E, 1982NG01, 1982SH1H, 1982TR1B, 1982ZA1D, 1982ZE1A, 1983ANZQ, 1983AR1J, 1983AU1B, 1983BI09, 1983BR1P, 1983DA03, 1983ES02, 1983GI06, 1983GO23, 1983GO16, 1983MA35, 1983MI26, 1983VA13, 1983VA31, 1983WA16, 1983WA23, 1984ANZW, 1984AU14, 1984BA41, 1984BA2F, 1984BA48, 1984BE27, 1984BO11, 1984BO53, 1984BR25, 1984DE23, 1984DH03, 1984FA1F, 1984FL04, 1984GE1A, 1984GO1G, 1984GO14, 1984HA14, 1984IK01, 1984JA09, 1984MA11, 1984ST1E, 1984WE04, 1984WU05, 1984ZI04, 1985AD04, 1985AN16, 1985AN28, 1985BE2K, 1985BO18, 1985BU03, 1985CA38, 1985CL1A, 1985GA1N, 1985GH01, 1985GOZN, 1985HA18, 1985HE15, 1985JA06, 1985KO02, 1985MI23, 1985WE09, 1986DR04, 1986PI02, 1986RR03, 1986RO03, 1986VI03, 1986WI04).
Abundance = (99.762 ± 0.015)% (1984DE53). g = +0.55 ± 0.03 for 16O*(6.13) [see (1982AJ01)].
At E(6Li) = 4.9 MeV, the cross sections for reactions (b) to (f) leading to low-lying states in the residual nuclei are proportional to 2Jf + 1: this is interpreted as indicating that the reactions proceed via a statistical compound nucleus mechanism. For highly excited states, the cross section is higher than would be predicted by a 2Jf + 1 dependence: see (1982AJ01). See also (1983KA1J).
States of 16O observed at E(10B) = 20 MeV are displayed in Table 16.10 (in PDF or PS) of (1977AJ02). At the higher excitation energies, states are reported at Ex = 17.200 ± 0.020, 17.825 ± 0.025, 18.531 ± 0.025, 18.69 ± 0.03, 18.90 ± 0.035, 19.55 ± 0.035, 19.91 ± 0.02, 20.538 ± 0.015, 21.175 ± 0.015, 21.84 ± 0.025, 22.65 ± 0.03 and 23.51 ± 0.03 MeV. The reaction excites known T = 0 states: σt follows 2Jf + 1 for 11 of 12 groups leading to states of known J. The angular distributions show little structure: see (1977AJ02).
The yield of capture γ-rays has been studied for Eα up to 42 MeV [see Table 16.11 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02) and (1982AJ01)] and (1982KE10; Ec.m. = 1.34 → 3.38 MeV; 4He(12C, γ)) and (1985KO11; Eα = 3.55 to 3.60 MeV). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS) here. This reaction plays an important role in astrophysical processes. The E2 S(300 keV) value is calculated to 0.09 MeV · b (1984DE42), 0.07 MeV · b (1985LA10), 0.10 MeV · b (1985FU04). The E1 S(300 keV) value is 0.16 MeV · b from fitting the early data [see (1977AJ02)] and 0.28 MeV · b from the (1982KE10) data (1985LA10) [0.30 MeV · b (1984DE42)]. (1983LA24) calculate that the (α, γ3) S-factor is too small (≲ 0.01 MeV · b at Ec.m. < 1.5 MeV) to contribute significantly to the total S-factor (I am indebted to Prof. F.C. Barker for his comments.). The ratio σE2/σE1 has been measured for Eα = 2.28 to 3.77 MeV: the data favor a non-negligible contribution of the E2 amplitude to the reaction rate at stellar energies (1985RE09). For other astrophysical studies see (1982AJ01) and (1981BA2F, 1982BA1D, 1982TO1D, 1983LA24, 1984FO1A, 1984RO1F, 1984TR1C, 1985AR1A, 1985BA1Q, 1985TR1E, 1986TH1E). In an attempt to determine whether 16O*(9.84) is a doublet (1985KO11) have studied the (α, γ3) reaction [as well as the (α, α0) scattering]: in the capture work they find Ex = 9845.4 ± 1 keV (based on Qm) and, together with the (α, α0) results find no evidence for a doublet. Jπ = 2+ (1985KO11: see Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS)). At higher energies the E2 cross section shows resonances at Ex = 13.2, 15.9, 16.5, 18.3, 20.0, and 26.5 MeV [see Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS)]. Some E2 strength is also observed for Ex = 14 to 15.5 and 20.5 to 23 MeV. In the range Eα = 7 to 27.5 MeV the T = 0 E2 strength is ≈ 17% of the sum rule. It appears from this and other experiments that the E2 centroid is at Ex ≈ 15 MeV, with a 15 MeV spread. Structures are observed in the yield of γ-rays from the decay to 16O*(14.8 ± 0.1) for Ex = 34 - 39 MeV. It is suggested that these correspond to a giant quadrupole excitation with Jπ = 8+ built on the 6+1 state at Ex = 14.815 MeV: see (1982AJ01). See also (1983KA1J, 1984NA1F) and (1982DU1A, 1982KN1B, 1985CH27, 1986AD1B; theor.).
For cross section measurements from threshold to Eα = 24.7 MeV (reaction (a)) and to 33 MeV (reaction (b)) [see (1982AJ01)] and at Eα = 10.5 to 20 MeV (1982AM02; p0): see Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS). See also (1981BE19; reaction (b); Eα = 18.5, 21.7, 25.4 MeV), (1983KOZD; excitation function, reaction (a): Eα = 21.8 to 27.2 MeV). The excitation curve for p3 (to 15N*(6.32)), measured for Eα = 24 to 33 MeV, shows a large peak at Ex ≈ 29 MeV, Γ ≈ 4 MeV. It is suggested that it is related to the GQR in 16O: see (1982AJ01). For the observed resonances see Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS) here. See also (1984NA1F, 1984SH04), (1982WE16; applications) and (1985MA1L; theor.).
The yield of α-particles corresponding to 12C*(0, 4.4, 7.7) and of 4.4, 12.7 and 15.1 MeV γ-rays has been studied at many energies in the range Eα = 2.5 to 35.5 MeV [see (1982AJ01)], at Eα = 3.52 to 3.62 MeV (1982FR10; α0), 8 to 26 MeV (1985DY05; α1 γ; see for astrophysical implications), 10.5 to 19.8 MeV (1982AM02; α0, α1; and α2 from 14.6 MeV), 17.0 to 22.7 MeV (1982KA30; α2), 27 to 42 MeV (1983AR12; α0, α1, α2) and at E(12C) = 5.8 to 13.5 MeV (1982KE10; α0). See also (1981BE2D). Observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS). Attempts have been made to observe narrow states near 16O*(8.87, 9.85). No evidence has been found for a narrow (100 eV) 0+ state in the vicinity of the 2- state at 8.87 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] nor for a 3- state near the 2+ state at 9.84 MeV (1982FR10) [if such a 3- state were to exist Γlab ≲ 150 eV if its Ex is a few keV higher than that of the 2+ state]. Total cross section measurements are reported by (1982DE20, 1984BU1L, 1984GO03, 1984SA28) and spallation measurements by (1981AN1K, 1982RA31, 1984GO03, 1984GO04, 1985AB02). For pion production see (1981AL1K, 1984AL1L). For two-proton correlations at 4.2 GeV/c see (1985BA2U). See also 12C in (1985AJ01), (1981BE19, 1981WA1P, 1982WA23, 1984GU1E), (1982FI1C, 1982YA1A, 1983AD1C, 1983AD1D, 1984RE14), (1983OS1G; applications) and (1981FR1T, 1981MA42, 1981SH1A, 1983BA1V, 1983SM1B, 1984NA06, 1984SH22, 1985BA11, 1985BA63, 1986ALZZ; theor.).
The yield of 8Be shows a number of resonances: see Table 16.12 (in PDF or PS). There is no evidence below Ex ≈ 24 MeV for Jπ = 8+ states although the existence of such states below this energy cannot be ruled out since it is possible that the L of the entrance channel inhibits the formation of such states. Above 26 MeV L = 8 becomes dominant: see (1982AJ01).
This reaction has been studied at many energies: see (1977AJ02) and Table 16.13 (in PDF or PS) here. At the higher energies the spectra are dominated by states with J ≥ 4 and natural parity. A study of d - α coincidences [involving 12C*(0, 4.43, 7.66)] has been carried out at E(6Li) = 75 and 90 MeV: the highest lying states obsrved in 16O [and which have α-cluster properties and are built on 12Cg.s.] are 7- states at Ex = 27.7 and 29.3 MeV (1982AR20). Two broad intense peaks corresponding to 16O*(32, 35) are also observed [they decay by α1] and a state at ≈ 34 MeV [Jπ = 10+(9-)] decays by α2 [and weakly by α0] (1982AR20, 1983AR12). No 8+ states are reported: see (1982AJ01, 1983AR12). Cross sections for the population of 16O*(8.87, 10.36, 11.08, 11.097) have been studied in the range E(6Li) = 20 to 34 MeV: the large cross section to 16O*(11.10) [Jπ = 4+] is the result of multistep processes (1981GL02). For a study of inclusive deuteron spectra see (1982CU02). See also 18F in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02) and (1981AP02, 1981IN02, 1981MA26, 1983GO18, 1983GR1H, 1983OS03, 1984SE20, 1985EL12, 1985SE1H; theor.).
This reaction has been studied extensively: see (1977AJ02, 1982AJ01) and Table 16.13 (in PDF or PS) here. See also 19F in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02), (1986JAZZ) and (1983PA06, 1985SH22; theor.).
At E(10B) = 18 and 45 MeV angular distributions have been studied involving 16O*(0, 6.1, 7.1, 8.9, 9.9, 10.4). At E(10B) = 68 MeV angular distributions to 16O*(0, 6.1, 6.9, 10.4, 11.1, 14.7, 16.2, 20.9) are forward peaked and fairly structureless. 16O*(0, 6.9, 11.1) are weakly excited: see (1982AJ01).
Angular distributions have been reported at E(12C) to 63 MeV [see (1977AJ02)] and at 4.9 to 10.5 MeV (1984HU1E) and at 11.2 to 12.6 MeV (1982TA21; g.s.). Angular correlations at E(12C) = 78 MeV confirm Jπ = 4+, 5-, 6+ and 7- for 16O*(10.36, 14.59, 16.3, 20.9). Γα0/Γ = 0.90 ± 0.10, 0.75 ± 0.15 and 0.90 ± 0.10, respectively, for the first three of these states. In addition a state is reported at Ex = 22.5 ± 0.5 MeV which may be the 8+ member of the Kπ = 0+, 4p - 4h rotational band (1979SA29). For further work at E(12C) = 90, 110 and 140 MeV see (1986SH10). At Eα = 120 MeV α0 decays of 16O*(16.3, 20.9) [Jπ = 6+, 7-] and α1 decays of 16O*(19.1, 22.1, 23.5) are observed as is a broad structure in both channels corresponding to 16O*(30.0) with Jπ = 9- + 8+. There is no evidence for localized L = 8 α0 strength below 29 MeV (1985RA12). See also (1983SH1Z, 1985KA1J). For the decay of 20Ne states see (1985LAZZ) and (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02). For excitation functions see (1982SA27 [yield of 6.1 MeV γ-ray from threshold to 40 MeV], 1982TA21) and (1982AJ01). See also (1984SP1C), (1979GO1C, 1984CU1B), (1986SZ02; applied), (1984HU1E; astrophys.) and (1982SU1B, 1982SU06, 1983DEZW, 1984DA1B; theor.).
Angular distributions are reported at E(14N) = 53 MeV involving 16O*(0, 6.05, 6.13, 6.92) and various states of 10B, and at 78.8 MeV involving 16Og.s.: see (1982AJ01). Angular distributions have been measured for the g.s. in reaction (b) for E(17O) = 40 to 70 MeV (1986FR04).
Angular distributions have been measured to E(20Ne) = 147 MeV: see (1977AJ02). For yield measurements see (1983GRI13). See also (1982AJ01).
The yield of capture γ-rays (reaction (a)) has been studied for E(3He) up to 16 MeV [see (1977AJ02)], as have angular distributions. Observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.14 (in PDF or PS). It is suggested that the structures at Ex ≈ 26 - 29 MeV are part of giant resonances built on the first few excited states of 16O (1979VE02). See also (1985CH27, 1986AD1B; theor.). The excitation functions (reaction (b)) to E(3He) = 11 MeV are marked at low energies by complex structures and possibly by two resonances at E(3He) = 1.55 and 2.0 MeV: see Table 16.14 (in PDF or PS). See also (1977AJ02) for polarization measurements. Excitation functions (reaction (c)) for E(3He) = 3.6 to 6.6 MeV have been measured for p0, p1+2, p3: a resonance is reported at E(3He) = 4.6 MeV. A resonance at 6 MeV has also been observed: see Table 16.14 (in PDF or PS). A comparison of polarization measured in this reaction and of analyzing power measured in 15N(p, 3He) is presented by (1986PO1M). See also (1986SI1K). Analyzing powers have been measured at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV for the elastic scattering (reaction (d)) and the deuteron groups to 14N*(0, 2.31, 3.95, 9.51) (1986DR03). Yields of α0, α1, α2, and γ-rays from the decay of 12C*(12.71, 15.11) (reaction (f)) have been studied up to E(3He) = 12 MeV. Observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.14 (in PDF or PS). Those seen in the yield of γ15.1 are assumed to correspond to 16O states which have primarily a T = 1 character. Analyzing power measurements are reported at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV to 12C*(4.4) (1981KA1K). Excitation functions for α0 and α1 are also reported for E(3He) = 16 to 23 MeV (1982GU12). The excitation function for 8Be(g.s.) (reaction (g)) has been studied for E(3He) = 2 to 6 MeV. It shows a strong resonance at E(3He) = 5.6 MeV corresponding to a state in 16O at Ex = 27.3 MeV. Jπ appears to be 2+ from angular distribution measurements. See also (1982AJ01) and (1985AB1K; search for anomalous deuterons at 10.8 GeV/c).
Angular distributions for the n0 group have been measured for Eα = 12.8 to 22.5 MeV: see (1971AJ02). The energy of the γ-ray from the decay of 16O*(6.13) is 6129.266 ± 0.054 keV (1982AL19) [based on the 198Au standard Eγ = 411804.4 ± 1.1 eV]. See also (1982AJ01), (1982CRZY), (1982SA1M, 1985MA65; applications) and (1981CH1K, 1982IB1A, 1983CO1K, 1983IB1A, 1985AR1A, 1985MA1A, 1986DO1L; astrophys.).
See Table 16.15 (in PDF or PS). See also (1982AJ01) and 19F in (1983AJ01).
See (1981BR1H; theor.).
At E(13C) = 105 MeV, 16O*(6.05, 6.13, 10.35, 16.3, 20.7) are strongly populated: see (1982AJ01). See also (1977AJ02) and (1985OS06; theor.).
See (1982AJ01) and (1984AB1A; theor.).
At E(3He) = 11 to 16 MeV, neutron groups are observed to T = 2 states at Ex = 22.717 ± 0.008 and 24.522 ± 0.011 MeV (Γ < 30 keV and < 50 keV, respectively). These two states are presumably the first two T = 2 states in 16O, the analog states to 16C*(0, 1.75). Jπ for 16O*(24.52) is found to be 2+ from angular distribution measurements (1970AD01). At E(3He) = 25.4 MeV forward angle differential cross sections have been determined to the 0+ states 16O*(0, 6.05, 12.05) (1981CE05).
The γ0 yield has been studied for Ed = 0.5 to 5.5 MeV. Observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.16 (in PDF or PS). (1982GOZY, 1983GOZU; prelim.) have measured the radiative capture in the region of the GDR [Epol. d = 1.5 to 4.8 MeV]. See also (1983KA1J) and (1985CH27, 1986AD1B; theor.).
For Ed = 0.66 to 5.62 MeV, there is a great deal of resonance structure in the excitation curves with the anomalies appearing at different energies at different angles: the more prominent structures in the yield curves are displayed in Table 16.16 (in PDF or PS). For polarization measurements see (1977AJ02) and (1981LI23) in 15O (1986AJ01).
The yield of various proton groups for Ed < 5.0 MeV shows some fluctuations and two resonances: see Table 16.16 (in PDF or PS) and (1982AJ01). For polarization measurements see (1982AJ01) and (1981US02). See also (1983DA31; applications) and (1984CH1Q; theor.).
The yield of elastically scattered deuterons has been studied for Ed = 0.65 to 5.5 MeV and for 14.0 to 15.5 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02). There is indication of broad structure at Ed = 5.9 MeV and of sharp structure at Ed = 7.7 MeV in the total cross section of the d1 group to the T = 1 (isospin-forbidden), Jπ = 0+ state at Ex = 2.31 MeV in 14N. The yield of deuterons (d2) to 14N*(3.95) [Jπ = 1+, T = 0] shows gross structures at Ed = 7.4 and 10.2 MeV (1970DU04): see Table 16.16 (in PDF or PS). The yield of d1 has also been studied for Ed = 10.0 to 17.9 MeV: see (1982AJ01). For polarization measurements see (1982AJ01). See also (1986AO1A; theor.).
See (1982AJ01) and (1981NE1B; theor.).
There is a great deal of structure in the yields of various α-particle groups for Ed = 0.5 to 12 MeV. Broad oscillations (Γ ≈ 0.5 MeV) are reported in the α0 and α1 yields for Ed = 2.0 to 5.0 MeV. In addition, 16O*(23.54) is reflected in the α3 yield: see Table 16.16 (in PDF or PS). The yield of 15.11 MeV γ-rays [from the decay of 12C*(15.11), Jπ = 1+, T = 1] which is isospin-forbidden has been studied for Ed = 2.8 to 12 MeV. Pronounced resonances are observed at Ed = 4.2, 4.58 and 5.95 MeV and broader peaks occur at Ed = 7.1 and, possibly, at 8.5 MeV: see (1982AJ01). For polarization measurements see (1983US01) and (1982AJ01). See also (1983DA31; applications).
Observed proton groups are displayed in Table 16.17 (in PDF or PS). Angular distributions have been measured at E(3He) = 2.5 to 24.7 MeV: see (1982AJ01). Branching ratios and τm measurements are shown in Tables 16.10 (in PDF or PS) and 16.11 (in PDF or PS).
Angular distributions to states of 16O have been reported at many energies to Eα = 48 MeV: see (1971AJ02, 1977AJ02). Among the states which have been reported [see Table 16.7 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02)] are 16O*(11.094 ± 3, 14.400 ± 3, 14.815 ± 2, 17.18 ± 50) [MeV ± keV]: the results are consistent with Jπ = 5+, 6+, 4+ for 16O*(14.40, 14.82, 16.29) [2p - 2h] and with 6+ for 16O*(16.30) [4p - 4h]. Γc.m. = 34 ± 12, 27 ± 5 and 70 ± 8 keV, respectively for 16O*(14.31 ± 10, 14.40 ± 10, 14.81).
See (1977AJ02).
For reactions (a) and (c) see (1982AJ01). For reactions (b) see (1985AR1P). For reaction cross sections (reaction (d)) see (1982DE39). See also (1983KL1A).
The yield of γ-rays has been measured for Ep = 0.15 to 27.4 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and for Ep = 2.5 to 9.5 MeV (1983SN03; γ0, γ1+2, γ3+4; also with polarized protons): observed resonances are displayed in Table 16.18 (in PDF or PS). The γ0 cross section shows a great deal of structure up to Ep = 17 MeV. Above that energy the γ0 yield decreases monotonically. Besides the GDR which peaks at 16O*(22.15) there is evidence for the emergence of a giant structure (E2) with Ex = 24 - 29 MeV in the γ1+2+3+4 yield (1978OC01). A study at Ep-bar = 6.25 to 13.75 MeV (angular distributions and asymmetry measurements) shows an E2 strength of 4 ± 1.5% of the isoscalar EWSR in excess of that due to direct capture alone. This excess lies entirely above Ex = 23 MeV (1983MAZH; prelim.) Differential cross sections for γ0 and several other (unresolved) γ-rays at Ep ≈ 28 to 48 MeV generally show a broad bump at Ex ≈ 34 [± 2 MeV (extimate by reviewer)]: the angular distributions show a dominant E1 character (1983AN12, 1983AN16). See also (1986BR1T; prelim.). A study of the M1 decays of 16O*(16.21, 17.14) [both Jπ; T = 1+; 1] to 16O*(6.05) finds B(M1, 1+ → 0+2)/B(M1, 1+ → 0+1) = 0.48 ± 0.03 and 0.55 ± 0.04, respectively. 16O*(18.03) is due to a 3-; 1 state with a strength ΓpΓγ2/Γ = 1.96 ± 0.27 eV and 16O*(18.98) is due to the 4-; 1 stretched particle-hole state with a strength of (0.85 ± 0.10) eV (1983SN03). See also (1983SN03) for the identification of analog states in 16N and in 16O, and for a discussion of Gamow-Teller matrix elements in A = 14 - 18 nuclei. For astrophysical considerations see (1982AJ01) and (1981BA2F, 1982BA80, 1982RO1A). See also Table 16.11 (in PDF or PS) here, (1983RA1G, 1984JEZY), (1981GA1M, 1983GOZU, 1985BL1B, 1986WE1D) and (1984CA18, 1984CA19, 1984SE16, 1985CH27, 1986AD1B; theor.).
Excitation functions and cross sections have been measured for Ep = 3.8 to 19.0 MeV: see (1982AJ01). For a listing of observed resonances see Table 16.19 (in PDF or PS). (1983BY03) have measured the polarization and analyzing power for the n0 group for Ep-bar = 4.5 to 11.3 MeV and have deduced integrated cross sections. See also (1982BY1A) and (1981NE1B; theor.).
Elastic scattering studies have been reported for Ep = 0.6 to 15 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and Ep-bar = 2.7 to 7.0 MeV (1984DA18). In the range Ep = 2.5 to 9.5 MeV (1983SN03; also incident polarized protons) have studied angular distributions and excitation functions for the ( p1+2γ) and (p3γ) transitions. Excitation functions for α0 and α1 particles [corresponding to 12C*(0, 4.43)] and of 4.43 MeV γ-rays have been measured for Ep = 93 keV to 45 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at Ep = 77.6 to 810 keV (1982RE06; α0) and 2.5 to 9.5 MeV (1983SN03; also incident polarized protons; α1γ). The yield of 15.1 MeV γ-rays has been measured for Ep = 12.5 to 17.7 MeV (1978OC01). Observed anomalies and resonances are displayed in Table 16.18 (in PDF or PS). A phase shift analysis of angular distributions of cross section and analyzing power for elastic scattering has yielded information on many 16O states in the range Ex = 14.8 to 18.6 MeV. In particular a broad Jπ = 2-, T = 1 state at 17.8 MeV appears to be the analog of the 1p1h ( d3/2, p-11/2) 16N state at Ex ≈ 5.0 MeV. The isospin mixing of the 2- states 16O*(12.53, 12.97) has been studied by (1983LE25): the charge dependent matrix element responsible for the mixing is deduced to be 181 ± 10 keV. The α0 yield and angular distribution study by (1982RE06) leads to a zero-energy intercept of the astrophysical S(E) factor, S(0) = 65 ± 4 MeV · b. See (1982AJ01) for the earlier work and (1983MA83), (1981BA2F, 1982BA80; astrophysics), (1982MA1R, 1983AM1D, 1983DA1L, 1983FR1M, 1986AM1B, 1986FR1L, 1986SA41; applied) and (1983KL1B, 1985KL04; theor.). For reaction (c) see (1986PO1M). ,
Observed neutron groups, l-values and spectroscopic factors are displayed in Table 16.20 (in PDF or PS). See also (1984HE20).
See Table 16.20 (in PDF or PS).
The ground state of 16N decays to seven states of 16O: reported branching ratios are listed in Table 16.21 (in PDF or PS). The ground state transition has the unique first-forbidden shape corresponding to ΔJ = 2, yes, fixing Jπ of 16N as 2-: see (1959AJ76). For the β-decay of 16N*(0.12) see reaction 1 in 16N. For an analysis of shape of the 16N beta spectrum see (1984WA07). The α-decay of 16O*(8.87, 9.59, 9.84) has been observed: see (1971AJ02). The parity-forbidden α-decay from the 2- state 16O*(8.87) has been reported: Γα = (1.03 ± 0.28) × 10-10 eV [Eα = 1282 ± 5 keV]: see (1977AJ02). Transition energies derived from γ-ray measurements are: Ex = 6130.40 ± 0.04 keV [Eγ = 6129.142 ± 0.032 keV (1982SH23)] and 7116.85 ± 0.14 keV [Eγ = 7115.15 ± 0.14 keV]: see (1977AJ02). See also p. 16 in (1982OL01).
The absorption cross section and the (γ, n) cross section are marked by a number of resonances. On the basis of monoenergetic photon data, excited states of 16O are observed at Ex = 17.3[u], 19.3[u] and 21.0 MeV [u = unresolved], followed by the giant resonance whose principal structures are at 22.1 and 24.1 MeV, with additional structures at 23 and 25 MeV: see (1977AJ02, 1983BE01). The integrated nuclear absorption cross section for Eγ = 10 to 30 MeV is 182 ± 16 MeV · mb (1983SH35). See also reaction 38. The (γ, 1n) cross section has been measured for Eγ = 17 to 33 MeV: in that energy interval the (γ, 2n) cross section is negligible. The cross section for formation of the GDR at 22.1 MeV is 10.0 ± 0.4 mb and the integrated cross section to 30 MeV is 54.8 ± 5 MeV · mb. There is apparently significant single particle hole excitation of 16O near 28 MeV and significant collectivity of the GDR. A sharp rise is observed in the average En above 26 MeV (1983BE01). See also (1982BE28). The cross section for (γ, n0) decreases monotonically for Ex = 25.5 to 43.8 MeV. In the range 30 - 35 MeV the E2 cross section exhausts about 4% of the isovector E2 EWSR (1984KU21). Over the range 25.5 to 43.8 MeV it exhausts ≈ 68% of the isovector E2 EWSR (1979PH07). The absorption cross section has been measured from Ebs = 10 MeV to above the meson threshold: see (1982AJ01). The (γ, 1n), (γ, 2n) and (γ, Tn) cross sections have been studied with monoenergetic photons for Eγ = 24 to 133 MeV. Above 60 MeV, the main reaction mechanisms appear to be absorption of the photons by a correlated n-p pair in the nucleus: the integrated cross section from threshold to 140 MeV is 161 ± 16 MeV · mb (1982CA05). For differential cross sections involving the n0 and n3 groups see (1982GO09, 1982SC02) in 15O (1986AJ01). For reaction (b) and pion production see (1982COZV). For the hadron production cross section over the range 0.25 to 2.7 GeV see (1983AR24). See also (1982AJ01) and (1982RO1J), (1982VI07; applied), (1981SP1D, 1982DE1H, 1982JU03, 1982LO1B, BL83, 1983BL12, 1985AH06, 1985FU1C, 1985HO27, 1985NA1D, 1985PY01, 1985SH1P) and (1981DE18, 1981GA1M, 1981OS1A, 1981WE1G, 1982CA01, 1982ME08, 1983BE1U, 1983BE45, 1983BO1G, 1983BO1B, 1983CA22, 1983HE18, 1983KA28, 1984CA18, 1984CA19, 1984CH1R, 1984GL11, 1984KO33, 1984MO13, 1984RO05, 1985CO01, 1985EM02, 1985GI1G; theor.).
The (γ, p0) cross section derived from the inverse capture reaction (reaction 30) confirms the giant resonance structure indicated above in reaction 36, as do also the direct (γ, p0) measurements. For the earlier work see (1982AJ01). (1981WI09) have used linearly polarized bremsstrahlung photons with Ebs = 22 and 30 MeV. This work confirms 1+ for 16O*(16.2), a broad E1 state nearby, and 1- for 16O*(17.3) [not resolved from 16O*(17.1)] (1981WI09). These results are in agreement with the results from 15N(p, γ): see Table 16.18 (in PDF or PS). Proton spectra have been measured at Eγ ≈ 360 MeV by (1984HO24). Differential cross sections have been determined for the p0, p1+2 and p3 groups for Eγ = 101.5 to 382 MeV (1985LE07) and for the p0 group at 196 MeV (1985TU02). The latter data are in disagreement with calculations which incorporate meson exchange and Δ amplitudes (1985TU02). See also 15N in (1986AJ01) and (1981WI09, 1985ADZW). For reaction (b) see (1982AJ01). A study of the 16O(γ, α0) reaction at θ = 45° and 90° shows a 2+ resonance at Ex = 18.2 MeV with an E2 strength which is spread out over a wide energy interval. A strong resonance corresponding to an isospin-forbidden 1- state at Ex ≈ 21.1 MeV is also observed (1975SK06). For pion production (reactions (d)) see 16N. See also (1983JE08, 1984HO24). See also (1982SA1A; astrophysics), (1981GA1M, 1981SP1D, 1985FU1C, 1985HO27, 1985MA1G) and (1981BO38, 1982CA01, 1982DE2C, 1982DU1A, 1983BO1B, 1983BO1H, 1983CA22, 1983CI13, 1983HE18, 1983PE1E, 1984BE1Z, 1984CA18, 1984CA19, 1984CH1R, 1985CH27, 1985GI1G, 1986CH05, 1986HO11; theor.). ,
(1970AH02) report resonances at Eγ = 22.5 ± 0.3, 25.2 ± 0.3, 31.8 ± 0.6 and 50 ± 3 MeV: the dipole sum up to 80 MeV exceeds the classical value by a factor 1.4. (1983DO05) have measured the elastic photon scattering cross section for Eγ = 25 to 39 MeV. The E2 strength is 1.25+1.3-0.9 of the total EWSR over that interval. The widths of 16O*(6.92, 7.12) are, respectively, 94 ± 4 and 54 ± 4 meV (1985MO10): see also Table 16.11 (in PDF or PS). See also (1984NA18), 1985NA1D) and (1983CA1P, 1984MA1W; theor.).
The 16O charge radius = 2.710 ± 0.015 fm (1978KI01). Form factors for transitions to the ground and to excited states of 16O have been reported in many earlier studies [see (1982AJ01)], by (1982NO04; 16O*(6.92)), by (1986BU02; 16O*(6.05, 6.13, 6.92, 7.12, 9.84, 10.36, 11.10, 11.52, 12.05)) and by (1985HY1A; see Table 16.22 (in PDF or PS)). The form factor for 16O*(9.84) indicates a transition density peaked in the interior (1986BU02). Table 16.22 (in PDF or PS) lists the excited states observed from (e, e'). (1983KU14; Ee = 30.2 to 59.3 MeV) find that the energy-weighted M2 strength is nearly exhausted by the M2 states which have been observed. The isospin-forbidden (E1) excitation of 16O*(7.12) is reported: the isovector contribution interferes destructively with the isoscalar part and has a strength ≈ 1% of the T = 0 amplitude. The 0+ states of 16O*(6.05, 12.05, 14.00) saturate ≈ 19% of an isoscalar monopole sum rule. As for the E2 strength it is distributed over a wide energy region: see Table 16.22 (in PDF or PS), and (1982AJ01) for references. A study of reaction (b) at 500 MeV shows separation energies of 12.2 and 18.5 MeV, corresponding to 15N*(0, 6.32) (1982BE02; studied the momentum distribution of the recoiling nucleus). At Ee = 112 - 130 MeV in (e, e') the excitation of 16O*(11.52, 12.05, 22.3) and some other state is reported. The (e, ep) and (e, eα) processes lead to the excitation of 15N*(0, 6.32) and of 12C*(0, 4.44) (1982VO05, 1983VO1F, 1984VO1G, 1984VOZW). The inelastic cross section for 730 MeV electrons has been measured by (1984OC01): the quasi-free peak occurs at an energy loss of 120 ± 5 MeV and the Δ-peak at 375 ± 10 MeV. The peak cross sections per nucleon are in agreement with those measured for other light nuclei (1984OC01). See also (1983KEZZ), (1981RI1A, 1982BE1J, 1982BE1A, 1982DE1K, 1982RI1B, 1983BE36, 1983CO18, 1983KE1B, 1983SI1K, 1983TR1J, 1985BE1K, 1985KO44) and (1981AG1B, 1981DU16, 1981DU19, 1981IS11, 1981KO41, 1981LI1X, 1981ME1H, 1981TO1N, 1981VA1N, 1982AV08, 1982BO28, 1982ER05, 1982FA04, 1983BE29, 1983BR1P, 1983CA1M, 1983CO15, 1983RI07, 1984BA52, 1984CO1U, 1984DE02, 1984LA28, 1984MO13, 1984NE1G, 1984WA1J, 1985BA26, 1985BO13, 1985CA17, 1985CA38, 1985CA37, 1985CO01, 1985DE16, 1985FUZZ, 1985KE1A, 1985KO06, 1985NI02, 1985PE14, 1985PI10, 1985TR03, 1986FR02, 1986WA1T; theor.).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered pions have been studied at Eπ- = 20 to 240 MeV and at 1 GeV/c as well as at Eπ+ = 20 to 315 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at Eπ+ = 20 MeV (1983OB02) and 48.3 and 62.8 MeV (1985BA27), at Eπ± = 114 MeV (1985DH01), at Eπ- = 115, 163 and 244 MeV (1982BA72; back angles). See also (1984BU1V). At Eπ± = 164 MeV 16O*(0, 6.1, 6.9 + 7.1, 11.5, 17.8, 19.0, 19.8) are relatively strongly populated. The π+ and π- cross sections to 16O*(17.8, 19.8) [Jπ = 4-; T = 0] are substantially different while those to 16O*(19.0) [4-; 1] are equal. Isospin mixing is suggested with off-diagonal charge-dependent mixing matrix elements of -147 ± 25 and -99 ± 17 keV (1980HO13). [See also reaction 62]. Differential cross sections for 16O*(6.1) are reported at Eπ = 164 MeV by (1984BL17). For a study of the angular distribution of 6.13 MeV γ-rays at 2.0 GeV/c see (1984KI22). At Eπ+ = 240 MeV the inelastic pion scattering is dominated by a single quasi-free pion-nucleon interaction mechanism (1983IN02): this is not the case at energies below the Δ-resonance (114 and 163 MeV). See also (1985BLZZ). For a study of (π±, π±p) and (π-, π-n) at Eπ± =165 MeV see (1982PI06). See also the "GENERAL" section here, (1984BA1B, 1984BUZZ, 1986DHZZ) and (1982FR17, 1982OS01, 1982RE15, 1983CA0; theor.).
Angular distributions have been measured at En to 24 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at En = 9.2 to 15 MeV (1983DA22; n0) and 18 to 26 MeV (1985PE10; n0) [see also (1983ISZW, 1984FI1M, 1984ISZZ, 1985FIZW; prelim.: n to 16O*(6.13, 6.92, 8.87, 9.63))] and at En = 23 MeV (1985LA13; n0). See also (1985PE1C, 1986ISZZ), (1982AO03, 1982BO24, 1982LI13, 1985DI1B, 1985GO1Y, 1985LI1P, 1986DE10; theor.) and 17O.
Angular distributions of elastically and inelastically scattered protons have been measured at many energies up to Ep = 1000 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at Ep-bar ≈ 6.5 MeV (1982SE01; p0), 35 MeV (1986OH1C; p to 16O*(10.96, 12.80); both 0-), 65 MeV (1982SA19; p0), 65 MeV (1984HO17; p to 16O*(10.96, 12.80)), 135 MeV (1986KE05; p1), 200 MeV (1985GL01; p0), 318 and 498 MeV (1986LO1D; p to 16O*(10.36, 11.52) and others), and 1 GeV (1985AL16; p0), as well as at Ep = 135 MeV (1984AM04; p to many states [see Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS)]; see for deformation parameters and electromagnetic transition rates). Parameters of the observed groups are displayed in Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS). For polarization transfer coefficients to the 4- states 16O*(17.8, 19.0, 19.8) see (1985WIZW; Ep-bar = 200 MeV). See also (1986LO1D). For a study of the spin rotation parameter at Ep-bar = 800 MeV see (1986FE01). For reaction (b) see (1985BE30; 1 GeV). For reactions (c) and (d) see (1982SA24; 101.3 MeV). See also (1982REZZ). For the (p, pn) reaction see (1983WA1C, 1984WA21, 1985BE30). For reaction (e) see (1984CA09; Ep = 101.5 MeV). See also (1984VDZZ, 1985VDZX) and 12C in (1990AJ01). See also (1981NA14, 1982BE1E, 1983BEYW, 1983FIZW, 1983HYZZ, 1983KEZZ, 1983LOZW), (1982BE1A, 1982DE1K, 1983BE1A, 1983KE1B, 1983SC1G, 1984GE1A, 1984LI25, 1985PE10, 1986GL1G, 1986ISZZ), (1981IL1A, 1981KO1J, 1981ME1H, 1981PI11, 1981VA1L, 1982CH1P, 1982HA05, 1982KA14, 1982KO23, 1982NA13, 1982SA37, 1982ST1G, 1982WA1H, 1983DI09, 1983EL10, 1983GO1V, 1983GO10, 1983IK1B, 1983KA1A, 1983KO1B, 1983LY07, 1983LI1P, 1983SH05, 1983SM04, 1983TU1B, 1984BA52, 1984GO04, 1984HY01, 1984KO1X, 1984PH02, 1984PI05, 1984PI17, 1984WO12, 1985AU1C, 1985CH10, 1985CH31, 1985GA1N, 1985GO1Y, 1985HE1D, 1985HY01, 1985KE1A, 1985KO37, 1985NA1E, 1985PE14, 1985VD03, 1986DE1G, 1986DE10, 1986KU1D, 1986LO1A; theor.) and 17F. The elastic scattering of 178.4 MeV antiprotons has been studied by (1986BR04). See also the "GENERAL" section here.
Angular distribution studies have been carried out for Ed up to 81.6 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at Ed = 20.5 MeV (1984FR14; d0) and 200, 400 and 700 MeV (1986VA1N). Observed deuteron groups are displayed in Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS). For a polarization study at Ed-bar = 56 MeV see (1986MA2M). See also 18F in (1987AJ02) and (1981RO1T, 1982AO03, 1982CO10, 1982GA1E, 1982NI1B, 1982TH02, 1982TH09, 1983IC01, 1985HO19; theor.).
Angular distributions are reported for Et to 20.01 MeV: see (1977AJ02). See also 19F in (1983AJ01) and (1982AO03, 1982KU04, 1982NI1B, 1985HO19, 1986WA1P, 1986WA1U; theor.).
Angular distributions have been measured to E(3He) = 132 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and, recently, at 14 MeV (1982AB04), 25 MeV (1982VE13) and 40.9 MeV (1982AL14) for the elastic group. The matter radius < r2 > 1/2 = 2.46 ± 0.12 fm (1982VE13). Inelastic groups are shown in Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS). See also (1982TA05) and (1981CO15, 1982NI1B, 1985HA11, 1985HO19, 1986WA1P, 1986WA1U; theor.)
Angular distributions of α-particles have been measured up to Eα = 146 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at Eα = 3.5 to 4.9 MeV (1981BU27; α0), 9.52 to 9.80 MeV (1981GA35) and 39.3 to 69.5 MeV (1983MI22; α0). Differential cross sections have also been measured at Eα = 9.2 to 13.5 MeV (α0) and 12.4 to 13.45 MeV (α1, α2) (1985CA09) and at 14.70 to 20.4 MeV (α0) and 18.0 to 20.4 MeV (α1) (1984RI06): see 20Ne in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02). Observed excited states are displayed in Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS). Angular correlations (reaction (b)) have been studied to 12Cg.s. at Eα = 23.0 to 27.5 MeV to try to determine if a 3- state exists near the 2+ state 16O*(9.84): the evidence is strong that this is not the case (1983FR14). The isoscalar (E2, T = 0) giant resonance decays predominantly via the α1 channel which contains ≈ 40% of the E2 EWSR, rather than via the α0 and p0 channels (1978KN02; Eα = 155 MeV). For the (α, αd), (α, αt) and (α, α3He) reactions at Eα = 139.2 MeV, see (1982SA24). See also (1983SA07, 1984SA28, 1985ISZU), (1981SP1D, 1981VA1M, 1983CH1B) and (1981BA20, 1981FI1B, 1981GY01, 1981LA13, 1981SP1C, 1982AO1B, 1982AO03, 1982AO1F, 1982BU1D, 1982DI1D, 1982FL1A, 1982JA07, 1982LA04, 1982LE23, 1982WA13, 1982YI01, 1983BR1V, 1983BU15, 1983CH53, 1983CI04, 1983OK06, 1983SA1L, 1983SM1B, 1983WI12, 1984CH41, 1984GO04, 1984HO08, 1984JA03, 1984KR10, 1984LA01, 1984LI28, 1984LO1C, 1984PR09, 1984SA1T, 1985HO19, 1985MI11, 1985SA09, 1986HO1U, 1985MAZZ; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions for reaction (a) have been measured at E(6Li) = 4.5 to 50.6 MeV and E(16O) = 36 to 51 MeV [see Tables 16.25 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02) and 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01)] and recently at E(6Li) = 36 MeV (1982WO09), 48 MeV (1984CO05) and 75.4 MeV (1981TA23), as well as at E(6Li) = 25.7 MeV and E(16O) = 68.6 MeV (1984VI01, 1985CO21, 1985VI03; also to 16O*(6.13) and partially to 6Li*(2.19)) and at E(6Li) = 35.3 MeV and E(16O) = 94.2 MeV (1984VI02). See also 6Li in (1988AJ01). For studies of d - α angular correlations see 20Ne in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02). For a fusion cross section study see (1986MA19). Elastic distributions for reaction (b) have been studied at E(7Li) = 9.0 to 20 and at 68 MeV [see Tables 16.25 (in PDF or PS) in (1977AJ02) and 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01)] as well as at E(7Li) = 50 MeV (1984CO20). For fusion cross section studies see (1984MA28, 1986MA19). See also (1986MO1E, 1986SA2P) and (1982AL02, 1982GU21, 1982RA22, 1983BU15, 1983JO1A, 1983KH1A, 1984WI08, 1985SA13; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions have been reported at E(9Be) = 20 to 27.4 MeV and E(16O) = 15 to 29.5 MeV [see Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01)] and recently at E(9Be) = 43 MeV (1985WI18), 140 MeV (1984FUZZ) and 157.7 MeV (1983SA20, 1984FU10). For fusion cross sections see (1982AJ01, 1982BE54). See also (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1983DA10) and (1981GR17, 1982GU21, 1983GR18, 1984HA43; theor.).
Angular distributions have been reported at E(10B) = 33.7 to 100 MeV and at E(11B) = 41.6, 49.5 and 115 MeV: see Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01). For fusion cross section measurements (reaction (a)) see (1982AJ01) and (1984GO05). See also (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1983CI08, 1983GO13, 1985HU04; theor.).
Angular distributions have been reported at many energies to E(16O) = 315 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and recently at E(16O) = 15.8 to 26.3 MeV (1983FR02; elastic), 34.1 to 36.8 MeV (1982WI04; elastic), 62, 80, 100, 125 and 150 MeV (1985BE40; elastic) and 1503 MeV (1985RO08; elastic). See also (1986BRZY). Most of the studies of this reaction have involved yield and cross section measurements, as they apply to compound structures in 28Si, fusion cross sections and evaporation residues: see (1982AJ01) and (1980CO08, 1981RA20, 1981TA24, 1982BR1P, 1982CO22, 1982FR04, 1982WI04, 1983CHZX, 1983FR02, 1983GO11, 1983KA01 [alignment of 16O*(6.13)], 1983KA10, 1983LA07, 1983ME04, 1983ME10, 1983SC29, 1983VO1A, 1984BE22, 1984HU02, 1984MU04, 1985BE40, 1985CA01, 1985KA03, 1985MU18). See also (1982HUZV, 1983DE1Y, 1983KL1A, 1984RU1A). At E(16O) = 100 MeV members of the Kπ = 0+ [16O*(6.05, 6.92, 10.35, 16.3)] and Kπ = 0- bands [16O*(9.63, 11.60, 14.67)] are reported to be preferentially populated (1984PO10). In reaction (b), as well as in the scattering of 140 MeV 16O on 13C and 28Si, 16O*(9.83, 10.33, 11.04, 11.47, 11.98, 12.38, 12.98, 13.81, 14.75, 15.33, 17.76) with Jπ = 2+, 4+, 4+, 2+, 0+, 1-, 2+, 4+, 6+, 3-, respectively, for the first ten states, are populated: the state at 11.5 MeV is preferentially populated (1984RA10). For the earlier work see (1982AJ01). See also (1982ST11, 1983SH26, 1984MU04, 1985KA1J). For pion emission see (1983NO1E). See also (1981CO1W, 1982PR1A, 1983AZ1A, 1983CA1N, 1984TS07, 1985BE02), (1979GO1C, 1981BR1P, 1981ST1P, 1982BA1D, 1982BR1T, 1982CI1C, 1982EV1B, 1982KO1C, 1982LE1N, 1982MA2B, 1983BI13, 1983BR1R, 1983DU13, 1983HE1B, 1984FR1A, 1984GE1D, 1984HA53, 1984SN01, 1984TR1E, 1985BA1T, 1985BE1A, 1985CU1A, 1985GA1J, 1985SN1A) and (1981CA09, 1981DY02, 1981HU07, 1982AB1F, 1982BA22, 1982FL1B, 1982GE1B, 1982GU21, 1982HA42, 1982HA56, 1982HU1G, 1982KA35, 1982LO13, 1982ME12, 1983AD1E, 1983AU04, 1983BU15, 1983CI08, 1983CI09, 1983DE1U, 1983DE21, 1983DE2G, 1983FR23, 1983HU1C, 1983KA30, 1983LI1L, 1983MA29, 1983SM1B, 1983TA07, 1984BA26, 1984DE2B, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1984KA1H, 1984LA1L, 1984MAZT, 1984SA31, 1985AI1A, 1985BA63, 1985DEZV, 1985HU04, 1985HU1C, 1985KA1X, 1985KA28, 1985KO1J, 1985ME14, 1985NO1E, 1985SA1D, 1985TR1D, 1985VI09; theor.).
For elastic scattering studies see Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01). For yield and fusion measurements see (1982HE07, 1983DA02, 1985BE37). For the excitation of a number of states in 16O in reaction (a) see (1984RA10) in reaction 50. See also (1983VO1B, 1985GA1M, 1985KA1J, 1986STZY), (1982LE1N, 1983DU13, 1985CU1A, 1985RE1C) and (1983FR23, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1986CI01; theor.).
For elastic scattering studies see Table 16.23 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01) and (1977AJ02) and (1983SR01; E(16O) = 35.1 and 42.6 MeV; on 15N; elastic). For yield and total fusion cross-section measurements see (1982AJ01) and (1982FI1G, 1983SR01, 1985NO1C). See also (1981ST1P, 1983BI13, 1983DA10, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1985BE1A, 1985CU1A) and (1982HA42, 1982LO13, 1982OH05, 1982OK02, 1983CI08, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1985HU04, 1985KO1J; theor.).
The angular distributions for elastic scattering have been measured with E(16O) up to 140.4 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and, recently, at 14 to 26 MeV (1984WU04), 17 to 25 MeV (1983BI1H; prelim.), 31 to 32.6 MeV (1982STZR; prelim.) and 31 to 36 MeV (1983TI01, 1985TI05). At E(16O) = 53.6 to 68.4 MeV angular distributions are reported involving 16O*(6.05) [Jπ = 0+] (1982WEZR; prelim.). Coupled channels effects are important at energies a few times the Coulomb barrier (1985BA60). See also (1982BI1F) and (1977AJ02). For yield and fusion cross sections see (1982AJ01) and (1981GA33, 1982BI1F, 1982DE48, 1982WE07 [6.13 MeV γ], 1983BI1H, 1983TI01, 1984WU04, 1985BA60, 1985GA05, 1985NO1C, 1985TH03, 1985TI05, 1986TH01). See also (1982GA1G, 1982STZR, 1982WAZN, 1983DE1Y, 1984PO15, 1984TI1C, 1985LI04). At E(16O) = 62.2 MeV (1981BA55) observe 16O*(0, 6.5) and see no evidence for a low-l window leading to deep inelastic scattering. For a study of the angular correlation of α-particles see (1982PE08). See also (1985GA1M), (1981RO1W, 1982BA1D, 1982SA1A, 1984FO1A, 1985BA1T; astrophysics), (1979GO1C, 1981BR1M, 1981BR1P, 1981ST1P, 1982CI1C, 1982KO1C, 1982PA1H, 1983BI13, 1983BR1R, 1983DU13, 1984BR1L, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53, 1984TR1E, 1985BE1A, 1985CU1A, 1986BE2H) and (1981CA09, 1981FR1N, 1981GI10, 1981HU07, 1981IS1B, 1981KH03, 1981LA1G, 1981LE20, 1981PA09, 1981PI1D, 1981PR07, 1981SA33, 1981SH1L, 1981TA20, 1981UR01, 1982BA22, 1982HA29, 1982HA42, 1982HA56, 1982HE1G, 1982IS1C, 1982LO13, 1982MO1V, 1982NE1E, 1982PR04, 1982SA1C, 1982SA14, 1982SA20, 1982SC24, 1982SM1D, 1982SO1C, 1983BU15, 1983CI08, 1983DI15, 1983DR01, 1983DR02, 1983FA08, 1983FR23, 1983HO1F, 1983KA40, 1983LA14, 1983LA19, 1983LA20, 1983MA29, 1983NA1J, 1983OK06, 1983RO16, 1983SA14, 1983SA36, 1983TA1G, 1983TO1Q, 1984BA65, 1984BR1P, 1984CA28, 1984FA05, 1984FO21, 1984HA43, 1984IN03, 1984JO06, 1984LA1L, 1984MI1P, 1984NA15, 1984OS06, 1984RE09, 1984RE08, 1984SA08, 1984SU02, 1984WO02, 1985BO1Y, 1985BR1K, 1985CH34, 1985CU01, 1985CU1E, 1985GA1R, 1985HO1K, 1985HU04, 1985CH18, 1985KO1J, 1985LA14, 1985LE25, 1985MA09, 1985MA21, 1985NE1H, 1985PA14, 1985TA06, 1985TO07, 1985TO06, 1985TO17, 1985WO08, 1985WU03, 1986HO1U, 1986NG1A, 1986ST1N; theor.).
Angular distributions of elastically scattered ions have been studied at E(16O) = 24, 28 and 32 MeV and E(17O) = 53.0 to 66 MeV (reaction (a)) and at E(16O) = 24 to 54.8 MeV and E(18O) = 35 to 89.3 MeV (reaction (b)) [see (1982AJ01)] and, recently, at E(17O) = 22 MeV (1983BU08). Yields and fusion cross sections are reported in (1982AJ01) and (1985TH03, 1986TH01). See also (1985GA1M), (1982HO1E, 1983DU13, 1983FR1B, 1984HA53) and (1981CA09, 1981LA16, 1983SH04, 1985MA1T, 1985WU03; theor.).
Elastic scattering angular distributions have been studied at E(16O) = 21.4 and 25.8 MeV and at E(19F) = 33 and 36 MeV: see (1977AJ02). See also (1983DU13). Angular distributions in reaction (b) have been measured at E(16O) = 40.7 to 94.8 MeV and at E(20Ne) = 50 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at E(16O) = 25.6 to 44.5 MeV (1984GA22) and 44.1 to 63.9 MeV [see (1983KO31)]. For yield and fusion cross section measurements see (1982SC13, 1982SH1N, 1982XA01, 1983SH25, 1984GA22). See also (1981BR1P, 1983BR1R, 1983DU13, 1986ST1J) and (1982SM1D, 1983KO31, 1983MA29, 1984NI1D, 1985GU1J, 1985IC01, 1985KO43, 1985KO38; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions are reported at E(16O) = 35 to 60.7 MeV (reaction (b)) and 27.4 to 50 MeV (reaction (d)) [see (1982AJ01)] and at E(16O) = 150 MeV (1982HUZV; reaction (b); elastic). Yield, evaporation residue and fusion measurements have been made by (1982HUZV, 1982RA25, 1983FU03, 1983KOZZ, 1983ROZZ, 1985SAZZ) and see (1982AJ01). See also (1985RA06), (1981SC1N, 1982BR1T, 1982CI1C, 1982MA2B, 1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1983HE1B, 1984FR1A) and (1981HU07, 1981KR13, 1982BRZE, 1982FL1B, 1982HA56, 1982LO13, 1982NE1E, 1982PA09, 1982SM1D, 1983CI08, 1983MA29, 1983PA1C, 1983PA1F, 1984DE08, 1984GU13, 1984MU1H, 1985AN16, 1985CH11, 1985HA11, 1985HU04, 1985NI1C, 1985XI01, 1986NG1A; theor.).
An elastic angular distribution has been measured at E(16O) = 46.5 MeV: see (1982AJ01). For yield, fusion and evaporation residue studies see (1982AJ01) and (1983CH04, 1983ST1L, 1985IK02, 1985PA08). See also (1984PE11). For fragmentation studies see (1981TA16, 1985DEZZ, 1985SH1Q); for work on deeply inelastic collisions see (1982YO01). For pion production see (1985OB1B, 1986YO02). Angular correlations have been studied at E(16O) = 65 - 65.6 MeV (1977HA18, 1981TS01, 1986PA05), 77 MeV (1985PA08) and 87.4 MeV (1983SA07). The sequential decay of 16O*(10, 11.6, 13.2, 15.2, 16.2, 21) is reported via α0 by (1983SA07). See also (1981LYZY, 1984TR06, 1985BE02), (1983BI13, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1984GE1D, 1984HA53, 1984NG1A, 1985SH1T, 1985ST1B) and (1981AFZZ, 1982BL12, 1982FL1B, 1982GI1C, 1982HA56, 1982HU1G, 1982ME12, 1982TO04, 1982WO1C, 1983CI08, 1983GO13, 1983VI1D, 1984FO21, 1984NI05, 1985FO1F, 1985HU04, 1986NG1A, 1986PR01; theor.).
Angular distributions for reaction (a) have been reported at E(16O) = 32 to 215.2 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and, recently, at E(16O) = 29.3 to 35 MeV and E(28Si) = 51.3 to 61.3 MeV (1984ME01; also 28Si*), at E(16O) = 30.6 and E(28Si) = 53.6 MeV (1983KA20), at E(16O) = 33.2 to 54.7 MeV (1981BR13; also 28Si*), at E(16O) = 45 to 63 MeV (1983SH18) and 75 MeV (1986SA2Q). Elastic angular distributions for reactions (b) and (c) are reported at E(16O) = 60 MeV (1983SH18). For yield, fusion cross section and evaporation residue measurements see (1982AJ01) and (1981BR13, 1983KA20, 1983SH18, 1984ME01). See also (1983ROZZ). For the excitation of a number of states in 16O see (1984RA10) in reaction 50. For pion production see (1983AGZX). See also (1981SC1N, 1982BR1T, 1982KO1C, 1982LE1N, 1982MA2B, 1983BR1R, 1983DU13, 1984FR1A, 1984HA53) and (1981FR1L, 1981LA12, 1981SH24, 1982AL02, 1982BRZE, 1982DO05, 1982FR09, 1982HA29, 1982LO13, 1983BR1M, 1983BR18, 1983BR1U, 1983CA11, 1983CI08, 1983DI05, 1983HO18, 1983HU1C, 1983KA30, 1983KO06, 1983MA29, 1983PO08, 1983QU01, 1983SA1D, 1983SH08, 1983SH17, 1983SI07, 1983ST1F, 1983WI1H, 1984BR1N, 1984BR28, 1984GU09, 1984HU05, 1984HU06, 1984HU1N, 1984KO15, 1984KO30, 1984PO12, 1984PO1M, 1984QU03, 1985AN16, 1985BA12, 1985BA42, 1985BR02, 1985BR1J, 1985BR25, 1985BR26, 1985DE23, 1985HO24, 1985HU04, 1985QU02, 1985SH1R, 1985VI09, 1985XI01, 1986HN01, 1986NG1A; theor.).
Elastic angular distributions are reported on 40Ca at E(16O) = 50 to 214.1 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at E(16O) = 60 MeV (1982RE03; also on 42,44Ca; also inelastic distributions involving Ca*) and at 150 MeV (1983STZW). Elastic angular distributions have been measured on 48Ca at E(16O) = 60 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at 56 MeV (1982RE03; also 48Ca*) and 158.2 MeV (1982HU10; also 48Ca*). Yield, fusion cross section and evaporation residue measurements are reported in (1982AJ01) and by (1981KU10, 1983CH04, 1983IKZZ, 1983ROZZ, 1983ST1L, 1985BU16, 1986NA01). See also (1984SAZX). For a measurement of the total non-fusion reaction cross section at E(16O) = 158.2 MeV (reaction (d)) see (1982HU10). For a study of deep inelastic collisions at 142 MeV (reaction (d)) see (1982WA03). For reaction (e) see (1985RI01). See also (1981TAZU, 1981TEZZ), (1981SC1N, 1982BR1T, 1983BI13, 1984FR1A, 1984MA2E, 1986BE2H) and (1981BO31, 1981HU07, 1981IS1B, 1981KR14, 1981KU09, 1981KU03, 1982AL02, 1982BE58, 1982BL12, 1982BRZE, 1982DA02, 1982HA56, 1982KO25, 1982NE1E, 1982NG1B, 1982SA07, 1982ST08, 1982WO1D, 1983BR1U, 1983CI08, 1983GO09, 1983GO13, 1983HU1C, 1983OK06, 1983PO08, 1983TO03, 1983TO1K, 1983TO1Q, 1983VI1D, 1983WI1H, 1983WO08, 1984GO13, 1984GU09, 1984HU1Q, 1984MA2K, 1984YA08, 1985AN16, 1985BL01, 1985GO01, 1985HU04, 1985ME14, 1985PA27, 1985QU02, 1985SA03, 1985ST20, 1985ST25, 1985UD02, 1985YA1H, 1986GA01, 1986MA04, 1986WA08; theor.).
See (1981HO1H, 1985JU02) and 17O.
Angular distributions for the ground state deuteron group have been studied at Ep = 8.62 to 11.44 MeV. At Ep = 31 MeV, angular distributions are reported for the deuterons corresponding to 16O*(0, 6.05 + 6.13, 7.12, 8.87, 10.36, 12.97, 13.26). States at Ex = 15.22 and 15.42 MeV were also observed. Spectroscopic factors were obtained from a DWBA analysis: see (1977AJ02).
Information obtained from this reaction at Ed = 52 MeV is displayed in Table 16.20 (in PDF or PS). Comparison of the (d, t) and (d, 3He) reactions leads to assignments of analog states in 16N and in 16O [see Table 16.10 (in PDF or PS) in (1982AJ01)]. A study of this reaction, the (d, 3He) reaction, and reaction 63 below, suggests that there is more than 17% isospin mixing of the 2- states 16O*(12.97, 12.53): the corresponding mixing matrix element is ≥ 155 ± 30 keV. An isospin mixing matrix element of 110 ± 10 keV for the 4- states of 16O*(17.79, 18.98, 19.80) is compatible with the results from this reaction and with pion scattering. [See also reaction 40.]
Angular distributions have been reported at E(3He) = 11 MeV [see (1977AJ02)], at E(3He) = 14 MeV (1985PO17; α0) and at E(pol. 3He) = 33 MeV (1982KA12; to many states of 16O). Table 16.20 (in PDF or PS) displays some of the information derived from this reaction. For polarization measurements see (1982KA12) and 20Ne in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02). See also (1982AJ01).
See (1982DO01).
Angular distributions of tritons have been measured for Ep = 43.7 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at Ep = 90 MeV (1985VOZZ: to 16O*(6.1, 6.92, 7.12, 9.84, 13.26, 16.35). The latter does no have Jπ = 0+ (1985VOZZ; prelim.). See, however, (1985BLZY; prelim.). The population of 16O*(22.7, 24.5) is consistent with L = 0 and 2, respectively, and with assignments of T = 2, Jπ = 0+ and 2+. The decay of 16O*(22.7), Jπ; T = 0+; 2, is via α0, α1 and α2 [12C*(0, 4.4, 7.7)] with (1.6 ± 0.7), (1.9 ± 0.7) and (14 ± 2)% branches and Γi(eV) = 190 ± 100, 230 ± 110 and 1680 ± 550 eV, respectively; via p0, p1+2, p3 with (7 ± 2), (11 ± 2) and (5 ± 2)% branches and Γi(eV) = 840 ± 343, 1320 ± 454 and 600 ± 300 eV; and via n1+2 with a (23 ± 15)% branch [Γn = 2760 ± 1970 eV] (the n0 branch is < 15%) [Γi are based on a total width of 12 ± 3.5 keV]. See also (1982AJ01), 19F in (1987AJ02) and (1982GO10, 1982NA1H, 1985BA1A; theor.).
Angular distributions have been measured at Eα = 58 MeV to 16O*(0, 6.1, 6.92, 7.12). Groups at Ex = 10.4, 13.3 ± 0.1 and 16.3 ± 0.1 MeV were also observed: see (1977AJ02).
Angular distributions involving 16Og.s. and 20O states are reported at E(18O) = 24 to 36 MeV and at 52 MeV: see (1982AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at many energies up to Ep = 44.5 MeV [see (1982AJ01)] and at Ep = 1.55 to 2.03 MeV (1978DE1D; α0, α1), 1.66 to 1.86 MeV (1985OU01; α0), 10.0 to 11.4 MeV (1984IN04; 16O*(0, 6.05, 6.13, 6.92, 7.13, 8.87, 9.84, 10.36, 10.96, 11.08 + 11.10)). See also Table 16.31 (in PDF or PS) in (1971AJ02). The internal conversion to pair production ratio of the E0 transition 16O*(6.05 → g.s.) [0+ → 0+] is (4.00 ± 0.46) × 10-5. The ratio of double γ-emission to pair production ΓE1E1/ΓE0(π) = (2.5 ± 1.1) × 10-4. τm for 16O*(6.05, 6.13) are 96 ± 7 psec and 26.6 ± 0.7 psec, respectively. See (1982AJ01) for references. |g| for 16O*(6.13) = 0.556 ± 0.004 (1984AS03). For γ-ray branching ratios and mixing ratios see Table 16.11 (in PDF or PS) and (1982VE04). See also 20Ne in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02), (1981KE1E, 1982MA1V, 1983GA18, 1983KN01, 1984KN1A, 1985ISZU, 1985LO1C), (1981DO1G, 1983TO1F, 1984DU1H, 1985TO1J; applied) and (1983IN1B).
See (1977AJ02).
See (1984CA09; reaction (b)) and (1982RA1M, 1982SA1A; astrophysics). See also (1982AJ01) and 20Ne in (1983AJ01, 1987AJ02).
Angular distributions have been studied at Ed to 80 MeV: see (1982AJ01). At Ed = 55 MeV 16O*(0, 6.05, 6.13, 6.92, 9.8, 11.10) are strongly populated (1981JAZV; prelim.). See also (1984CO08; theor.).
The angular distribution to 16Og.s. has been measured at Ed = 13.6 MeV (1981RU09).
Angular distributions have been reported at Eα = 22.8 to 25.4 MeV and at 90.3 MeV, the latter to 16O*(0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.8, 9.8, 10.3) [see (1982AJ01)] and at Eα = 25.1 to 27.8 MeV (1986SK01).
At E(12C) = 40 MeV the ground state angular distribution has been studied by (1982LI16). |
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