
β+-Decay Evaluated Data

Measurements for Superallowed Beta Decay
1965KAZX: 14O.
1975HA45: 14O; calculated ft for superallowed β decays.
1978WI04: 14O; measured T1/2; deduced ft values.
1981WH03: 14O(β+); deduced Q. 14O deduced Qβ, radiative corrected ft.
2003TO03: 14N(p, n); deduced threshold energies. 14O deduced Q(EC) for superallowed decay.
2003TO29: 14O(EC); compiled, analyzed superallowed decays Q-values, T1/2, log ft, related data; deduced Vμd matrix element.
2004BA78: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ, T1/2; deduced log ft.
2005HA08, 2005HA27, 2005HA65, 2005TO21: 14O; compiled, analyzed superallowed β-decay decay Q(EC), T1/2, ft, branching ratios; deduced limits on weak-interaction parameters.
2005SA44: 14O; compiled, analyzed log ft.
2008FI07: 14O; systematics of superallowed β decays and ft values.
2008HAZZ: 14O; analyzed superallowed β-decay data.
2008TO03: 14O; nalyzed ft values for superallowed β decay.
2009HA12: 14O(β+); analyzed Q values, half-lives and branching ratios; deduced statistical rate function (Ft).
2010TO12: 14O(β+); analyzed isospin-symmetry-breaking correction for superallowed 0+ to 0+ β transitions.
2013LA23: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, Iβ, half-life of 14O.
2014HA08: 14O(EC); measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ, Eγ, Iγ; deduced log ft, T1/2 and their uncertainties. Comparison with theoretical calculations.

Other Measurements
1954GE38: 14O.
1955SH84: 14O.
1957BR18: 14O.
1961BU04: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1961HE03: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1962BA26: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1963FR10: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1965FR09: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1966SI05: 14O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1971CL07: 14O; measured T1/2; deduced log ft.
1972AL01: 14O; measured T1/2.
1972SI50: 14O; measured T1/2; deduced log ft, coupling constant.
1973CL12, 1973CLZM: 14O; measured T1/2; deduced ft value.
1974AZ01: 14O; measured T1/2.
1974HAYC: 14O; measured ft.
1980WI13: 14O; measured Iγ; ; deduced log ft.
1981HE19: 14O; measured Eγ, Iγ; deduced ft, Gamow-Teller transition strength.
1982HEZW: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ, &$946;-branching ratio. 14N deduced Gamow-Teller transition strength.
1982KO28: 14O; deduced superallowed β-decay Q(EC) difference, ft.
1982WA16: 14O(β+); measured Eγ; deduced β+-endpoint energy, ft.
1984KOZH: 14O; analyzed T1/2, β-decay energies, branching ratios; deduced ft, related parameters.
1987KO34: 14O; deduced Q(EC) differences.
1988GI02: 14O(β+); measured β+ polarization.
1991CA12: 14O(β+); measured Fermi, Gamow-Teller decay relative polarization; deduced nonstandard weak currents limits.
1995GAZU: 14O(β+); measured T1/2.
1998BA83: 14O(β+); analyzed data; deduced superallowed decays Q-values.
1998BR23: 14O(β+); measured βγ-coin, βγ(θ); deduced β-ν angular correlation.
2001BA06: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ. 14N deduced transition energies.
2001GA59: 14O(EC); measured Eγ, T1/2.
2002BUZW, 2002BUZX: 14O(EC); measured T1/2.
2002VO11: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, βγ-coin; deduced β-ν angular correlation.
2003VO01: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, βγ-coin, angular correlation; deduced beta-neutrino coupling coefficient.
2006BU12: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, β, T1/2; deduced log ft.
2011FI01: 14O; compiled log ft values.
2011SA08: 14O(EC); calculated log ft, isospin mixing corrections.
2013LA23: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, Iβ, half-life of 14O.
2014HA08: 14O(EC); measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ, Eγ, Iγ; deduced log ft, T1/2 and their uncertainties. Comparison with theoretical calculations.
2014GE07: 14O(β+); measured Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, Iβ. Deduced statistical shape of the β+ spectrum for the 0+ to 1+ β transition as a function of the positron kinetic energy.

Measured half-life for 14O(β+)14N

Recommended value (August, 2015): 70.617 ± 0.020 s
Summary Table of Uncertainty Analysis:   Table 14O preview (PDF); Summary Chart of All Values:   Table 14O preview (PDF)  
Measured values: 70.696 ± 0.052 s (2006BU12)
70.641 ± 0.020 s (2004BA78)
70.560 ± 0.049 s (2001GA59)
70.684 ± 0.077 s (1978BE61)
70.613 ± 0.025 s (1978WI04)
70.43 ± 0.18 s (1974AZ01)
70.588 ± 0.028 s (1973CL12, 1971CL07)
70.48 ± 0.15 s (1972AL01)
70.32 ± 0.12 s (1972SI50)
71.3 ± 0.1 s (1963FR10) (Excluded)
71.00 ± 0.13 s (1962BA26) (Excluded)
70.91 ± 0.04 s (1961HE03) (Excluded)
72.1 ± 0.4 s (1954GE38) (Excluded)
Other Reviews: 70.620 ± 0.015 s (2009HA12)
70.599 ± 0.022 s (1975HA45)

Previous Measurements


Decay to
14N* (MeV)
Jπ Eβ+(max) (keV) Branching Ratio (%) ft (sec)
0 1+ (1954GE38, 1955SH84) 4145 ± 20 (1954GE38, 1955SH84)   0.60 ± 0.10 (1954GE38, 1955SH84) (2.0 ± 0.3) x 107
(1962BA26) 4124 ± 2   (1963FR10, 1965FR09)   0.65 ± 0.05 (1963FR10, 1965FR09) (1.7 ± 0.2) x 107
(1963FR10, 1965FR09) 4085 ± 30 (1965KAZX, 1966SI05)   0.61 ± 0.01 (1965KAZX, 1966SI05) (2.14 ± 0.03) x 107
        (1969KA1B) (1.9 ± 0.2) x 107
        (1980WI13)        7.266 ± 0.009 h
2.31 0+ (1954GE38, 1955SH84) 1835 ± 8   (1954GE38, 1955SH84) 99.4 ± 0.1 (1954GE38, 1955SH84) 3725 ± 75
(1954PE1B) 1830 ± 30 (1963FR10, 1965FR09) 99.35 ± 0.05 (1957BR18) 3088 ± 56
(1961BU04) 1809.7 ± 1.5   a 99.328 ± 0.012 (1961HE03) 3061 ± 10
(1962BA26) 1812.6 ± 1.4 b c 99.332 ± 0.011 (1961BU04) 3057 ± 20
(1963FR10, 1965FR09) 1821 ± 7   d 99.336 ± 0.010 (1962BA26)   3074 ± 10 e
        (1963FR10, 1965FR09) 3137 ± 70
        (1969KA1B) 3076 ± 7  
        (1975HA45) 3084.3 ± 3.6  
        (1978WI04) 3086.5 ± 2.7  
        (1981WH03) 3084.4 ± 1.1 f
3.95 1+     (1965KAZX, 1966SI05)      0.062 ± 0.007 g (1965KAZX, 1966SI05)      1200 ± 150 g
    (1980WI13)   0.0577 ± 0.0043 (1980WI13)        3.112 ± 0.034 h
    (1981HE19)   0.0528 ± 0.0023 (1981HE19) 1446 ± 63
a) Obtained by adopting 0.61 ± 0.01 % (1966SI05) and 0.062 ± 0.007 % (1969KA1B) for the branching ratio to 14N*(0, 3.95) [both 1+; 0 states]. Sum of εK and β-decay in ratio 6/4 (R.W. Kavanagh, private communication to Fay Ajzenberg-Selove, (1981AJ01)
b) 1890.1 ± 1.5 keV is obtained from measurements of the threshold energy of the 14N(p, n)14O reaction and the energy of 14N*(2.31). This value leads to a 0.8% decrease in the ft value of (1962BA26) (1968FR08).
c) Obtained by adopting 0.61 ± 0.01 % (1966SI05) and 0.058 ± 0.004 % (1980WI1H) for the branching ratio to 14N*(0, 3.95) [both 1+; 0 states].
d) Obtained by adopting 0.61 ± 0.01 % (1966SI05) and 0.054 ± 0.002 % (weighted mean of (1980WI13 and 1981HE19) for the branching ratio to 14N*(0, 3.95) [both 1+; 0 states].
e) Using τ(partial) = [71.36 ± 0.009] sec; includes form-factor and screening corrections. Radiative corrections of (1959KI1C) increase ft to 3126 sec: see also (1966BA1A, 1966FR15, 1967SU1E).
f) This is the fRt value.
g) And private communication: 0.025 β+ (1969KA1B).
h) This is the log ft value.

14Be(β-)14B Evaluated Data

14B(β-)14C Evaluated Data

14C(β-)14N Evaluated Data

A = 14 Beta-Decays Diagram

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Last modified: 14 August 2017