
β--Decay Evaluated Data

1974AL11: 14B; measured βγ-coin, T1/2, Eγ; deduced log ft, J, π. 14C deduced levels.
1986CU01, 1986HAYX: 14B(β-); measured β-decay T1/2.
1992AS01, 1992OKZT, 1992OKZV: 14B(β-); measured g-factor.
1993ASZZ, 1994ASZZ: 14B(β-); measured NMR. 14B deduced μ.
1993REZX: 14B(β-n); measured β-delayed neutron average energies.
1994RE1R: 14B(β-n); measured delayed n intensity, T1/2.
1994UE04, 1995OK04, 1996IZ01, 1996IZ02, 1996IZZY, 1996OKZZ: 14B(β-); measured β NMR, polarized sources; deduced μ.
1996OGZY: 14B(β-); measured Eβ, β-delayed Eγ. 14C deduced β-feeding branching from parent, levels, J, π.

Measured half-life for 14B(β-)14C

Recommended value (July, 2015): 12.6 ± 0.6 ms
Summary Table of Uncertainty Analysis:        Table 14B preview (PDF)  
Measured values: 12.4 ± 0.3 ms (1994RE1R: see also 12.30 ± 0.29 ms in the unpublished
private communications of (2008REZZ)/(1995REZZ).)
12.8 ± 0.8 ms (1986CU01)
16.1 ± 1.2 ms (1974AL11)
Other Reviews: 12.36 ± 0.29 ms (2015BI05)

Previous Measurements


Decay to 14C*
Jπ Branching Ratio (%) a log ft
(1974AL11) (1974AL11) b
0 0+      (5 ± 3) c   (6.1 ± 0.3)
   6.09 d 1- 81 ± 9 4.22 ± 0.05 4.16 ± 0.06
6.73 3- 8.6+1.7-4.0 5.10+0.30-0.08 5.04+0.27-0.08
7.34 2- < 11 e > 4.9 > 4.8
a) The measured γ-ray intensity ratios are I6.09/I6.73/I7.34 = 100/(10.0 ± 2.0)/< 2.2 (1974AL11).
b) M.J. Martin, private communication to Fay Ajzenberg-Selove (1991AJ01).
c) This branch has not been observed. It is assumed to be 5 ± 3 % in the calculation of the branching ratios to 14C*(6.09, 6.73). However, (1975MI12; theor.) suggest that the branch may be as small as ≈ 0.3%. The errors shown for the branching ratios reflect this uncertainty (1974AL11).
d) Eβ-(max) = 14.0 ± 0.7 MeV to this state.
e) This branch has not been observed: the upper limit is shown. In the calculations of the branching ratios to 14C*(6.09, 6.73) a value 5 ± 5 % was used.

14Be(β-)14B Evaluated Data

14C(β-)14N Evaluated Data

14O(β+)14N Evaluated Data

A = 14 Beta-Decays Diagram

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Last modified: 29 June 2021