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A = 14: 1976 References from (1976AJ04)

1953BO70 C.K. Bockelman, C.P. Browne, W.W. Buechner and A. Sperduto, Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 665

1953MA42 G. Manning and B. Singh, Proc. Phys. Soc. A66 (1953) 842

1953SH64 E.S. Shire, J.R. Wormald, G. Lindsay-Jones, A. Lundan and A.G. Stanley, Phil. Mag. 44 (1953) 1197

1954MO84 A. Moljk and S.C. Curran, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 395

1954SP01 A. Sperduto, W.W. Buechner, C.K. Bockelman and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1316

1955AL16 H.R. Allan and N. Sarma, Proc. Phys. Soc. A68 (1955) 535

1955MC75 J.N. McGruer, E.K. Warburton and R.S. Bender, Phys. Rev. 100 (1955) 235

1955WI43 D.H. Wilkinson, Phys. Rev. 100 (1955) 32

1956BO61 T.W. Bonner, A.A. Kraus, Jr., J.B. Marion and J.P. Schiffer, Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1348

1956BU16 E.J. Burge and D.J. Prowse, Phil. Mag. 1 (1956) 912

1956GR17 G.M. Griffiths, Can. J. Phys. 34 (1956) 339

1956LE28 P. Lehmann, A. Leveque and R. Pick, Compt. Rend. 243 (1956) 743

1956MI17 D.W. Miller, B.M. Carmichael, U.C. Gupta, V.K. Rasmussen and M.B. Sampson, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 740

1956SA06 R.M. Sanders, Phys. Rev. 104 (1956) 1434

1957NO17 E. Norbeck, Jr. and C.S. Littlejohn, Phys. Rev. 108 (1957) 754

1957WI27 D.H. Wilkinson and S.D. Bloom, Phil. Mag. 2 (1957) 63

1958GR97 G.M. Griffiths, Proc. Phys. Soc. A72 (1958) 337

1958TY46 H. Tyren and T.A.J. Maris, Nucl. Phys. 6 (1958) 82

1958WA02 E.K. Warburton and H.J. Rose, Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 1199

1959AJ76 F. Ajzenberg and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. 11 (1959) 1

1959AR1A Armstrong, Moore and Blair, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 4 (1959) 17

1959GI47 J.H. Gibbons and R.L. Macklin, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) 571

1959HA11 S.S. Hanna and L. Meyer-Schutzmeister, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959) 986

1959HO01 H.D. Holmgren, E.A. Wolicki and R.L. Johnston, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) 1281

1959RO54 H.J. Rose, W. Trost and F. Riess, Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 510

1959WA04 E.K. Warburton, H.J. Rose and E.N. Hatch, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) 214

1959WA16 E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 113 (1959) 595

1960BA34 J.K. Bair, R.D. Edge and H.B. Willard, Phys. Rev. 119 (1960) 1948

1960HE14 D.F. Hebbard and J.L. Vogl, Nucl. Phys. 21 (1960) 652

1960JA17 A.A. Jaffe, F. de S. Barros, P.D. Forsyth, J. Muto, I.J. Taylor and S. Ramavataram, Prog. Phys. Soc. 76 (1960) 914

1960RO13 H.J. Rose, Nucl. Phys. 19 (1960) 113

1960RO23 H.J. Rose, F. Riess and W. Trost, Nucl. Phys. 21 (1960) 367

1960WA12 E.K. Warburton and W.T. Pinkston, Phys. Rev. 118 (1960) 733

1961BA10 F.De S. Barros, P.D. Forsyth, A.A. Jaffe and I.J. Taylor, Proc. Phys. Soc. 77 (1961) 853

1961BE12 E.F. Bennett, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 595

1961CO05 H.O. Cohn, J.K. Bair and H.B. Willard, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 534

1961DA09 P. Dagley, W. Haeberli and J.X. Saladin, Nucl. Phys. 24 (1961) 353

1961HE02 R.E. Hester and W.A.S. Lamb, Phys. Rev. 121 (1961) 584

1961KA04 E. Kashy, R.R. Perry, R.L. Steele and J.R. Risser, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 884

1961MA1L W.B. Mann, W.F. Marlow and E.E. Hughes, National Bureau of Standards (U.S.) Tech. News Bull. 45 (1961) 21

1961MA32 W.B. Mann, W.F. Marlow and E.E. Hughes, Int. J. Appl. Rad. Isotopes 11 (1961) 57

1961TO03 J.H. Towle and B.E.F. Macefield, Proc. Phys. Soc. 77 (1961) 399

1961WA16 D.E. Watt, D. Ramsden and H.W. Wilson, Int. J. Appl. Rad. Isotopes 11 (1961) 68; Nucl. Sci. Abs. 15, 4221, Abs. 32740 (1961)

1962CL12 D.D. Clayton, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 2254

1962ED02 R.D. Edge and G.A. Peterson, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 2750

1962HA40 B.G. Harvey, J. Cerny, R.H. Pehl and E. Rivet, Nucl. Phys. 39 (1962) 160

1962LA15 N.O. Lassen, Nucl. Phys. 38 (1962) 442

1962OL04 I.U. Olsson, I. Karlen, A.H. Turnbull and N.J.D. Prosser, Ark. Fys. 22 (1962) 237

1962RO21 H.J. Rose, F. Uihlein, F. Riess and W. Trost, Nucl. Phys. 36 (1962) 583

1963AL21 D.E. Alburger and E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 132 (1963) 790

1963BA19 W.C. Barber, J. Goldemberg, G.A. Peterson and Y. Torizuka, Nucl. Phys. 41 (1963) 461; Erratum Nucl. Phys. 47 (1963) 527

1963JE02 J.M.F. Jeronymo, G.S. Mani, F. Picard and A. Sadeghi, Nucl. Phys. 43 (1963) 417

1963MA28 G.S. Mani, P.D. Forsyth and R.R. Perry, Nucl. Phys. 44 (1963) 625

1963OH02 G.G. Ohlsen and R.E. Shamu, Nucl. Phys. 45 (1963) 523

1963PR03 F.W. Prosser, Jr., R.W. Krone and J.J. Singh, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 1716

1963RO17 H.J. Rose, W. Trost and F. Riess, Nucl. Phys. 44 (1963) 287

1963SE19 T. Sebe, Prog. Theor. Phys. 30 (1963) 290

1964BA11 M.R. Baker, C.H. Anderson and N.F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) A1533

1964BE12 J.A. Becker and E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 134 (1964) B349

1964BI09 G.R. Bishop, M. Bernheim and P. Kossanyi-Demay, Nucl. Phys. 54 (1964) 353

1964CE02 J. Cerny and R.H. Pehl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 619

1964DZ1A Dzubay and Blair, Phys. Rev. 134 (1964) B586

1964EA04 L.G. Earwaker and D.F. Hebbard, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 252

1964HU09 E.E. Hughes and W.B. Mann, Int. J. App. Rad. Isotopes 15 (1964) 97; Nucl. Sci. Abs. 18, 2271, Abs.16961 (1964)

1964MI05 R. Middleton and D.J. Pullen, Nucl. Phys. 51 (1964) 63

1964RO03 H.J. Rose, F. Riess and W. Trost, Nucl. Phys. 52 (1964) 481

1964WA05 E.K. Warburton, D.E. Alburger, A. Gallmann, P. Wagner and L.F. Chase, Jr., Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B42

1964WA09 E.K. Warburton, J.W. Olness, D.E. Alburger, D.J. Bredin and L.F. Chase, Jr., Phys. Rev. 134 (1964) B338

1965BA06 F. Baldeweg, V. Bredel, H. Guratzsch, R. Klabes, B. Kuhn and G. Stiller, Nucl. Phys. 64 (1965) 55

1965BR42 O.D. Brill, Yad. Fiz. 1 (1965) 55; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1 (1965) 37

1965CA06 R.R. Carlson and D.W. Heikkinen, Phys. Lett. 17 (1965) 305

1965DE19 R.W. Detenbeck, J.C. Armstrong, A.S. Figuera and J.B. Marion, Nucl. Phys. 72 (1965) 552

1965DE21 R.W. Detenbeck, Nucl. Phys. 74 (1965) 184

1965FO06 P.D. Forsyth, I.J. Taylor and R.R. Perry, Nucl. Phys. 66 (1965) 376

1965LA09 J.M. Lacambra, D.R. Tilley, N.R. Roberson and R.M. Williamson, Nucl. Phys. 68 (1965) 273

1965LO07 J.A. Lonergan and D.J. Donahue, Nucl. Phys. 74 (1965) 318

1965LU05 A. Luukko, Soc. Sci. Fennica, Comment. Phys. Math. 31:6 (1965)

1965NE06 J.O. Newton, R.S. Blake, D.J. Jacobs and J.P. Schapira, Nucl. Phys. 71 (1965) 113

1965PE03 R.H. Pehl, E. Rivet, J. Cerny and B.G. Harvey, Phys. Rev. 137 (1965) B114

1965SA07 M.W. Sachs, C. Chasman and D.A. Bromley, Phys. Rev. 139 (1965) B92

1965SH10 S.N. Shumilov, A.P. Klyucharev and N.Y. Rutkevich, Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 2 (1965) 213; JETP Lett. 2 (1965) 135

1965SH14 S.N. Shumilov, A.P. Klyucharev and N.Y. Rutkevich, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 49 (1965) 1754; Sov. Phys. JETP 22 (1966) 1198

1965VA13 P.I. Vatset, L.Y. Kolesnikov and S.G. Tonapetyan, Yad. Fiz. 1 (1965) 809; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1 (1965) 579

1965WA02 B.D. Walker, C. Wong, J.D. Anderson, J.W. McClure and R.W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. 137 (1964) B347

1965WA06 E.K. Warburton, J.S. Lopes, R.W. Ollerhead, A.R. Poletti and M.F. Thomas, Phys. Rev. 138 (1965) B104

1966AL10 D.E. Alburger, A. Gallmann, J.B. Nelson, J.T. Sample and E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 1050

1966BA13 G.C. Ball and J. Cerny, Phys. Lett. 21 (1966) 551

1966CA07 R.R. Carlson, Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 991

1966DI04 G.U. Din and J.L. Weil, Nucl. Phys. 86 (1966) 509

1966FU10 H. Fuchs, K. Grabisch, P. Kraaz and G. Roschert, Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 363

1966GO15 S. Gorodetzky, R.M. Freeman, A. Gallman and F. Hass, Phys. Rev. 149 (1966) 801

1966HA19 B.G. Harvey, J.R. Meriwether, J. Mahoney, A. Bussiere de Nercy and D.J. Horen, Phys. Rev. 146 (1966) 712

1966HO15 C.H. Holbrow, R. Middleton and B. Rosner, Phys. Rev. 152 (1966) 970

1966LI07 K.P. Lieb, Nucl. Phys. 85 (1966) 461

1966LO15 J.A. Lonergan and D.J. Donahue, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 465

1966MC05 R.L. McGrath, Phys. Rev. 145 (1966) 802

1966RI02 F. Riess and W. Trost, Nucl. Phys. 78 (1966) 385

1966RI04 E. Rivet, R.H. Pehl, J. Cerny and B.G. Harvey, Phys. Rev. 141 (1966) 1021

1966SI02 R.H. Siemssen, G.C. Morrison, B. Zeidman and H. Fuchs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 1050

1966SI05 G.S. Sidhu and J.B. Gerhart, Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 1024

1966SW01 C.P. Swann, Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 1119

1966WA1C Warburton and Alburger, Nucl. Spin-Parity Assign.; Ed., Gove (1966) 114

1967AL16 A.U. Aldzhauakhiri, A.V. Spasskii, I.B. Teplov and L.N. Fateeva, Yad. Fiz. 6 (1967) 248; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 6 (1968) 180

1967BA13 G.C. Ball and J. Cerny, Phys. Rev. 155 (1967) 1170

1967BL22 R.S. Blake, E.B. Paul, C.H. Sinex and S.T. Emerson, Nucl. Phys. A102 (1967) 305

1967CH19 C. Chasman, K.W. Jones, R.A. Ristinen and D.E. Alburger, Phys. Rev. 159 (1967) 830

1967CO32 S. Cohen and D. Kurath, Nucl. Phys. 101 (1967) 1

1967DE03 L.J. Denes and W.W. Daehnick, Phys. Rev. 154 (1967) 928

1967FE06 P. Fessenden and D.R. Maxson, Phys. Rev. 158 (1967) 948

1967FL10 J.L. Flinner, J.C. Harris and B. Mulligan, Phys. Rev. 161 (1967) 1082

1967GA12 A. Gallmann, F. Haas and B. Heusch, Phys. Rev. 164 (1967) 1257

1967GO27 Y.V. Gofman, N.I. Zaika, A.V. Mokhnach, O.F. Nemets, P.L. Shmarin and A.M. Yasnogorodskii, Yad. Fiz. 5 (1967) 718; Sov. J. Nucl. Soc. 5 (1967) 510

1967HA20 R.L. Hahn and E. Ricci, Nucl. Phys. A101 (1967) 353

1967NE06 J.B. Nelson and W.R. Smith, Nucl. Phys. A96 (1967) 671

1967OL02 J.W. Olness, A.R. Poletti and E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 154 (1967) 971

1967PO13 J.E. Poth, J.C. Overley and D.A. Bromley, Phys. Rev. 164 (1967) 1295

1967SP09 A. Sperduto, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on At. Masses, Winnipeg, Canada, 1967 (1967) 657

1967TH05 G.E. Thomas, D.E. Blatchley and L.M. Bollinger, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 56 (1967) 325

1967WO05 C. Wong, J.D. Anderson, J. McClure, B. Pohl, V.A. Madsen and F. Schmittroth, Phys. Rev. 160 (1967) 769

1967YO02 F.C. Young, P.D. Forsyth and J.B. Marion, Nucl. Phys. A91 (1967) 209

1967ZA01 C.D. Zafiratos, J.S. Lilley and F.W. Slee, Phys. Rev. 154 (1967) 887

1968AL12 K.W. Allen, T.K. Alexander and D.C. Healey, Can. J. Phys. 46 (1968) 1575

1968BA1E Ball, UCRL-18263 (1968)

1968BE30 R.A.I. Bell, R.D. Gill, B.C. Robertson, J.S. Lopes and H.J. Rose, Nucl. Phys. A118 (1968) 481

1968BE47 F. Bella, M. Alessio and P. Fratelli, Nuovo Cim. B58 (1968) 232

1968CL05 H.-G. Clerc and E. Kuphal, Z. Phys. 211 (1968) 452

1968CO24 J.A. Cookson, Phys. Lett. B27 (1968) 619

1968FR08 J.M. Freeman, J.G. Jenkin, D.C. Robinson, G. Murray and W.E. Burcham, Phys. Lett. B27 (1968) 156

1968HI14 F. Hinterberger, G. Mairle, U. Schmidt-Rohr, G.J. Wagner and P. Turek, Nucl. Phys. A111 (1968) 265

1968HO23 K. Hosono, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 25 (1968) 36

1968JA09 J. Janecke, T.F. Yang, R.M. Polichar and W.S. Gray, Phys. Rev. 175 (1968) 1301

1968JO07 J.E. Jobst, Phys. Rev. 168 (1968) 1156

1968JO1C Joshi, Nucl. Phys. and Solid State Phys. Symp. (1968)

1968KA38 N.N. Kaushal, E.J. Winhold, P.F. Yergin, H.A. Medicus and R.H. Augustson, Phys. Rev. 175 (1968) 1330

1968KL06 R. Klabes, F. Baldeweg and G. Stiller, Nucl. Phys. A121 (1968) 113; Erratum Nucl. Phys. A127 (1969) 693

1968MA29 N.F. Mangelson, B.G. Harvey and N.K. Glendenning, Nucl. Phys. A117 (1968) 161

1968ME10 K. Meier-Ewert, K. Bethge and K.-O. Pfeiffer, Nucl. Phys. A110 (1968) 142

1968OK1C O'konski and Ha, J. Chem. Phys. 49 (1968) 5354

1968RO1C Rose, Hausser and Warburton, Rev. Mod. Phys. 40 (1968) 591

1968RO1D I. Rotter, Nucl. Phys. A122 (1968) 567

1968TO09 J.H. Towle and G.J. Wall, Nucl. Phys. A118 (1968) 500

1969AL13 M.S. Alvesh, O.I. Vasileva, V.G. Nadtochii, A.V. Spasskii, I.B. Teplov and L.N. Fateeva, Yad. Fiz. 10 (1969) 481; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 10 (1970) 276

1969AR1B Armstrong, Beery, Keaton and Veeser, LA 4177 (1969)

1969BA06 G.C. Ball and J. Cerny, Phys. Rev. 177 (1969) 1466

1969BA1J Balashov, Bochum Conf. STI/PUB/232 IAEA (1969) 59

1969BA1L Batusov et al., Yad. Fiz. 10 (1969) 354

1969BE21 H.A. Bentz, Z. Naturfursch. A24 (1969) 858

1969BE92 N. Bezic, D. Brajnik, D. Jamnik and G. Kernel, Nucl. Phys. A128 (1969) 426

1969BL1D Blin-Stoyle, Isospin in Nucl. Phys.; Ed., D.H. Wilkinson (1969) 115

1969BO1D Bonaccorsi, Scrocco and Tomasi, J. Chem. Phys. 50 (1969) 2940

1969BO32 I. Borbely, T. Dolinszky, J. Ero and G. Hrehuss, Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hung. 26 (1969) 269

1969CA1A R.R. Carlson and H.W. Wyborny, Phys. Rev. 178 (1969) 1529

1969CO02 H. Cords, G.U. Din and B.A. Robson, Nucl. Phys. A127 (1969) 95

1969CU10 H.-H. Cuno, G. Clausnitzer and R. Fleischmann, Nucl. Phys. A139 (1969) 657

1969DE29 A.E. Denisov, R.P. Kolalis, Y.A. Nemilov, V.S. Sadkovskii and E.U. Teterin, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 33 (1969) 1376; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 33 (1970) 1271

1969DI1B Dickens and Perey, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 36 (1969) 280

1969EL1A Elliott, Cargese Lecture in Phys.; Ed., M. Jean, Vol. 3 (1969) 337

1969ER1A Erdas, Mosconi, Pompei and Quarati, Nuovo Cim. B64 (1969) 406

1969FE10 J.L. Ferrero, A. Garcia, J. Milio and F. Senent, An. Fis. 65 (1969) 307

1969FU11 G.H. Fuller and V.W. Cohen, Nucl. Data Tables A5 (1969) 433

1969GA01 A. Gallmann, F. Hibou and P. Fintz, Nucl. Phys. A123 (1969) 27

1969GA18 J. Galin, B. Gatty, M. Lefort, J. Peter, X. Tarrago and R. Basile, Phys. Rev. 182 (1969) 1267

1969GO1C Golovanova and Zelenskaya, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 8 (1969) 158

1969GU02 H. Guratzsch, G. Hofmann, H. Muller and G. Stiller, Nucl. Phys. A129 (1969) 405

1969GU1C Guratzsch and Stiller, Zentral. Kernf. Rossendorf Dresden. Rept. No. Zfk 189 (1969)

1969HA1F Hanna, Isospin in Nucl. Phys.; Ed., D.H. Wilkinson (1969) 591

1969HE06 H.-D. Helb, H. Voit, G. Ischenko and W. Reichardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 (1969) 176

1969HO23 C.H. Holbrow, R. Middleton and W. Focht, Phys. Rev. 183 (1969) 880

1969IW1A Iwao, Prog. Theor. Phys. 42 (1969) 1304

1969JA06 R.J. Jaszczak, R.L. Macklin and J.H. Gibbons, Phys. Rev. 181 (1969) 1428

1969JA15 L.A. Jacobson, Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 1509

1969JO09 J. Jobst, S. Messelt and H.T. Richards, Phys. Rev. 178 (1969) 1663

1969KA1B R.W. Kavanagh, Nucl. Phys. A129 (1969) 172

1969KA1C Kaschlik and Koch, Wiss. Z. Friedrich. Schiller U. Jena. Math. Naturwiss. Reihe (Germany) 18 (1969) 37

1969KO1A Koch and Kaschlik, Wiss. Z. Friedrich. Schiller U. Jena. Math. Naturwiss. Reihe (Germant) 18 (1969) 43

1969KO1B Kouloumdjian, Thesis, Univ. of Lyon (1969)

1969KR21 N.N. Krasnov, P.P. Dmitriev, Z.P. Dmitrieva, I.O. Konstantinov and G.A. Molin, Atomn. Energ. (USSR) 27 (1969) 125

1969KU1B Kurtz, Braun and Cuer, Bochum Conf. STI/PUB/232 IAEA (1969) 257

1969LE1B Leonardi, Cargese Lecture in Phys.; Ed., M. Jean, Vol. 3 (1969) 97

1969LY1A Lyutostanskii, Yad. Fiz. 10 (1969) 198

1969MA1C Massue et al., Bochum Conf. STI/PUB/232 IAEA (1969) 258

1969RO1G I. Rotter, Nucl. Phys. A135 (1969) 378

1969SC1F Schiffer, Isospin in Nucl. Phys.; Ed., D.H. Wilkinson (1969) 665

1969SC1G Schirmer, Kreivopustov, Oehler and Sizov, Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., Lab. Neutron Phys., USSR, Rept. P15 4801 (1969)

1969SC1H Schmittroth, Thesis, Oregan State Univ. (1969)

1969SN02 F.D. Snyder and M.A. Waggoner, Phys. Rev. 186 (1969) 999

1969SN04 J.L. Snelgrove and E. Kashy, Phys. Rev. 187 (1969) 1259

1969SN1B Snelgrove, Thesis, Michigan State Univ. (1969)

1969SP02 A.V. Spasskii, K.G. Tarov, I.B. Teplov and L.N. Fateeva, Yad. Fiz. 9 (1969) 936; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 9 (1969) 548

1969TH01 M.J. Throop, Phys. Rev. 179 (1969) 1011

1969WA1C Warburton and Weneser, Isospin in Nucl. Phys.; Ed., D.H. Wilkinson (1969) 173

1970AD01 E.G. Adelberger, A.V. Nero and A.B. McDonald, Nucl. Phys. A143 (1970) 97

1970AD02 E.G. Adelberger and A.B. McDonald, Nucl. Phys. A145 (1970) 497

1970AG08 J. Aguilar, C.F. Pineda, C.R. Bauza, J.L. Ferrero, A. Garcia and F. Senent, An. Fis. 66 (1970) 279

1970AJ04 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A152 (1970) 1

1970AL26 M. Allab, M. Amiel, A. Amokrane, H. Beaumevielle, A. Henni and M. Lambert, J. Phys. (Paris) 31 (1970) 919

1970AN1D Anni and Taffara, Rivista Nuovo Cim. 2 (1970) 1

1970AN1E Andrade et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 629

1970AR1D Artukh et al., Nucl. Reactions Included by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg, 1969 (1970) 140

1970AR27 A.G. Artukh, V.V. Avdeichikov, J. Ero, G.F. Gridnev, V.L. Mikheev, V.V. Volkov and J. Wilczynski, Phys. Lett. B33 (1970) 407

1970BA1E Backenstoss, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 20 (1970) 467

1970BA1J Barker et al., Nucl. Reactions included by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg, 1969 (1970) 152

1970BA44 Y.A. Batusov, B.Z. Zalikhanov, V.M. Sidorov, D. Tuvdendorzh and V.A. Yarba, Yad. Fiz. 11 (1970) 736; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 11 (1970) 413

1970BA63 N.P. Babenko and V.D. Domkin, Yad. Fiz. 12 (1970) 692; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 12 (1971) 375

1970BE54 B.L. Berman, S.C. Fultz, J.T. Caldwell, M.A. Kelly and S.S. Dietrich, Phys. Rev. C2 (1970) 2318

1970BL10 J.L. Black, W.J. Caelli, W.F. Davidson and R.B. Watson, Nucl. Phys. A153 (1970) 233

1970BO1K Borbei and Dolinski, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 10 (1970) 173

1970BO1M Bohm et al., Nucl. Phys. B24 (1970) 248

1970BO20 I.I. Bondouk, F. Machali and Z.A. Saleh, Z. Phys. 236 (1970) 170

1970BO21 W. Bohne, H. Homeyer, H. Lettau, H. Morgenstern, J. Scheer and F. Sichelschmidt, Nucl. Phys. A154 (1970) 105

1970BR1C Brix, Private Communication (1970)

1970BU08 J.-P. Burq, G. Hadinger, J. Kouloumdjian and J. Meyer, Nucl. Phys. A149 (1970) 488

1970BU1D Bukhvostov and Popov, Nucl. Phys. A147 (1970) 385

1970CA1C Cavallaro, Cunsolo, Potenza and Rubbino, Prgm. of 56th Natl. Congress of Italian Phys. Soc., Venice, 1970 (1970) 36

1970CA28 J. Catala, A. Garcia, V. Martinez and F. Senent, An. Fis. 66 (1970) 297

1970CH1D Chesterfield and Parker, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 1654

1970CL1C Clayton, 2nd Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Reactors, Helsinki (1970) 35

1970CL1D Cloud, Thesis, Univ. of Oregon (1970)

1970CO1H Cohen and Kurath, Nucl. Phys. A141 (1970) 145

1970CR03 G.M. Crawley, S.M. Austin, W. Benenson, V.A. Madsen, F.A. Schmittroth and M.J. Stomp, Phys. Lett. B32 (1970) 92

1970DA20 E.B. Dally, M.G. Croissiaux and B. Schweitz, Phys. Rev. C2 (1970) 2057

1970DI1A Dickens and Perey, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 40 (1970) 346

1970DM01 T.A. Dmitrieva, Z. Oziewicz and A. Pikulski, Nucl. Phys. A155 (1970) 205

1970DO04 J.J. Domingo, B.W. Allardyce, C.H.Q. Ingram, S. Rohlin, N.W. Tanner, J. Rohlin, E.M. Rimmer, G. Jones and J.P. Girardeau-Montaut, Phys. Lett. B32 (1970) 309

1970DU04 J.R. Duray and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. C1 (1970) 776

1970DU07 J.L. Duggan, J.Y. Park, S.D. Danielopoulos, P.D. Miller, J. Lin, M.M. Duncan and R.L. Dangle, Nucl. Phys. A151 (1970) 107

1970FO1B Fonda, Theory of Nucl. Struct., Trieste, 1969, IAEA STI/PUB/249 (1970) 283

1970FR13 N. Freed and P. Ostrander, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 3 (1970) 673

1970FR1C Frahn, Theory of Nucl. Struct., Trieste, 1969, IAEA STI/PUB/249 (1970) 297

1970GA07 S. Gangadharan and R.L. Wolke, Phys. Rev. C1 (1970) 1333

1970GA09 A. Gallman, F. Haas, N. Balaux, B. Heusch and M. Toulemonde, Can. J. Phys. 48 (1970) 1595

1970GA25 A. Garcia, J. Milio and F. Senent, An. Fis. 66 (1970) 69

1970GU13 M.R. Gunye and C.S. Warke, Phys. Rev. C2 (1970) 2106

1970HA1G Habs et al., Kernforsch. Karlsruhe, Ext. Bericht 18-70 2 (1970)

1970HA23 J.C. Hardy, A.D. Bacher, G.R. Plattner, J.A. Macdonald and R.G. Sextro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25 (1970) 298

1970HS02 S.T. Hsieh and H. Horie, Nucl. Phys. A151 (1970) 243

1970HU08 J.N. Huffaker and C.E. Laird, Nucl. Phys. A150 (1970) 61

1970IS1A Ischenko, Reichardt, Voit and Held, Nucl. Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg, 1969 (1970) 105

1970JA02 W. Jaus and G. Rasche, Nucl. Phys. A143 (1970) 202

1970JO09 D.J. Johnson and M.A. Waggoner, Phys. Rev. C2 (1970) 41

1970JO1D Johnson, Thesis, Univ. of Iowa (1970)

1970KH01 S.B. Khadkikar and M.R. Gunye, Nucl. Phys. A144 (1970) 289

1970KN01 A.R. Knudson and F.C. Young, Nucl. Phys. A149 (1970) 323

1970KO26 T.I. Kopaleishvili and I.Z. Machabeli, Yad. Fiz. 12 (1970) 525; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 12 (1970) 286

1970LA1L Laird, Thesis, Univ. of Alabama (1970)

1970LE20 J.W. Leonard and D.O. Wells, Nucl. Phys. A153 (1970) 657

1970LI1E Liebenauer, Silverstein, Kibler and Koral, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 521

1970LK1A Lkhagva and Rotter, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 11 (1970) 576

1970LO1B W.G. Love, L.J. Parish and A. Richter, Phys. Lett. B31 (1970) 167

1970ME25 M.M. Meier, R.L. Walter, T.R. Donoghue, R.G. Seyler and R.M. Drisko, Nucl. Phys. A159 (1970) 273

1970ME30 S. Messelt, Phys. Norvegica 4 (1970) 191

1970NE17 J.M. Nelson, N.S. Chant and P.S. Fisher, Nucl. Phys. A156 (1970) 406

1970NE1B J.M. Nelson, N.S. Chant and P.S. Fisher, Phys. Lett. B31 (1970) 445

1970NE1F Neudatchin and Wildermuth, Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg, 1969 (1970) 327

1970OG1A Ogloblin, Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg, 1969 (1970) 231

1970PA23 H. Paul, Nucl. Phys. A154 (1970) 160

1970PE1B Pearson, Rickel and Zissermann, Nucl. Phys. A148 (1970) 273

1970PI1A Pickles and Learn, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 652

1970RO07 M.L. Roush, L.A. West and J.B. Marion, Nucl. Phys. A147 (1970) 235

1970SA06 H.S. Sandhu, Nucl. Phys. A146 (1970) 163

1970SH06 N.K. Sherman, R.W. Gellie, K.H. Lokan and R.G. Johnson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25 (1970) 114

1970SI09 R.H. Siemssen, H.T. Fortune, R. Malmin, A. Richter, J.W. Tippie and P.P. Singh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25 (1970) 536

1970SI1E Sievers and Prosser, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 1654

1970SO08 C. Sonntag, H. Rebel, B. Ribbat, S.K. Thio and W.R. Gramm, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 4 (1970) 717

1970SO11 L.S. Sokolov and N.E. Kabakova, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 34 (1970) 2159; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 34 (1971) 1926

1970SU1B Sukhoruchkin, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 10 (1970) 144

1970UL01 N. Ullah, S.S.M. Wong and L.E.H. Trainor, Can. J. Phys. 48 (1970) 842

1970VA24 V.A. Vartanyan, T.A. Dmitrieva, H.-U. Jager, H.R. Kissener and R.A. Eramzhyan, Yad. Fiz. 11 (1970) 528; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 11 (1970) 295

1970VE06 A.N. Vereshchagin, I.N. Korostova and I.P. Chernov, Izv. Vys. Ucheb. Zav. Fiz. 8 (1970) 105; Sov. Phys. J. 13 (1973) 1071

1970VO02 W. Von Oertzen, M. Liu, C. Caverzasio, J.C. Jacmart, F. Pougheon, M. Riou, J.C. Roynette and C. Stephan, Nucl. Phys. A143 (1970) 34

1970WE03 H.R. Weller, Phys. Rev. C2 (1970) 321

1970WE09 L.C. Welch, C.C. Chang, H.H. Forster, C.C. Kim, D.W. Devins and P.A. Deutchman, Nucl. Phys. A158 (1970) 644

1970WE1J L.C. Welch, Thesis, Univ. of Southern California (1970)

1970WI1B Williams et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15 (1970) 62

1971AJ02 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A166 (1971) 1

1971AL09 B.J. Allen and R.L. Macklin, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1737

1971AL1D Alder and Trautmann, Nucl. Phys. A178 (1971) 60

1971AM1A Amato et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 511

1971AN08 G. Andersson, B. Forkman and B. Friberg, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 529

1971AR02 A.G. Artukh, V.V. Avdeichikov, J. Ero, G.F. Gridnev, V.L. Mikheev, V.V. Volkov and J. Wilczynski, Nucl. Phys. A160 (1971) 511

1971AR1P Artukh et al., Proc. Int. Conf. on Heavy Ion Phys., Dubna (1971) 193

1971BA1A Barnes, Advances in Nucl. Phys. 4 (1971) 133

1971BA2T Banerji, Indian J. Phys. 44 (1971) 319

1971BA2Y Baus-Baghdikian, Univ. libre Bruxelles, Bull. No. 45 (1971)

1971BA68 P.H. Barker, P.M. Cockburn, A. Huber, H. Knoth, U. Matter, H.-P. Seiler and P. Marmier, Ann. Phys. 66 (1971) 705

1971BA70 J. Banaigs, J. Berger, J. Duflo, L. Goldzahl, O. Harff, M. Cottereau, F. Lefebvres, H. Quechon and P. Tardy-Joubert, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 95 (1971) 307

1971BA96 Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, V.A. Vartanyan, G.R. Gulkanyan, N. Kurts, V.M. Sidorov, K.M. Chernev, R.A. Eramzhyan and V.A. Yarba, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 1206; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 673

1971BAWQ G.C. Ball, W.G. Davies, J.S. Forster and J.C. Hardy, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 536, DF11

1971BE25 H.A. Bentz, Z. Phys. 243 (1971) 138

1971BE46 R.F. Bentley, J.D. Carlson, D.A. Lind, R.B. Perkins and C.D. Zafiratos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 27 (1971) 1081

1971BI03 M. Bister, A. Anttila, M. Piiparinen and M. Viitasalo, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1972

1971BO1F Bolsterli, LA-DC 12417 (1971)

1971BO1U Bohlen et al., J. Phys. (Paris) 32 (1971) C6-141

1971BO39 V.I. Borovlev, R.P. Slabospitskii, A.P. Klyucharev, G.B. Andreev and I.D. Lopatko, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 47; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 27

1971BO44 V.I. Borovlev, A.P. Klyucharev, R.P. Slabospitskii, G.B. Andreyev and I.D. Lopatko, Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Ser. Fiz. 35 (1971) 1670; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 35 (1972) 1521

1971BR44 R.C. Brown, A.A. Debenham, G.W. Greenlees, J.A.R. Griffith, O. Karban, D.C. Kocher and S. Roman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 27 (1971) 1446

1971BU03 A. Budzanowski, L. Freindl, W. Karcz, B. Lazarska and W. Zipper, Nucl. Phys. A161 (1971) 610

1971BU1K Burymov et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 35 (1971) 159

1971CL07 G.J. Clark, J.M. Freeman, D.C. Robinson, J.S. Ryder, W.E. Burcham and G.T.A. Squier, Phys. Lett. B35 (1971) 503

1971CO14 W.R. Coker, P.D. Miller, J.L. Duggan, M.M. Duncan, R.L. Dangle and J. Lin, Nucl. Phys. A168 (1971) 307

1971CO32 J. Coudurier, F. Merchez and C. Perrin, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 2 (1971) 1117

1971CU01 T.H. Curtis, H.F. Lutz, D.W. Heikkinen and W. Bartolini, Nucl. Phys. A165 (1971) 19

1971DE42 V.P. Denisov, L.A. Kulchitskii and I.Y. Chubukov, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 889; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 497

1971DU03 J.R. Duray and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1867

1971DU1B A.K. Dutta, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 2095

1971DZ07 P.O. Dzhamalov and E.I. Dolinskii, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 753; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 423

1971ES1A Escudie, Tarrats and Raynal, Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 705

1971FA09 J. Favier, T. Bressani, G. Charpak, L. Massonnet, W.E. Meyerhof and C. Zupancic, Nucl. Phys. A169 (1971) 540

1971FA17 S.A. Fayans, Phys. Lett. B37 (1971) 155

1971FE1D Fetscher et al., Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 772

1971FL04 D.G. Fleming, J.C. Hardy and J. Cerny, Nucl. Phys. A162 (1971) 225

1971FO05 H.T. Fortune, R. Middleton, J.D. Garrett and C.H. Holbrow, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1441

1971FO1K Fox, Austin and Larson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 1163

1971FR11 B. Friberg, G. Andersson and B. Forkman, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 551

1971GA05 R.M. Gaedke, W. Tobocman and K.S. Toth, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1444

1971GA44 A. Garcia, J. Milio and F. Senent, An. Fis. 67 (1971) 175

1971GE12 H.V. Geramb, Phys. Lett. B37 (1971) 351

1971GO1E Goldfarb, Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 205

1971GR20 J.A.R. Griffith, M. Irshad, O. Karban, S.W. Oh and S. Roman, Nucl. Phys. A167 (1971) 87

1971GR2B Grambole et al., Zentral. Kernfor. Rossendorf Dresden, Rept. No. Zfk 212 (1971)

1971GR44 K.O. Groeneveld, A. Richter, U. Strohbusch and B. Zeidman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 27 (1971) 1806

1971GRYL M.B. Greenfield, Thesis, Univ. of Tennessee (1971); Diss. Abst. Int. B32 (1971) 4793

1971HA1R Haeberli, Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 235

1971HE24 H.H. Heckman, D.E. Greiner, P.J. Lindstrom and F.S. Bieser, Science 174 (1971) 1130

1971HI09 D. Hilscher, J.C. Davis and P.A. Quin, Nucl. Phys. A174 (1971) 417

1971HS05 S.T. Hsieh and S.M. Hsieh, Chin. J. Phys. (Taiwan) 9 (1971) 92

1971HU10 J.N. Huffaker, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 87

1971JA02 J.D. Jafar, H.B. van der Raay, D.G. Ryan, J.A. Stiegelmair and R.K. Tandon, Nucl. Phys. A161 (1971) 105

1971JA04 J. Janecke, T.F. Yang, W.S. Gray and R.M. Polichar, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 79

1971JA13 H.U. Jager, H.R. Kissener and R.A. Eramzhian, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 16

1971JA14 H.U. Jager, H.R. Kissener and R.A. Eramzhian, Nucl. Phys. A171 (1971) 584

1971JA17 S. Jaccard, J.-F. Germond, J. Piffaretti and J. Weber, Helv. Phys. Acta 44 (1971) 502

1971JA20 W. Jaus, Nucl. Phys. A177 (1971) 70

1971KA04 S. Kahana and D. Kurath, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 543

1971KA18 S. Kardonsky, H.L. Finston and E.T. Williams, Phys. Rev. C4 (1971) 846

1971KA35 G. Kaschl, G. Mairle, H. Mackh, D. Hartwig and U. Schwinn, Nucl. Phys. A178 (1971) 275

1971KA70 N.N. Kaushal, E.J. Winhold, R.H. Augustson, P.F. Yergin and H.A. Medicus, Nucl. Energy 25 (1971) 91

1971KE01 D.P. Kerr and K.T. Bainbridge, Can. J. Phys. 49 (1971) 1950

1971KL1C Klein, Geller, Joblin and Hollandsworth, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 599

1971KO11 I. Kohno, S. Nakajima, T. Tonuma and M. Odera, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 30 (1971) 910

1971KO23 W.J. Kossler, H.O. Funsten, B.A. MacDonald and W.F. Lankford, Phys. Rev. C4 (1971) 1551

1971LA1B Lanford and Fulbright, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 35

1971LI11 M. Liu, W. von Oertzen, J.C. Jacmart, F. Pougheon, M. Riou, J.C. Roynette and C. Stephan, Nucl. Phys. A165 (1971) 118

1971LI1K Liebenauer, Thesis, Case Western Reserve Univ. (1970)

1971LO25 I.I. Loshchakov, V.I. Ostroumov and A.E. Sadilin, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 676; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 379

1971MA1T Massue et al., Conf. on Certain Microscopic Aspects of Nucl. Interactions, La Tourinei, 1971 (1971)

1971MA2A Massue, FRNC TH 110 (1971)

1971MA38 A.P. Maclin and J.M. Eisenberg, Can. J. Phys. 49 (1971) 1826

1971MA46 K. Maluszynska, M. Przytula and I.V. Sizov, Acta Phys. Pol. B2 (1971) 183

1971MC15 G.M. McAllen, W.T. Pinkston and G.R. Satchler, Part. Nucl. 1 (1971) 412

1971ME18 H.O. Meyer, P. Huber and E. Baumgartner, Helv. Phys. Acta 44 (1971) 830

1971MI12 D. Miljanic and V. Valkovic, Nucl. Phys. A176 (1971) 110

1971MU18 G.S. Mutchler, D. Rendic, D.E. Velkley, W.E. Sweeney, Jr. and G.C. Phillips, Nucl. Phys. A172 (1971) 469

1971MU1H Mullensiefen, Nucl. Phys. B28 (1971) 368

1971NO02 J.L. Norton and P. Goldhammer, Nucl. Phys. A165 (1971) 33

1971NY03 K. Nyberg-Ponnert, B. Jonsson and I. Bergqvist, Phys. Scr. 4 (1971) 165

1971OD01 Y. Oda, H. Nakamura, A. Yoshida, M. Kusuhara and M. Murakami, J. Phys. Sov. Jpn. 30 (1971) 1217

1971PU01 G.D. Putt, Nucl. Phys. A161 (1971) 547

1971RI13 F. Riess, W.J. O'Connell and P. Paul, Nucl. Phys. A175 (1971) 462

1971RI15 H.T. Richards and H.V. Smith, Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett. 27 (1971) 1735

1971RO1G Rotter, J. Phys. (Paris) 32 (1971) C6-113

1971RO1H Rogers, Fessenden and Madsen, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 16 (1971) 830

1971RO1J Rogers, Thesis, Oregan State Univ. (1971)

1971RU04 A.A. Rush, E.J. Burge and D.A. Smith, Nucl. Phys. A166 (1971) 378

1971SC1F Scott et al., J. Phys. (Paris) 32 (1971) C6-275

1971SC29 W. Schutz, H. Theissen, K.H. Schmidt and H. Frank, Z. Naturforsch. A26 (1971) 2070

1971SE06 E. Seibt and C. Weddigen, Phys. Lett. B35 (1971) 509

1971SH26 V.S. Shirley, Proc. Int. Conf. Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nucl. Radiation, Israel, 1970 (1971) 1255

1971SI24 M.H. Simbel and A.Y. Abul-Magd, Nucl. Phys. A177 (1971) 322

1971SM01 L.G. Smith, Phys. Rev. C4 (1971) 22

1971ST40 A.I. Steshenko and G.F. Filippov, Yad. Fiz. 14 (1971) 715; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 14 (1972) 403

1971TA1A Talmi, Proc. Int. Conf. Hyperfins Interactions Detected by Nucl. Radiation, Israel, 1970 (1971) 1133

1971TH03 S.T. Thornton, C.M. Jones, J.K. Bair, M.D. Mancusi and H.B. Willard, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1065

1971TH1D Thirion, Conf. on Certain Microscopic Aspects of Nucl. Reactions, La Toursinei, 1971 (1971)

1971TH1E Thornton et al., Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 871

1971VO01 W. Von Oertzen, G. Bohlen, B. Gebauer, E.E. Habib and N. Marquardt, Phys. Lett. B34 (1971) 51

1971VO04 D. von Ehrenstein, L. Meyer-Schutzmeister, J.E. Monahan, A. Richter and J.C. Stoltzfus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 27 (1971) 107

1971VO1D Von Oertzen et al., Proc. Int. Conf. on Heavy Ion Phys., Dubna (1971) 350

1971WA1D Walter, Polarization Phenom. in Nucl. Reactions, Madison, 1970; Eds., H.H. Barschall and W. Haeberli (1971) 317

1971WI02 H. Wilsch and G. Clausnitzer, Nucl. Phys. A160 (1971) 609

1971WO03 C. Wong, J.D. Anderson, V.A. Madsen, F.A. Schmittroth and M.J. Stomp, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 1904

1971WY01 H.W. Wyborny and R.R. Carlson, Phys. Rev. C3 (1971) 2185

1971ZA04 N.I. Zaika, Y.V. Kibkalo, E.B. Levshin, G.B. Lyubanskii, O.F. Nemets, R.G. Ofengenden, P.L. Shmarin, A.M. Shchur and A.M. Yasnogorodskii, Yad. Fiz. 13 (1971) 928; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 13 (1971) 533

1971ZE1C Zeidman, Strohbusch, Ritcher and Grdeneveld, J. Phys. (Paris) 32 (1971) C6-295

1972AG01 N.M. Agababyan, Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, G.P. Gulkanyan, V.M. Sidorov and V.A. Yarba, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 18; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 10

1972AJ02 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A190 (1972) 1

1972AL01 D.E. Alburger, Phys. Rev. C5 (1972) 274

1972AN05 R.K. Anderson, M.R. Wilson and P. Goldhammer, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 136

1972AR20 L. Armstrong and Jr., C.W. Kim, Phys. Lett. B41 (1972) 39

1972AU1A Austin, MSUCL-49 (1972)

1972BA56 D.P. Balamuth and J.W. Noe, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 30

1972BE04 H. Behrens and W. Buhring, Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 297

1972BE1E Bertsch and Mekjian, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. (1972) 25

1972BL04 R.A. Blue, K.J. Stout and G. Marr, Nucl. Phys. A184 (1972) 377

1972BO17 V.V. Boikov, B.V. Velberg, I.I. Loshchakov and V.I. Ostroumov, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 425; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 239

1972BO56 V.I. Borovlev, I.D. Lopatko, G.B. Andreev and R.P. Slabospitsky, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 17 (1972) 966

1972BO68 H.G. Bohlen, M. Feil, A. Gamp, B. Kohlmeyer, N. Marquardt and W. Von Oertzen, Phys. Lett. B41 (1972) 425

1972BR60 O.D. Brill, A.D. Vongai, K.A. Gridnev and A.R. Faiziev, Yad. Fiz. 16 (1972) 640; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 16 (1973) 359

1972BU1J Burlow and Forkman, LUNP 7208 (1972)

1972BU29 A.P. Bukhvostov, A.M. Chatrchyan, G.E. Dogotar, R.A. Eramzhyan, N.P. Popov and V.A. Vartanjan, Acta Phys. Pol. B3 (1972) 375

1972CA1N Caughlan and Fowler, Nature Phys. Sci. 238 (1972) 23

1972CA34 R.W. Carr, J.E.E. Baglin and E.J. Bentz, Jr., Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 2032

1972CA37 P. Camiz, E. Olivieri, M. Scalia and A. D'Andrea, Nuovo Cim. A12 (1972) 71

1972CI01 A. Ciocanel, V. Corcalciuc, E. Duduleanu, I. Minzatu, C. Pencea and O. Salagean, Rev. Roum. Phys. 17 (1972) 107

1972CL1A Clayton, Encyclopedia of the Twentieth Century (1972)

1972CO01 J.A. Cookson, Nucl. Phys. A180 (1972) 89

1972CRZN H. Crannell, P.L. Hallowell, J.T. O'Brien, J.M. Finn, F.J. Kline, S. Penner, J.W. Lightbody, Jr. and S.P. Fivozinsky, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Struct. Studies Using Electron Scattering and Photoreaction, Sendai, Japan (1972) 375

1972DA02 J.R. Davis and G.U. Din, Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 101; Erratum Nucl. Phys. A211 (1973) 619

1972DA04 P. David, J. Debrus, H. Mommsen and A. Riccato, Nucl. Phys. A182 (1972) 234

1972DI1B Diener and Young, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 17 (1972) 465

1972DM01 T.A. Dmitrieva and I.B. Teplov, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 478; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 266

1972EM01 J.F. Emery, S.A. Reynolds, E.I. Wyatt and G.I. Gleason, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 48 (1972) 319

1972FA14 G. Faldt and H. Pilkuhn, Phys. Lett. B40 (1972) 613

1972FO07 R.P. Fogel and S.T. Thornton, Nucl. Phys. A187 (1972) 624

1972GE11 R.W. Gellie, K.H. Lokan, N.K. Sherman, R.G. Johnson and J.I. Lodge, Can. J. Phys. 50 (1972) 1689

1972GO23 N.G. Goncharova, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 242; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 137

1972GO27 N.G. Goncharova and G.S. Sagijan, Vestnik Mos. Univ. Fiz. Astron. (USSR) 13 (1972) 121

1972GR02 P.D. Greaves, V. Hnizdo, J. Lowe and O. Karban, Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 1

1972GR39 M.B. Greenfield, C.R. Bingham, E. Newman and M.J. Saltmarsh, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 1756

1972HA1X Hardy, Symp. on Two-Nucleon Transfer and Pairing Excitations, Argonne (1972) 203; CONF-720309

1972HU13 M. Huez, M. Quadlia and G. Weber, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 105 (1972) 197

1972HU1A W.T. Huang, C.A. Levinson and M.K. Banerjee, Phys. Rev. C5 (1972) 651

1972JA19 W. Jaus, Phys. Lett. B40 (1972) 616

1972JA1C Janiszewski and McCarthy, Nucl. Phys. A181 (1972) 97

1972KE02 P.W. Keaton, Jr., D.D. Armstrong, L.R. Veeser, H.T. Fortune and N.R. Roberson, Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 561

1972KO30 V.M. Kolybasov and V.A. Khangulyan, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 934; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 520

1972KO31 T.I. Kopaleishvili, I.Z. Machabeli and M.S. Chachkhunashvili, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 1137; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 629

1972KU19 B.I. Kuznetsov, P.E. Ovsyannikova and I.P. Chernov, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 673; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 377

1972KU1C Kuo, 1970 4th Symp. on the Struct. of Low-Medium Mass Nuclei (1972) 75

1972KU1H Kurath, Comments Nucl. Part. Phys. 5 (1972) 55

1972LA12 C.D. Latorre and J.M. Irvine, Nucl. Phys. A188 (1972) 524

1972LE1L Lee and Cusson, Ann. Phys. 72 (1972) 353

1972LI06 S. Lie, Nucl. Phys. A181 (1972) 517

1972LO08 J. Lowe and A.R. Barnett, Nucl. Phys. A187 (1972) 323

1972LO1D Lobov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 36 (1972) 881

1972LU1B Lucas and Root, J. Appl. Phys. 43 (1972) 3886

1972MA74 H. Matsuzaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 48 (1972) 1534

1972MA77 Y.G. Mashkarov, R.P. Slabospitskii and V.I. Borovlev, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 36 (1972) 2623; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 36 (1973) 2274

1972MO1E Morrison, J. Phys. (Paris) 33 (1972) C5-111

1972NI05 L. Nichol and T.J. Kennett, Can. J. Phys. 50 (1972) 553.

1972NO08 J.W. Noe, D.P. Balamuth and R.W. Zurmuhle, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 780

1972NY02 G. Nystrom, H. Conde, B. Lundberg and L.G. Stromberg, Phys. Scr. 5 (1972) 175

1972OE01 H. Oeschler, H. Schroter, H. Fuchs, L. Baum, G. Gaul, H. Ludecke, R. Santo and R. Stock, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (1972) 694

1972PA1A Parkinson, At. Masses Fund. Constants, Teddington, 1971 (1972) 38

1972PA31 J.Y. Park, W. Scheid and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 1565; Erratum Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 1726

1972PE09 G. Perrin, Nguyen Van Sen, A. Fiore and J. Arvieux, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 101 (1972) 603

1972PE15 G. Perrin, Nguyen Van Sen, J. Arvieux, A. Fiore, J.L. Durand, R. Darves-Blanc, J.C. Gondrand, F. Merchez and C. Perrin, Nucl. Phys. A193 (1972) 215

1972RA34 G.H. Rawitscher, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 1212

1972RE10 M.J. Renan, J.P.F. Sellschop, R.J. Keddy and D.W. Mingay, Nucl. Phys. A193 (1972) 470

1972RE1C Rendic, Conf. Nucl. Struct. Study with Neutrons, Budapest, 1972 (1972) 28

1972RO35 A. Roberts, Nucl. Phys. A196 (1972) 465

1972RU03 C. Rudy, R. Vandenbosch, P. Russo and W.J. Braithwaite, Nucl. Phys. A188 (1972) 430.

1972SC1L Scott et al., Communications, Proc. Aix-en-Provence Conf. 2 (1972) 75

1972SC21 D.K. Scott, P.N. Hudson, P.S. Fisher, C.U. Cardinal, N. Anyas-Weiss, A.D. Panagiotou and P.J. Ellis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (1972) 1659

1972SE09 F. Seiler, Nucl. Phys. A187 (1972) 379

1972SI50 J. Singh, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 10 (1972) 289

1972SM07 H.V. Smith,Jr., Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 441

1972SW1A Swannack, Thesis, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. (1972)

1972TA21 V.K. Tartakovskii and A.V. Fursaev, Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972) 51; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 15 (1972) 31

1972TH13 C. Thibault and R. Klapisch, Phys. Rev. C6 (1972) 1509

1972THZF H. Theissen, Springer Tracts in Mod. Phys.; Ed., Hohler, Vol. 65 (1972) 1

1972VA36 J.F.A. Van Hienen and P.W.M. Glaudemans, Phys. Lett. B42 (1972) 301

1972VO06 A.A. Vorobyov, D.M. Seliverstov, V.T. Grachev, I.A. Kondurov, A.M. Nikitin, N.N. Smirnov and Y.K. Zalite, Phys. Lett. B40 (1972) 102

1972WA1F Waheed, Juric and Adamovic, Fizika 4 (1972) 87

1972WA1G Wapstra, At. Masses Fund. Constants, Teddington, 1971 (1972) 283

1972WI05 D.H. Wilkinson, Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 289

1972WI1C Wilkinson, Few Particle Problems, UCLA, 1972 (1972) 191

1972WI28 D.H. Wilkinson, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A70 (1972) 307

1972YO1C Youssef, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 17 (1972) 917

1973AB1E Abuzeid et al., Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., Lab. Neutron Phys., USSR, Rept. P15 (1973) 7218

1973AG05 N.M. Agababyan, Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, V.I. Genchev, N.F. Golovanova, G.R. Gulkanyan, V.M. Sidorov, K.M. Chernev and V.A. Yarba, Yad. Fiz. 18 (1973) 256; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 18 (1974) 131

1973AG06 N.M. Agababyan, Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, V.I. Genchev, N.F. Golovanova, G.R. Gulkanyan, V.M. Sidorov, K.M. Chernev and V.A. Yarba, Yad. Fiz. 18 (1973) 264; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 18 (1974) 135

1973AJ01 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, H.G. Bingham and J.D. Garrett, Nucl. Phys. A202 (1973) 152

1973AL1B Aleshin, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 37 (1973) 1775

1973AR1B Arthur, Thesis LA 5230 T (1973)

1973AR1E Arnett, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 11 (1973) 73

1973AU1B Audouze, Truran and Zimmerman, OAP-315 (1973)

1973AU1C Audouze, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 47

1973AU1D Audouze and Fricke, Astrophys. J. 186 (1973) 239

1973AU1E Austin and Fox, in Munich, 1 (1973) 388

1973BA2G Baer and Crowe, in Asilomar (1973) 583

1973BA34 G.C. Ball, G.J. Costa, W.G. Davies, J.S. Forster, J.C. Hardy and A.B. McDonald, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 395

1973BA68 Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, L. Vizireva, G.R. Gulkanyan, F. Mirsalikhova and V.M. Sidorov, Yad. Fiz. 18 (1973) 962; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 18 (1974) 496

1973BA81 L.K. Batist, E.E. Berlovich, Y.S. Blinnikov, Y.V. Elkin, Y.N. Novikov, B.M. Ovchinnikov and V.K. Tarasov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 37 (1973) 1944; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 37 (1974) 124

1973BE16 Y.I. Bely, R.A. Eramzhyan, L. Majling, J. Rizek and V.A. Vartanyan, Nucl. Phys. A204 (1973) 357

1973BE1R Beukens and Drake, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 775

1973BE25 M. Berrada and L. Marquez, Part. Nucl. 5 (1973) 89

1973BEVW Z. Berant, G. Goldring, M. Hass and Y.S. Horowitz, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. 34 (1973) 185

1973BI1B Biro, Sudar, Csikai and Dezho, Neitronnaya Fiz., Pt. III, 1973 (1974) 85

1973BI1G Bizard et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 111 (1973) 445

1973BO10 J.R. Bobbitt, III, M.P. Etten and G.H. Lenz, Nucl. Phys. A203 (1973) 353

1973BO1R Bochsler and Geiss, Solar Phys. 32 (1973) 3

1973BO30 J.D. Bowman, A.M. Poskanzer, R.G. Korteling and G.W. Butler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 614

1973BU1B J.E. Butt and D.T. King, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 359

1973CA1B Cameron, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 3

1973CE1B Cerny et al., in Munich, 1 (1973) 465

1973CH06 C.C. Chao and J.K.P. Lee, Can. J. Phys. 51 (1973) 592

1973CH20 Il-Tong Cheon, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 534

1973CH38 C.v. Charzewski, R.M. Dreizler and H.T. Fortune, Nucl. Phys. A213 (1973) 429

1973CI02 A. Ciocanel, V. Corcalciuc and I. Minzatu, Acta Phys. Aust. 38 (1973) 41

1973CL09 C.F. Clement, Nucl. Phys. A213 (1973) 469

1973CL12 G.J. Clark, J.M. Freeman, D.C. Robinson, J.S. Ryder, W.E. Burcham and G.T.A. Squier, Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 429

1973CL1E Clayton and Woosley, in Munich, 2 (1973) 718

1973CO16 S. Cotanch and D. Robson, Nucl. Phys. A209 (1973) 301

1973CO1B Colgate, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 248

1973CR1B Crannell et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 669

1973DA17 S.E. Darden, S. Sen, H.R. Hiddleston, J.A. Aymar and W.A. Yoh, Nucl. Phys. A208 (1973) 77

1973DA37 S. Dahlgren, P. Grafstrom, B. Hoistad and A. Asberg, Phys. Lett. B47 (1973) 439

1973DE30 V.P. Denisov and I.Y. Chubukov, Yad. Fiz. 17 (1973) 682; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 17 (1974) 354

1973DI1C Dixon, in Asilomar (1973) 727

1973EI01 J.M. Eisenberg, R. Guy, J.V. Noble and H.J. Weber, Phys. Lett. B43 (1973) 20; Erratum Phys. Lett. B45 (1973) 93

1973FA1J Faldt, Pilkuhn and Schlaile, Contrib., Uppsala (1973) 92

1973FA1K Fagg, in Asilomar (1973) 663

1973FE03 M. Feil, W. von Oertzen, H.G. Bohlen, A. Gamp, R.L. Walter and B. Kohlmeyer, Z. Phys. 260 (1973) 271

1973FE13 G. Fey, H. Frank, W. Schutz and H. Theissen, Z. Phys. 265 (1973) 401

1973GA19 S. Gamba, G. Ricco and G. Rottigni, Nucl. Phys. A213 (1973) 383

1973GO01 A. Gobbi, R. Wieland, L. Chua, D. Shapira and D.A. Bromley, Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 30

1973GO1H J.M.G. Gomez and J. Sesma, Phys. Lett. B44 (1973) 231

1973GR1F Grishin, Eliseev, Inogamov and Kohli, Yad. Fiz. 17 (1973) 1017

1973HA2E Hardy, Rept. AECL-4447, At. Energy Canada Ltd., Chalk River (1973)

1973HA40 F. Haas, R.M. Freeman, B. Heusch, S. Kohmoto and A. Gallmann, Nucl. Phys. A211 (1973) 289

1973HA49 P.S. Hauge and S. Maripuu, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 1609

1973HA54 L.F. Hansen, S.M. Grimes, J.L. Kammerdiener and V.A. Madsen, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 2072

1973HE09 B. Heusch and A. Gallmann, Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 1810

1973HO10 C.G. Hoot, D.K. Olsen, R.E. Brown, J.R. Maxwell and A. Scott, Nucl. Phys. A203 (1973) 339

1973HO32 V. Horsfjord, Phys. Lett. B45 (1973) 455

1973IB1B Iben, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 115

1973IG02 M. Igarashi, M. Kawai and K. Yazaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 49 (1973) 825

1973IN05 P.D. Ingalls, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 605

1973JO10 R.C. Johnson, F.D. Santos, R.C. Brown, A.A. Debenham, G.W. Greenlees, J.A.R. Griffith, O. Karban, D.C. Kocher and S. Roman, Nucl. Phys. A208 (1973) 221

1973JO13 P.L. Jolivette, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 1230

1973JU1B Julien, Polichar and Parkinson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 617

1973KA04 V.V. Karapetyan, V.N. Mileev and N.N. Titarenko, Nucl. Phys. A203 (1973) 561

1973KA19 P.J. Karol, A.A. Caretto, Jr., R.L. Klobuchar, D.M. Montgomery, R.A. Williams and M.V. Yester, Phys. Lett. B44 (1973) 459

1973KA1D Karapetyan, Korenman and Popov, Contrib., Uppsala (1973) 154

1973KA1H Kao, Ann. Phys. 81 (1973) 113

1973KA46 T. Kaneko, Prog. Theor. Phys. 50 (1973) 1765

1973KE1C A.K. Kerman and M.S. Weiss, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 408

1973KI05 H.R. Kissener, R.A. Eramzhian and H.U. Jager, Nucl. Phys. A207 (1973) 78

1973KI12 H.R. Kissener, A. Aswad, H.U. Jager and R.A. Eramzhian, Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 424

1973KL12 F.J. Kline, H. Crannell, J.T. O'Brien, J. McCarthy and R.R. Whitney, Nucl. Phys. A209 (1973) 381

1973KO1D Kovar, Symp. on Heavy Ion Transfer Reactions, ANL Phy-1973B, Vol. 1 (1973) 59

1973KU03 D. Kurath, Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 1390

1973KU1J Kubodera and Rho, Contrib., Uppsala (1973) 19

1973LE26 D. Lemann and H.J. Treffkorn, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 37 (1973) 1870; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys.Ser. 37 (1974) 65

1973LI15 C.L. Lin, S. Yamaji and H. Yoshida, Nucl. Phys. A209 (1973) 135

1973MA1W Maute, Blatt and D'Amato, Asilomar (1973) Paper 8B6

1973MA48 F. Malaguti and P.E. Hodgson, Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 243

1973MC1J McMahan and Tobocman, Nucl. Phys. A202 (1973) 561

1973ME22 H.O. Meyer and J.A. Thomson, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 1215

1973MI1D Mitals, J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Canada 67 (1973) 197

1973MO15 T. Mo and H.R. Weller, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 972

1973MU05 N.C. Mukhopadhyay, Phys. Lett. B44 (1973) 33

1973MU11 N.C. Mukhopadhyay, Phys. Lett. B45 (1973) 309

1973MU14 S.F. Mughabghab and D.I. Garber, BNL 325, 3rd Edition, Vol. 1 (1973)

1973MU1B Mukgopadhyay, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 7 (1973) 460

1973NY04 E.M. Nyman, Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 397

1973OE01 H. Oeschler, H. Fuchs and H. Schroter, Nucl. Phys. A202 (1973) 513

1973OG1A Ogloblin, Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 3 (1973) 467

1973PA1F Parker, Baglin and Skwiersky, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 550

1973PA1L Park, Danielopoulos, Scheid and Greiner, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 601

1973PA1M Park, in Munich, 1 (1973) 365

1973PO1D Pougheon and Roussel, in Munich, 1 (1973) 459

1973PR08 J.G. Pronko, R.G. Hirko and D.C. Slater, Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 1382

1973RA1D Ramaty, Borner and Cohen, Astrophys. J. 181 (1973) 891

1973RA37 G.M. Raisbeck, J. Lestringuez and F. Yiou, Nature 244 (1973) 28

1973RE13 W. Reilly, R. Wieland, A. Gobbi, M.W. Sachs and D.A. Bromley, Nuovo Cim. A13 (1973) 897

1973RE1E Rekstad et al., in Munich, 1 (1973) 279

1973RE1F Rekstad et al., Phys. Norvegica 7 (1973) 103

1973RH1A Rhea et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 698

1973RO1Q Rook, in Munich, 2 (1973) 798

1973RO1R Robson, Nucl. Phys. A204 (1973) 523

1973SA1J Sackmann, Smith and Despain, OAP-324 (1973)

1973SA30 R. Saayman, P.R. de Kock and J.H. van der Merwe, Z. Phys. 265 (1973) 69

1973SC1J Scott, Symp. on Heavy Ion transfer Reactions, ANL Phy-1973B, Vol. 1 (1973) 97

1973SC1K Scheid, Fink and Muller, Proc. Europhys. 1972 Plitvice Lakes Conf. (1973) 144

1973SC1T J.M. Scalo and R.K. Ulrich, Astrophys. J. 183 (1973) 151

1973SC26 P. Schumacher, N. Ueta, H.H. Duhm, K.-I. Kubo and W.J. Klages, Nucl. Phys. A212 (1973) 573

1973SE02 J.C. Sens, F. Rietsch, A. Pape and R. Armbruster, Nucl. Phys. A199 (1973) 232

1973SH14 R.W. Sharp and L. Zamick, Nucl. Phys. A208 (1973) 130

1973SI21 M.H. Simbel, Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 75

1973SM1A Smith, Sackmann and Despain, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 168

1973SO04 J.P. Sokol, R.M. Prior, A.A. Rollefson and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. C7 (1973) 2154

1973SP1A Sprung, Nucl. Many-Body Problem, 1972, Vol. 2 (1973) 123

1973ST1A Stokstad, Proc. Europhys. 1972 Plitvice Lakes Conf. (1973) 179

1973ST1K Stronach, Kossler and Funsten, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 691

1973ST1L Stokstad, Switkowski and Wieland, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 18 (1973) 1596

1973SU1B Sugimoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. 34 (1973) 197

1973SU1E Suffert, in Asilomar (1973) 741

1973TA1D Talbot, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 47

1973TA1E Talbot, Explosive Nucleosynthesis (1973) 34

1973TA30 K. Takahashi, M. Yamada and T. Kondoh, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 12 (1973) 101

1973TH1B Theissen, in Asilomar (1973) 871

1973TO04 I.S. Towner and J.C. Hardy, Nucl. Phys. A205 (1973) 33

1973TO05 W. Tobocman, R. Ryan, A.J. Baltz and S.H. Kahana, Nucl. Phys. A205 (1973) 193

1973TO16 L. Tomlinson, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 12 (1973) 179

1973TR02 S. Tryti, T. Holtebekk and J. Rekstad, Nucl. Phys. A201 (1973) 135

1973TR1B Truran, Cosmochemistry; Ed., Cameron (1973) 23

1973TR1E Trimble and Reines, Rev. Mod. Phys. 45 (1973) 1

1973VA25 L. Van der Zwan and K.W. Geiger, Nucl. Phys. A216 (1973) 188

1973VO04 W. von Oertzen and W. Norenberg, Nucl. Phys. A207 (1973) 113

1973VO1D Volkov, in Munich, 2 (1973) 280

1973VO1G Vorobyov et al., in Munich, 1 (1973) 716

1973WE19 K.A. Weaver, J.D. Anderson, H.H. Barschall and J.C. Davis, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 52 (1973) 35

1973WH03 R.L. White, K.W. Kemper, L.A. Charlton and W.J. Courtney, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 254

1973WI15 J. Wilczynski, Phys. Lett. B47 (1973) 124

1973WI1J Wilkinson, Private Communication (1973)

1974AD11 A. Adam and J. Cabe, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 121 (1974) 339

1974AD1B Adelberger, Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Struct. Spectroscopy, Amsterdam, 1974, Vol. 2 (1974) 641

1974AD1C S.L. Adler, S. Nussinov and E.A. Paschos, Phys. Rev. D9 (1974) 2125

1974AJ01 F. Ajzenberg-Selove and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. A227 (1974) 1

1974AL07 T.K. Alexander, G.J. Costa, J.S. Forster, O. Hausser, A.B. McDonald, A. Olin and W. Witthuhn, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 1748

1974AL11 D.E. Alburger and D.R. Goosman, Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 912

1974AN36 N. Anyas-Weiss, J.C. Cornell, P.S. Fisher, P.N. Hudson, A. Menchaca-Rocha, D.J. Millener, A.D. Panagiotou, D.K. Scott, D. Strottman, D.M. Brink et al., Phys. Rept. 12 (1974) 201

1974AR16 J. Arvieux, J. Birchall, H.E. Conzett, W. Dahme, W. Haeberli and R.M. Larimer, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 116 (1974) 605

1974AS07 J. Asai and H. Ogata, Nucl. Phys. A233 (1974) 55

1974AZ01 G. Azuelos, J.E. Crawford and J.E. Kitching, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 1213

1974BA37 J.E.E. Baglin, E.J. Bentz and R.W. Carr, Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 24

1974BA40 S. Barshay, C.B. Dover and J.P. Vary, Phys. Lett. B51 (1974) 5

1974BA65 J. Bang, T. Elin and H. Schulz, Yad. Fiz. 20 (1974) 346; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 20 (1975) 184

1974BA89 L.K. Batist, E.E. Berlovich, L.A. Vaishnene, V.G. Konev, K.A. Mezilev and Y.N. Novikov, Yad. Fiz. 20 (1974) 850; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 20 (1975) 453

1974BE16 F.D. Becchetti, D.G. Kovar, B.G. Harvey, D.L. Hendrie, H. Homeyer, J. Mahoney, W. von Oertzen and N.K. Glendenning, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 1543

1974BE1R Bertojo, Chui and Townes, Science 104 (1974) 619

1974BI1E Bindal et al., Proc. Conf. Reactions between Complex Nuclei, Vol. 1 (1974) 5

1974BO05 J.D. Bowman, A.M. Poskanzer, R.G. Korteling and G.W. Butler, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 836

1974BO18 A. Bottino, G. Ciocchetti and C.W. Kim, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 2052

1974BO22 A. Bouyssy and N. Vinh Mau, Nucl. Phys. A224 (1974) 331

1974BO51 I.I. Bondouk, Atomkernenergie 24 (1974) 135

1974BO52 I.I. Bondouk, Atomkernenergie 24 (1974) 199

1974BO53 I.I. Bondouk, Atomkernenergie 24 (1974) 201

1974BU06 C.E. Busch, T.B. Clegg, S.K. Datta and E.J. Ludwig, Nucl. Phys. A223 (1974) 183

1974CA1H Cantwell et al., Nucl. Phys. A236 (1974) 445

1974CH1Q Chechik, Stocker, Eyal and Fraenkel, Proc. Conf. Reactions between Complex Nuclei, Vol. 1 (1974) 6

1974CR01 D.J. Crozier and H.T. Fortune, Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 377

1974DA06 N.E. Davison, P. Fintz and A. Gallmann, Nucl. Phys. A220 (1974) 166

1974DE1E De Jager, De Vries and De Vries, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 14 (1974) 479

1974DE25 C. Detraz, F. Pougheon, M. Bernas, M. Langevin, P. Roussel and J. Vernotte, Nucl. Phys. A228 (1974) 39

1974DM01 T.A. Dmitrieva, V.M. Lebedev, V.G. Markman, A.V. Spasskii and I.B. Teplov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 38 (1974) 2567; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 38 (1974) 91

1974DO03 E.I. Dolinskii, V.V. Turovtsev and R. Yarmukhamedov, Yad. Fiz. 19 (1974) 1003; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 19 (1975) 514

1974DU02 T. Dubler, L. Schellenberg, H. Schneuwly, R. Engfer, J.L. Vuilleumier, H.K. Walter, A. Zehnder and B. Fricke, Nucl. Phys. A219 (1974) 29

1974DU11 S. Dubnicka and O.V. Dumbrajs, Nucl. Phys. A235 (1974) 417

1974DZ03 R.I. Dzhibuti and H.M. Sallam, Yad. Fiz. 19 (1974) 75; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 19 (1974) 40

1974EN01 N. Ensslin, W. Bertozzi, S. Kowalski, C.P. Sargent, W. Turchinetz, C.F. Williamson, S.P. Fivozinsky, J.W. Lightbody, Jr. and S. Penner, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 1705

1974EN10 R. Engfer, H. Schneuwly, J.L. Vuilleumier, H.K. Walter and A. Zehnder, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 14 (1974) 509

1974FA1A Faldt, Pilkhun and Schlails, Ann. Phys. 82 (1974) 326

1974FL1A Fleury and Alexander, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 24 (1974) 279

1974FU1B Fulcher and Mukhopadhyay, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 44

1974GA1L Galster, Ischenko, Siller and Voit, Proc. Conf. Reactions between Complex Nucl., Vol. 1 (1974) 37

1974GM01 K. Gmur and H.H. Muller, Helv. Phys. Acta 46 (1974) 807

1974GO1G Golovanova, Il'in, Neudachin and Smirnov, JETP Lett. 20 (1974) 310

1974GO1L Gobbi, in Nashville, Vol. 2 (1974) 211

1974GO1T Goosman and Gorodetzky, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 432

1974GO23 D.R. Goosman, D.F. Geesaman, F.E. Cecil, R.L. McGrath and P. Paul, Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 1525

1974GR39 K.A. Gridnev and A.R. Faiziev, Yad. Fiz. 20 (1974) 911; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 20 (1975) 485

1974HA1C Hanna, Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Struct. Spectroscopy, Amsterdam, 1974, Vol. 2 (1974) 249

1974HI1C Hinderling and Staub, Helv. Phys. Acta 47 (1974) 93

1974HO1E Hollandsworth, Bucher and Youngblood, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 574

1974HO1M Holbrow, Garrett and Fortune, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 16

1974HU14 J. Hufner, L. Tauscher and C. Wilkin, Nucl. Phys. A231 (1974) 455

1974IN07 A. Ingemarsson and G. Tibell, Phys. Scr. 10 (1974) 159

1974JA25 N. Jarmie, J.H. Jett and R.J. Semper, Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 1748

1974JE1A Jelley, Wozniak, Nagarajan and Cerny, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 431

1974JO01 P.L. Jolivette, Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 16

1974JO1J Johnson, Eok and Ellidtt, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19 (1974) 549

1974KE06 K.W. Kemper, S. Cotanch, G.E. Moore, A.W. Obst, R.J. Puigh and R.L. White, Nucl. Phys. A222 (1974) 173

1974KI1B Kirson, Ann. Phys. 82 (1974) 345

1974KL12 F.J. Kline, H. Crannell, J.M. Finn, P.L. Hallowell, J.T. O'Brien, C.W. Werntz, S.P. Fivozinsky, J.W. Lightbody and Jr., S. Penner, Nuovo Cim. A23 (1974) 137

1974KO07 V.F. Kosmach, A.G. Martirosova and V.I. Ostroumov, Yad. Fiz. 19 (1974) 241; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 19 (1974) 117

1974KO1G Kohler and Bethge, Proc. Conf. Reactions between Complex Nuclei, Vol. 1 (1974) 35

1974KO1P Kohlmeyer et al., Proc. Conf. Reactions between Complex Nuclei, Vol. 1 (1974) 7

1974KO25 D.G. Kovar, W. Henning, B. Zeidman, Y. Eisen and H.T. Fortune, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974) 1611

1974KO38 I. Kohno, Sci. Pap. Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. 68 (1974) 38

1974KR09 A. Kropf and H. Paul, Z. Phys. 267 (1974) 129

1974KU1F Kuo, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 24 (1974) 101

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HA70P Unknown Source