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20Mg (1998TI06)

(See the Isobar Diagram for 20Mg)

20Mg has been populated in the 24Mg(α, 8He) reaction at Eα = 127 and 156 MeV, in the 20Ne(3He, 3n) reaction at E(3He) = 70 MeV, and more recently in projectile fragmentation reactions. Reviews of proton rich nuclei and methods of production are presented in (1989AYZU, 1993SO13). See also (1990PO04). The super-allowed decay of 20Mg to the first T = 2 (Jπ = 0+) state of 20Na [Ex = 6.534 ± 0.013 MeV (1995PI03)] has been reported in early work (1979MO02, 1987AJ02) and more recently by (1992KU07, 1992GO10, 1993PIZZ, 1995PI03), who also observed β decay to other proton-unstable 20Na states [see 20Na, reaction 10]. Lifetime measurements for 20Mg have given τ1/2 = 95+80-50 ms (1979MO02), 114 ± 17 ms (1992KU07), 82 ± 4 ms (1992GO10), and 95 ± 3 ms (1995PI03). High-energy interaction cross sections of 20Mg on carbon have been measured by (1996CH24, 1996KR1A). Nuclear matter radii obtained from these data show evidence for a proton skin for 20Mg.

In related theoretical work, shell model calculations for isospin-forbidden β delayed proton emission are described in (1990BR26); also see the mass calculation (1992AV03). Coulomb displacement energies analyzed by (1996CH04) show some evidence for a proton halo. Ground state properties have been studied using relativistic mean field theory (1996RE03, 1996RE10) and deformed Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations (1996GR21).