18C (1983AJ01)(Not illustrated) The mass of 18C has been determined in studies of the 18O(π-, π+)18C reaction at Eπ = 164 MeV (1978SE07) and of the 48Ca(18O, 48Ti)18C reaction at E(18O) = 100 MeV (1982NA04): the weighted mean of the atomic mass excess is 24.89 ± 0.14 MeV. 18C is bound with respect to particle decay by 4.20 MeV for 17C + n and 4.94 MeV for 16C + 2n. [For masses of 16C, 17C see (1982AJ01)]. For the earlier work on 18C see (1978AJ03). See also (1980NA1D, 1981SEZR) and (1981KI04; theor.).