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12N (1990AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 12N)
GENERAL: See also (1985AJ01) and Model calculations:(1984KA1H, 1984SA19). Astrophysical questions:(1985CA41, 1987RA1D, 1988CA26, 1988LE08, 1989KR1C). Applied work:(1987KU17, 1987MI24). Complex reactions involving 12N:(1985NO1E, 1986GA1P, 1987BA1T, 1987RI03, 1988BE02, 1988LE08). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions:(1986DA1J, 1987KR1L, 1988AL1O, 1988BO1X, 1988FU08, 1988MI1H, 1988MI20, 1989DR1A, 1989KR1C, 1989MI1I). Pion capture and reactions:(1983AS01, 1984AS05, 1988HA12, 1988KIZW). Other topics:(1984KA1H, 1984SA19, 1985AN28, 1986YA1F). Ground-state properties of 12N:(1985AN28, 1985NA1A, 1986GL1A, 1986HA1P, 1987VA26, 1988VA03).
The half-life of 12N is 11.000 ± 0.016 ms: 12N decays to
12C*(0, 4.44, 7.65, 10.3, 12.71, 15.11): see
Observed neutron groups are displayed in Table 12.23 (in PDF or PS).
The total cross section has been measured from threshold to Ee = 360 MeV: see (1985AJ01).
Angular distributions have been studied at Ep = 30.5 to 200 MeV [see (1980AJ01, 1985AJ01)] and at 35 and 40 MeV (1987OH04; n0, n1, n2; DWBA), at 160 MeV (1984GA11; n0; also Ay; comparison with (p, p') to 12C*(15.1)). The angular distribution to 12N(4.2) [u?] is consistent with Jπ = 2- predicted by theory. A structure at Ex ≈ 7.2 MeV is also observed. Unresolved angular distributions over the range Ex = 2 - 17 MeV (and θ = 5° - 13°) are dominated by l = 1 transitions (1984GA11) [as would be expected at those angles]. (1987TA13, 1989RA09) discuss the relationships between the GT strength and the 0° differential cross section in this and other (p, n) reactions. At E pol. p = 65 MeV the spin transfer coefficient Ky'y (0°) for pol. n0 + pol. n1 has been measured by (1984SA12). See also (1985AJ01), 13N in (1991AJ01), (1984BA1R, 1988HIZX, 1988NI1C, 1988TAZY, 1989PRZZ), (1988LE08; astrophysics), (1985BA2L), (1984GA36, 1984TAZS, 1985SH1C, 1986GA1P, 1986LI1T, 1987EL08, 1987EL14, 1987LI29, 1987RA32) and (1984SA19, 1987BE1D, 1988HO09, 1988PI08, 1988UD03; theor.).
Observed triton groups are displayed in
At E(6Li) = 25 and 35 MeV/A angular distributions have been studied to 12Ng.s. (1987WI09). At the higher energy 12N*(1.0) is also populated as is a broad structure near 4.25 MeV. At forward angles the cross section for the GT transition in this and in other (6Li, 6He) reactions is found to be proportional to the β-decay strength (1986AN29). See also (1984GL06) and (1987AU04, 1988AN06, 1988AU1E, 1989AU1B).
See 12B.
At E(13C) = 30 MeV/A 12N*(0, 1.0) are populated but the dominant groups in the forward direction are broad structures at Ex = 4.2 and 7.5 MeV attributed to 2- and 1- states (1986VO02, 1988VO06).
See (1986BA16, 1986EL1C, 1986RO1Q).
At Ep = 51.9 MeV angular distributions of the tritons to 12N*(0, 0.96) and of the 3He ions to the analog T = 1 states [12C*(15.11, 16.11)] have been measured. At Ep = 52.5 MeV the angular distribution to 12N*(2.44) has been studied. See (1980AJ01) for references.
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