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12B (1990AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 12B)
GENERAL: See also (1985AJ01), Model calculations: (1988WO04). Special states: (1984KA1H, 1986XU02). Astrophysical questions: (1988AP1A). Applications: (1988NO1C). Complex reactions involving 12B: (1984HO23, 1984TA1K, 1985JA18, 1985NO1E, 1985PO11, 1985TA09, 1986AV1B, 1986BI1A, 1986CS1A, 1986GA1P, 1986ME06, 1986PO06, 1986UT01, 1986WE1C, 1986XU02, 1987AN1A, 1987BA38, 1987BA1T, 1987EL14, 1987GE1B, 1987JA06, 1987LY04, 1987PE1B, 1987PO23, 1987SA25, 1987VI02, 1987YA16, 1988AU1A, 1988CA06, 1988FO03, 1988KI05, 1988KI06, 1988RU01, 1988SA19, 1988TA1N, 1989DE05, 1989SA10, 1989SE03, 1989ST1G, 1989YO02). Polarization of 12B: (1984KO1A, 1984KU11, 1984TA1M, 1985TA09, 1986AU1E, 1986KU05, 1986NO1C, 1986TA13, 1987AU1D, 1987CO1L, 1987FU13, 1988NO1C). Muon and neutrino capture and reactions (See also reaction 19.): (1984KU11, 1985GR1A, 1986KU05, 1987BR1L, 1987FU13, 1987MI17, 1988BR24, 1988FU08, 1988MI11, 1988MI20, 1989GM1A). Pion and kaon capture and reactions (See also reactions 18, 20, and 21.): (1983AS01, 1984AS05, 1984ER06, 1984KA31, 1984MA1U, 1985DO1G, 1985SA06, 1986DI07, 1986SU18, 1988HA12, 1989MR01). Hypernuclei: (1983SH1E, 1984CH1G, 1984CO1L, 1984MA1U, 1984SH1J, 1984ZH1B, 1985AH1A, 1985CO1H, 1985CO14, 1985DO1G, 1985YA1F, 1986AN1R, 1986BE1P, 1986CO1U, 1986DA1B, 1986FE1A, 1986HA39, 1986KO1A, 1986MA1C, 1986RO25, 1987BE1S, 1987MA08, 1987MA2A, 1987MI38, 1987PO1H, 1988MO1L, 1988RO11, 1988TA29, 1989MR01). Antinucleon interactions: (1986AU1D). Other topics: (1984KA1H, 1985AN28, 1986YA1F). Ground-state properties of 12B: (1985AN28, 1986GL1A, 1987VA26, 1988VA03, 1988WO04).
Q = 1.34 ± 0.14 fm2 [(1978MI19); see also (1978LEZA, 1985NA1A).] Interaction cross sections at 790 MeV/A by 12B ions with Be, C, and Al are reported by (1988TA10). The interaction radius and the r.m.s. radius for the nucleon distribution in 12B have also been derived (1988TA10). See also (1989SA10). 12B*(3.39) has been produced in the interaction of a 490 MeV 14N beam with Ag: its 19 keV neutron decay to 11Bg.s. has been observed (1989DE05).
The half-life of 12B is 20.20 ± 0.02 ms (1978AL01). See also (1988SA04). The decay is complex.
12B decays to 12C*(0, 4.4, 7.7, 10.3): see
Eleven groups of protons (reaction (a)) are reported to known states of 12B. Angular distributions have been measured at E(6Li) = 3.5 to 5.95 MeV. The distributions are generally featureless. Angular distributions for d0, d1, d2, d3+4 have been measured at E(7Li) = 2.10 to 5.75 MeV. See (1975AJ02) for references. See also (1984KO25).
Thirteen resonances have been reported in reaction (a) corresponding to 13.6 < Ex <
14.7 MeV: see
See unpublished work in (1985AJ01). See also (1986AU1E).
At E(6Li) = 32 MeV 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 3.38, 3.76) and some unresolved states are populated (1986AS02).
Observed α-particle groups are displayed in
The cross sections for production of 8Li (reaction (b)) and of 11Be (reaction (a)) have been measured for Ed = 0.67 to 3.0 MeV and 2.3 to 12 MeV, respectively: the yields for both reactions vary smoothly with energy. No resonances are observed: see (1975AJ02).
Observed excited states are displayed in
The thermal-neutron capture cross section is 5.5 ± 3.3 mb [see (1981MUZQ)]. The capture cross
section shows resonances at En = 20.8 ± 0.5 keV and at 0.43, 1.03, 1.28 and
1.78 MeV, with Γγ = 25 ±
8 meV and 0.3, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.9 eV (± 50%): see
The thermal (bound) scattering cross section is 3.9 ± 0.2 b. The scatttering amplitude
(bound) is a= 6.65 ± 0.04 fm, σ(free) = 4.84 ±
0.04 b (1983KO17). Parameters
of observed resonances are shown in
Results from the most recent R-matrix analysis are displayed in
The cross section for reaction (a) has been measured for En = 14.7 to 16.9 MeV and that for reaction (b) has been investigated for En = 12.6 to 20.0 MeV and at 25 and 38 MeV: see (1975AJ02). A study of reaction (d) is reported at En = 14.4 MeV: see (1985AJ01). For a summary and the ENDF projections see (1988MCZT). See also (1985FO1D), (1986WI1B; applied) and (1985BO1D).
The cross section for π+ production near threshold has been measured. At Ep = 200 MeV 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 2.62, 3.39, 3.76, 4.30 + 4.52, 5.00, 5.61) are reported: see (1985AJ01). See also the "General" section here.
Observed proton groups and γ-rays are displayed in
See (1984KO25).
At E(7Li) = 34 MeV angular distributions have been studied to 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 2.62 + 2.72, 3.39, 4.52, 5.61 + 5.73) (1987CO16) [see for spectroscopic factors].
See 12Be.
Using monoenergetic photons with Eγ = 210 to 381 MeV (1982AR06) have measured the total cross section for π+ emission and the spectra of the positive pions. The latter show the influence of quasi-free pion production and FSI processes. At Ee = 195 to 205 MeV the π+ energy distributions show contributions from 12B*(0, 0.95, ≈ 4.5, 7.0): see (1986SH14, 1988SH36) and (1985AJ01). The 2- and 4- states at Ex ≈ 4.5 MeV have been compared with their isobaric analogs in 12C at Ex ≈ 19.5 MeV. At Ee = 400 MeV π+ with Eπ = 32 MeV have been studied: double differential cross sections are obtained for the transitions to 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67), and single differential cross sections to 12B*(0, 0.95). The cross section (at θ = 54°) is the same whether virtual or real photons are used in producing the pions. At Eγ = 176 - 187 MeV the giant resonance region as well as some lower groups have been studied by (1987MIZZ, 1987MI1O; prelim.). See also (1988ADZN).
Observations of γ-transitions have led to the determination of the capture rates to 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 2.62) [Jπ = 1+, 2+, 2-, 1-]: see (1985AJ01). The ratio of the polarization of 12Bg.s., Pav, and of the longitudinal polarization leads to a neutrino helicity hν = -1.08 ± 0.11, in agreement with the partial conservation of axial-vector current (PCAC) hypothesis: see (1985AJ01). The polarization of 12B has also been studied recently by (1984KU20): Pav is deduced to be 0.462 ± 0.053 which yields a ratio of the induced pseudoscalar to the axial vector coupling constant in the hadronic weak current, gp/ga = 10.1+2.4-2.6 which is consistent with the prediction of ≈ 7 from PCAC (1984KU20). See also the "General" section here and (1988DO05).
The photon spectrum from stopped pions is dominated by peaks corresponding to 12B*(0, 4.4, 7.9), and branching ratios have been obtained for these and other transitions. That to 12Bg.s. is (6.22 ± 0.35)% (absolute branching ratio per stopped pion) (1986PE05). For the earlier work see (1980AJ01).
See (1987CL02) for a study of delta production at Eπ- = 475 MeV. See also (1989BRZX).
At En = 59.6 MeV the angular distribution of the p0 group is reported. Broad (unresolved) structures are also observed with Ex < 10 MeV: see (1985AJ01). The 0° differential cross section to 12Bg.s. at En = 198 MeV has been measured. Its ratio to that for the H(n, p) reaction, R, is 0.180 ± 0.006 (1988JA01). The angular distribution to 12B*(4.52) [u?] is reported at En = 300 MeV (1987WAZY, 1989POZY; prelim.). See also (1985FO1C, 1985FR07, 1985SOZX, 1986DO12, 1986SOZY, 1987FR16, 1987HE24, 1987VE08, 1988RAZX, 1989SOZY) and (1985BR1G, 1986ALZJ, 1986FO1E, 1986VO1G, 1987BR32, 1987HE22, 1988HA1K).
Angular distributions are reported at Ed = 55 and 99.2 MeV to 12B*(0, 4.5(u)) [and, at the lower energy to 12B*(0.95)] [see (1985AJ01)] and at Ed = 70 MeV (1986MO27, 1988MO11; to 12B*(0, 4.5(u)); also VAP, TAP) [12B*(0.95, 8.2) are also populated]. See also (1986EL1C, 1987EL14).
At E(7Li) = 150 MeV, giant resonances at Ex = 21.8 ± 0.4 (Γ = 1.3 ± 0.4) and 23.9 ± 1.0 (Γ = 6.0 ± 1.0) MeV, with Jπ = 3- and 1-, respectively, have been reported by (1987NA16). For the earlier work see (1985AJ01). See also (1983PU01), (1987COZZ) and (1984BA53; theor.).
At E(12C) = 35 MeV/A forward-angle differential cross sections have been measured for the groups to 12B*(0, 0.95, 1.67, 4.5[u]). A broad peak Ex = 7.8 MeV is also populated (1986WI05). The groups to 12B*(4.5)[u] dominate the spectra at this energy (1986WI05) and at 30 MeV/A (1986VO1J). For preliminary work at 70 MeV/A see (1988BO1R, 1989ANZZ). For a recent review of the excitation of the Δ-resonance see (1988RO1H). See also (1986BA16, 1988ANZY), (1986RO1Q, 1987AU04, 1987EL14, 1988AN06, 1988RO17, 1988VO06) and (1986BA1D, 1986DE34, 1986DU1N, 1986LE1N, 1988LE12, 1989LE03; theor.).
Differential cross sections at θ = 1.8° are reported at E(13C) = 30 MeV/A for the groups to 12B*(0, 0.95, 4.5[u]) and to structures at Ex ≈ 5.5, 7.8, 10.1 and 18.2 MeV (1987AD07). See also (1988VO08). 12B*(1.67, 2.62, 3.38) are also populated (1988VO06; 0°; 29.2 MeV/A). At E(13C) = 50 MeV/A the GDR peak is located at 7.7 ± 0.1 MeV (Γc.m. = 1.9 ± 0.1 MeV). Forward-angle differential cross sections have been measured also for 12B*(0, 0.95) (1989BE50) [and M. Buenerd, private communication]. See also (1986VO02, 1989VO1D).
Angular distributions have been measured for the transitions to 12B*(0, 0.95) at
Ed = 24.1 to 29 and at 52 MeV. Distributions to 12B*(2.72, 3.76, 5.00)
have been reported at Ed = 52 MeV: see (1980AJ01). The spectroscopic factors for
12B*(0, 0.95) are S = 1.1 ± 0.2 and 2.0 ± 0.5. C2S = 1.09
[assuming 1p3/2], 2.17, 0.14, 0.07, 0.22 [assuming 1p1/2] for
12B*(0, 0.95, 2.72, 3.76, 5.00) [from measurements at Ed = 52 MeV]. See
(1980AJ01) for references. For a summary of
information on analog states of 12B and 12C see
At Ep = 54 MeV, in addition to transitions to 12B*(0, 0.95, 5.61), the population of T = 2 states at Ex = 12.72 ± 0.07 and 14.82 ± 0.10 MeV is reported. The angular distribution of 3He ions to 12B*(12.75) is fittted by L = 0; that to 12B*(14.82) is rather featureless [its T = 2 character is assigned from the energies of the analog states]: both states have Γc.m. ≲ 200 keV (1976AS01). See also reaction 70 in 12C.
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