10N (2004TI06)(Not illustrated) GENERAL: References to articles on general properties of 10N published since the previous review (1988AJ01) are grouped into categories and listed, along with brief descriptions of each item, in the General Tables for 10N located on our website at: (nucldata.tunl.duke.edu/nucldata/General_Tables/10n.shtml). The first evidence for a state in 10N has been observed in the 10B(14N, 14B)10N reaction at E(14N) = 30 MeV/A (2002LE16). The resonance is 2.6 ± 0.4 MeV above the 9C + p threshold and the width is Γ = 2.3 ± 1.6 MeV. Large L = 2 two-nucleon transfer amplitudes calculated for 10B + 2p → 12Ng.s. and 12Ng.s. → 10N(1+) suggest that the observed state is the analog of the 0.24 MeV 1+ state of 10Li. Furthermore, the energy of the observed state is consistent with a p-shell Coulomb energy shift. The virtual s-wave state near threshold in 9Li + n (see 10Li) implies a broad s-wave state about 1.8 MeV above the 9C + p threshold in 10N (see the discussion of 9N).