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9N (2004TI06)

(Not illustrated)

Not observed: see (1988AJ01). Mass excesses of 46.56 and 46.40 MeV have been estimated from two different mass formulae (2000PO32). 9N would then be proton unbound by ≈ 4 MeV. However, mass formulae neither take into account the fact that the last occupied orbit(s) may change near the drip lines nor the fact that an extended low-l orbit leads to a lowered Coulomb energy. The suggested s-wave ground-state of 9He and a Coulomb energy estimated from the 11N ground state imply that 9N should be proton unbound by ≈ 1.8 MeV, high enough above the Coulomb barrier that the "state" should be too broad to observe. The analog of one of the narrow excited states of 9He could remain relatively narrow in 9N.