TUNL Nuclear
Data Group: Who we are and what we do.
Our publications on Energy Levels of Light Nuclei, A = 5 - 20:
Publications: TUNL evaluations
of A = 3 - 20, and modified versions of Fay Ajzenberg-Selove's publications of A = 5 -
20, are available here in PDF format. The most recent HTML documents of A = 3 - 20, and EL diagrams of A = 4 - 20 are also available here. Some reprints and preprints may be requested by mail.
HTML for Nuclides: HTML
documents are available for individual nuclides found within the TUNL or FAS evaluations.
Resources relating to our publications:
Energy Level Diagrams are
available for A = 4 - 20 nuclides.
Tables of Energy Levels: a brief listing of tables of energy levels from the most recent publication for each nuclide A = 4 - 20.
SiteMap and Complete List of Available TUNL
Documents: Trying to find a specific TUNL evaluation or preliminary report, HTML document, General Table, Update List or Energy Level Diagram? Click here for a complete list of what's available on our website.
Applications and databases relating to the A = 3 - 20 nuclides:
NSR Key Number Retrieval
Information for A = 2 - 20 nuclides available through the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) site.
Excitation Functions: Compilation of the excitation functions for various (p, X) and (α, X) reactions.
Thermal Neutron Capture Data: Summary of level and branching intensity data measured in Thermal Neutron Capture.
Ground-State Decay Data: Summary of half-life, branching intensity, and mass excess data measured in ground state beta- and charged-particle-decay.
Half-Lives Table: List table of nuclear decay half-lives.
Live Chart of Nuclides - IAEA: Allows to search and plot nuclear structure and nuclear decay data interactively.
AME-Viewer: Java utility for interacting and comparing atomic mass data from the Atomic Mass Data Center 2020 mass evaluation. Vesrion: 17-November-2023, Date updated: 27-November-2023
Helpful links:
TUNL Homepage
TUNL Dissertations: Online access of TUNL dissertations collection. This site is in progress.
Links: Important links to the National
Nuclear Data Center, online nuclear physics journals, and other useful sites.
Citation examples: A brief listing of
examples of how to format your bibliography, references or citations from the information you obtain
from our website.
Email us with problems,
questions, suggestions, etc.
Last modified: 18 November 2021