9Li (1959AJ76)(Not illustrated) Mass of 9Li: From the threshold for 9Be(d, 2p)9Li, Ed = 19 ± 1 MeV (1951GA30), the mass excess of 9Li is determined as M - A = 28.1 ± 1 MeV.
9Li decays to excited states of 9Be which decay by neutron emission. The mean of the reported half-lives is 0.169 ± 0.003 sec (1951GA30, 1952HO25). See also (1952SH44, 1953FR03, 1955BE1E, 1956FL1A, 1958TA04).
The threshold is 19 ± 1 MeV (1951GA30).
The following reactions are not reported: 7Li(t, p)9Li (Qm = -2.9), 9Be(n, p)9Li (Qm = -13.3), 9Be(t, 3He)9Li (Qm = -14.1) and 11B(n, 3He)9Li (Qm = -23.6).