Information on mass chains and nuclides
A = 8: 1974 References from (1974AJ01)
- 1948HE01 N.P. Heydenburg, C.M. Hudson, D.R. Inglis and W.D. Whitehead, Jr., Phys. Rev. 74 (1948) 405
- 1949FO18 W.A. Fowler and C.C. Lauritsen, Phys. Rev. 76 (1949) 314
- 1950WH02 W. Whaling and T.W. Bonner, Phys. Rev. 79 (1950) 258
- 1951BR10 A.B. Brown, C.W. Snyder, W.A. Fowler and C.C. Lauritsen, Phys. Rev. 82 (1951) 159
- 1952BA64 L.M. Baggett and S.J. Bame, Jr., Phys. Rev. 85 (1952) 434
- 1952WA31 D. Walker, W.T. Link and W.I.B. Smith, Proc. Phys. Soc. A65 (1952) 861
- 1953CH1A Christy, Phys. Rev. 89 (1953) 839
- 1953SA1A Sawyer and Phillips, LA-1578 (1953)
- 1953WA27 W.D. Warters, W.A. Fowler and C.C. Lauritsen, Phys. Rev. 91 (1953) 917
- 1954KL36 R.M. Kline and D.J. Zaffarano, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1620
- 1954KR06 A.A. Kraus, Jr., Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 1308
- 1954MO04 F. Mozer, W.A. Fowler and C.C. Lauritsen, Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 829
- 1954SI07 R.M. Sinclair, Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 1082
- 1955FR10 J.M. Freeman, A.M. Lanem and B. Rose, Phil. Mag. 46 (1955) 17
- 1955HA34 R.C. Hanna, Phil. Mag. 46 (1955) 381
- 1955LI1B Liberman, Thesis, CalTech (1955)
- 1955MA20 R.L. Macklin and H.E. Banta, Phys. Rev. 97 (1955) 753
- 1956BU27 F. Bumiller, H.H. Staub and H.E. Weaver, Helv. Phys. Acta 29 (1956) 83
- 1956KI54 B.B. Kinsey and T. Stone, Phys. Rev. 103 (1956) 975
- 1956MA12 P.R. Malmberg, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 114
- 1956NE13 G.C. Neilson and J.B. Warren, Phys. Rev. 103 (1956) 1758
- 1956TH06 R.G. Thomas, M. Walt, R.B. Walton and R.C. Allen, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 759
- 1956WI04 H.B. Willard, J.K. Bair, J.D. Kington and H.O. Cohn, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 765
- 1957NE22 H.W. Newson, R.M. Williamson, K.W. Jones, J.H. Gibbons and H. Marshak, Phys. Rev. 108 (1957) 1294
- 1957WI24 D.H. Wilkinson, Phil. Mag. 2 (1957) 83
- 1959AJ76 F. Ajzenberg and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. 11 (1959) 1
- 1959BR71 D.J. Bredin, W.E. Burcham, D. Evans, W.M. Gibson, M.S.C. McKee, D.J. Prowse, J. Rotblat and J.N. Snyder, Proc. Roy. Soc. 251 (1959) 143
- 1959CO68 D. Connor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 (1959) 429
- 1959GE33 D.S. Gemmell, A.H. Morton and E.W. Titterton, Nucl. Phys. 10 (1959) 33
- 1959GI47 J.H. Gibbons and R.L. Macklin, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) 571
- 1959IM04 W.L. Imhof, R.G. Johnson, F.J. Vaughn and M. Walt, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) 1037
- 1959SP1A Spear, Aust. J. Phys. 12 (1959) 99
- 1959ZE1A Zeidman and Yntema, Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 298
- 1960DI02 F.S. Dietrich and L. Cranberg, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 5 (1960) 493, C1
- 1960GO1B Goldansky, Nucl. Phys. 19 (1960) 482
- 1960HA14 E.W. Hamburger and J.R. Cameron, Phys. Rev. 117 (1960) 781
- 1960HU08 D.J. Hughes, B.A. Magurno and M.K. Brussel, BNL 325, 2nd Edition, Suppl. Vol. 1 (1960)
- 1960JA12 J. Janecke, Z. Naturforsch. A15 (1960) 593
- 1960KA17 R.W. Kavanagh, Nucl. Phys. 18 (1960) 492
- 1960KR03 K. Krebs, H. Rieseberg and V. Soergel, Z. Phys. 159 (1960) 232
- 1960KU05 D. Kurath, Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 (1960) 180
- 1960MA33 B. Mainsbridge, Nucl. Phys. 21 (1960) 1
- 1960WE1A Weidenmuller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 (1960) 299
- 1961BE05 P.R. Bevington, W.W. Rolland and H.W. Lewis, Phys. Rev. 121 (1961) 871
- 1961ER01 J.R. Erskine and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. 123 (1961) 958
- 1961HA27 I.G. Han and N.P. Heydenburg, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 6 (1961) 415, B1
- 1961KO02 O.C. Kolar, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 139
- 1961ME10 V. Meyer, H. Muller, H.H. Staub and R. Zurmuhle, Nucl. Phys. 27 (1961) 284
- 1962BA1B Bassi et al., Nuovo Cim. 24 (1962) 560
- 1962CE01 J. Cerny, B.G. Harvey and R.H. Pehl, Nucl. Phys. 29 (1962) 120
- 1962CH14 L.F. Chase, Jr., R.G. Johnson, F.J. Vaughn and E.K. Warburton, Phys. Rev. 127 (1962) 859
- 1962CO08 D. Connor and T. Tsang, Phys. Rev. 126 (1962) 1506
- 1962CU05 B. Cujec, Nucl. Phys. 37 (1962) 396
- 1962LA15 N.O. Lassen, Nucl. Phys. 38 (1962) 442
- 1962MO1B Mottelson, Nucl. Spectroscopy; Ed., Racah (1962)
- 1962NO02 M.E. Nordberg, Jr., F.B. Morinigo and C.A. Barnes, Phys. Rev. 125 (1962) 321
- 1962RO12 L. Rosen and L. Stewart, Phys. Rev. 126 (1962) 1150
- 1962TE04 I.B. Teplov, I.S. Dmitriev, Y.A. Teplova and O.P. Shevchenko, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 42 (1962) 353; Sov. Phys. JETP 15 (1962) 243
- 1962VA1A Vasilyev, Komarcv and Popova, Zh. Skep. Teor. Fiz. 43 (1962) 737; Sov. Phys. JETP 16 (1963) 521
- 1963AS01 V.J. Ashby, H.C. Catron, M.D. Goldberg, R.W. Hill, J.M. Le Blanc, L.L. Newkirk, J.P. Stoering, C.J. Taylor and M.A. Williamson, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 1771
- 1963BA34 P. Bassi, B. Ferretti, G. Venturini, G.C. Bertolini, F. Cappellani, V. Mandl, G.B. Restelli and A. Rota, Nuovo Cim. 28 (1963) 1049
- 1963BI27 M. Birk, G. Goldring, P. Hillman and R. Moreh, Nucl. Phys. 41 (1963) 58
- 1963BO06 R.R. Borchers and C.H. Poppe, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 2679
- 1963CR08 L. Cranberg, A. Jacquot and H. Liskien, Nucl. Phys. 42 (1963) 608
- 1963DI02 F.S. Dietrich, J.L. Honsaker and J.W. Davies, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 120, M5
- 1963DO08 W.E. Dorenbusch and C.P. Browne, Phys. Rev. 131 (1963) 1212
- 1963GR11 W. Gruhle, K.H. Lauterjung, B. Schimmer, U. Schimmer and U. Schmidt-Rohr, Nucl. Phys. 42 (1963) 321
- 1963ME09 V. Meyer, W. Pfeifer and H.H. Staub, Helv. Phys. Acta 36 (1963) 465
- 1963MI08 I.V. Mitchell and R.B. Taylor, Nucl. Phys. 44 (1963) 664
- 1963NE07 B.M.K. Nefkens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10 (1963) 243
- 1963PE15 R.R. Perry, B. Mainsbridge and J. Rickards, Nucl. Phys. 45 (1963) 586
- 1963RI09 V. Riech, Phys. Lett. 6 (1963) 267
- 1963SY01 G.D. Symons and P.B. Treacy, Nucl. Phys. 46 (1963) 93
- 1963TO02 T.A. Tombrello and L.S. Senhouse, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 2252
- 1963WE1B Wegner, Hall and Miller, in Padua (1963) 1104
- 1964AN1A Antcufiev et al., UARAEE 5A (1964)
- 1964BU08 S.G. Buccino, C.E. Hollandsworth and P.R. Bevington, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 375
- 1964FO1A Fowler and Vogl, Lect. in Theor. Phys., Vol. 6 (1964) 379
- 1964JO04 C.H. Johnson and C.C. Trail, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B1183
- 1964LA19 R.O. Lane, A.J. Elwyn and A. Langsdorf, Jr., Phys. Rev. 136 (1964) B1710
- 1964MA26 D. Manesse, M. Coste, C. Lemeille, L. Marquez and N. Saunier, Nucl. Phys. 55 (1964) 433
- 1964MA35 E. Matt, H. Pfander, H. Rieseberg and V. Soergel, Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 174
- 1964MA51 G.S. Mani, R. Freeman, F. Picard, A. Sadeghi and D. Redon, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 588
- 1964MA57 M. Mazari, A. Jaidar, G. Lopez, A. Tejera, J. Careaga, R. Dominguez and F. Alba, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Nucl. Masses, Vienna, Austria, 1963; Ed., W.H. Johnson, Jr. (1964) 305
- 1964PA06 P. Paul and K.P. Lieb, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 465
- 1964SC19 D.J. Schlueter, R.W. Krone and F.W. Prosser, Jr., Nucl. Phys. 58 (1964) 254
- 1964ST25 J.R. Stehn, M.D. Goldberg, B.N. Magurno and R. Wiener-Chasman, BNL 325, 2nd Edition, Suppl. Vol. 1 (1964)
- 1964VA14 V. Valkovic, Nucl. Phys. 54 (1964) 465
- 1965AF1A Afanaseva, Lozhkin, Maltsev and Jakovlev, Yad. Fiz. 1 (1965) 76; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1 (1965) 51
- 1965AR07 K.P. Artemov, V.Z. Goldberg, B.I. Islamov, V.P. Rudakov and I.N. Serikov, Yad. Fiz. 1 (1965) 1019; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 1 (1965) 726
- 1965BO1B Boffi, Sawicki and Scacciatelli, Nuovo Cim. B40 (1965) 1
- 1965BR18 J.D. Bronson, W.D. Simpson, W.R. Jackson and G.C. Phillips, Nucl. Phys. 68 (1965) 241
- 1965CO1E Cortellessa, Suppl. Nuovo Cim. 3 (1965) 820
- 1965CO25 S. Cohen and D. Kurath, Nucl. Phys. 73 (1965) 1; Erratum Nucl. Phys. 89 (1966) 707
- 1965DA11 P. Darriulat, G. Igo, H.G. Pugh and H.D. Holmgren, Phys. Rev. 137 (1965) B315
- 1965DE1F Deconninck, Mem. Acad. Roy. Belgique Cl. Sci. 35:2 (1965)
- 1965DE1G Degtyarev, Atomn. Energ. (USSR) 19 (1965) 456
- 1965DZ1A Dzhibuti et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 29 (1965) 1131
- 1965FA03 U. Fasoli, D. Toniolo and G. Zago, Nuovo Cim. 37 (1965) 349
- 1965FL03 N.R. Fletcher, J.D. Marshall and R.H. Davis, Nucl. Phys. 70 (1965) 471
- 1965FR02 R.M. Freeman and G.S. Mani, Proc. Phys. Soc. 85 (1965) 267
- 1965GL03 R. Gleyvod, N.P. Heydenburg and I.M. Naqib, Nucl. Phys. 63 (1965) 650
- 1965GO1C Goloskie, Niiler and Wooten, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 1135
- 1965GO1E Gondrand, CEA 2734 (1965)
- 1965GR25 W. Gruhle, K.H. Lauterjung, B. Schimmer and U. Schmidt-Rohr, Nucl. Phys. 74 (1965) 129
- 1965IN1A Inopin, Kresnin and Tishchenko, Yad. Fiz. 2 (1965) 802
- 1965KU1B Kudo, Prog. Theor. Phys. 34 (1965) 942
- 1965LE12 C. Lemeille, L. Marquez, N. Saunier and J. Steyaert, J. Phys. (France) 26 (1965) 330
- 1965MA1G Marion, Phys. Lett. 14 (1965) 315
- 1965MC06 W.R. McMurray, P. Van Der Merwe and I.J. Van Heerden, Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 319
- 1965NE1B Neudachin and Smirnov, At. Energy Rev. 3 (1965) 157
- 1965PA1E Parker and Donovan, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 1135
- 1965PO06 A.M. Poskanzer, R.A. Esterlund and R. McPherson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1966) 1030
- 1965PR1A Preist, Nuovo Cim. 37 (1965) 166
- 1965RO1E Robaye, Delbrouck, Winand and Quaglia, Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 34 (1965) 324
- 1965RO22 L. Rosen, J.G. Beery, A.S. Goldhaber and E.H. Auerbach, Ann. Phys. 34 (1965) 96
- 1965SH11 S.N. Shumilov, A.P. Klyucharev and N.Y. Rutkevich, Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 2 (1965) 347; JETP Lett. 2 (1965) 220
- 1965SL1A Slobodrian et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 693
- 1965SW03 W.E. Sweeney, Jr. and J.B. Marion, Phys. Lett. 19 (1965) 243
- 1965TA1D Tamagaki and Tanaka, Prog. Theor. Phys. 34 (1965) 191
- 1965TO02 T.A. Tombrello, Nucl. Phys. 71 (1965) 459
- 1965VO1A Volkov, Nucl. Phys. 74 (1965) 33
- 1965WA12 J.W. Watson, F. Ajzenberg-Selove and R. Middleton, Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 302
- 1965WI1A Williams, Gaedke and Toth, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 443
- 1965YA02 T. Yanabu, S. Yamashita, K. Takimoto and K. Ogino, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 20 (1965) 1303
- 1966AB1A Abe and Tamagaki, Porg. Theor. Phys. 35 (1966) 569
- 1966AG1A Agee and Rosen, LA-3538-MS (1966)
- 1966AL1G Ali and Bodmer, Nucl. Phys. 80 (1966) 99
- 1966AS04 P.A. Assimakopoulos, N.H. Gangas and S. Kossionides, Nucl. Phys. 81 (1966) 305
- 1966AS10 P.A. Assimakopoulos and N.H. Gangas, Z. Naturforsch. A21 (1966) 1735
- 1966AU1A Austin et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 10
- 1966BA1A Bahcall, Nucl. Phys. 75 (1966) 10
- 1966BA1Q Bardolle, Cabe, Chretien and Laurat, J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-96
- 1966BA1R Baumann et al., Nucl. Phys. 78 (1966) 650
- 1966BA1T Balashov and Rotter, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 30 (1966) 479
- 1966BA26 F.C. Barker, Nucl. Phys. 83 (1966) 418
- 1966BA38 Y.A. Batusov, S.A. Bunyatov, V.M. Sidorov and V.A. Yarba, Phys. Lett. 22 (1966) 487
- 1966BE05 J. Benn, E.B. Dally, H.H. Muller, R.E. Pixley, H.H. Staub and H. Winkler, Phys. Lett. 20 (1966) 43
- 1966BE22 E.H. Berkowitz, Nucl. Phys. 82 (1966) 52
- 1966BO09 I. Boca, M. Borsaru, M. Cenja, C. Hategan and E. Iliescu, Phys. Lett. 22 (1966) 76
- 1966BO1C Bouchez et al., J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-79
- 1966BO1F Bouchez, Antwerp 1965 Neutron Conf. (1966) 566
- 1966BO28 O.V. Bormot, V.K. Dolinov, Y.V. Melikov and A.F. Tulinov, Yad. Fiz. 4 (1966) 316; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 227
- 1966BR08 C.P. Browne and J.R. Erskine, Phys. Rev. 143 (1966) 683
- 1966BR1G Browne, F. S. U. Isobaric Spin Conf. (1966) 136
- 1966BR1H Brink, Struct. of Complex Nuclei, Atomizdat, 1966; Ed., N.N. Bogolyubov (1969) 69
- 1966BR1J Bruno, Decharge, Perrin and Surget, J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-85
- 1966BR22 C.P. Browne, W.D. Callender and J.R. Erskine, Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 371
- 1966BR25 G. Bruno, J. Decharge, A. Perrin, G. Surget and C. Thibault, J. Phys. (France) 27 (1966) 517
- 1966CA08 M. Cadeau, D. Didier, G. Mouilhayrat, F. Perrault, P. Thouvenin and L. Marquez, J. Phys. (France) 27 (1966) 113
- 1966CA1E Cahill et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 831
- 1966CE01 J. Cerny, S.W. Cosper, G.W. Butler, R.H. Pehl, F.S. Goulding, D.A. Landis and C. Detraz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 469
- 1966CH20 P.R. Christensen and C.L. Cocke, Nucl. Phys. 89 (1966) 656
- 1966CL02 D.H. Claassen and H. Dinter, Nucl. Phys. 81 (1966) 155
- 1966DA02 B.J. Dalton and D. Robson, Phys. Lett. 20 (1966) 405
- 1966DA1B Darden, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenom. of Nucleons, Karlsruhe,1965 (1966) 433
- 1966DA1C Daehnick and Denes, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 30
- 1966DE07 A. De Marco, R. Garfagnini and G. Piragino, Nuovo Cim. B42 (1966) 355
- 1966DE13 V.P. Denisov and L.A. Kulchitskii, Yad. Fiz. 3 (1966) 268; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 3 (1966) 192
- 1966DE14 G.C. Deka, K.C. Deka and K. Pathak, Nuovo Cim. B45 (1966) 63
- 1966DI1B Dietrich and Zafiratos, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 725
- 1966DI1C Didier et al., J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-100
- 1966EI02 H. Eichner, K.H. Lauterjung, H. Meinhardt, B. Schimmer and U. Schmidt-Rohr, Z. Naturforsch. A21 (1966) 908
- 1966EL1A M. El-Nadi, T.H. Rihan and O. Zohni, Nucl. Phys. 82 (1966) 417
- 1966EN1A Endo, Prog. Theor. Phys. 35 (1966) 571
- 1966EV1B Evans, Brown and Marion, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 37 (1966) 991
- 1966FA1A Fasoli, Toniolo and Zago, Antwerp 1965 Neutron Conf. (1966) 496
- 1966FE1C Ferguson, Antwerp 1965 Neutron Conf. (1966) 63
- 1966FI1B Fisher, Paul and Riess, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 903
- 1966FR06 M. Fricaud and L. Marquez, J. Phys. (France) 27 (1966) 13
- 1966GA21 G.T. Garvey, J. Cerny and H. Pugh, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 26, BA5
- 1966GE12 L.B. Geesaman, H.B. Knowles and J.B. Mead, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 177
- 1966GU06 K.K. Gupta, S.B. Khadkikar and J.C. Parikh, Nucl. Phys. 86 (1966) 449
- 1966HA18 E.C. Halbert, Y.E. Kim and T.T.S. Kuo, Phys. Lett. 20 (1966) 657
- 1966HA1J Hanna, Paul, Austin and Meyerhof, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 10
- 1966HI1A Hiura and Shimodaya, Prog. Theor. Phys. Jpn. 36 (1966) 977
- 1966JA1B Jacquot, Braun, Gerber and Cuer, J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-57
- 1966JA1C Jaskola et al., Acta Phys. Pol. 29 (1966) 673
- 1966JE1B Jessen, Bormann, Dreyer and Neuert, Nucl. Data 1 (1966) 103
- 1966JU1A Juna and Konecny, Proc. Conf. Nucl. Reactions, Rossendorf, 1966; Ed., J. Schintlmeister; ZFK-122 (1966) 195
- 1966KA1A Kadmenskii, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. Ser. 30 (1966) 145; Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 30 (1966) 138
- 1966KE16 I. Kelson and G.T. Garvey, Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 689
- 1966KI09 K.G. Kibler, Phys. Rev. 152 (1966) 932
- 1966KL1C Klapisch and Bernas, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38 (1966) 291
- 1966LA02 J.P. Laugier, L. Marquez, N. Saunier and J. Rey, Nucl. Phys. 75 (1966) 418
- 1966LA04 T. Lauritsen and F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. 78 (1966) 1
- 1966LA20 J.P. Laugier, C. Lemeille, L. Marquez and N. Saunier, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 411
- 1966LE10 C.W. Lewis and J.M. Blair, Phys. Lett. 21 (1966) 326
- 1966LE1C Legg and Simpson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 300
- 1966LI1C R. Lipperheide, Nucl. Phys. 77 (1966) 527
- 1966LO18 N. Longequeue, J.F. Cavaignac, E. Ligeon, J.P. Longequeue and H. Beaumevieille, J. Phys. (France) 27 (1966) 649
- 1966LO1G Longequeue et al., Comp. Rend. 262 (1966) 1162B
- 1966MA03 J.B. Marion and M. Wilson, Nucl. Phys. 77 (1966) 129
- 1966MA1J Maluszynska, Acta Phys. Pol. 29 (1966) 907
- 1966MA22 J.B. Marion, C.A. Ludemann and P.G. Roos, Phys. Lett. 22 (1966) 172
- 1966MA40 M.D. Mancusi and E. Norbeck, Phys. Rev. 151 (1966) 830
- 1966ME1D Metzger, Daftwyler, Boskovic and Jeannet, Helv. Phys. Acta 39 (1966) 58
- 1966MI06 G. Michel, R.E. Benenson, H. Burgisser, P. Huber, W.A. Schier and H.R. Striebel, Helv. Phys. Acta 39 (1966) 267
- 1966MI09 C. Milone and R. Potenza, Nucl. Phys. 84 (1966) 25
- 1966MO05 J. Mosner, G. Schmidt and J. Schintlmeister, Nucl. Phys. 75 (1966) 113
- 1966NE07 B.M.K. Nefkens, D.C. Sutton and M.N. Thompson, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 523
- 1966NO1A Nomoto, Nucl. Phys. 81 (1966) 180
- 1966NU1B Nussbaum, Helv. Phys. Acta 39 (1966) 218
- 1966OK1A S. Okai and S.C. Park, Phys. Rev. 145 (1966) 787; Erratum Phys. Rev. 151 (1966) 1022
- 1966PA03 D.W. Palmer, W.G. Mourad, J.M. Donhowe, K.E. Nielsen and R.J. Nickles, Nucl. Phys. 75 (1966) 515
- 1966PA15 P. Paul, Z. Naturforsch. A21 (1966) 914
- 1966PA16 P.D. Parker, Phys. Rev. 150 (1966) 851
- 1966PE1D A.A. Peyman, W. Scholz and G. Sepp, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 417
- 1966PO09 A.M. Poskanzer, S.W. Cosper, E.K. Hyde and J. Cerny, Phys. Rev. Lett. 17 (1966) 1271
- 1966PO1D Potenza, Proc. Int. School Enrico Fermi, Course 36; Ed., C. Bloch (1966) 584
- 1966RE02 W. Reichart, H.H. Staub, H. Stussi and F. Zamboni, Phys. Lett. 20 (1966) 40
- 1966RO1C Rolland et al., J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-126
- 1966RO1D Roos et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 26
- 1966RO1E Rotter and Zhusupov, Ann. Phys. 17 (1966) 57
- 1966RO1F Rotter, Ann. Phys. 17 (1966) 247
- 1966RO1G Roturier, Irigaray and Petit, Compt. Rend. B262 (1966) 1735
- 1966RO1H Rotter, Proc. Conf. Nucl. Reactions, Rossendorf, 1966; Ed., J. Schintlmeister; ZFK-122 (1966) 244
- 1966SC26 W.A. Schier, G. Michel and R.E. Benenson, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 373
- 1966SE1E Seth and Tabony, Ann. Phys. 40 (1966) 183
- 1966SH1E Shumilov, Klyucharev and Rutkevich, Yad. Fiz. 3 (1966) 667
- 1966ST09 M.F. Steuer and C.A. Kelsey, Nucl. Phys. 83 (1966) 401
- 1966ST1D Stephenson and Marion, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 629; F. S. U. Isobaric Spin Conf. (1966) 766
- 1966SU04 D.J. Sullivan and P.B. Treacy, Nucl. Phys. 78 (1966) 225
- 1966TH1B Thomas et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 11 (1966) 26
- 1966TO04 T.A. Tombrello, Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 134
- 1966TO1B T.A. Tombrello, Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 106
- 1966TY01 H. Tyren, S. Kullander, O. Sundberg, R. Ramachandran, P. Isacsson and T. Berggren, Nucl. Phys. 79 (1966) 321; Erratum Nucl. Phys. A119 (1968) 692
- 1966WA16 M.A. Waggoner, J.E. Etter, H.D. Holmgren and C. Moazed, Nucl. Phys. 88 (1966) 81
- 1966WA1C Warburton and Alburger, Nucl. Spin-Parity Assign.; Ed., Gove (1966) 114
- 1966WA1E Warburton, F. S. U. Isobaric Spin Conf. (1966) 90
- 1966WE1C J.C. Webber, Nucl. Phys. 77 (1966) 332
- 1966WI08 D.H. Wilkinson, J.T. Sample and D.E. Alburger, Phys. Rev. 146 (1966) 662
- 1966YO1B Yoccoz, J. Phys. (Paris) 27 (1966) C1-3
- 1967AB1A Abe, Endo and Tamagaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 37 (1967) 1116
- 1967AL1E Ali and Afzal, Nuovo Cim. B50 (1967) 355
- 1967AL1F Aldrich and Carlson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 12 (1967) 1177
- 1967AS1A Assimakopoulos and Gangas, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 47 (1967) 260
- 1967AU1B J. Audouze, M. Epherre and H. Reeves, Nucl. Phys. A97 (1967) 144
- 1967BA12 G. Baron and H. Rouhaninejad, J. Phys. (France) 28 (1967) 142
- 1967BA1E Bang, Zelemskaya, Magzumov and Neudachin, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 688
- 1967BA1J Bahcall, Cooper and Demarque, Astrophys. J. 150 (1967) 723
- 1967BA1K W.H. Bassichis and J.P. Svenne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18 (1967) 80
- 1967BA1M Barker, Aust. J. Phys. 20 (1967) 341
- 1967BA1N Bartis, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 12 (1967) 633
- 1967BE13 M. Berrada, J.-P. Laugier, C. Lemeille, N. Saunier and L. Marquez, J. Phys. (France) 28 (1967) 135
- 1967BE1F Beery, Harper, Stovall and Rosen, LA-3788 (1967)
- 1967BE1N Benn and Scharf, Helv. Phys. Acta 40 (1967) 271
- 1967BE61 A. Bergstrom, S. Schwarz, L.G. Stromberg and L. Wallin, Ark. Fys. 34 (1967) 153
- 1967BI1D Bilwes, Bourotte and Hossenlopp. Int. Nucl. Phys. Conf., Gatlinburg, 1966 (1967) 941