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A = 5: 1966 References from (1966LA04)

1949CR1A Critchfield and Dodder, Phys. Rev. 76 (1949) 602

1949FR20 G. Freier, E. Lampi, W. Sleator and J.H. Williams, Phys. Rev. 75 (1949) 1345

1951BR93 C.H. Braden, Phys. Rev. 84 (1951) 762

1951BU1B Butler and Symonds, Phys. Rev. 83 (1951) 858

1951FR1A French and Treacy, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A64 (1951) 452

1951MC37 K.G. McNeill and W. Rall, Phys. Rev. 83 (1951) 1244

1951SH63 R. Sher, J. Halpern and A.K. Mann, Phys. Rev. 84 (1951) 387

1951TI06 E.W. Titterton and T.A. Brinkley, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A64 (1951) 212

1952AD09 R.K. Adair, Phys. Rev. 86 (1952) 155

1952AL36 J.C. Allred, A.H. Armstrong, A.M. Hudson, R.M. Potter, E.S. Robinson, L. Rosen and E.J. Stovall Jr., Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 425

1952AR30 H.V. Argo, R.F. Taschek, H.M. Agnew, A. Hemmendinger and W.T. Leland, Phys. Rev. 87 (1952) 612

1952BO68 T.W. Bonner, J.P. Conner and A.B. Lillie, Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 473

1952CO35 J.P. Conner, T.W. Bonner and J.R. Smith, Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 468

1952DO30 D.C. Dodder and J.L. Gammel, Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 520

1952HE15 M. Heusinkveld and G. Freier, Phys. Rev. 85 (1952) 80

1952ST69 W.R. Stratton, G.D. Freier, G.R. Keepin, D. Rankin and T.F. Stratton, Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 257

1953AL1A Almqvist, Allen, Dewan and Pepper, Phys. Rev. 91 (1953) 1022

1953BE14 J. Benveniste and B. Cork, Phys. Rev. 89 (1953) 422

1953CO62 B. Cork, Phys. Rev. 89 (1953) 78

1953CU20 P. Cuer and J.J. Jung, Compt. Rend. 236 (1953) 1252

1953JA1A Jarvis and Roaf, Proc. Roy. Soc. 218 (1953) 432

1953KU24 W.E. Kunz, C.D. Moak and W.D. Good, Phys. Rev. 91 (1953) 676

1953MO61 C.D. Moak, Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 383

1953SE29 J.D. Seagrave, Phys. Rev. 92 (1953) 1222

1953SI1A Simon and Welton, Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 1036

1953YA02 J.L. Yarnell, R.H. Lovberg and W.R. Stratton, Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 292

1954AL24 D.L. Allan, Nature 174 (1954) 267

1954AR02 W.A. Arnold, J.A. Phillips, G.A. Sawyer, E.J. Stovall Jr. and J.L. Tuck, Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 483

1954BL89 J.M. Blair, N.M. Hintz and D.M. Van Patter, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1023

1954BR05 R.J.S. Brown, K.F. Famularo, H.D. Holmgren, D. Rankin and T.F. Stratton, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 80

1954CO69 B. Cork and W. Hartsough, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954) 1267; UCRL 2590 (1954)

1954FR01 G. Freier and H. Holmgren, Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 825

1954FR03 G.M. Frye Jr., Phys. Rev. 93 (1954) 1086

1954FR22 R.G. Freemantle, T. Grotdal, W.M. Gibson, R. McKeague, D.J. Prowse and J. Rotblat, Phil. Mag. 45 (1954) 1090

1954GO18 W.M. Good, W.E. Kunz and C.D. Moak, Phys. Rev. 94 (1954) 87

1954KR1B Kravtsov, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 54 (1954) 3

1955AL57 E. Almqvist, K.W. Allen and C.B. Bigham, Phys. Rev. 99 (1955) 631A

1955HE90 R.L. Henkel, J.E. Perry, Jr. and R.K. Smith, Phys. Rev. 99 (1955) 1050

1955KH31 L.M. Khromchenko and V.A. Blinov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 28 (1955) 741; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 1 (1955) 596

1955KU03 W.E. Kunz, Phys. Rev. 97 (1955) 456

1955LE24 S.H. Levine, R.S. Bender and J.N. McGruer, Phys. Rev. 97 (1955) 1249

1955LI09 J.G. Likely, Phys. Rev. 98 (1955) 1538

1955LU60 H. Lustig and J.M. Blatt, Phys. Rev. 100 (1955) 777

1955RE44 A.A. Reut, S.M. Korenchenko, V.V. Yurev and B.M. Pontecorvo, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 102 (1955) 723; AERE Lib/Trans-600; AEC-tr-2205 (1955)

1955SA52 G.A. Sawyer and L.C. Burkhardt, Phys. Rev. 98 (1955) 1305

1955TI1A Titterton, Prog. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1955) 1

1955WI26 J.H. Williams and S.W. Rasmussen, Phys. Rev. 98 (1955) 56

1956BO1F Bogdanov, Vlasov, Kalinin, Rybakov and Sidorov, Physica 22 (1956) 1150

1956BO43 G.F. Bogdanov, N.A. Vlasov, S.P. Kalinin, B.V. Rybakov and V.A. Sidorov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 30 (1956) 981; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 3 (1956) 793

1956BR29 K.W. Brockman, Jr, Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 391

1956CH80 O. Chamberlain, E. Segre, R.D. Tripp, C. Wiegand and T. Ypsilantis, Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1659

1956CR47 D.S. Craig, W.G. Gross and R.G. Jarvis, Phys. Rev. 103 (1956) 1427

1956EI05 R.M. Eisberg, Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1104

1956FO1A Fowler and Brolley, Rev. Mod. Phys. 28 (1956) 103

1956GA51 A. Galonsky and C.H. Johnson, Phys. Rev. 104 (1956) 421

1956JU10 A.C. Juveland and W. Jentschke, Z. Physik 144 (1956) 521

1956PA23 E.B. Paul, Physica 22 (1956) 1140A

1956PU41 T.M. Putnam, J.E. Brolley Jr. and L. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 104 (1956) 1303

1956RI37 A.C. Riviere, Nucl. Phys. 2 (1956) 81

1956VA1B Vanetsian and Fedchenko, Physica 22 (1966) A1124

1956WA1B Warburton, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Pittsburgh (1956)

1957BA10 S.J. Bame Jr. and W.T. Leland, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 1257

1957BA21 S.J. Bame Jr. and J.E. Perry Jr., Phys. Rev. 107 (1957) 1616

1957BL1A Blanchard and Winter, Phys. Rev. 107 (1957) 774

1957BR24 M.K. Brussell and J.H. Williams, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 286

1957BR28 K.W. Brockman, Phys. Rev. 108 (1957) 1000

1957FA10 F.J.M. Farley and R.E. White, Nucl. Phys. 3 (1957) 561; Erratum Nucl. Phys. 3 (1957) 692

1957GI14 W.M. Gibson, D.J. Prowse and J. Rotblat, Proc. Roy. Soc. A243 (1957) 237

1957JA37 N. Jarmie, J.D. Seagrave et al., LA-2014 (1957)

1957MA04 D.R. Maxson and E.F. Bennett, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 2 (1957) 180, E5

1957VA1B Vanetsian and Fedchenko, Sov. J. At. Energy 2 (1957) 141

1957WA01 E.K. Warburton and J.N. McGruer, Phys. Rev. 105 (1957) 639

1957WI22 A.F. Wickersham Jr., Phys. Rev. 107 (1957) 1050

1958BA82 Y.G. Balashko and I.Y. Barit, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 34 (1958) 1034; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 7 (1958) 715

1958BR24 K.W. Brockman Jr., Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 163

1958FO1C Fowler, Mem. Soc. Roy. Sc. Liege III (1958) 207

1958FR52 R.T. Frost and S.S. Hanna, Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 939

1958GA13 J.L. Gammel and R.M. Thaler, Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 2041

1958HO1B Hodgson, Adv. Phys. 7 (1958) 1

1958HU18 D.J. Hughes and R.B. Schwartz, BNL-325, 2nd Ed. (1958); BNL-325, 2nd Ed., Suppl. I (1960)

1958JA06 N. Jarmie and R.C. Allen, Phys. Rev. 111 (1958) 1121

1958MI93 P.D. Miller and G.C. Phillips, Phys. Rev. 112 (1958) 2043

1958RY77 T.W. Rybka and L. Katz, Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 1123

1958SC27 M.J. Scott, Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 1398

1958SE74 W. Selove and J.M. Teem, Phys. Rev. 112 (1958) 1658

1958TA03 Y.-K. Tai, G.P. Millburn, S.N. Kaplan and B.J. Moyer, Phys. Rev. 109 (1958) 2086

1958WE27 G. Weber, Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 529

1959AJ76 F. Ajzenberg and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. 11 (1959) 1

1959AR61 K.P. Artemov, S.P. Kalinin and L.N. Samoilov, Zh. Eskp. Teor. Fiz. 37 (1959) 663; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 10 (1960) 474

1959BA02 R. Bass, T.W. Bonner, E.A. Davis, F. Gabbard and T. Retz-Schmidt, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 4 (195) 95, C2

1959BA1D Baz, Adv. Phys. 8 (1959) 349

1959BA48 M.E. Battat et al., Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 291

1959BA27 S. Bashkin, R.W. Kavanagh and P.D. Parker, Phys. Rev. 3 (1959) 518

1959BO54 T.W. Bonner, F.W. Prosser Jr. and J. Slattery, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959) 398

1959BR1E Brink and Kerman, Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 314

1959BU98 J.W. Burkig, Phys. Rev. 116 (1959) 674

1959CO57 J.H. Coon and R.W. Davis, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 4 (1959) 366, Q7

1959CO64 A.M. Cormack, J.N. Palmieri, N.F. Ramsey and R. Wilson, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959) 599

1959GO1G Goldfarb, Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 657

1959HA29 E.W. Hamburger, Thesis, Univ. of Pittsburgh (1959)

1959HI70 P. Hillman, A. Johansson, G. Tibell and H. Tyren, Nucl. Phys. 12 (1959) 596

1959KE1A Kerman, McManus and Thaler, Ann. Phys. 8 (1959) 551

1959KO1C Komarov, Neudachin, Popova and Teplov, JETP (Sov. Phys.) 8 (1959) 679

1959KU1C Kurepin and Neudachin, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 36 (1959) 1725; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 9 (1959) 1229

1959MA1E Marin and Vo-Xuan, Compt. Rend. 248 (1959) 1316

1959MC65 J.S.C. McKee, D.R. Sweetman, P.V. March, W.T. Toner and W.M. Gibson, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959) 143

1959MI1C Micu and Sandulescu, Stud. Cercetari Fiz. (Romania) 10 (1959) 257; Phys. Abs. 5851 (1961)

1959NA1A Nagata, Sasakawa, Sawada and Tamagaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 22 (1959) 274

1959NO40 E. Norbeck, J.M. Blair, L. Pinsonneault and R.J. Gerbracht, Phys. Rev. 116 (1959) 1560

1959PH37 G.C. Phillips and P.D. Miller, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959) 1268

1959PI42 G. Pisent and C. Villi, Nuovo Cim. 11 (1959) 300

1959SA11 J. Sawicki, Nucl. Phys. 13 (1959) 350

1959SA14 J. Sanada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 14 (1959) 1463

1959SA1D Sakamato and Sasakewa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 22 (1959) 299

1959SM97 R.K. Smith, L. Cranberg and J.S. Levin, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 4 (1959) 218, AB3

1959VL24 N.A. Vlasov and A.A. Ogloblin, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 37 (1959) 54; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 10 (1960) 39

1960AR1A Artemov and Vlasov, Zh. Eskp. Teor. Fiz. 39 (1960) 1612; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 12 (1961) 1124

1960BA1M Balashko and Barit, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 615

1960BR10 J.E. Brolley Jr., T.M. Putnam, L. Rosen and L. Stewart, Phys. Rev. 117 (1960) 1307

1960BR19 D.J. Bredin, J.B.A. England, D. Evans, J.S. McKee, P.V. March, E.M. Mosinger and W.T. Toner, Proc. Roy. Soc. A258 (1960) 202

1960BR1E Bransden, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 527

1960BR1F Brolley and Fowler, in Fast Neutron Phys., Eds. Marion and Fowler, Interscience (1960)

1960BU1F Burke, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 413

1960FO09 D.B. Fossan, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 5 (1960) 409, D6

1960GO36 V.I. Goldansky, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 38 (1960) 1637; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 11 (1960) 1179

1960HA09 B.O. Hannah, E.B. Carter and R.H. Davis, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 5 (1960) 229, C6

1960HA14 E.W. Hamburger and J.R. Cameron, Phys. Rev. 117 (1960) 781

1960HE15 A. Herzenberg and E.J. Squires, Nucl. Phys. 19 (1960) 280

1960HU08 D.J. Hughes, B.A. Magurno and M.K. Brussel, BNL-325, 2nd Ed., Suppl. 1 (1960)

1960JU04 J. Juna, P. Horvath and K. Konecny, Czech. J. Phys. 10 (1960) 715

1960LA1B Laskar, Tate and Burke, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 559

1960MC1D McManus, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 183

1960MC1E McKee, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 609

1960MI1B Mikhlin and Stavinskii, Atomn. Energ. (USSR) 8 (1960) 141; Sov. J. At. Energy 8 (1961) 127; Reactor Sci. Tech. 16 (1962) 119

1960NA1B Nagata, Sasakawa, Sawada and Tamagaki, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 435

1960NI1B Nir, Conzett and Igo, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 5 (1960) 494

1960PE14 L.D. Pearlstein, Y.C. Tang and K. Wildermuth, Phys. Rev. 120 (1960) 224

1960PH1A Phillips and Tombrello, Nucl. Phys. 19 (1960) 555

1960SA07 J. Sanada, K. Nisimura, S. Suwa, I. Hayashi, F. Fukunaga, N. Ryu and M. Seki, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 15 (1960) 754

1960SA1L Sakamoto and Sasakawa, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 213

1960SA1M Sanada, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 663

1960SC1C Scott, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 461

1960SI1C Singh, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 203

1960ST25 L. Stewart, J.E. Brolley Jr. and L. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 119 (1960) 1649

1960VA04 F.J. Vaughn, W.L. Imhof, R.G. Johnson and M. Walt, Phys. Rev. 118 (1960) 683

1960WI1B Willard, Galonsky and Welton, Nucl. Forces and the Few Nucleon Problem (Pergamon, 1960) 577

1960YO06 L.G. Youn, G.M. Osetinskii, N. Sodnom, A.M. Govorov, I.V. Sizov and V.I. Salatskii, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 39 (1960) 225; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 12 (1961) 163

1960ZE03 Ya.B. Zeldovich, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 38 (1960) 1123; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 11 (1960) 812

1961BA1C Baz, Goldanskii and Zeldovich, Sov. Phys. Uspekhi 3 (1961) 729

1961BA1E Balashov, Neudachin and Smirnov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 25 (1961) 170; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys. 25 (1961) 165

1961BA40 J.F. Barry, R. Batchelor and B.E.F. Macefield, Proc. Rutherford Jub. Int. Conf., Manchester, England; Ed. J.B. Birks (Academic Press, New York, 1961) 543

1961DI1B Didier, J. Phys. Rad. 22 (1961) 149A

1961GO02 M.D. Goldberg and J.M. Le Blanc, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 164

1961HO01 H.D. Holmgren and L.M. Cameron, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 6 (1961) 36, MA2

1961PE13 R.B. Perkins and J.E. Simmons, Phys. Rev. 124 (1961) 1153

1961RO05 L. Rosen, J.E. Brolley Jr. and L. Stewart, Phys. Rev. 121 (1961) 1423

1961RO13 L. Rosen, J.E. Brolley Jr., M.L. Gursky and L. Stewart, Phys. Rev. 124 (1961) 199

1961RU1A Rudin, Streibel, Baumgartner, Brown and Huber, Helv. Phys. Acta 34 (1961) 58

1961RY01 B.V. Rybakov, V.A. Sidorov and N.A. Vlasov, Nucl. Phys. 23 (1961) 491

1961TA05 Y.C. Tang, K. Wildermuth and L.D. Pearlstein, Phys. Rev. 123 (1961) 548

1961TA1E Takamura and Tamagaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 25 (1961) 855

1961TO1E Tombrello and Phillips, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 6 (1961) 295

1961TR05 I.S. Trostin, V.A. Smotryaev and I.I. Levintov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 41 (1961) 725; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 14 (1962) 524

1961VA17 S.S. Vasilev, V.M. Komarov and A.M. Popova, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 25 (1961) 1117; Bull. Acad. Sci. Phys. 25 (1960) 1124

1961WI1A Wilkinson, Wollan and Koehler, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 11 (1961) 303

1961YA04 M. Yamada and Z. Matumoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 16 (1961) 1497

1962AR05 P.E. Argan, G. Bendiscioli, A. Piazzoli, V. Bisi, M.I. Ferrero and G. Piragino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 9 (1962) 405

1962AU03 S.M. Austin, H.H. Barschall and R.E. Shamu, Phys. Rev. 126 (1962) 1532

1962CE03 R.J. Cence and C.N. Waddell, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 1788

1962DE01 F. Demanins, G. Pisent, G. Poiani and C. Villi, Phys. Rev. 125 (1962) 318

1962DI1B Dietrich, Z. Phys. 167 (1962) 563

1962GA09 J.P. Garron, J.C. Jacmart, M. Riou, C. Ruhla, J. Teillac and K. Strauch, Nucl. Phys. 37 (1962) 126

1962GA22 A. Garcia, G. Pardo and P. Tarrega, An. Real. Soc. Espan. Fis. y Quim. A58 (1962) 233

1962HW1A Hwang, Nodby, Suwa and Williams, Phys. Rev. 9 (1962) 104; Padua (1963) 649

1962IN02 D.R. Inglis, Nucl. Phys. 30 (1962) 1

1962IN1A Inglis, Rev. Mod. Phys. 34 (1962) 165

1962LA1E Landy and Squires, Nucl. Phys. 35 (1962) 319

1962LE12 H.W. Lefevre, R.R. Borchers and C.H. Poppe, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 1328

1962MI1B Mitra, Bhasin and Bhakar, Nucl. Phys. 38 (1962) 316

1962PO04 C.H. Poppe, Phys. Lett. 2 (1962) 171

1962RO1F Robson, Nucl. Phys. 30 (1962) 316

1962RO20 L. Rosen and W.T. Leland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8 (1962) 379

1962SA1E Sakamoto, Nuovo Cim. 25 (1962) 565

1962SE09 F. Seiler, E. Baumgartner, W. Haeberli, P. Huber and H.R. Striebel, Helv. Phys. Acta 35 (1962) 385

1962TO12 T.A. Tombrello, C. Miller Jones, G.C. Phillips and J.L. Weil, Nucl. Phys. 39 (1962) 541; Erratum Nucl. Phys. 43 (1963) 528

1962VA1A Vasilyev, Komarcv and Popova, Zh. Skep. Teor. Fiz. 43 (1962) 737; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 16 (1963) 521

1962WE1E Werntz, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 1336

1963AR06 P.E. Argan and A. Piazzoli, Phys. Lett. 4 (1963) 350

1963BA53 A.D. Bacher, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 597, F3

1963BI08 O.M. Bilaniuk and R.J. Slobodrian, Phys. Lett. 4 (1963) 209

1963BI14 O.M. Bilaniuk and R.J. Slobodrian, Phys. Lett. 7 (1963) 77

1963BR10 R.I. Brown and W. Haeberli, Phys. Rev. 130 (1963) 1163

1963BR19 R.I. Brown, W. Haeberli and J.X. Saladin, Nucl. Phys. 47 (1963) 212

1963CR09 M.K. Craddock, R.C. Hanna, L.P. Robertson and B.W. Davies, Phys. Lett. 5 (1963) 335

1963EC1A Eccleshall, Hinds, Middleton and Yates, Private Communication (1963)

1963ER02 H.J. Erramuspe and R.J. Slobodrian, Nucl. Phys. 49 (1963) 65

1963FA1A Fasoli and Zago, Nuovo Cim. 30 (1963) 1169

1963GI1G Giamati, Madsen and Thaler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 11 (1963) 163

1963GO1M Goldberg, May and Stehn, BNL-400, 2nd Ed., Vol. 1 (1963)

1963HA1G Haeberli, in Fast Neutron Phys., Eds. Marion and Fowler (Academic Press, 1963) 1379

1963HW01 C.F. Hwang, G. Clausnitzer, D.H. Nordby, S. Suwa and J.H. Williams, Phys. Rev. 131 (1963) 2602

1963KA1G Kaneda, Nagata, Otsuki and Sumi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 29 (1963) 610; Prog. Theor. Phys. 30 (1963) 475

1963KA28 R.W. Kavanagh, P.D. Parker and G.D. Symons, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 597, F1

1963KU1B Kunz, Can. J. Phys. 41 (1963) 2187

1963LO1C Lohrmann, Meyer and Wuster, Phys. Lett. 6 (1963) 216

1963MA1M Malaroda, Poiani and Pisent, Phys. Lett. 5 (1963) 205

1963MA1N Mahaux, Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege 32 (1963) 70; Phys. Abs. 22358 (1963)

1963MA29 T.H. May, R.L. Walter and H.H. Barschall, Nucl. Phys. 45 (1963) 17

1963NE02 B.M.K. Nefkens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10 (1963) 55

1963OT01 P.S. Otstavnov, G.N. Lovchikova and V.I. Popov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 45 (1963) 1754; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 18 (1964) 1202

1963PA1H Palmieri, Goloskie and Cormack, Phys. Lett. 6 (1963) 289

1963PI03 G. Pisent and A.M. Saruis, Nuovo Cim. 28 (1963) 600

1963PO02 C.H. Poppe, C.H. Holbrow and R.R. Borchers, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 733

1963RU1A Rury and Crawford, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 24 (1963) 413

1963SE1L Seth, Chalmers, Strait and Cox, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 38

1963SH06 R.E. Shamu, G.G. Ohlsen and P.G. Young, Phys. Lett. 4 (1963) 286

1963SM03 D.B. Smith, N. Jarmie and A.M. Lockett, Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 785

1963SU03 S. Suwa and A. Yokosawa, Phys. Lett. 5 (1963) 351

1963VA1H Valter, Skakun, Klyucharev and Strashinskii, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 44 (1963) 475; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 17 (1963) 324

1963WE10 C. Werntz and J.G. Brennan, Phys. Lett. 6 (1963) 113

1963WE11 W.G. Weitkamp, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 537, S4

1963YN02 J.L. Yntema, S.S. Hanna and R.E. Segel, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 8 (1963) 537, S5

1963YO05 P.G. Young, G.G. Ohlsen and P.L. Okhuysen, Aust. J. Phys. 16 (1963) 185

1964AL1E Alekseev, Arifkhanov, Vlasov, Davidiv and Samoilov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 47 (1964) 433; JETP (Sov. Phys.) 20 (1965) 287

1964AL1N Allison and Smythe, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 544

1964AN06 V.N. Andreev and S.M. Sirotkin, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 46 (1964) 1178; JETP (Sov. Phys. ) 19 (1964) 797

1964AR08 K.P. Artjomov, V.J. Chuev, V.Z. Goldberg, A.A. Ogloblin, V.P. Rudakov and I.N. Serikov, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 53

1964BA08 A.C.L. Barnard, C.M. Jones and J.L. Weil, Nucl. Phys. 50 (1964) 604

1964BA1C Balashov, Boyarkina and Rotter, Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 417

1964BA1X Bahcall, Phys. Rev. 135 (1964) B137

1964BA1Y Barker, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 84 (1964) 681

1964BA2A Bahcall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 300

1964BE1L Beniston, Krishnamurthy, Levi Setti and Raymund, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13 (1964) 553

1964BE1M Berkowitz, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 555

1964BI06 O.M. Bilaniuk and R.J. Slobodrian, Nucl. Phys. 50 (1964) 585

1964BO1N Booth et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 545

1964BR1P Brill, Pankratov, Rudakov and Ribakov, Atomn. Energ. (USSR) 16 (1964) 141

1964BR31 G. Bruno, J. Decharge, A. Perrin and G. Surget, Compt. Rend. 259 (1964) 3995

1964BU16 S.M. Bunch, H.H. Forster and C.C. Kim, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 241

1964CA05 R.R. Carlson, E. Norbeck and V. Hart, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 419, DA9

1964CA1B Cairns, Griffith, Lush, Metheringham and Thomas, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 369

1964CL03 T.B. Clegg, A.C.L. Barnard, J.B. Swint and J.L. Weil, Nucl. Phys. 50 (1964) 621

1964CO1A Conzett, Shield, Slobodrian and Yamabe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13 (1964) 625

1964CR1B Cromer and Palmieri, Ann. Phys. 30 (1964) 32

1964DO1F Donovan, Kane, Mollenauer and Parker, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 389

1964DR04 L. Drigo, C. Manduchi, G.C. Nardelli, M.T. Russo-Manduchi and G. Zannoni, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 441

1964ET02 J.E. Etter, M.A. Waggoner, H.D. Holmgren, C. Moazed and A.A. Jaffe, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 42

1964FA01 H.L. Fann, R.W. Detenbeck and H. Taketani, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 43, DC5

1964FE01 P. Fessenden and D.R. Maxson, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B71

1964GI1E Giamati and Thaler, Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 159

1964GO1B V.I. Goldanskii, Int. Congress on Nucl. Phys., Paris (1964) 21, 296

1964GO25 V.I. Goldansky, Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 184

1964GR1J Green, Nucl. Phys. 54 (1964) 505

1964GR1K Griffith, Imrie, Lush and Robbins, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964HA13 S. Hayakawa, N. Horikawa, R. Kajikawa, K. Kikuchi, H. Kobayakawa, K. Matsuda, S. Nagata and Y. Sumi, Phys. Lett. 8 (1964) 333

1964HA1P S. Hayakawa, N. Horikawa, R. Kajikawa, K. Kikuchi, H. Kobayakawa, K. Matsuda, S. Nagata and Y. Sumi, Phys. Lett. 8 (1964) 330

1964HA49 S. Hayakawa, N. Horikawa, R. Kajikawa, K. Kikuchi, H. Kobayakawa, K. Matsuda, S. Nagata and Y. Sumi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 19 (1964) 2004

1964HE1G Headrick, Bonar, Drake and Hughes, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 390

1964HO1F Holdeman, Schenter and Thaler, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 15

1964HU1C Humblet and Jeukenne, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964IM03 W.L. Imhof, F.J. Vaughn, L.F. Chase Jr., H.A. Grench and M. Walt, Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 81

1964JE1B Jeukenne, Nucl. Phys. 58 (1964) 1

1964JO1D Jones, Bair, Johnson and Willard, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964KI06 C.C. Kim, S.M. Bunch, D.W. Devins and H.H. Forster, Nucl. Phys. 58 (1964) 32

1964KO1E Kocharov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 28 (1964) 1721

1964MA18 C. Manduchi, G.C. Nardelli, M.T. Russo-Manduchi and G. Zannoni, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 605

1964MA60 M. Manalis and J.E. Henkel, Phys. Rev. 136 (1964) B1741

1964MC1E McIntyre and Haeberli, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 390

1964NE02 B.M.K. Nefkens and G. Moscati, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B17

1964OH01 G.G. Ohlsen and P.G. Young, Phys. Rev. 136 (1964) B1632

1964PA19 J.N. Palmieri and R. Goloskie, Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 253

1964PA1A Parker, Bahcall and Fowler, Astrophys. J. 139 (1964) 602

1964PA24 A. Paulsen and H. Liskien, Nucl. Phys. 56 (1964) 394

1964PE14 R.B. Perkins and C. Glashausser, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 433

1964PO03 R.V. Popic, B.Z. Stepancic and N.R. Aleksic, Phys. Lett. 10 (1964) 79

1964PO1B Popic, Stepancic and Aleksic, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964RO08 P.C. Rogers and R.H. Stokes, Phys. Lett. 8 (1964) 320

1964RO1D Rothe, Private Communication (1964)

1964SA1F Sandulescu and Dumitrescu, Phys. Lett. 11 (1964) 420

1964SA1G Sah, Physica 30 (1964) 1713

1964SC02 A. Schwarzschild, A.M. Poskanzer, G.T. Emery and M. Goldhaber, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B1

1964SE1F Seiler, Darden, Mcintyre and Weitakmp, Nucl. Phys. 53 (1964) 65

1964SH07 T.H. Short and N.M. Hintz, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 391, BA16

1964SH18 N.K. Sherman and P. Barreau, Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 151

1964SH30 R.E. Shamu and J.G. Jenkin, Phys. Rev. 135 (1964) B99

1964SH1E Shamu and Robson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 390

1964SL1A Slaus, Tudoric, Valkovic, Rendic, Tomas and Cerineo, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964SM1B Smith, Criegee, Moscati and Nefkens, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 420

1964ST1B Stovall, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B268

1964ST25 J.R. Stehn, M.D. Goldberg, B.N. Magurno and R. Wiener-Chasman, BNL-325, 2nd Ed., Suppl. 2, Vol. 1 (1964)

1964TI02 G. Tibell, O. Sundberg and P.U. Renberg, Ark. Fys. 25 (1964) 433

1964TO1C Tomas, Paic, Valkovic, Cerineo, Slaus and Rendic, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964TO1D Tombrello, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 704

1964TR1C Trachslin et al., Helv. Phys. Acta 37 (1964) 216

1964VA19 V. Valkovic, Nucl. Phys. 60 (1964) 581

1964VA1E Valkovic and Tomas, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964VA1G Valter, Skakun, Klucharev and Strashinsky, Congres Int. de Phys. Nucl., Paris (1964)

1964VL1A N.A. Vlasov and L.N. Samoilov, Atomn. Energ. (USSR) 17 (1964) 3; Sov. J. At. Energy 17 (1964) 687

1964VO1D von Hippel and Divakaran, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 128

1964WA22 R.L. Walter, W. Benenson, T.H. May and C.A. Kelsey, Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 235

1964WE1B Werntz, Phys. Rev. 133 (1964) B19

1964YO03 P.G. Young and G.G. Ohlsen, Phys. Lett. 8 (1964) 124; Erratum Phys. Lett. 11 (1964) 192

1965AJ03 V. Ajdacic, M. Cerineo, B. Lalovic, G. Paic, I. Slaus and P. Tomas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14 (1965) 444

1965AL1L Aldridgr, Wildenthal and Youngblood, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 430

1965BA15 S.D. Baker, G. Roy, G.C. Phillips and G.K. Walters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 115

1965BA1A A.I. Baz, V.I. Goldanskii and Ya.B. Zeldovich, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 85 (1965) 445; Sov. Phys. Usp. 8 (1965) 177

1965BA1D Bacher and Tombrello, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 433

1965BA1E Bacher and Tombrello, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 693

1965BE03 R.E. Benenson, D.B. Lightbody, A. Sayres and W.E. Stephens, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 52, DC8

1965BE1P Bernstein, Ginaven, Chubinsky and Kossler, Unknown Source

1965BI1F Bilwes and Bourotte, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 458

1965BO13 F. Boreli, V. Lazarevic and N. Radisic, Nucl. Phys. 66 (1965) 301

1965BO1M Bodmer and Murphy, Nucl. Phys. 64 (1965) 593

1965BO1R Boschitz, Chabre, Conzett, Shield and Slobodrian, Phys. Lett. 15 (1965) 325

1965CO1D Cohen, Kanaris, Margulies and Rosen, Phys. Lett. 14 (1965) 242

1965DA1F Dabbs and Harvey, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 498

1965DA1G Dangle, Jobst and Bonner, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 422

1965DO1H Donovan, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 501

1965ET1A Etter, Waggoner, Moazed, Holmgren and Han, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 444

1965GI1E Giamati, Volkin and Thaler, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 601

1965GR1Q Griffith and Roman, Phys. Lett. 14 (1965) 42

1965GR1U Griffith, Imrie, Lush and Robbins, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 630

1965HE1A Henley, Richards and Yu, Phys. Lett. 15 (1965) 331

1965HO1D Hoop, Bond and Stuewer, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 423

1965IM01 W.L. Imhof, L.F. Chase Jr. and D.B. Fossan, Phys. Rev. 139 (1965) B904

1965IS1D Ismatov, Izv. Akad. Nauk 29 (1965) 225

1965JA1D Jackson, Phys. Lett. 14 (1965) 118

1965JO19 C.M. Jones, J.K. Bair, C.H. Johnson, H.B. Willard and M. Reeves III, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 437

1965KA1F Kacser and Aitchison, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 350

1965MA54 J.H.E. Mattauch, W. Thiele and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Phys. 67 (1965) 1

1965MC04 P.G. McManigal, R.D. Eandi, S.N. Kaplan and B.J. Moyer, Phys. Rev. 137 (1965) B620

1965ME1D Meyerhof, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 512

1965NA1D Nagatani, Tombrello and Bromley, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 423

1965NA1E Nakamura, Nagatani and Bromley, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 423

1965PA01 P.D. Parker, P.F. Donovan, J.V. Kane and J.F. Mollenauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14 (1965) 15

1965RI1A Riou, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 375

1965RO02 G. Roy, S.D. Baker, G.C. Phillips and G.K. Walters, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 51, DC4

1965RO1Q Roper and Defacio, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 155

1965TA1J Tanifuiji, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 113

1965TO01 T.A. Tombrello and A.D. Bacher, Phys. Lett. 17 (1965) 37

1965TO1E Tombrello, Bacher and Spiger, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 423

1965TY1A Tyren, Kullander, Sundberg, Ramachandran, Isacsson and Berggren (1965), Unknown source

1965WA1M Waggoner, Etter, Holmgren and Moazed, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 358

1965WI10 L.E. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 170

1965YO1D Young, Jayaramna, Etter, Holmgren and Waggoner, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 362