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5H (1974AJ01)

(See the Isobar Diagram for 5H)

From the work of (1967AD05) on the 3He(3He, n)5Be reaction (see 5Be) it follows that 5H is unstable by more than 2.1 MeV to decay into 3H + 2n (using Coulomb corrections based on the 16.7 MeV states in 5He - 5Li). [With the "conventional" correction (please refer to the Introduction in (1966LA04) 5H is unbound by > 0.7 MeV.] A study of 9Be(α, 8B)5H at Eα = 129 MeV shows no evidence for sharp 5H states for several MeV above 3H + 2n (1968MC02). In 3H(t, p)5H, at Et = 22.25 MeV, a broad peak appears in the proton spectrum which may correspond to a 5H state at 3H + 2n + 1.8 MeV, but which could also result from a four-body breakup (1968YO06). Several recent attempts to observe 5H formation in 7Li(π-, pn) and 7Li(π-, d) have been unsuccessful: see (1965CO1D, 1968BO32, 1969MI10). See (1966LA04) for a review of the earlier work, (1965AR04), and (1965AR08, 1966DE1E, 1968CE01, 1970WA1G, 1971WA08).