18B (1995TI07)(Not illustrated) 18B has not been observed in the bombardment of Ta by 44 MeV/A Ar ions (1985DE60, 1985LA03, 1986PO13) or in the bombardment of Be by 12 MeV/A 56Fe ions (1984MU27). 18B has been predicted to have a mass excess of 52.3 MeV (1993AU05). It would then be unstable with respect to 17B + n by 0.5 MeV: see (1978AJ03, 1985WA02). 18B is calculated to have Jπ = 4- and to have excited states at 0.62, 0.86 and 1.59 MeV with Jπ = 1-, 2- and 2- (1985PO10).The shell model calculations of (1992WA22) predict Jπ = 2- for the ground state with the first three excited states at 0.45, 0.52, 0.839 MeV with Jπ = 4-, 2-, 3-. See also (1987AJ02, 1988GUZT).