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A = 15: 1986 References from (1986AJ01)

1959AJ76 F. Ajzenberg and T. Lauritsen, Nucl. Phys. 11 (1959) 1

1967TH05 G.E. Thomas, D.E. Blatchley and L.M. Bollinger, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 56 (1967) 325

1970AJ04 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A152 (1970) 1

1971BO35 J. Bommer, H. Fuchs, K. Grabisch, U. Janetzki and G. Roschert, Nucl. Phys. A172 (1971) 618

1973TS02 I. Tserruya, B. Rosner and K. Bethge, Nucl. Phys. A213 (1973) 22

1975BI06 H.G. Bingham, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, E. Newman, K.W. Kemper and L.A. Charlton, Phys. Rev. C11 (1975) 1913

1975MO28 R. Moreh and O. Shahal, Nucl. Phys. A252 (1975) 429

1976AJ04 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A268 (1976) 1

1976AL16 D.E. Alburger, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 136 (1976) 323

1976BE1B Beukens, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Toronto (1976)

1978BE26 W. Benenson, E. Kashy, A.G. Ledebuhr, R.C. Pardo, R.G.H. Robertson and L.W. Robinson, Phys. Rev. C17 (1978) 1939

1978BE73 F.A. Beck, T. Byrski, G.J. Costa, W.L. Randolph and J.P. Vivien, Hyperfine Interactions 4 (1978) 181

1978DE23 A. Degre, M. Schaeffer, G. Bonneaud and I. Linck, Nucl. Phys. A306 (1978) 77

1978DE33 W. Del Bianco, J.C. Kim and G. Kajrys, Can. J. Phys. 56 (1978) 1054

1978GR16 K.A. Gridnev, V.M. Semenov and E.F. Hefter, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 42 (1978) 1540; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser. 42 (1978) 164

1978KE06 G.J. KeKelis, M.S. Zisman, D.K. Scott, R. Jahn, D.J. Vieira, J. Cerny and F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Phys. Rev. C17 (1978) 1929.

1978LEZA C.M. Lederer, V.S. Shirley, E. Browne, J.M. Dairiki, R.E. Doebler, A.A. Shihab-Eldin, L.J. Jardine, J.K. Tuli and A.B. Buyrn, Table of Isotopes 7th Ed. (1978)

1978WU07 P. Wust, W. von Oertzen, H. Ossenbrink, H. Lettau, H.G. Bohlen, W. Saathoff, K. Wannebo and C.A. Wiedner, S. Afr. J. Phys. 1 (1978) 226

1979AL23 D.E. Alburger and D.J. Millener, Phys. Rev. C20 (1979) 1891

1979BA48 J.K. Bair and J. Gomez del Campo, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 71 (1979) 18

1979GO27 A.M. Gorbatov, Yu.N. Krylov and A.B. Solovei, Yad. Fiz. (USSR) 30 (1979) 1487; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1979) 770

1979HA38 L.H. Harwood and K.W. Kemper, Phys. Rev. C20 (1979) 1383

1979KO26 L. Koester, K. Knopf and W. Waschkowski, Z. Phys. A292 (1979) 95

1979ZA07 J.G. Zabolitzk and, W. Ey, Nucl. Phys. A328 (1979) 507

1980AF1A Afzal, Ansari and Sergal, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 29 (1980) 350

1980AL1F Alburger, Transactions of the N.Y. Acad. of Sci. 40 (1980) 1

1980AS01 J. Asher, D.W. Bennett, B.A. Brown, H.A. Doubt and M.A. Grace, J. Phys. (London) G6 (1980) 251

1980AU1D Audouze, Chieze and Vangioni-Flam, Astron. Astrophys. 91 (1980) 49

1980BA1P J.N. Bahcall, S.H. Lubow, W.F. Huebner, N.H. Magee, A.L. Merts, M.F. Argo, P.D. Parker, B. Rozsnyai and R.K. Ulrich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 945

1980BA2M Bahcall, Proc. Int. School in Nucl. Phys., Progress in Particle and Nucl. Phys., Erice, Italy, Vol. 6 (1980) 111

1980BAZF V.V. Balashov, H.W. Barz, I. Rotter and R. Wunsch, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Phys., Berkeley (1980) 143

1980BO31 V.I. Bogatin, E.A. Ganza, O.V. Lozhkin, Yu.A. Murin and V.S. Oplavin, Yad. Fiz. 32 (1980) 27; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1980) 14

1980DE28 R.M. DeVries and J.C. Peng, Phys. Rev. C22 (1980) 1055

1980FU1G Furutani et al., Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys. 68 (1980) 193

1980GO13 H. Goringer and B. Schoch, Phys. Lett. B97 (1980) 41

1980GO1Q Gorbatov, Krylov and Solovei, Yad. Fiz. 32 (1980) 636

1980GR12 R.C. Greenwood and R.E. Chrien, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 175 (1980) 515

1980HI1C Hirsekorn, Z. Phys. A297 (1980) 141

1980HO18 K. Hosono, M. Kondo, T. Saito, N. Matsuoka, S. Nagamachi, T. Noro and H. Shimizu, Nucl. Phys. A343 (1980) 234

1980IW1A Iwao, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 29 (1980) 40

1980KE1K Kennet, Prestwich, Islam and Kerr, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 174 (1980) 539

1980KH1C Khodyachikh, Vatset, Dogyust and Kirichenko, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 25 (1980) 229

1980KO1L Kostin, Koval, Kopanets and Tsytko, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 25 (1980) 881

1980KR1F Kraus and Linck, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Phys., Berkeley (1980) 555

1980LE28 A.A. Levkovsky and E.F. Dreiman, Yad. Fiz. 31 (1980) 569; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 31 (1980) 295

1980MA28 Th.A.J. Maris, M.R. Teodoro and E.A. Veit, Phys. Lett. B94 (1980) 6

1980MI1G D.J. Millener, Phys. Rev. C22 (1980) 1355

1980PR06 F.W. Prosser, Jr., R.A. Racca, K. Daneshvar, D.F. Geesaman, W. Henning, D.G. Kovar, K.E. Rehm and S.L. Tabor, Phys. Rev. C21 (1980) 1819

1980PR09 G. Proudfoot, H.S. Bradlow, P.S. Fisher, N.S. Godwin, J. King, D. Sinclair and W.D.M. Rae, Nucl. Phys. A345 (1980) 278

1980RI06 W.A. Richter and P.R. de Kock, Z. Phys. A297 (1980) 343

1980SC1E Schoch and Goringer, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Phys., Berkeley (1980) 682

1980SC27 B. Schoch, H. Goringer, P. Jennewein, F. Klein, G. Luhrs and F. Zettl, Phys. Rev. C22 (1980) 2630

1980SE1E Sellschop, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 25 (1980) 800

1980TR02 H.-J. Trost, A. Schwarz, U. Feindt, F.H. Heimlich, S. Heinzel, J. Hintze, F. Korber, R. Lekebusch, P. Lezoch, G. Mock et al., Nucl. Phys. A337 (1980) 377

1980VO1C Voigts and Friedland, S. Afr. J. Phys. 3 (1980) 61

1980VO1D von Oertzen, Nukleonika 25 (1980) 939

1980WA1M Wannier, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 18 (1980) 399

1980WE1D Weller and Roberson, Rev. Mod. Phys. 52 (1980) 699

1980ZE02 A.F. Zeller, K.W. Kemper, T.R. Ophel and A. Johnston, Nucl. Phys. A344 (1980) 307

1981AB1A Abe, RIFP-421 (1981) 428

1981AD1F Adams and Smith, Astrophys. J. 247 (198) L123

1981AJ01 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A360 (1981) 1.

1981AS04 E. Aslanides, P. Fassnacht, G. Dellacasa, M. Gallio and J.W.N. Tuyn, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1826

1981AV02 I.K. Averyanov, A.I. Golubev and A.A. Sadovoy, Yad. Fiz. 33 (1981) 66

1981BA1P Bauer et al., Proc. Versailles Conf. (19801) 321

1981BA2G Bahcall, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 6 (1981) 111

1981BE19 T.L. Belyaeva, N.S. Zelenskaya, L.Z. Ismail, V.M. Lebedev, A.V. Spassky and I.B. Teplov, Yad. Fiz. 33 (1981) 294; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1981) 153

1981BO14 S. Boffi, C. Giusti and F.D. Pacati, Nucl. Phys. A359 (1981) 91

1981BY01 R.C. Byrd, C.E. Floyd, K. Murphy, P.P. Guss, R.L. Walter and S.R. Cotanch, Nucl. Phys. A351 (1981) 189

1981BY1B Byrd and Walter, Santa Fe 1980, AIP Conf. Proc. 69 (1981) 1475

1981DE1W Deutch, Lu and Tang, Hyperfine Interactions 9 (1981) 169

1981DY03 P. Dyer, D. Bodansky, A.G. Seamster, E.B. Norman and D.R. Maxson, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1865

1981FR23 R.M. Freeman, C. Beck, F. Haas, B. Heusch, H. Bohn, U. Kaufl, K.A. Eberhard, H. Puchta, T. Senftleben and W. Trautmann, Phys. Rev. C24 (1981) 2390

1981GA1M Gari and Hebach, Phys. Rept. 72 (1981) 1

1981GOZX C.A. Goulding, C.D. Goodman, C.C. Foster, J. Rapaport, J. Tadeleucci, E. Sugarbaker, C. Gaarde, J. Larson, D. Horen and T. Masterson, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 26 (1981) 623, JI3

1981GR08 K. Grotowski, P. Belery, Th. Delbar, Y. El Masri, Gh. Gregoire, R. Janssens, J. Vervier, G. Paic, M. Albinska, J. Albinski et al., Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 2513

1981GU1D Guzik, Astrophys. J. 244 (1981) 695

1981HAZJ R.C. Haight and S.M. Grimes, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 26 (1981) 1138, CE1

1981HAZV J.J.Hamill, D.A.Lind, R.J.Peterson, R.S.Raymond, P.A.Smith, M.Yasue, C.D.Zafiratos, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 26 (1981) 579, EG7

1981HU01 M.S. Hussein, K.W. McVoy and D. Saloner, Phys. Lett. B98 (1981) 162

1981HU1D J. Hufner and M.C. Nemes, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 2538

1981IS07 M.A. Islam, W.V. Prestwich and T.J. Kennett, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 188 (1981) 243

1981IS11 B.S. Ishkhanov, I.M. Kapitonov, V.G. Neudachin and R.A. Eramzhyan, Fiz. Elem. Chastits At. Yadra 12 (1981) 905; Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 12 (1981) 362

1981KA04 C. Kalbach and F.M. Mann, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 112

1981KE02 T.J. Kennett, M.A. Islam and W.V. Prestwich, Can. J. Phys. 59 (1981) 93

1981KO07 J.J. Kolata, C. Beck, R.M. Freeman, F. Haas and B. Heusch, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1056

1981LE01 P. Lezoch, H.J. Trost, Md.A. Rahman and U. Strohbusch, Phys. Lett. B98 (1981) 158

1981LE06 E. Levin and J.M. Eisenberg, Nucl. Phys. A355 (1981) 277

1981LI19 R.A. Lindgren, M.A. Plum, W.J. Gerace, R.S. Hicks, B. Parker, G.A. Peterson, R. Singhal, C.F. Williamson, X.K. Maruyama and F. Petrovich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 1266

1981LI1B Liljestrand et al., Proc. Versailles Conf. (1981) 544

1981LI23 P.W. Lisowski, R.C. Byrd, G. Mack, W. Tornow, R.L. Walter, T.B. Clegg and F.D. Santos, Phys. Rev. C24 (1981) 1852

1981MA14 G. Mairle, G.J. Wagner, K.T. Knopfle, Ken Pao Liu, H. Riedesel, V. Bechtold and L. Friedrich, Nucl. Phys. A363 (1981) 413

1981ME13 M.C. Mermaz, J. Barrette and H.E. Wegner, Phys. Rev. C24 (1981) 2148

1981ME1H Meyer-ter-Vehn, Phys. Rept. 74 (1981) 323

1981MO09 R. Moreh, W.C. Sellyey and R. Vodhanel, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 988; Erratum Phys. Rev. C24 (1981) 2394

1981MU01 K. Murphy, R.C. Byrd, P.P. Guss, C.E. Floyd and R.L. Walter, Nucl. Phys. A355 (1981) 1

1981MUZQ S.F. Mughabghab, M. Divadeenam and N.E. Holden, Neutron Cross Sections Part A, Z=1-60 (1981)

1981NO1F J.V. Noble, Nucl. Phys. A368 (1981) 477

1981OS04 E. Oset and D. Strottman, Nucl. Phys. A355 (1981) 437

1981OS05 E. Oset, Nucl. Phys. A356 (1981) 413

1981OV01 D.J. Overway and W.C. Parkinson, Nucl. Phys. A363 (1981) 93

1981PE01 J.C. Peng, R.M. DeVries and N.J. DiGiacomo, Phys. Lett. B98 (1981) 244

1981RE04 G.W. Reynaud and F. Tabakin, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 2652

1981RO1H Roman, Santa Fe 1980, AIP Conf. Proc. 69 (1981) 282

1981SC1P Scott, MSUCL-359 (1981)

1981SE06 M. Seya, M. Kohno and S. Nagata, Prog. Theor. Phys. 65 (1981) 204

1981SH17 V.R. Shaginyan, Yad. Fiz. 33 (1981) 1473; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1981) 790

1981SU03 T. Suzuki, H. Hyuga, A. Arima and K. Yazaki, Nucl. Phys. A358 (1981) 421c

1981SU08 T. Suzuki, H. Hyuga, A. Arima and K. Yazaki, Phys. Lett. B106 (1981) 19

1981TA21 M. Tanaka, J. Kawa, T. Fukuda, T. Shimoda, K. Katori, S. Nakayama, I. Miura and H. Ogata, Phys. Lett. B106 (1981) 293

1981VA1D van Driel et al., Kernfysisch Versneller Inst. (KVI) 235 (1980) 1

1981VO01 C. Volant and S. Gary, J. Phys. (Paris) 42 (1981) 27

1981VO06 W. von Oertzen, E.R. Flynn, J.C. Peng, J.W. Sunier and R.E. Brown, Z. Phys. A301 (1981) 365

1981WA06 E.K. Warburton and D.E. Alburger, Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1234

1981WA1F Walter et al., Santa Fe 1980, AIP Conf. proc. 69 (1981) 1326

1981WA1J Wang, Zhang, Li and Ruan, Proc. Versailles Conf. (1981) 374

1981WA1K Wada, Shibata and Torii, Nature 292 (1981) 327

1981WA1N Wannier, Linke and Penzias, Astrophys. J. 247 (1981) 522; Erratum Astrophys. J. 254 (1982) 419

1981WA1Q R.K. Wallace and S.E. Woosley, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 45 (1981) 389

1981WI1E Wienhard et al., Santa Fe 1980, AIP Conf. Proc. 69 (1981) 747

1982AB04 M.S. Abdel-Wahab, L. Potvin, R. Roy, P. Bricault, R. Larue, D. Pouliot, C. Rioux and R.J. Slobodrian, Can. J. Phys. 60 (1982) 1595

1982AJ01 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A375 (1982) 1

1982AM02 L.L. Ames, Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 729

1982AO05 Y. Aoki, S. Kunori, K. Nagano, Y. Toba and K. Yagi, Nucl. Phys. A382 (1982) 269

1982AW02 A.M. Awin and P.E. Shanley, Nucl. Phys. A386 (1982) 101

1982BA03 K. Bangert, U.E.P. Berg, G. Junghans, R. Stock and K. Wienhard, Nucl. Phys. A376 (1982) 15

1982BA80 J.N. Bahcall, W.F. Huebner, S.H. Lubow, P.D. Parker and R.K. Ulrich, Rev. Mod. Phys. 54 (1982) 767

1982BE02 M. Bernheim, A. Bussiere, J. Mougey, D. Royer, D. Tarnowski, S. Turck-Chieze, S. Frullani, S. Boffi, C. Giusti, F.D. Pacati et al., Nucl. Phys. A375 (1982) 381

1982BE29 H.W. Becker, W.E. Kieser, C. Rolfs, H.P. Trautvetter and M. Wiescher, Z. Phys. A305 (1982) 319

1982BE64 M. Berti and A.V. Drigo, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 201 (1982) 473

1982BO1N Boyd, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 761

1982BO28 S. Boffi, C. Giusti and F.D. Pacati, Nucl. Phys. A386 (1982) 599

1982CA12 E. Caurier and A. Poves, Nucl. Phys. A385 (1982) 407

1982CO1D Cowan and Haxton, Science 216 (1982) 51

1982DI1E Dimbylow, Phys. Med. Bio. 27 (1982) 989

1982DO01 K.G.R. Doss, P.D. Barnes, N. Colella, S.A. Dytman, R.A. Eisenstein, C. Ellegaard, F. Takeutchi, W.R. Wharton, J.F. Amann, R.H. Pehl et al., Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 962

1982DO10 A. Doron, J. Alster, A. Erell, M.A. Moinester, R.A. Anderson, H.W. Baer, J.D. Bowman, M.D. Cooper, F.H. Cverna, C.M. Hoffman et al., Phys. Rev. C26 (1982) 189

1982DO1L Dover, Conf. on Hypernucl. Kaon Phys., Heidelberg, June 1982 (1982) 351

1982DU1A Dubovoi and Chitanava, in Kiev (1982) 421

1982ER1E Eramzhyan, Fetisovm Majling and Zofka, Conf. on Hypernucl. Kaon Phys., Heidelberg, June 1982 (1982) 91

1982GO09 H. Goringer, B. Schoch and G. Luhrs, Nucl. Phys. A384 (1982) 414

1982GR1K Green, AIP Conf. Proc. 79 (1982) 131

1982GR1P Grypeos and Koutroulos, Conf. on Hypernucl. Kaon Phys., Heidelberg, June 1982 (1982) 167

1982HA06 R.A. Hardekopf, P.W. Keaton, P.W. Lisowski and L.R. Veeser, Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 1090

1982HA1A Haight, Proc. 4th Int. Symp., Grenoble, 1981 (1982) 510

1982HI1H R.R. Highfill, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 777

1982HO10 H. Homeyer, M. Burgel, M. Clover, Ch. Egelhaaf, H. Fuchs, A. Gamp, D. Kovar and W. Rauch, Phys. Rev. C26 (1982) 1335

1982JA05 W.W. Jacobs, T.G. Throwe, S.E. Vigdor, M.C. Green, J.R. Hall, H.O. Meyer, W.K. Pitts and M. Dillig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 855

1982JU03 J.W. Jury, B.L. Berman, J.G. Woodworth, M.N. Thompson, R.E. Pywell and K.G. McNeill, Phys. Rev. C26 (1982) 777

1982KA1C K. Kakihara, Y. Kasida and T. Ido, Radioisotopes 31 (1982) 357

1982KA1D K. Kar and J.C. Parikh, Pramana 19 (1982) 555

1982KE1B Kerridge, Nature 295 (1982) 643

1982KR05 H. Krawinkel, H.W. Becker, L. Buchmann, J. Gorres, K.U. Kettner, W.E. Kieser, R. Santo, P. Schmalbrock, H.P. Trautvetter, A. Vlieks et al., Z. Phys. A304 (1982) 307

1982LE1N R. Legrain, Nucl. Phys. A387 (1982) 219

1982LIZW C.K. Lin and L. Zamick, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 530, GE10

1982LO13 M. Lozano, J.I. Escudero and G. Madurga, J. Phys. (London) G8 (1982) 1259

1982LO1B Londergain, AIP Conf. Proc. 79 (1982) 339

1982LU02 F.Q. Lu, J.Y. Tang and B.I. Deutch, Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 1476

1982LY1A U. Lynen, H. Ho, W. Kuhn, D. Pelte, U. WinklerW. F.J. Muller, Y. -T. Chu, P. Doll, A. Gobbi, K. Hildenbrand et al., Nucl. Phys. A387 (1982) 129

1982MA1R Matsumoto et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 196 (1982) 565

1982MAZZ T.G. Masterson, C.A. Goulding, J. Rapaport, T.N. Taddeucci, C.D. Goodman, C. Foster, E. Sugarbaker, C. Gaarde, J. Larsen and D. Horen, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 26, DF8

1982NG01 Nguyen Tien Nguyen and I. Ulehla, Czech. J. Phys. B32 (1982) 1040

1982NO12 R. Novotny, D. Shapira, Y.-d. Chan, D.E. DiGregorio, J.L.C. Ford, Jr., J. Gomez del Campo, M.E. Ortiz and F. Pougheon, Phys. Rev. C26 (1982) 2664

1982OH05 S. Ohkubo, Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 2498

1982OK02 S. Okabe, Prog. Theor. Phys. 68 (1982) 1790

1982OS01 E. Oset and D. Strottman, Nucl. Phys. A377 (1982) 297

1982OS1C Oset, Toki and Weise, Phys. Rept. 83 (1982) 281

1982PI1H G. Pinto, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 792

1982RA1L Rahman Khan, Conf. on Hypernucl. Kaon Phys., Heidelberg, June 1982 (1982) 115

1982SC02 B. Schoch and H. Goringer, Phys. Lett. B109 (1982) 11

1982VI05 S.E. Vigdor, T.G. Throwe, M.C. Green, W.W. Jacobs, R.D. Bent, J.J. Kehayias, W.K. Pitts and T.E. Ward, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 1314

1982WA1Q Wang et al., Phys. Energ. Fortis Phys. Nucl. 6 (1982) 525

1982WE01 S.A. Wender, H.R. Weller, N.R. Roberson, D.R. Tilley and R.G. Seyler, Phys. Rev. C25 (1982) 89

1982WO09 C.L. Woods, B.A. Brown and N.A. Jelley, J. Phys. (London) G8 (1982) 1699

1982YA1C T. Yamada, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 27 (1982) 813

1982YA1D Yang, Jing, Wang and Wu, Phys. Energ. Fortis Phys. Nucl. 6 (1982) 480

1982ZA1D Zabolitzky, Proc. Conf. on Hypernucl. Kaon Phys., Heidelberg, June 1982 (1982) 175

1983AJ01 F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A392 (1983) 1; Erratum Nucl. Phys. A413 (1984) 168

1983AL23 J. Almeida and F. Kappeler, Astrophys. J. 265 (1983) 417

1983AM1A G. Amsel and J.A. Davies, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 218 (1983) 177

1983AM1D G. Amsel and B. Maurel, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 218 (1983) 183

1983ANZQ Y. Ando, M. Uno and M. Yamada, JAERI-M-83-025 (1983)

1983BA2R Baltz, Dover and Sainio, in Florence (1983) 388

1983BA33 M. Bawin, C.A. Hughes and G.L. Strobel, Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 456

1983BE02 E. Betak and V.D. Toneev, J. Phys. (London) G9 (1983) L47

1983BI10 J. Billowes, J. Burde, J.A.G. De Raedt, M.A. Grace, W.R. Kolbl and A. Pakou, J. Phys. (London) G9 (1983) 1407

1983BI13 J.R. Birkelund and J.R. Juizenga, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 33 (1983) 265

1983BU07 B. Buck and S.M. Perez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50 (1983) 1975; Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 1395

1983BY03 R.C. Byrd, W. Tornow, P.W. Lisowski, K. Murphy and R.l. Walter, Nucl. Phys. A410 (1983) 29

1983CA07 G. Calvi, M. Lattuada, C. Spitaleri, F. Riggi, D. Vinciguerra, C.M. Sutera and A. Pantaleo, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 36 (1983) 475

1983CH1T Chen, Zhuang, Jin and King, in Florence (1983) 44, 45

1983CH23 B. Chambon, D. Drain, C. Pastor, A. Dauchy, A. Giorni and C. Morand, Z. Phys. A312 (1983) 125

1983CI08 O. Civitarese, B.V. Carlson, M.S. Hussein and A. Szanto de Toledo, Phys. Lett. B125 (1983) 22

1983CO09 E.R. Cohen and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 211 (1983) 153

1983CR1A Craig et al., Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 28 (1983) 733

1983CSZX J. Csikai, in Florence (1983) 451

1983DE1X Desplanques, in Florence (1983) 218

1983DE26 P.A. De Young, J.J. Kolata, L.J. Satkowiak and M.A. Xapsos, Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 692

1983DEZW L.C. Dennis, A.D. Frawley and J.F. Mateja, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 28 (1983) 669, BF1

1983DO1B C.B. Dover and A. Gal, Ann. Phys. 146 (1983) 309

1983DR06 P.V. Drumm, J.B.A. England, O. Karban, J.M. Nelson, J.M. Barnwell and N.E. Sanderson, Phys. Lett. B126 (1983) 155

1983DR13 D.M. Drake, N.R. Roberson, S.A. Wender and H.R. Weller, Nucl. Phys. A410 (1983) 429

1983DU13 G.G. Dussel, A.O. Gattone and E.E. Maqueda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 2366

1983EL01 M.A. El-Shabshiry, J. Phys. (London) G9 (1983) 205

1983EN04 Y.M. Engel and R.D. Levine, Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 2321

1983FE07 V.N. Fetisov, L. Majling, J. Zofka and R.A. Eramzhyan, Z. Phys. A314 (1983) 239

1983FR1A W.A. Friedman and W.G. Lynch, Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 950

1983GA17 A. Gal, Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 2186

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