13O (1981AJ01)(See the Isobar Diagram for 13O) GENERAL: See also (1976AJ04) and Table 13.23 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Theoretical and review papers: (1975BE56, 1976AB04, 1977CE05, 1978GU10, 1979BE1H). Mass of 13O: From the Q-value of the 16O(3He, 6He)13O reaction [Q0 = -30.508 ± 0.010 MeV] (see reaction 4) the atomic mass excess of 13O is determined to be 23.108 ± 0.010 MeV. 13O is then bound with respect to 12N + p and 11C + 2p by 1.519 and 2.120 MeV, respectively.
The half-life of 13O is 8.90 ± 0.20 msec: see (1970ES03) and (1976AJ04). 13O decays to a number of states of 13N some of which subsequently decay to 12C*(0, 4.4): see Table 13.24 (in PDF or PS) (1970ES03). See also (1978RA2A) and (1977MA16, 1977RI08, 1979DE15; theor.).
At Ep = 613 MeV the ground state of 13O and an excited state at Ex = 2.82 ± 0.24 MeV are observed in addition to unresolved structures (1978CO15) [see Fig. 4 for analogue region in 13B]. See also (1979HO1F).
See (1979GR1K).
The ground state of 13O has been populated at E(3He) = 62.6 to 68.6 MeV (1970ME11, 1971TR03).