12O (1980AJ01)(See the Isobar Diagram for 12O) 12O has been observed in the 16O(α, 8He) reaction at Eα = 117.4 MeV. At θlab = 8°, the differential cross section (lab) = 2 ± 1 nb/sr: Q0 = -66.02 ± 0.12 MeV. The width of the ground state is ≈ 400 ± 250 keV. There is some indication of an excited state of 12O at Ex = 1.0 ± 0.1 MeV, which would imply an appreciable downward shift from the position of the analog first excited state in 12Be. This would be surprising if the latter is indeed a 2+ state (1978KE06), as it appears to be: see 12Be. Q0 leads to a mass excess of 32.10 ± 0.12 MeV for 12O: it is thus unstable to decay into 10C + 2p by 1.83 MeV and into 11N* + p by 0.41 [note that 11N* is probably not the ground state of 11N and that it is very broad: see 11N]. The diproton branching ratio of 12Og.s. is estimated to be 60 ± 30%. The d-coefficient in the IMME for A = 12 is calculated to be 0 ± 11 keV. Based on this the first T = 2 state in 12N should occur at Ex = 12.29 ± 0.02 MeV (1978KE06). See also (1979NA1E), (1975AJ02, 1977CE05, 1978GU10) and (1975BE31, 1975HU14, 1976IR1B; theor.).