Information on mass chains and nuclides
Note Added in Proof: The following reference listing corrects and supplements the main reference list from (1966LA04)
- AL51L (1951AL26) J.C. Allred, D.K. Froman, A.M. Hudson and L. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 82 (1951) 786
- AN63C (1963AN10) Y.P. Antoufiev, M.M. El-Shesheni, H.R. Saad, Z.A. Saleh and P.V. Sorokin, Nucl. Phys. 48 (1963) 299; Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 27 (1963) 1451
- AN65 (1965AN09) W.D. Andress, Jr., F.O. Purser, J.R. Sawers, Jr. and R.L. Walter, Nucl. Phys. 70 (1965) 313
- BE65E Berman, Bramblett, Caldwell, Harvey and Fultz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15 (1965) 727
- BE65Q (1966BE05) J. Benn, E.B. Dally, H.H. Muller, R.E. Pixley, H.H. Staub and H. Winkler, Phys. Lett. 20 (1966) 43
- DE63E Demos, Private Communication (1963)
- FO62F (1962FO10) M.S. Foster and A.F. Voigt, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 24 (1962) 343
- FR65C (1965FR07) G. Fricke, G.R. Bishop and D.B. Isabelle, Nucl. Phys. 67 (1965) 187
- FU65E Fuller and Cohen, Appendix I, Nucl. Data Sheets 6-5 (1965)
- GO56M (1956GO62) G.V. Gorlov, B.M. Gokhberg, V.M. Morozov and G.A. Otroschenko, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 110 (1956) 963; Sov. Phys. (Doklady) 1 (1956) 598
- IM65 (1965IM01) W.L. Imhof, L.F. Chase, Jr. and D.B. Fossan, Phys. Rev. 139 (1965) B904
- IS65 (1965IS05) M.M. Islam and P.B. Treacy, Nucl. Phys. 70 (1965) 236
- JA65A (1965JA08) M. Jakobson, J.H. Manley and R.H. Stokes, Nucl. Phys. 70 (1965) 97
- KO60G (1960KO14) A.P. Komar and E.D. Makhnovskii, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 135 (1960) 52; Sov. Phys. Doklady 5 (1960) 1229
- LO65B (1965LO04) J.A. Lonergan and D.J. Donahue, Phys. Rev. 139 (1965) B1149; Erratum Phys. Rev. 145 (1966) 998
- MA63N "Nuclidic Masses" (Springer, 1964) p.279
- MA65A (1965MA54) J.H.E. Mattauch, W. Thiele and A.H. Wapstra, Nucl. Phys. 67 (1965) 1
- MC65D McCarthy, Revs. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 388
- MC65E (1965MC06) W.R. McMurray, P. Van Der Merwe and I.J. Van Heerden, Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 319
- ME56 Meshkov and Ufford, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 734
- MI63A (1963MI01) I. Minzatu, N. Martalogu, A. Calboreanu, I. Vilcov and T. Magda, Nucl. Phys. 40 (1963) 347
- MO58F (1958MO99) C.D. Moak, A. Galonsky, R.L. Traughber and C.M. Jones, Phys. Rev. 110 (1958) 1369
- MO64F Moscati, Nefkens and Todoroff, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 45; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 9 (1964) 407
- OG61 Ogloblin and Chuen, Instr. Expt. Tech. 5 (1962) 859; Pribory Tekhnika Eksp. 5 (1961) 37
- OS64 Osgood, Patterson and Titterton, Phys. Lett. 10 (1964) 75
- PO64B (1964PO03) R.V. Popic, B.Z. Stepancic and N.R. Aleksic, Phys. Lett. 10 (1964) 79
- SC64I (1964SC19) D.J. Schlueter, R.W. Krone and F.W. Prosser, Jr., Nucl. Phys. 58 (1964) 254
- SE65B Segel and Singh, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10 (1965) 426
- TA48 R. Taschek and A. Hemmendinger, Phys. Rev. 74 (1948) 373
- TA60L Talmi and Unna, Ann. Revs. Nucl. Sci. 10 (1960) 353
- WA65G J.W. Watson, F. Ajzenberg-Selove and R. Middleton, Phys. Lett. 18 (1965) 302
- WA66 Warburton and Alburger, Nucl. Spin-Parity Assign., Ed. Gove (Academic Press, 1966) 114
- YO66 (1966YO1D) Young, Forsyth, Roush and Hornyak (1966)
- YU65 Yuasa and Hourani, Revs. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 399