10C (1959AJ76)(See the Energy Level Diagram for 10C) GENERAL: See also Table 10.8 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Mass of 10C: The mass difference 10C - 10B is given as 3.84 ± 0.1 MeV from β-end-point measurements (1953SH38), and as 3.57 ± 0.2 MeV (1954AJ32) from the 10B(p, n)10C Q-value. The weighted mean of these two results yields a mass excess for 10C of 18.79 ± 0.09 MeV, using the Wapstra (1955WA1A) value for the mass of 10B.
The decay is complex. See 10B.
At Ep = 17.2 MeV, neutron groups are observed corresponding to the ground state (Q0 = -4.35 ± 0.2 MeV), to an excited state at 3.34 ± 0.2 MeV, and possibly to wide or unresolved levels at Ex ≈ 5.1 MeV (1954AJ32). The slow neutron threshold for the ground state of 10C has not been observed up to Ep = 6 MeV in preliminary measurements by (1955BA22). The neutron threshold measurement reported in (1955AJ61) has been withdrawn: (T.W. Bonner, private communication). Two other reactions leading to 10C have not been observed: 10B(3He, t)10C (Qm = -3.80) and 12C(p, t)10C (Qm = -23.50).