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10Be (1979AJ01)

(See Energy Level Diagrams for 10Be)

GENERAL: See also (1974AJ01) and Table 10.1 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS).

Shell model: (1977JA14).

Cluster and α-particle models: (1977SE1D).

Special levels: (1974IR04, 1976IR1B, 1977JA14).

Electromagnetic transitions: (1976VO1C, 1977BO1V, 1977FL05).

Astrophysical questions: (1973WE1D, 1974RA09, 1974SC1D, 1975GA1D, 1976DA1F, 1976FU1B, 1976GI1C, 1976LI1K, 1976PE1A, 1976RA1C, 1976SC1F, 1976SI1C, 1976VI1A, 1977AU1B, 1977DW1A, 1977GA1C, 1977HA1L, 1977MA1H, 1977WE1D, 1977WE1F, 1978BU1G, 1978ME1D, 1978YO1C).

Special reactions: (1974FO22, 1974LA18, 1974RA09, 1975AB1D, 1975CO1E, 1975GR13, 1975KU01, 1975RA12, 1975RA14, 1975RA21, 1975ZE01, 1976BU16, 1976LE1F, 1976MI13, 1976OS04, 1976RA1C, 1976VA29, 1977AR06, 1977FE1B, 1977GO07, 1977MO1C, 1977ST1G, 1977YA1B, 1978GE1C, 1978GR1F, 1978WE1D).

Muon capture and reactions: (1973MU1B, 1975KN1C, 1978DE15).

Pion capture and reactions: (1974MI06, 1975BA52, 1975RE01, 1976NO1D, 1977AS1D, 1977BA1Q, 1977DO06, 1978BH01, 1978PE1D).

Applied topics: (1976LI1K, 1977MU1B, 1978GU1F, 1978MU1C, 1978RA1E).

Other topics: (1974CA1H, 1974IR04, 1976IR1B).

Ground state properties: (1975BE31, 1976BE1G, 1977BA2E, 1977FL05).

1. 10Be(β-)10B Qm = 0.5559

The half-life of 10Be is (1.6 ± 0.2) × 106 y; log ft = 13.42: see (1974AJ01). The spectrum is of the D2 type (1950WU1A). See also (1973TA30, 1976BE1E) and (1975SZ03; theor.).

2. (a) 7Li(t, γ)10Be Qm = 17.251
(b) 7Li(t, n)9Be Qm = 10.4387 Eb = 17.251
(c) 7Li(t, p)9Li Qm = -2.386
(d) 7Li(t, d)8Li Qm = -4.225
(e) 7Li(t, α)6He Qm = 9.838

The yield of γ0 and γ1 has been studied for Et = 0.5 to 3.0 MeV (1973BL1B; unpublished): see (1974AJ01) and for Et = 0.4 to 1.1 MeV (1978SU02) [10Be*(17.79) is said to be involved]. The neutron yield exhibits a weak structure at Et = 0.24 MeV and broad resonances at Et ≈ 0.77 MeV [Γ = 160 ± 50 keV] and 1.74 MeV (1960SE12, 1961VA43, 1962SE1A). Studies of reaction (c) have suggested the formation of the T = 2 state in 10Be but they have not been published: see (1974AJ01). For reaction (d) see (1974AJ01). For reaction (e) see (1975CI1B; σ for α0; Et = 75 to 400 keV) and (1966LA04). See also (1977SU1B). For total breakup into neutrons and α-particles see (1975JE04). See also (1975FO19; astrophys.). See also 6He and 9Li.

3. 7Li(α, p)10Be Qm = -2.5635

Angular distributions have been measured at Eα = 30 MeV (1960KL03, 1972ME07; p0, p1) and 50 MeV (1975BU27; p to 10Be*(3.4, 6.0, 7.5, 10.7, 12.0, 17.8, 18.8)).

4. 7Li(7Li, α)10Be Qm = 14.784

Angular distributions are reported for E(7Li) = 2.1 to 5.75 MeV (1969CA1A; α1, α2+3+4+5), 3.5 to 5.75 MeV (1969CA1A; α0) and 30.3 MeV (1971GL07; α-groups to 10Be*(0, 3.4, 6.0, 7.4, 9.4, 10.7, 11.9, 17.9)). (1971GL07) also report an α-group corresponding to 10Be*(18.8). See also (1973OG1A, 1978KA1H) and 14C in (1976AJ04).

5. 9Be(n, γ)10Be Qm = 6.8118

The thermal capture section is 9.2 ± 1.0 mb (1973MU14). Reported γ-ray transitions are displayed in Table 10.2 (in PDF or PS). See also (1978DU1E; applications).

6. 9Be(n, n)9Be Eb = 6.8118

The cross-section data are summarized in (1976GAYV). Recent measurements of the total cross section have been carried out at En = 0.002 to 0.3 eV (1975KA1F; as a function of the temperature of the Be sample), 0.5 to 20.0 MeV (1974SC1C), 1.5 to 14 MeV (1976AU1D), 5.9, 10.1 and 14.2 MeV (1977DR09; also σel), 20.7 to 43.9 MeV (1974BU05; several energies), 900 to 2600 MeV/c (1973SC01) and 34 to 273 GeV/c (1974JO13, 1975MU1B). Differential elastic cross sections have been measured for En = 7 to 15 MeV by (1976BI1B, 1976HO1B). See also 9Be and (1974AJ01). The coherent scattering length (thermal, unbound) is 7.74 ± 0.10 fm (1973MU14).

Five resonances are reported in the total cross section at En = 0.63, 0.82, 2.73, (2.85) and 4.3 MeV; see Table 10.3 (in PDF or PS). Polarization and differential cross sections are reported for En = 0.2 to 2 MeV by (1961LA1A, 1962EL01, 1964LA04). Analysis of these data leads to the 3-, 2+ assignments for 10Be*(7.37, 7.55) (1964LA04). Below En = 0.5 MeV the scattering cross section reflects the effect of bound 1- and 2- states, presumably 10Be*(5.960, 6.26). There is also indication of interference with s-wave background and with a broad l = 1, Jπ = 3+ state (1964LA04). The structure at En = 2.73 MeV is ascribed to two levels: a broad state at about 2.85 MeV with Jπ = 2+, and a narrow one, Γ ≈ 100 keV, at En = 2.73 MeV with a probable assignment of Jπ = 4- (1951BO45, 1966SC16). The 4- assignment results from a study of the polarization of the n0 group at En = 2.60 to 2.77 MeV. A rapid variation of the polarization over this interval is observed, and the data are consistent with 4- (l = 2) for 10Be*(9.27) (1966SC16). A weak dip at En ≈ 4.3 MeV is ascribed to a level with J ≥ 1 (1961FO07). The analyzing power has been measured for En-bar = 1.6 to 4.8 MeV (1975HO01). See also (1974HE1E), (1975HO1F, 1975RO1G) and (1978BY1B; theor.).

7. (a) 9Be(n, n')9Be* Eb = 6.8118
(b) 9Be(n, 2n)8Be Qm = -1.6652
(c) 9Be(n, 3n)7Be Qm = -20.565

Data on inelastic and non-elastic cross sections are summarized by (1976GAYV); the non-elastic and the (n, 2n) cross sections rise rapidly to ≈ 0.6 b (≈ 0.5 b for (n, 2n)) at En ≈ 3.5 MeV and then stay approximately constant to En = 15 MeV. Cross sections for reaction (a) [to 9Be*(2.4)] and (b) are also reported by (1977DR09; En = 5.9, 10.1 and 14.2 MeV) and for reactions (b) and (c) by (1976VE1A; En = 14.7 to 24.0 MeV). Inelastic and non-elastic cross sections are also reported by (1974WE11; 2.46 to 3.92 MeV), (1976BI1B, 1976HO1B; En = 7 to 15 MeV) and (1974HY01; 14.1 MeV). See also (1974AJ01, 1974CA1J, 1974KO35).

8. 9Be(n, p)9Li Qm = -12.825 Eb = 6.8118

Cross sections have been measured at En = 14.1, 14.5 and 14.9 MeV (1973AU1A, 1974AU01). See also (1974BO1E, 1976GAYV).

9. 9Be(n, d)8Li Qm = -14.663 Eb = 6.8118

The cross section for the (n, d) reaction has been measured for En = 16.3 to 18.7 MeV (1969SC05).

10. 9Be(n, t)7Li Qm = -10.439 Eb = 6.8118

The (n, t1) cross section has been measured for En = 13.3 to 15.0 MeV: at the lower energy it is 7.3 ± 0.7 mb (1976DI13). At En ≈ 22.5 MeV the cross section for triton production is 44 ± 12 mb (1978QA01). See also (1973BI1B, 1975BI07, 1977DR09).
11. 9Be(n, α)6He Qm = -0.600 Eb = 6.8118

The cross section for production of 6He shows a smooth rise to a broad maximum of 104 ± 7 mb at 3.0 MeV, followed by a gradual decrease to 70 mb at 4.4 MeV (1957ST95). From En = 3.9 to 8.6 MeV, the cross section decreases smoothly from 100 mb to 32 mb (1961BA53). At En = 14.4 MeV, the total cross section for the α0 transition is 11.7 ± 1.8 mb (1967PA03). Excitation functions have been measured for α0 and α1 for En = 12.2 to 18.0 MeV (1976SM02). See also (1974BO1E, 1974CA1J, 1976GAYV).

12. 9Be(p, π+)10Be Qm = -133.537

At Ep = 185 MeV the π+ spectrum shows groups corresponding to 10Be*(0, 3.37 ± 0.12, 6.07 ± 0.13, 7.39 ± 0.13, 9.31 ± 0.24, 11.75 ± 0.11). Angular distributions have been obtained for the π+ corresponding to these six states (1973DA09). Angular distributions are also reported at Ep-bar = 200 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.37) (1978AU07). See also reaction 3 in 10C.

13. 9Be(d, p)10Be Qm = 4.5872

Angular distributions of proton groups have been studied at many energies. Except at the lowest energies the stripping process appears to dominate. In addition to the earlier work [Ed = 0.3 to 15 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1974AJ01)] angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 0.15 to 2.50 MeV (1974CH1L; p0, p1), 0.6 to 2.7 MeV (1974FR02; p0, p1), 0.9 to 2.5 MeV (1974BO42, 1974BO45, 1974BO48; p0, p1), 0.9 to 3.1 MeV (1975ZW01; p0, p1: average S = 2.26 and 0.18), 17.3 MeV (1974AN27; p to 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 6.26, 7.37, 7.54, 11.76); S = 0.94, 0.17, 0.54, 0.36, 0.20 for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96 [2+], 7.37, 7.54)) and at Ed-bar = 15 MeV (1976DA15). In the latter experiment S = 2.1, 0.23 (jn = 3/2) and 0.12 (jn = 1/2), ≤ 1.0, 0.065 (jn = 5/2) and 0.132 (jn = 1/2), for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 6.26) (1976DA15). The angular distributions show ln = 1 transfer for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.958, 7.54), ln = 0 transfer for 10Be*(5.960, 6.26), ln = 2 transfer for 10Be*(7.37). 10Be*(6.18, 9.27, 9.4) are also populated, as are two states at Ex = 10.57 ± 0.03 and 11.76 ± 0.02 MeV (1974AN27). 10Be*(9.27, 9.4, 11.76) have Γc.m. = 150 ± 20, 291 ± 20 and 121 ± 10 keV (1974AN27).

Attempts to understand the γ-decay of 10Be*(5.96) and its population in 9Be(n, γ)10Be led to the discovery that it consisted of two states separated by 1.6 ± 0.5 keV. The lower of the two has Jπ = 2+ and decays primarily by a cascade transition via 10Be*(3.37) [it is the state fed in the 9Be(n, γ) decay]; the higher state has Jπ = 1- and goes mainly by a crossover to 10Beg.s.. Angular correlations measured with the γ-ray detector located normal to the reaction plane (≡ angular distributions) lead to ln values consistent with the assignments of 2+ and 1- for 10Be*(5.9658, 5.9660) obtained from the character of the γ-decay (1969RO12). 10Be*(6.18) decays primarily to 10Be*(3.37). Eγ = 219.4 ± 0.3 keV for the 6.18 → 5.96 transition (1969AL17). See Table 10.4 (in PDF or PS) for a listing of the information on radiative transitions obtained in this reaction (1969AL17, 1969RO12), and lifetime measurements (1966WA10, 1968FI09, 1969AL17). For (p, γ) correlations through 10Be*(3.37) see (1974AJ01) and (1975HU18, 1978AL25). For polarization measurements see 11B in (1975AJ02, 1980AJ01). See also (1977TE1A), (1978MC1F; applied) and (1977RI08; theor.).

14. 9Be(t, d)10Be Qm = 0.5545

See (1974AJ01).

15. 9Be(7Li, 6Li)10Be Qm = -0.439

Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 34 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.4): S = 2.07 and 0.42 (p1/2), 0.38 (p3/2) (1977KE09).

16. 9Be(18O, 17O)10Be Qm = -1.233

Angular distributions have been measured at E(18O) = 16 and 20 MeV (1971KN05).

17. (a) 10Be(p, p)10Be
(b) 10Be(d, d)10Be

Angular distributions of the p0 and p1 groups have been measured at Ep = 12.0 to 16.0 MeV. The elastically scattered deuterons have been studied at Ed = 12.0 and 15.0 MeV. B(E2) for the 10Be*(3.4) γ /→ 10Be(0) transition is 23.8 e2 · fm4 (from a comparison of the angular distributions with DWBA predictions) (1970AU02).

18. 10B(π-, γ)10Be Qm = 139.011

The total radiative capture branching ratio for stopped pions is (2.27 ± 0.22) %. The γ-spectrum is dominated by the transition to 10Be*(6.0) [Jπ = 2+] (1975BA52).

19. 10B(n, p)10Be Qm = 0.2265

See (1974AJ01).

20. 10B(p, pπ+)10Be Qm = -140.123

At Ep = 895 MeV, 10Be*(0, 3.4, 17.7) are populated (1977AS1D, 1977AS1E).

21. 10B(t, 3He)10Be Qm = -0.5373

Not reported.

22. 10B(7Li, 7Be)10Be Qm = -1.418

See (1977KO27).

23. 11B(γ, p)10Be Qm = -11.2287

Transitions to 10Be*(3.4) from upper region of the giant resonance in 11B are reported to be about twice as intense as those from the lower region (1971PA10): see 11B in (1975AJ02). Angular distributions of the p0 and p1 groups have been measured with Ebs = 18.5 MeV (1970SO03). The yield of the 3.37 MeV γ-ray has been measured for Ebs = 100 to 800 MeV (1975AD04). See also (1977BR1J).

24. 11B(n, d)10Be Qm = -9.0041

The angular distribution of the d0 group has been measured at En = 14.4 MeV (1968MI10, 1971MI12).

25. 11B(p, 2p)10Be Qm = -11.2287

Structure is observed in the summed proton spectrum corresponding to Q = -10.9 ± 0.35, -14.7 ± 0.4, -21.1 ± 0.4, -35 ± 1 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1966TY01) and 11B in (1975AJ02).
26. 11B(d, 3He)10Be Qm = -5.7352

Angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 11.8 and 22 MeV to 10Beg.s. [see (1974AJ01)] and at 52 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 9.60): S = 0.65, 2.03, 0.13, 1.19 (normalized to the theoretical value for the ground state); π = + for 10Be*(9.6) (1975SC41).

27. 11B(t, α)10Be Qm = 8.585

Angular distributions of α0 and α1 have been measured for Et = 1.0 to 2.1 MeV (1969SI12). The γ-decay of 10Be*(6.18) has been studied: see Table 10.4 (in PDF or PS) (1975WA06). See also (1977CI1A) and 14C in (1981AJ01).

28. 11B(12C, 13N)10Be Qm = -9.285

See (1974AN36).

29. 11B(14N, 15O)10Be Qm = -3.932

Angular distributions of the ground state transitions have been measured at E(14N) = 41, 77 and 113 MeV (1971LI11).

30. 12C(6Li, 8B)10Be Qm = -21.442

At E(6Li) = 80 MeV, 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 7.54, (9.4), 11.8) are populated and the angular distribution to 10Beg.s. has been measured (1976WE09, 1977WE1B, 1977WE03). See also (1974CE1A).

31. 12C(12C, 14O)10Be Qm = -20.616

See (1972SC21, 1974AN36) and 14O in (1976AJ04).

32. 12C(18O, 20Ne)10Be Qm = -6.348

See (1974BA15, 1975CO15) and 20Ne in (1978AJ03).

33. 13C(n, α)10Be Qm = -3.836

See (1974GO1J) and 14C in (1970AJ04).

34. 13C(11B, 14N)10Be Qm = -3.678

See (1974AN36).