10Be (1979AJ01)(See Energy Level Diagrams for 10Be) GENERAL: See also (1974AJ01) and Table 10.1 [Table of Energy Levels] (in PDF or PS). Shell model: (1977JA14). Cluster and α-particle models: (1977SE1D). Special levels: (1974IR04, 1976IR1B, 1977JA14). Electromagnetic transitions: (1976VO1C, 1977BO1V, 1977FL05). Astrophysical questions: (1973WE1D, 1974RA09, 1974SC1D, 1975GA1D, 1976DA1F, 1976FU1B, 1976GI1C, 1976LI1K, 1976PE1A, 1976RA1C, 1976SC1F, 1976SI1C, 1976VI1A, 1977AU1B, 1977DW1A, 1977GA1C, 1977HA1L, 1977MA1H, 1977WE1D, 1977WE1F, 1978BU1G, 1978ME1D, 1978YO1C). Special reactions: (1974FO22, 1974LA18, 1974RA09, 1975AB1D, 1975CO1E, 1975GR13, 1975KU01, 1975RA12, 1975RA14, 1975RA21, 1975ZE01, 1976BU16, 1976LE1F, 1976MI13, 1976OS04, 1976RA1C, 1976VA29, 1977AR06, 1977FE1B, 1977GO07, 1977MO1C, 1977ST1G, 1977YA1B, 1978GE1C, 1978GR1F, 1978WE1D). Muon capture and reactions: (1973MU1B, 1975KN1C, 1978DE15). Pion capture and reactions: (1974MI06, 1975BA52, 1975RE01, 1976NO1D, 1977AS1D, 1977BA1Q, 1977DO06, 1978BH01, 1978PE1D). Applied topics: (1976LI1K, 1977MU1B, 1978GU1F, 1978MU1C, 1978RA1E). Other topics: (1974CA1H, 1974IR04, 1976IR1B). Ground state properties: (1975BE31, 1976BE1G, 1977BA2E, 1977FL05).
The half-life of 10Be is (1.6 ± 0.2) × 106 y; log ft = 13.42: see (1974AJ01). The spectrum is of the D2 type (1950WU1A). See also (1973TA30, 1976BE1E) and (1975SZ03; theor.).
The yield of γ0 and γ1 has been studied for Et = 0.5 to 3.0 MeV (1973BL1B; unpublished): see (1974AJ01) and for Et = 0.4 to 1.1 MeV (1978SU02) [10Be*(17.79) is said to be involved]. The neutron yield exhibits a weak structure at Et = 0.24 MeV and broad resonances at Et ≈ 0.77 MeV [Γ = 160 ± 50 keV] and 1.74 MeV (1960SE12, 1961VA43, 1962SE1A). Studies of reaction (c) have suggested the formation of the T = 2 state in 10Be but they have not been published: see (1974AJ01). For reaction (d) see (1974AJ01). For reaction (e) see (1975CI1B; σ for α0; Et = 75 to 400 keV) and (1966LA04). See also (1977SU1B). For total breakup into neutrons and α-particles see (1975JE04). See also (1975FO19; astrophys.). See also 6He and 9Li.
Angular distributions have been measured at Eα = 30 MeV (1960KL03, 1972ME07; p0, p1) and 50 MeV (1975BU27; p to 10Be*(3.4, 6.0, 7.5, 10.7, 12.0, 17.8, 18.8)).
Angular distributions are reported for E(7Li) = 2.1 to 5.75 MeV (1969CA1A; α1, α2+3+4+5), 3.5 to 5.75 MeV (1969CA1A; α0) and 30.3 MeV (1971GL07; α-groups to 10Be*(0, 3.4, 6.0, 7.4, 9.4, 10.7, 11.9, 17.9)). (1971GL07) also report an α-group corresponding to 10Be*(18.8). See also (1973OG1A, 1978KA1H) and 14C in (1976AJ04).
The thermal capture section is 9.2 ± 1.0 mb (1973MU14). Reported γ-ray transitions are displayed in Table 10.2 (in PDF or PS). See also (1978DU1E; applications).
The cross-section data are summarized in (1976GAYV). Recent measurements of the total cross section have been carried out at En = 0.002 to 0.3 eV (1975KA1F; as a function of the temperature of the Be sample), 0.5 to 20.0 MeV (1974SC1C), 1.5 to 14 MeV (1976AU1D), 5.9, 10.1 and 14.2 MeV (1977DR09; also σel), 20.7 to 43.9 MeV (1974BU05; several energies), 900 to 2600 MeV/c (1973SC01) and 34 to 273 GeV/c (1974JO13, 1975MU1B). Differential elastic cross sections have been measured for En = 7 to 15 MeV by (1976BI1B, 1976HO1B). See also 9Be and (1974AJ01). The coherent scattering length (thermal, unbound) is 7.74 ± 0.10 fm (1973MU14). Five resonances are reported in the total cross section at En = 0.63, 0.82, 2.73, (2.85) and 4.3 MeV; see Table 10.3 (in PDF or PS). Polarization and differential cross sections are reported for En = 0.2 to 2 MeV by (1961LA1A, 1962EL01, 1964LA04). Analysis of these data leads to the 3-, 2+ assignments for 10Be*(7.37, 7.55) (1964LA04). Below En = 0.5 MeV the scattering cross section reflects the effect of bound 1- and 2- states, presumably 10Be*(5.960, 6.26). There is also indication of interference with s-wave background and with a broad l = 1, Jπ = 3+ state (1964LA04). The structure at En = 2.73 MeV is ascribed to two levels: a broad state at about 2.85 MeV with Jπ = 2+, and a narrow one, Γ ≈ 100 keV, at En = 2.73 MeV with a probable assignment of Jπ = 4- (1951BO45, 1966SC16). The 4- assignment results from a study of the polarization of the n0 group at En = 2.60 to 2.77 MeV. A rapid variation of the polarization over this interval is observed, and the data are consistent with 4- (l = 2) for 10Be*(9.27) (1966SC16). A weak dip at En ≈ 4.3 MeV is ascribed to a level with J ≥ 1 (1961FO07). The analyzing power has been measured for En-bar = 1.6 to 4.8 MeV (1975HO01). See also (1974HE1E), (1975HO1F, 1975RO1G) and (1978BY1B; theor.).
Data on inelastic and non-elastic cross sections are summarized by (1976GAYV); the non-elastic and the (n, 2n) cross sections rise rapidly to ≈ 0.6 b (≈ 0.5 b for (n, 2n)) at En ≈ 3.5 MeV and then stay approximately constant to En = 15 MeV. Cross sections for reaction (a) [to 9Be*(2.4)] and (b) are also reported by (1977DR09; En = 5.9, 10.1 and 14.2 MeV) and for reactions (b) and (c) by (1976VE1A; En = 14.7 to 24.0 MeV). Inelastic and non-elastic cross sections are also reported by (1974WE11; 2.46 to 3.92 MeV), (1976BI1B, 1976HO1B; En = 7 to 15 MeV) and (1974HY01; 14.1 MeV). See also (1974AJ01, 1974CA1J, 1974KO35).
Cross sections have been measured at En = 14.1, 14.5 and 14.9 MeV (1973AU1A, 1974AU01). See also (1974BO1E, 1976GAYV).
The cross section for the (n, d) reaction has been measured for En = 16.3 to 18.7 MeV (1969SC05).
The (n, t1) cross section has been measured for En = 13.3 to 15.0 MeV: at the lower energy it is 7.3 ± 0.7 mb (1976DI13). At En ≈ 22.5 MeV the cross section for triton production is 44 ± 12 mb (1978QA01). See also (1973BI1B, 1975BI07, 1977DR09).
The cross section for production of 6He shows a smooth rise to a broad maximum of 104 ± 7 mb at 3.0 MeV, followed by a gradual decrease to 70 mb at 4.4 MeV (1957ST95). From En = 3.9 to 8.6 MeV, the cross section decreases smoothly from 100 mb to 32 mb (1961BA53). At En = 14.4 MeV, the total cross section for the α0 transition is 11.7 ± 1.8 mb (1967PA03). Excitation functions have been measured for α0 and α1 for En = 12.2 to 18.0 MeV (1976SM02). See also (1974BO1E, 1974CA1J, 1976GAYV).
At Ep = 185 MeV the π+ spectrum shows groups corresponding to 10Be*(0, 3.37 ± 0.12, 6.07 ± 0.13, 7.39 ± 0.13, 9.31 ± 0.24, 11.75 ± 0.11). Angular distributions have been obtained for the π+ corresponding to these six states (1973DA09). Angular distributions are also reported at Ep-bar = 200 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.37) (1978AU07). See also reaction 3 in 10C.
Angular distributions of proton groups have been studied at many energies. Except at the lowest energies the stripping process appears to dominate. In addition to the earlier work [Ed = 0.3 to 15 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1974AJ01)] angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 0.15 to 2.50 MeV (1974CH1L; p0, p1), 0.6 to 2.7 MeV (1974FR02; p0, p1), 0.9 to 2.5 MeV (1974BO42, 1974BO45, 1974BO48; p0, p1), 0.9 to 3.1 MeV (1975ZW01; p0, p1: average S = 2.26 and 0.18), 17.3 MeV (1974AN27; p to 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 6.26, 7.37, 7.54, 11.76); S = 0.94, 0.17, 0.54, 0.36, 0.20 for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96 [2+], 7.37, 7.54)) and at Ed-bar = 15 MeV (1976DA15). In the latter experiment S = 2.1, 0.23 (jn = 3/2) and 0.12 (jn = 1/2), ≤ 1.0, 0.065 (jn = 5/2) and 0.132 (jn = 1/2), for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 6.26) (1976DA15). The angular distributions show ln = 1 transfer for 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.958, 7.54), ln = 0 transfer for 10Be*(5.960, 6.26), ln = 2 transfer for 10Be*(7.37). 10Be*(6.18, 9.27, 9.4) are also populated, as are two states at Ex = 10.57 ± 0.03 and 11.76 ± 0.02 MeV (1974AN27). 10Be*(9.27, 9.4, 11.76) have Γc.m. = 150 ± 20, 291 ± 20 and 121 ± 10 keV (1974AN27). Attempts to understand the γ-decay of 10Be*(5.96) and its population in 9Be(n, γ)10Be led to the discovery that it consisted of two states separated by 1.6 ± 0.5 keV. The lower of the two has Jπ = 2+ and decays primarily by a cascade transition via 10Be*(3.37) [it is the state fed in the 9Be(n, γ) decay]; the higher state has Jπ = 1- and goes mainly by a crossover to 10Beg.s.. Angular correlations measured with the γ-ray detector located normal to the reaction plane (≡ angular distributions) lead to ln values consistent with the assignments of 2+ and 1- for 10Be*(5.9658, 5.9660) obtained from the character of the γ-decay (1969RO12). 10Be*(6.18) decays primarily to 10Be*(3.37). Eγ = 219.4 ± 0.3 keV for the 6.18 → 5.96 transition (1969AL17). See Table 10.4 (in PDF or PS) for a listing of the information on radiative transitions obtained in this reaction (1969AL17, 1969RO12), and lifetime measurements (1966WA10, 1968FI09, 1969AL17). For (p, γ) correlations through 10Be*(3.37) see (1974AJ01) and (1975HU18, 1978AL25). For polarization measurements see 11B in (1975AJ02, 1980AJ01). See also (1977TE1A), (1978MC1F; applied) and (1977RI08; theor.).
See (1974AJ01).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(7Li) = 34 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.4): S = 2.07 and 0.42 (p1/2), 0.38 (p3/2) (1977KE09).
Angular distributions have been measured at E(18O) = 16 and 20 MeV (1971KN05).
Angular distributions of the p0 and p1 groups have been measured at Ep = 12.0 to 16.0 MeV. The elastically scattered deuterons have been studied at Ed = 12.0 and 15.0 MeV. B(E2) for the 10Be*(3.4) γ /→ 10Be(0) transition is 23.8 e2 · fm4 (from a comparison of the angular distributions with DWBA predictions) (1970AU02).
The total radiative capture branching ratio for stopped pions is (2.27 ± 0.22) %. The γ-spectrum is dominated by the transition to 10Be*(6.0) [Jπ = 2+] (1975BA52).
See (1974AJ01).
At Ep = 895 MeV, 10Be*(0, 3.4, 17.7) are populated (1977AS1D, 1977AS1E).
Not reported.
See (1977KO27).
Transitions to 10Be*(3.4) from upper region of the giant resonance in 11B are reported to be about twice as intense as those from the lower region (1971PA10): see 11B in (1975AJ02). Angular distributions of the p0 and p1 groups have been measured with Ebs = 18.5 MeV (1970SO03). The yield of the 3.37 MeV γ-ray has been measured for Ebs = 100 to 800 MeV (1975AD04). See also (1977BR1J).
The angular distribution of the d0 group has been measured at En = 14.4 MeV (1968MI10, 1971MI12).
Structure is observed in the summed proton spectrum corresponding to Q = -10.9 ± 0.35, -14.7 ± 0.4, -21.1 ± 0.4, -35 ± 1 MeV: see (1966LA04, 1966TY01) and 11B in (1975AJ02).
Angular distributions have been measured at Ed = 11.8 and 22 MeV to 10Beg.s. [see (1974AJ01)] and at 52 MeV to 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 9.60): S = 0.65, 2.03, 0.13, 1.19 (normalized to the theoretical value for the ground state); π = + for 10Be*(9.6) (1975SC41).
Angular distributions of α0 and α1 have been measured for Et = 1.0 to 2.1 MeV (1969SI12). The γ-decay of 10Be*(6.18) has been studied: see Table 10.4 (in PDF or PS) (1975WA06). See also (1977CI1A) and 14C in (1981AJ01).
See (1974AN36).
Angular distributions of the ground state transitions have been measured at E(14N) = 41, 77 and 113 MeV (1971LI11).
At E(6Li) = 80 MeV, 10Be*(0, 3.37, 5.96, 7.54, (9.4), 11.8) are populated and the angular distribution to 10Beg.s. has been measured (1976WE09, 1977WE1B, 1977WE03). See also (1974CE1A).
See (1972SC21, 1974AN36) and 14O in (1976AJ04).
See (1974BA15, 1975CO15) and 20Ne in (1978AJ03).
See (1974GO1J) and 14C in (1970AJ04).
See (1974AN36).