
β- Decay Evaluated Data

1946SO05: 6He.
1947CA15: 6He.
1948KN13: 6He.
1949HO24: 6He; measured T1/2.
1952SH44: 6He; measured T1/2.
1952WU22: 6He.
1953BA04: 6He.
1954KL36: 6He.
1955RU06: 6He.
1956SC40: 6He.
1956VE10: 6He; measured T1/2.
1958HE46: 6He.
1962BI14: 6He; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1962MA38: 6He; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1963JO15: 6He; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1963VI06: 6He; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
1974WI14: 6He; measured T1/2; deduced ft values, GT matrix elements.
1978RO01: 6He deduced mass excess.
1979GA20: 6He; measured β-decay T1/2.
1981BA58: 6He; measured T1/2.
1982AL17: 6He; measured β-decay T1/2.
1986RO27: 6He(β-); measured T1/2.
1990HA29: 6He(β-); compiled decay data; compiled Gamow-Teller strength function data.
1990RI01: 6He(β-); measured dα-coin following β-delayed deuteron emission; deduced branching ratio. 6Li levels deduced Gamow-Teller transition strength.
1991BO31: 6He; measured continuum particle spectra following β-decay; deduced log ft, Gamow-Teller transition strength, level width, di-neutron, neutron halo roles.
1993BO24: 6He(β-); measured β-delayed deuteron spectrum; deduced branching ratio.
1994JO04: 6He(β-); compiled, reviewed β-decay data; deduced halo role.
2002AN06: 6He(β-); measured Eβ, β-delayed deuteron spectra, dα-coin, T1/2; deduced branching ratio.
2003MU09: 6He(β-); measured Eβ, T1/2. Magneto-optical trap for charge radius measurement.
2005SM04: 6He(β-); measured β-delayed deuteron and α spectra; deduced branching ratio.
2009RA33: 6He(β-); measured β- and, α+d spectra, half-life, and transition probability as function of the center-of-mass energy for the α+d branch of the decay of 6He; deduced α+d branching ratio.
2009RA33: 6He(β-); measured β- and, α+d spectra, half-life, and transition probability as function of the center-of-mass energy for the α+d branch of the decay of 6He; deduced α+d branching ratio.
2011FL03: 6He(β-); measured recoil nuclei, Eβ, Iβ, β-recoil coin.; deduced β-ν correlation coefficient.
2011RA16: 6He(β-); measured decay products; deduced neutron halo.
2011VE07: 6He(β-); measured recoil ions, Eβ, Iβ; deduced β-ν angular correlation coefficients.
2012KN01, 2012KN02, : 6He(β-); measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ, ββ-coin, T1/2; deduced log ft, Gamow-Teller matrix element.
2015PF01: 6He(β-); measured Eβ, Eα, Ed, E(α+d); deduced position distribution of 6He decay events, α+d decay branching ratio, transition probability of α+d branch.
2016HU07: 6He(β-); measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ; deduced β-spectrum.
2017HO25: 6He(β-); measured Eβ, Iβ, TOF; deduced 6Li ion charge fractions.
2018GA35: 6He(β-); analyzed available data.

Measured Half-life of 6He(β-)6Li

Recommended value (April 23, 2024):       807.11 ± 0.19 ms: the weighted average of (2012KN01, 2012KN02) and (2022Ka42)
Summary Table of Uncertainty Analysis:       Table 06He preview (PDF) Summary Chart of All Values: Table 06He preview (PDF)  
Measured values:     807.25 ± 0.16 (stat.) ± 0.11 (sys.) ms (2022Ka42)
806.89+0.25-0.22 ms (2012KN01, 2012KN02)
801 ± 10 ms (2009RA33)
810 ± 8 ms   (2002AN06)
805.4 ± 2.0 ms   (1982AL17)
798.1 ± 1.0 ms   (1981BA58)
808.1 ± 2.0 ms   (1974WI14)
830 ± 20 ms (1963VI06)
862 ± 17 ms (1962MA38)
797 ± 3 ms   (1962BI14)
830 ± 20 ms (1958HE46)
852 ± 16 ms (1956VE10)
850 ± 30 ms (1955RU06)
799 ± 3 ms   (1954KL36)
830 ± 30 ms (1953BA04)
840 ± 30 ms (1952VE1A)
860 ± 30 ms (1952SH44)
823 ± 13 ms (1949HO24)
820 ± 60 ms (1948KN13)
870 ± 60 ms (1947CA15)
850 ± 50 ms (1946SO05)
            Note: From October 2023 until April 23, 2024, the recommended half-life of 6He was posted here as 807.19+0.14-0.13 ms. This value was wrong and was mistakenly computed assuming a weighted average of T1/2 = 806.89+0.25-0.22 ms from (2012KN01, 2012KN02) and an erroneous value of T1/2 = 807.25 +0.16-0.11 ms from (2022Ka42).
Previous Measurements


Eβ(max) (MeV) log ft
(1952WU22)   3.5 ± 0.05 (1952KI1A) 2.94
(1956SC40) 3.50 ± 0.02 (1959AJ76) 2.92
(1963JO15) 3.508 ± 0.004 (1966BA1A) 2.904
(1963VI06) 3.508 ± 0.015 a 2.911 ± 0.003
    (1974WI14, 1978RO01) 2.910 ± 0.002
a) D.E. Alburger and D.H. Wilkinson, private communications to Fay Ajzenberg-Selove (1974AJ01).
Branching Ratio of 6He(β-d)α
(1990RI01) (2.8 ± 0.5) × 10-6
(1993BO24) (7.6 ± 0.6) × 10-6
(2002AN06) (2.6 ± 1.3) × 10-6
(2005SM04) (1.7 ± 0.4) × 10-6
(2009RA33) (1.65 ± 0.10) × 10-6
(2015PF01) (2.78 ± 0.07(stat) ± 0.17(sys)) × 10-6

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Last modified: 23 April 2023