9Li General Table
Shell Model:
- 1988VA03:
Static moments and phenomenological interactions
- 1990HO01:
Shell-model study of light neutron-rich nuclei
- 1990WO10:
p-shell nuclei in a (0 + 2)ℏω Model Space. II. Results
- 1992GO17:
Hartree-Fock shell model structure of Li and Be isotopes
- 1993PO11:
Properties of exotic light nuclei
- 1994NA02:
E2 properties of nuclei far from stability and the proton-halo problem of 8B
- 1996SH13:
Simple model of neutron 'halo nuclei'
- 1997SU12:
Gamow-Teller transitions from 11Li and 12Be
- 1998HU08:
Anomalous p-shell isoscalar magnetic moments: remeasurement of 9C and the influence of isospin nonconservation
- 1998NA17:
Large-basis shell-model calculations for p-shell nuclei
- 1999KI27:
Shell model calculation of magnetic moments of mirror nuclei (A = 8 - 13)
- 1999KI28:
Shell model study of the quadrupole moments in light mirror nuclei
- 2000KA04:
Alternative evaluations of halos in nuclei
- 2000KO23:
Single-particle potentials for spherical nuclei
- 2000SU02:
Shell-model study of electric dipole and spin-dipole strengths in 11Li
- 2003SU04: Gamow-Teller transitions and
magnetic properties of nuclei and shell evolution
- 2003UM02: Shell model study on E2 effective
charges in light neutron-rich nuclei
- 2004MI52: Proton-neutron coupling in the Gamow shell model:
The lithium chain
Cluster Model:
- 1994FI14:
Three-Cluster Model of 9Li nucleus
- 1995FI07:
Three-cluster approximation in the algebraic version of the resonating-group method: The ground state of the 9Li nucleus
- 1995VA18:
Microscopic multicluster description of the 7Li - 7Be, 8Li - 8B and 9Li - 9C mirror nuclei
- 1995VA31:
Microscopic four-cluster description of the mirror nuclei 9Li and 9C
- 1996AR05:
Structure of the mirror nuclei 9Be and 9B in a microscopic cluster model
- 1996WU01:
Microscopic multi-channel calculations for the 10Li system
- 1997DE49:
Simultaneous study of the 11Li and 10Li nuclei in a microscopic cluster model
- 1997VA05:
Microscopic description of light unstable nuclei with the stochastic variational method
- 2002HI15: Four-body cluster structure of A = 7 - 10
double-Λ hypernuclei
- 2002MY01: Extended 9Li + n + n three-body model of 11Li
with a pairing correlation in 9Li
- 2002PA15: Two-Body correlations in N = 8 and 10 nuclei and
effective neutron-neutron interactions in Tamm-Dancoff and Two-Particle Random Phase Approximation models
- 2002PI06: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
- 2002PI19: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A = 9, 10 nuclei
- 2002SU30: Study of light exotic nuclei with a Stochastic variational method: Application to lithium isotopes
- 2002VA19: Microscopic multicluster model of 9,10,11Li
- 2004NA35: Cluster form factor calculation in the ab initio
no-core shell model
- 2004TO14: Cluster transformation coefficients in many-body
nuclear physics
- 1990SA41:
Sum rule approach to decoupled giant dipole state
- 1995KI25:
Relativistic calculation of two-body correlations in neutron-rich light nuclei
- 1996KN02:
Microscopic potentials for the interaction of neutron-rich lithium isotopes with nuclei
- 1996ME16:
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the neutron halo in 11Li
- 1996SH12:
Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation on He, Li and Be Isotopes
- 1997BA23:
Neutron halo in light nuclei
- 1997BA54:
Microscopic study of the ground state properties of light nuclei
- 1997ME11:
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the Lithium isotopes
- 1997PO12:
Coulomb energies of light nuclei
- 1997SI10:
Theoretical investigation of electric quadrupole moments of nuclei
- 1997SI34:
Current electric quadrupole moments for some nuclei
- 1997VA05:
Microscopic description of light unstable nuclei with the Stochastic Variational Method
- 1998RI12:
Relativistic theory of drip-line nuclei
- 1998SU18:
Stochastic Variational Method for light unstable nuclei
- 1999KN04:
Interaction cross sections and structure of light exotic nuclei
Ground State Properties:
- 1987HA30:
The neutron halo of extremely neutron-rich nuclei
- 1989BE03:
High-energy reaction cross sections of light nuclei
- 1992LA13:
Influence of the separation energy on the radius of neutron rich nuclei
- 1994BU25:
A microscopic description of neutron-rich lithium isotopes
- 1994HO21:
Neutron-rich nuclei studied with AMD
- 1994MC07:
Does the ground-state resonance of 10Li overlap neutron threshold?
- 1995BE26:
Probing the ground-state and transition densities of halo nuclei
- 1995CH34:
Correlations in a many-body calculation of 11Li
- 1995FI07:
Three-cluster approximation in the algebraic version of the resonating-group method: The ground state of the 9Li nucleus
- 1995HO13:
Light neutron-rich nuclei studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
- 1995KA22:
Structure of Li and Be isotopes studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
- 1995KI25:
Relativistic calculation of two-body correlations in neutron-rich light nuclei
- 1995VA18:
Microscopic multicluster description of the 7Li - 7Be, 8Li - 8B and 9Li - 9C mirror nuclei
- 1995VA31:
Microscopic four-cluster description of the mirror nuclei 9Li and 9C
- 1996AR05:
Structure of the mirror nuclei 9Be and 9B in a microscopic cluster model
- 1996KA14:
Magnetic moments of C isotopes studied with antisymmetrized, molecular dynamics
- 1996ME16:
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the neutron halo in 11Li
- 1996SH12:
Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation on He, Li and Be Isotopes
- 1996SH13:
Simple model of neutron 'halo nuclei'
- 1997BA54:
Microscopic study of the ground state properties of light nuclei
- 1997PO12:
Coulomb energies of light nuclei
- 1997SI10:
Theoretical investigation of electric quadrupole moments of nuclei
- 1997SI34:
Current electric quadrupole moments for some nuclei
- 1998HU08:
Anomalous p-shell isoscalar magnetic moments: remeasurement of 9C
and the influence of isospin nonconservation
- 1999KN04:
Interaction cross sections and structure of light exotic nuclei
- 2000BH09:
Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
- 2000YA05:
Lithium isotope shifts as a measure of nuclear size
- 2001BH02:
Nuclear densities of Li isotopes
- 2002PI06: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
- 2002PI19: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A = 9, 10 nuclei
- 2002SU30: Study of light exotic nuclei with a Stochastic variational method: Application to lithium isotopes
- 2002VA19: Microscopic multicluster model of 9,10,11Li
- 2002WI19: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
- 2003EG03: Probing the halo structure of exotic nuclei by direct
reactions with radioactive beams
- 2004AL09: Matter density distributions and radii of light exotic nuclei from
intermediate-energy proton elastic scattering and from interaction cross sections
- 2004EW02: Nuclear charge radii of 8,9Li
determined by laser spectroscopy
- 2004TO14: Cluster transformation coefficients in many-body
nuclear physics
- 2004UT02: Anomalous magnetic moment of 9C and
shell quenching in exotic nuclei
- 2004YA05: Radii in weakly-bound light halo nuclei
Special States:
- 1987HA30:
The neutron halo of extremely neutron-rich nuclei
- 1991AL13:
Elastic scattering of protons from 11Li and the neutron halo
- 1995BE26:
Probing the ground-state and transition densities of halo nuclei
- 1996SH13:
Simple model of neutron 'halo nuclei'
- 1997BA23:
Neutron halo in light nuclei
- 1997KA32:
Root-mean-square radii of light atomic nuclei: neutron skin
- 1997ME11:
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the Lithium isotopes
- 1997SU12:
Gamow-Teller transitions from 11Li and 12Be
- 2000BH09:
Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
- 2002HI15: Four-body cluster structure of A = 7 - 10
double-Λ hypernuclei
- 2003RO07: T = 5/2 states in 9Li: Isobaric
analog states of 9He
Other Model Calculations:
- 1987HA30:
The neutron halo of extremely neutron-rich nuclei
- 1989BE03:
High-energy reaction cross sections of light nuclei
- 1990BA06:
Neutron-rich light nuclei
- 1990LO10:
On the size of light nuclei
- 1991AL13:
Elastic scattering of protons from 11Li and the neutron halo
- 1991BO02:
Meson exchange current effects on magnetic dipole moments of p-shell nuclei
- 1991KO36:
Neutron halo in lithium nuclei: A relativistic mean-field approach
- 1993HI04:
Proton elastic scattering with 9Li and 11Li and its halo structure
- 1993KO44:
Description of proton elastic scattering on 6,7,9,11Li with microscopic effective interaction
- 1994HO21:
Neutron-rich nuclei studied with AMD
- 1994MC07:
Does the ground-state resonance of 10Li overlap neutron threshold?
- 1995CH34:
Correlations in a many-body calculation of 11Li
- 1995HO13:
Light neutron-rich nuclei studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
- 1995KA22:
Structure of Li and Be isotopes studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
- 1996KA14:
Magnetic moments of C isotopes studied with antisymmetrized, molecular dynamics
- 1997HO04:
Structure of light exotic nuclei studied with AMD model
- 1997KA25:
Opposite deformations between protons and neutrons in proton-rich C isotopes
- 1997KA32:
Root-mean-square radii of light atomic nuclei: neutron skin
- 2000BH09:
Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
- 2000KA04:
Alternative evaluations of halos in nuclei
- 2000TO11:
Matter and charge distributions of 6He and 5,6,7,9Li within the Dynamic-Correlation Model
- 2000YA05:
Lithium isotope shifts as a measure of nuclear size
- 2001BH02:
Nuclear densities of Li isotopes
- 2002AL25: Structure and reactions of halo nuclei: An entangled approach
- 2002DE61: Nuclear algebraic geometry and SO(10)
- 2002KO67: Microscopic Hamiltonian of 9Li and
10Be and the SU(3) basis
- 2002SA26: Structure functions of unstable lithium isotopes
- 2002TO21: Systematic model calculations of the hyperfine structure
in light and heavy ions
- 2002WI19: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
- 2003MO12: Low-energy direct capture in the
8Li(n, γ)9Li and 8B(p, γ)9C reactions
- 2003SU28: New aspects of spin degrees of freedom in nuclei
- 2003VI10: Two-body correlations in halo nuclei and
effective interactions
- 2004UT02: Anomalous magnetic moment of 9C and
shell quenching in exotic nuclei
- 2004WA30: New treatment of the chiral SU(3)
quark mean field model
Complex Reactions:
- 1996KN02:
Microscopic potentials for the interaction of neutron-rich lithium isotopes with nuclei
- 1997SU12:
Gamow-Teller transitions from 11Li and 12Be
- 2003PR11: Large asymmetry in the strongest
β-transition for A = 9
- 2003SM02: On the asymmetry of Gamow-Teller
β-decay rates in mirror nuclei in relation with second-class currents
- 2003SU04: Gamow-Teller transitions and
magnetic properties of nuclei and shell evolution
- 2003SU28: New aspects of spin degrees of freedom in nuclei
- 2004BO22: Asymmetry in the super-allowed
β-transitions of the A = 9 isobars
- 2004PR11: The β-decay of 9Li to the high
lying states in 9Be
- 1987GA08:
Comparison of α-particle and 3He multiplicities from proton and π- induced reactions
- 1987GA11:
Nuclear reactions induced by π- at rest
- 2002PI06: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
- 1998MU17:
Inclusive muon capture in light nuclei
- 2001FI08:
Soft dipole mode in the 11Li nucleus within the asymptotic-potential approximation
- 2003HO22: Measurements of astrophysical neutron capture
cross sections via the inverse reaction
Elastic and Inelastic Scattering:
- 1993HI04:
Proton elastic scattering with 9Li and 11Li and its halo structure
- 1993KO44:
Description of proton elastic scattering on 6,7,9,11Li with microscopic effective interaction
- 1994CH07:
Density distribution of 11Li and proton elastic scattering from 9Li and 11Li
- 1998DO16:
Microscopic model aalyses of the elastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from targets of diverse mass
- 2002EG02: Nuclear-matter distributions of halo
nuclei from elastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics
- 2004GO22: Resonance scattering 8He + p and
T = 5/2 states in 9Li
- 2004RO42: Structure of exotic 7He and 9He
Electromagnetic Transitions:
- 1990SA41:
Sum rule approach to decoupled giant dipole state
- 1992BE40:
Multipole response of 11Li
- 1991MA04:
The 8Li(n, γ)9Li reaction and primordial nucleosynthesis
- 1999BE46:
The astrophysical reaction 8Li(n, γ)9Li from measurements by reverse kinematics
- 2003HO22: Measurements of astrophysical neutron capture
cross sections via the inverse reaction
- 2003KO07: Astrophysical reaction rate for the
8Li(n, γ)9Li reaction
- 2003MO12: Low-energy direct capture in the
8Li(n, γ)9Li and 8B(p, γ)9C reactions
- 1999NE07:
Quark Pauli effects on the binding energies of s-shell Λ hypernuclei
- 2002BE09: Nuclei, superheavy nuclei, and hypermatter in a chiral SU(3) model
- 2002PO13: Proton and Λ-hyperon binding energies in light
- 2002WA11: Multi-strange hadronic systems in chiral SU(3) Quark Mean Field model
- 2004HI01: Theoretical prediction to double
Λ hypernuclear spectroscopy with antiprotons
- 2004HI09: Few-body aspects of light hypernuclei
- 2004HI11: Clustering aspects of light hypernuclei
Last modified: 31 May 2017