7Li General Table - General
- 1988AJ1C: Status of nuclear physics with light nuclei
- 1988CA26: Review of thermonuclear reaction rates
- 1989AJ1A: The light nuclei: What is known and what is not
- 1989RA17: Review of nuclear moments
- 1993CU01: Giant resonances in low-energy heavy-ion reactions
- 1993EN03: Strengths of γ-ray transitions in A = 5 - 44 nuclei
- 1993NAZV: Masses of nuclei in the region A = 4 - 16 in the INM model
- 1994TE02: Total nucl. photoabsorption cross sections for nuclei in the range 0.2 - 1.0 GeV
Ground-State Properties:
- 1987LA1J: On the atomic weight of lithium
- 1987LI1J: Longitudinal and transverse form factors of 7Li at high momentum transfer
- 1987RO24: Charge form factors for 7Li and 7Be
- 1988DI1B: An accurate determ. of the nucl. quadrupole moment of Li from molecular data
- 1988VA03: Static moments and phenomenological interactions
- 1989BA80: Static and dynamic moments of the 7Li nucleus
- 1989LI09: High momentum transfer form factors of the 7Li ground-state doublet
- 1990MO25: Structure functions: Moments and A dependence
- 1991VO06: The electric moments of 7Li from Coulomb scattering
- 1992PY1A: High precision calc. of the nucl. quadrupole moments of the 20 first elements
- 1992WA37: Electromagnetic 7Li form factors including meson-exchange contrib.
- 1996AF06: Electromagnetic structure of 7Li and 7Be nuclei
- 1997SI10: Theoretical investigation of electric quadrupole moments of nuclei
- 1997SI34: Current electric quadrupole moments for some nuclei
Shell Model:
- 1987KN04: Reactions leading to 7,8Li systems, shell model and R-matrix calc.
- 1987KW01: One-nucleon spectroscopic amplitudes for excited states of 1p-shell nuclei
- 1988POZS: A shell model study of light exotic nuclei
- 1988WO04: An expansion of the shell-model space for light nuclei
- 1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei
- 1990BR1S: Shell model calculations for light nuclei
- 1990HO01: Shell model study of light neutron-rich nuclei
- 1990SK05: The effective interaction in the p-shell
- 1990WO09: p-shell nuclei in a (0+2)ℏω model space: Method
- 1990WO10: p-shell nuclei in an (0+2)ℏω model space: Results
- 1992BO30: Large-basis space and mesonic effects on the 7Li form factors
- 1992GO17: Hartree-Fock shell model structure of Li and Be isotopes
- 1992HE21: Nuclear moments as a test of the shell-model and collective model
- 1992WA22: Effective interactions for the 1p2s1d nuclear shell-model space
- 1993GO03: Shell-model description of nuclei with 4 ≤ A ≤ 16 using Skyrme forces
- 1993NAZX: Research on unstable nuclei by shell model calculation over cross-shell
- 1993PO11: Properties of exotic light nuclei in a shell model
- 1993SK05: Determination of dipole polarization effects in 7Li and 11Li
- 1993ZH17: Isospin selection rules and widths of highly-excited states of light nuclei
- 1993ZH15: Microscopic calculations of the spectra of light nuclei
- 1995DA1J: Studies of some exotic prop. of 6-11Li nuclei in the framework of the shell model
- 1995ZH32: Shell model studies of light nucl. with a multivalued G-matrix effective interaction
- 1996CS01: Comment on "Large-space shell-model calculations for light nuclei"
- 1997DU15: Electromagnetic effects in light nuclei and the cluster potential model
- 1997KA24: Shell model structures of low-lying excited states in 6,7Li
- 1997ME11: Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the Lithium isotopes
- 1998NA17: Large-basis shell-model calculations for p-shell nuclei
Cluster Model:
- 1987LE33: Clusters and reactions
- 1987TA1C: Microscopic cluster theory in nuclear physics
- 1987TA06: Microscopic cluster theory for nuclear systems
- 1987ZH1E: Reduced E2 transition probabilities for the cluster states of 6Li and 7Li
- 1988IS1C: Potential description of the scattering of the lightest clusters
- 1988NE1C: Possibility of observing weak neutral currents in light clustering nuclei
- 1988XU03: E2 transitions for 3H - α cluster states of 7Li with resonating group method
- 1989CH34: Study of 3H+α and 3He+α scattering lengths
- 1989FI1E: Microscopic theory of collective resonances of light nuclei
- 1990AL16: Widths of the positive parity states in 7Li for the (α+t) channel
- 1990MU10: Microscopic calc. of nucleon-separation vertex constants for 1p-shell nuclei
- 1991AR22: Spin modes of electroexcitation of the 7Li nucleus
- 1991DA07: Study of 6Li+n clustering of 7Li in the 1H(7Li, d) reaction
- 1991UN01: 7Li form factors in a microscopic cluster calculation
- 1993DE30: Microscopic models for nuclear reaction rates
- 1993DU02: Potential description of cluster channels of lithium nuclei
- 1993KO44: Microscopic effective interaction interpretation of proton elastic scattering on 6,7,9,11Li
- 1994BA24: Realistic microscopic calculations for the light nuclei A = 2 - 7
- 1994BU25: A microscopic description of neutron-rich lithium isotopes
- 1994DU07: Coulomb form factors of Lithium nuclei in a cluster model with forbidden states
- 1994NO06: Cluster-model calc. of quadrupole effects in pion scattering from 7Li
- 1994WE16: 6Li inelastic form factors in cluster models
- 1995MI16: 4H clustering in lithium nuclei
- 1995VA18:
Microscopic multicluster description of the 7Li - 7Be, 8Li - 8B, 9Li - 9C mirror nuclei
- 1997BA54: Microscopic study of the ground state properties of light nuclei
- 1997SUZS: Occupation probability of harmonic-oscillator quanta for microscopic cluster-model wave
- 1998TI13: Nucl. vertex const. for virtual 7Li to α+t and 7Be to α+3He decay
- 1999KN04: Interaction cross sections and structure of light exotic nuclei
- 2000CS06: Study of the 3He(4He, γ)7Be
and 3H(4He, γ)7Li reactions in an extended two-cluster model
- 2001TO18: Microscopic model for charge and matter distributions of nuclei
Other Theoretical Work:
- 1987BA1I: Anomalons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- 1987KA1I: 3-body coupled-channel theory of scattering and breakup of light and heavy-ions
- 1987KA22: Neutron and proton form factors of 7Li and 7Be
- 1987SV1A: Calc. the characteristics of s- and p-shell nuclei in an SP(2, R)-model using a unitary basis
- 1988BEYB: Particle-particle angular correlation funct. and excited state optical potentials
- 1988BI1A: Binding energy and deep inelastic scattering
- 1988FU09: Multiconfiguration resonating-group study in the seven nucleon system
- 1988GU13: Correlation basis functions theory of light nuclei
- 1988PR02: Detailed balance description of the energetic photons in heavy-ion collisions
- 1988RU01: Dynamic treatment of Ternary fission
- 1989ASZZ: Calc. of giant monopole resonances in light nuclei by phase space method
- 1989GO05: Method of angular potential functions: Lifetime of quasistationary states
- 1989GU25: Spectroscopic factors of light nuclei from nuclear vertex constants
- 1989LI1G: Sum rules and giant resonances in nuclei
- 1989RA09: Fermi and Gamow-Teller strength in p-shell nucl. from (p, n) reactions at 492 and 590 MeV
- 1989RA1G: Spin-isospin response in nuclei and nuclear structure implications
- 1989SH1H: Generator coordinate method for the light nuclei
- 1989VA06: Three-body forces and the description of light nuclei
- 1989XU1A: Analysis of the E2 transitions for 3H-cluster states of 7Li by the resonanting group method
- 1990AS06: Monopole giant resonance energies in light nuclei calc. by the phase space method
- 1990BA06: Study of neutron-rich light nuclei with a potential model
- 1990HE1K: Nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies
- 1990HU09: A geometric model for proton-proton, proton-nucl. and nucl.-nucl. collisions at high energ.
- 1990KOZD: Hartree-Fock description of light neutron-rich nuclei
- 1990LI39: Matter distribution in neutron-rich light nuclei and total reaction cross sections
- 1990LO11: Self-consistent calculations of light nuclei
- 1990LO10: On the size of light nuclei
- 1990MO17: Multi-quark Hamiltonian and the nuclear force
- 1990VA01: Three-body forces in the p-shell
- 1990WE1M: Subnuclear degrees of freedom: Scale changes of nucleons in nuclei?
- 1991BO02: Meson exchange current effects on magnetic dipole moments of p-shell nuclei
- 1991LA1D: Theory and analysis of threshold phenomena in reactions of light nuclei
- 1992ARZU: Distribution of M2 transition strength in p-shell odd nuclei
- 1992BE2E: On the interaction cross sections of light nuclei at low energies
- 1992GO1Q: M4 excitation of p-shell nuclei
- 1992JU1C: The p-shell revisited
- 1992LA13: Influence of the separation energy on the radius of neutron rich nuclei
- 1993BE2G: Search for dibaryonic de-excitations in relativistic nuclear reactions
- 1993BO35: Dynamics of direct photoemission of proton-neutron pairs
- 1993CR1D: Firsov approach to chemical bond effects on the electr. stopping power of heavy-ions
- 1993PA19: Effects of pairing correlation in light nuclei
- 1994HO21: Neutron-rich nuclei studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- 1995FE05: Fermionic molecular dynamics for ground states and collisions of nuclei
- 1995FU16: Reaction cross sections in light systems with the multiconfiguration resonating-group method
- 1995GU22: Selecting peripheral reactions dominated by the pole mechanism: (d, t) reactions on 1p-shell nucl.
- 1995GU1G: Determ. of vertex constant via of DWBA analysis of (d, t) reactions on 1p shell nucl.
- 1995HO13:
Light neutron-rich nuclei studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- 1995KA22:
Structure of Li and Be isotopes studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics
- 1995KI25:
Relativistic calc. of 2-body correlations in neutron-rich light nuclei
- 1995PA43:
Nuclear-spin-dependent recoil correction to the lamb shift
- 1995VA30: Solution of few-body
prob. with the stochastic variational method on a Gaussian basis
- 1995ZH13: Particle
momentum distributions in an analytical three-body approach
- 1996AB37: Singlet s-wave
scattering lengths of 6Li and 7Li
- 1996AB1F: Mass-dependence for
different nuclear reactions on light nuclei
- 1996CH33: Applicability of optical model
potential for intermediate-energy evaluations in the 1p-shell mass region
- 1996GU1F:
Structure properties of light nuclei: Structure of Li isotopes
- 1996MA36: Conservation of
channel spin in transfer reactions
- 1996SH12: Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation on He, Li and
Be isotopes
- 1997HO04: Structure of light exotic nuclei studied with Antisymm. Molecular
- 1997KI02: Optical theorem formulation of low-energy nuclear reactions
- 1997PO03: Global optical model potential for symmetrical A = 6 and 7 systems at Elab=5
- 40 MeV
- 1997PO12: Coulomb energies in light nuclei
- 1997PU03: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of nuclei with A ≤ 7
- 1997SA33: Extrapolation method for det. nuclear vertex constants via Pade approximants
- 1997WI03: Determination of 7Li bound-state wavefunctions by a genetic algorithm
- 1998KN02: Nucleon-density distribution in exotic light nuclei and elastic isobar scattering
- 1998SH42: Vertex function and coupling constant for the virtual decay of 7Li
- 1998SU18: Stochastic variational method for light unstable nuclei
- 1998WI10: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations for light nuclei
- 1999FO05: Quantum Monte Carlo studies of relativistic effects in light nuclei
- 2001CA31: Three-nucleon interactions beyond A = 3 and 4
- 2001PI07: Realistic models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions
- 2001TO18: Microscopic model for charge and matter distributions of nuclei
Model Calculations:
- 2000BH09: Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
- 2000DU18: Three-body model of the 7Li nucleus
- 2000HAZN: Structure of Li isotopes studied by Gaussian single-particle bases
- 2000TO11: Matter and charge distributions of 6He and
5,6,7,9Li within the Dynamic-Correlation Model
- 2000VO22: Cross sections of 6Li(t, d1)7Li*[0.478]
and 6Li(t, p1)8Li*[0.981] nuclear reactions in the 0 - 2 MeV energy range
- 2001GU07:
Nuclear effects in spin structure function g1A(x,Q2) at small x in deep inelastic scattering on 7Li and 3He
- 2001NO04: Radiative α-capture cross sections from realistic
nucleon-nucleon interactions and variational Monte Carlo wave functions
- 2001PI07: Realistic
models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions
- 1987BU04: Microscopic analysis of two-fragment photodis. of lithium isotopes
- 1987KO43: Investigation of the reaction mechanism for γ+7Li → p + t + t at Eγ=27 MeV
- 1987VA05: Analysis of photodis. channel cross sections for 7Li in the giant resonance range
- 1988AH03: Photonuclear dispersion relation and excitations in nuclei
- 1988BU06: On 3-Cluster frag. mechanism of light nucl. A(γ, b1b2)A-b by 60 - 100 MeV photons
- 1988DI02: Atlas of the photoneutron cross sections obtained with mono-energetic photons
- 1988SH20: Extraction of photocapture cross sections from direct Coulomb breakup reactions
- 1988SR01: Direct and sequential Coulomb breakup of 7Li
- 1989TA31: The electroexcitation of light oriented nuclei
- 1989TE06: Total nuclear photoabsorption cross sections by the modified quasi-deuteron model
- 1990VAZM: Analysis of photodisintegration channels of 6,7Li in the giant resonance region
- 1991VA12: Partial photonuclear reactions and 6,7Li GDR decay parameters
- 1992VA12: Cluster effects in 7,8Li nuclei photodis. and photonuclear reactions on A = 3 - 4 nucei
- 1993DE07: Cluster struct. in 6,7Li from γ+6Li → 3He+3H and
γ+7Li → 4He+3H at Eγ=50 - 90 MeV
- 1995BU08: Two-cluster disintegration of 6Li and 7Li nuclei by linearly polarized photons
- 1995DU09: Photonucl. proc. on 7Li, 7Be in the cluster model for forbidden state potential
- 1997DU02: Photodis. of 7Li via n+6Li in the potential cluster model involving forbidden
- 1998KO17: 7Li photodisintegration and structure of the α+t potential
- 1999LI02: Triton angular distributions from the 7Li(γ, t)α reaction near threshold
- 1987FI1D: Polarized heavy-ions: Physics with aligned quadrupole moments
- 1988KA02: E1 polarizability of 7Li and astrophysical S-factor for 4He(t, γ)
- 1994LY02: Vector analyzing power of 9Be(d, t) and (d, α) reactions at Ed up to 3 MeV
- 1995DA27: Tensor analyzing powers for 7Li breakup
- 1998DO16: Microscopic model analyses of the elastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from various targets
- 1998KE03:
Near-barrier polarization potentials for Li+208Pb
- 1999RO13: Corrections to
nucleon spin struct. asymmetries measurement on nuclear pol. targets
Fission and Fusion:
- 1988KU30: Perspective reactions for the controlled thermonuclear fusion problem
- 1989SI26: Light charged particle emission in fission
- 1989WA1L: On the stability and chain life enhancement of the (n)Li(t)d(n) fusion cycle
- 1990FU02: Fission of light nuclei
- 1990HA46: Muon catalized fusion of nuclei with Z=1
- 1991SC23: A simple expression for the cross-section factor in nuclear fusion
- 1991SC24: Effective Coulomb potential obtained via extended elastic model for sub-barrier fusion
- 1992SC22: Shadow model for sub-barrier fusion applied to light systems
- 1996MU01: 7Li+12C and 7Li+13C fusion reactions at sub-barrier energies
- 1997TA01: Is fusion inhibited for weakly bound nuclei?
Elastic and Inelastic Scattering:
- 1987BU27: Inelastic scattering cross sections of 50.5 MeV alphas for 1p and 2s-1d shell nuclei
- 1987CO02: Target and projectile excitation of 7Li + 11B, 13C
- 1987DE1A: Nuclear charge-density distribution parameters from elastic electron scattering
- 1987MU04: Unified semiquantal view of couple-channels effects in fusion and scattering of pol. heavy-ions
- 1987SA04: Scattering of polarized 7Li by 120Sn and projectile-target spin-dependent interactions
- 1987SC08: Measurement and status of neutron scattering on 6,7Li at 6 - 14 MeV
- 1987TO06: Continuum spectra of target breakup in the 6,7Li(p, p') reactions
- 1987VE02: Elastic scattering of thermal neutrons from 7Li
- 1988BE2B: Quazielastic proton scattering at 1.0 GeV
- 1988CA1O: Probing perturbative QCD and nuclei with large angle elastic scattering
- 1988CH09: Fast neutron scattering cross sections of 7Li at 11 and 13 MeV
- 1988EL05: A potential model to describe low energy 7Li, 12C(α, α) scattering
- 1988GU10: Angular distributions in 7Li(p, p) scattering near the 7Li(p, n) threshold
- 1988HN01: Spin-spin effects through nucl. reorientation in scattering of deformed heavy-ions
- 1988HA25: Proton and neutron transition densities in 6,7Li from low energy n, p scattering
- 1988IL1A: Light element materials studied by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
- 1988KA09: Breakup effects of 6,7Li on elastic and inelastic scattering from 12C at 18 - 28 MeV/nucl.
- 1988OT01: Tidal symmetry in scattering of polarized 7Li projectiles
- 1988SA10: Effects of projectile breakup and target excitation in the scattering of polarized 7Li
- 1989DM02: Polarization of intermediate 7Li state (Ex=4.63 MeV, 7/2-) in the 7Li(α, α+t) reaction
- 1989DO1M: Polarized electron scattering from nuclei
- 1989EL1D: Folding models for the elastic scattering of 7Li + 12C
- 1989EL1F: A potential description of α-scattering of 7Li and 12C at low energies
- 1989GR11: Coulomb scattering of aligned deformed heavy-ions: A semiclassical description
- 1989KO2E: Polarized proton scattering on lithium isotopes at 14 MeV
- 1989PI04: Magnetic substate population obtained from 7Li(α, α) particle-particle angular correlations
- 1989TA2C: Polarization of electrons scattered by light nuclei
- 1990GO26: Elastic coherent and incoherent scattering of thermal neutrons in Lithium
- 1990GU22: Elastic proton scattering on 7Li nuclei near the 7Li(p, n) threshold
- 1990HAZI: Microscopic optical model calc. for nucleon-nucleus scattering in light nuclei (6 ≤ A ≤ 11)
- 1990LE14: Asymmetry in inclusive pol. e scattering from polarized nuclei: Sum rule approach
- 1990LI21: Multi-nucleon degrees of freedom in inelastic form factors of 7Li
- 1990SA18: Symmetry prop. of nearside and farside amplitudes in pol. heavy-ion scattering
- 1990TA1N: Scattering of polarized electrons by oriented light nuclei
- 1991AL04: Differential cross section measurements for 7Li(n, n'γ) at En=0.5 - 3 MeV
- 1991EL1B: Positron-lithium inelastic scattering with polarization potentials
- 1991GL01: Scattering of polarized protons from 7Li at 200 MeV
- 1991KO41: 7Li[4.63 MeV, 7/2-] polarization by (α, α') scattering at 27.2 MeV
- 1991MU1C: Ground state positronium formation cross section for scattering of positrons from Li
- 1992DU07: Potential description of elastic α-α, d - 6Li and n - 7Li scattering
- 1992HU05: DWBA calculation of neutron angular distribution for 7Li(n, n')7Li[477.6 keV]
- 1992KO1S: Elastic and inelastic proton scattering from 6,7Li, 12C and 16O
- 1992WU1B: Search for low-mass states in elastic e± scattering
- 1993BA43: 7Li - 7Li elastic and inelastic scattering at Elab=8-17 MeV
- 1993MO11: Low energy alpha scattering and capture reactions in A = 7 systems
- 1993PE13: Folding model description of elastic, inelastic and ch-exch scattering from 6,7Li at 25 - 50 MeV
- 1995BO1H: Spin effects in π+ + 6Li and π+ + 7Li scattering
- 1995HU17: Neutron θ distribution from 7Li(n, n'γ)7Li*(478 keV) from the Doppler broadened
γ-ray spectra
- 1995NA16: Unique potentials for the elastic scattering of 350 MeV 7Li from 12C and 28Si
- 1996BU06: Elastic and inelastic scattering of 50 MeV α-particles by 6,7Li nuclei
- 1997CO11: Proton elastic scattering on light neutron-rich nuclei
- 1997DM02: Channel coupling in direct inelastic 7Li(α, α)7Li[4.63 MeV, 7/2-] scattering
- 1997DO01: Microscopic model analyses of the elastic scattering of 200 MeV protons on various targets
- 1998FUZP: Proton elastic scattering from light neutron-rich nuclei
- 1998GR21: Elastic nucleus-nucleus scattering and nuclear matter compressibility
- 1998MA65: Effects of electric dipole polarizability in the scattering of pol. 7Li from 208Pb at 27 MeV
- 1999LA13: Nuclear structure studies with the 7Li(e, e'p) reaction