7He General Table

1987BO40: Helium isotope studies using heavy-ion transfer reactions
1987TAZU: Measured interaction cross sections of light p-shell nuclei
1988BE34: Features of heavy-ion reactions with the helium isotopes
1995BO10: Study of neutron-rich nuclei produced in 14C induced reactions
1995THZZ: Mass measurements beyond the driplines
1998BO38: Nuclear structure studies on bound and unbound states in dripline nuclei
1999BO26: Spectroscopy of exotic nuclei using multi-nucleon transfer reactions


1988ST06: Calculation of He isotope binding energies in a shell model
1988SU10: He isotope properties in a cluster-orbital shell model
1989GO24: Microscopic calculations for H and He isotope properties
1989TE04: Neutral-current effects in nuclear β-decay
1990BA06: Properties of light neutron-rich nuclei from a potential model
1990KAZR: Calculation of neutron decay widths for He isotopes
1990SU01: He isotope properties in a cluster-orbital shell model
1990WO10: p-shell isotope properties in a (0 + 2)ℏω model space
1992SA1U: New excitation modes in halo nuclei
1993NAZV: Masses of nuclei in the A = 4 - 16 region from the INM model
1993PO11: Properties of exotic light nuclei in a shell model
1993VAZV: Multicluster model of the 6-8He isotopes
1996SH12: Properties of He, Li and Be isotopes in a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model
1996SU24: Properties of light nucl. in the relative mean field theory and non-relative Skyrme-Hartree-Fock th.
1997BA23: Neutron halo properties in light nuclei
1997BA54: Ground state properties of light nuclei in a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model
1997PO12: Coulomb energies of light nuclei
1997PU03: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei
1997WU01: Calculation of the structure of the He isotopes: 4He - 8He
1998NA17: Large-basis shell-model calculations for p-shell nuclei
1998SC28: Calculation of fractional electron capture possibilities
1998WI10: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations for light nuclei
2000DE57: Chiral Invariant Phase Space Event Generator II. Nuclear pion capture at rest and photonuclear reactions below the Δ(3, 3) resonance
2001PI07: Realistic models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions

Model Calculations:

2001PI07: Realistic models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions

Hypernuclei and Mesons:

1987KA13: γ-ray induced reactions in the Δ(1232) resonance region
1988GO14: Products produced in π- absorption reactions
1988KA41: Partial transitions in the photoproduction of charged pions
1989BRZX: Pion charge exchange reactions to Δ-hole states of complex nuclei
1989TA1P: Binding energies of light double hypernuclei
1991RI05: Realistic calculation of A = 7 hypernuclei production rates
1992AMZY: Neutron-rich isotope production from pion absorption on 9Be and 10,11B
1992ME12: Theoretical study of hypernuclei produced via the (K-, π0) reaction
1994SO30: Electroproduction of strangeness and the spectroscopy of light hypernuclei
1995SO1C: High-resolution hyperspectroscopy in electroproduction
1996HI03: Three-body model study of A = 6 - 7 hypernuclei: halo and skin structure
1998MA2A: High-resolution study of hypernuclei
1998MU17: Inclusive muon capture in light nuclei
1999HI02: γ-ray transitions in A = 7 hypernuclei and a possible derivation of hypernuclear size


2000DE57: Chiral Invariant Phase Space Event Generator II. Nuclear pion capture at rest and photonuclear reactions below the Δ(3, 3) resonance

Last modified: 30 May 2017