6Li General Table
Ground state properties of 6Li:


1989RA17: Compilation of exp. data on nuclear moments for ground and excited states of nuclei
1989OTZZ: Nuclear radii and moments of unstable isotopes (covers 6-11Li)
1990BA06: Radii and lifetimes of low-lying states of neutron-rich light nuclei
1992PY1A: Nuclear quad. moments for Z = 1 - 20 rev., related to numerical methods in quant. chem.

Other articles:
1988DO17: Classical simulation of nuclear systems; calc. sizes and binding energies of finite nuclei
1988ES01: Elastic electromagnetic form factors of 6Li from 3-body (α+2N) models
1988KA25: Convergence features in the pseudostate theory of the d+α system
1988TA10: Meas. interaction cross sections using Be and B beams; isospin dependence of nucl. radii
1988WE20: Manifestations of the D-state in 2H, 3H, 3He, 4He, 6Li
1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1989BE03: High-energy reaction cross sections of light nuclei (Glauber model)
1989DA05: Calculation of 0+ T = 1 states of A = 6 nuclei in α+2N model with local potentials
1989ES05: Inelastic electron scattering M1 transition form factor of 6Li (3-body model)
1989RU06: Spin-dependence of the 6Li-120Sn interaction; d-α cluster folding (CF) model
1989TR18: Two- and four-nucleon clusters in light and heavy nuclei; evidence from data noted
1989WIZO: Microscopic 6-body calcs. of gnd.-st. bind. energies and density dist. of 6He, 6Li (VMC)
1990CH26: Charge and mass dependence of nucl. interaction cross sections; Thomas-Fermi model
1990HO01: Shell-model study of light neutron-rich nuclei (mostly 11Li and 11Be, also 6Li)
1990KU12: Detailed study of the cluster struct. of light nucl. in a 3-body model; EM structure of 6Li
1990LI39: Matter distribution in neutron-rich light nuclei from total reaction cross section data
1990LO14: Cluster-model interpretation of the 6Li(e, e'p) reaction
1990SH12: Extreme collective limits for the magnetic moments of odd-odd nuclei
1990VA01: Three-body forces in p-shell nuclei; (0+1)ℏω shell model space with schematic 3BF
1990WA17: Spectral function of p-n pairs in 6Li, from the 6Li(p, pα)pn reaction at 200 MeV
1990WO10: p-shell nucl. in (0-2)ℏω model space; calc. spectra and ground state properties for 6Li
1991DA04: Jπ=0+, 1+ states studied in microscopic α+2N model and method of hyperspherical functions
1991DA24: Decay of 6He grnd. st.; calc. ground-state wave functions of 6He and 6Li (α+2N model)
1991KO36: Relativistic mean-field approach to neutron halos in 6-11Li; calc. BE, radii, sep. energ.
1991LU07: Magnetic form factor of 6Li calc. in shell model, harm. oscill. potential with hard core
1991WI05: Variational calcs. of few-body nucl. (3H and 4He); extension to 5He, 6He, 6Li discussed
1992BLZX: 6Li → 4He+d vertex constant inferred from 4He+d phase-shift analysis
1992CS04: Dynamical microscopic 3-cluster (α+ p+ n) description of the ground state of 6Li
1992DAZV: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: static EM properties and β-decay of 6He
1992DAZW: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: geometrical features of 6He and 6Li g.s.
1992DAZX: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: ground states
1992GO09: Halo effect in light nucl.; microscopic calc. of loosely bound nucleon systems incl. 6Li
1992JU1C: Potential model, 2-body matrix elements used to obtain many properties of A = 5 - 16 nucl.
1992LA13: Influence of the separation energy on the radius of neutron rich nucl. and momentum distr.
1992LOZX: Short-range correlation in 6-body wave function of 6Li; calc. gnd. and first 2 exc. states
1992WI07: Monte Carlo calculations of few-body and light nuclei incl. 6Li
1993GO16: Contrib. of unbound 6Li* states to inclusive spectra of deuterons in (α, d) on 3H and 3He
1993JA11: Effects of the single-particle potential insertions in the effective interaction
1993PA14: Relativistic mean field study of light nucl. (calc. binding E, rms radii, deform. parameters)
1994BU25: Microscopic description of 6-11Li; calc. binding E, form factors using hyperspherical basis
1995KI25: Relativistic calculation of two-body correlations in neutron-rich light nuclei
1995PU05: Green's function quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A ≤ 6 nuclei
1995VA30: Precise soln. of few-body probs. with stochastic var. method on correlated Gaussian basis
1996SH12: Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation: ground-state properties of He, Li, and Be isotopes
1996SH13: Analysis of exp. with radioactive beams yield rms matter radii, suggest neutron halos
1997BA23: Neutron halo and other properties stud. in light nucl.; mean-field approx. with Skyrme force fit
1997BA54: Microscopic study of the ground state properties of light nuclei; Skyrme Hartree-Fock model
1997KA32: Root-mean-square radii of light atomic nuclei: neutron skin
1997PU03: Green's function quantum Monte Carlo calcs. of gnd. and low-lying excited states, A ≤ 7

Special States:


1992GO1Q: Study of high-spin stretched states in light nucl.; M4 excitation of p-shell nucl.

Other articles:
1988GU13: Correlated basis functions theory of light nuclei: spectra of light nuclei (4 ≤ A ≤ 16)
1988HA25: Proton and neutron transition densities in 6,7Li from low energy neutron and proton scattering
1988SR03: Features of direct and sequential Coulomb breakup of 6Li ions
1988WA29: Spectral function of the p3/2 nucleons in 6Li, exp. and theory
1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1989LOZZ: Shape deformation and transition width of 6Li
1990AS06: Calculation of the energy of monopole giant resonances by the phase-space method
1990DAZT: (J = 0,1; T = 1,0) multiplet in microscopic α+2N model with realistic αN and NN potentials
1990DAZS: Matter and nucleon transit. densities of 6He(0+) and 6Li(1+) in microscopic α+2N model
1990KU12: Detailed study of the cluster struct. of light nucl. in a 3-body model; EM structure of 6Li
1990KU16: Ener.-dependent phase-shift analysis of low-ener. 4He+2H scattering (Pade-approx. tech.)
1990SK05: Effective (3-body) interactions in the 0p-shell and calcs. of A = 5 - 15 nuclei
1991AF1A: Resonances in few-body systems (2H, 4He, 6Li)
1991ANZP: Search for exotic states T = 2, Q = +3 and T = 3, Q = +4 in 1 GeV proton-nucl. collisions
1991VA12: Decay properties of giant dipole resonance of 6,7Li studied in photonuclear reactions
1992DAZT: 3-3 resonant scattering and A = 6 nuclei excited states (calc. 3-3 scattering via hyp. harm. meth.)
1992DAZU: Faddeev/hyperspherical study of A = 6 nuclei excited states
1992LOZX: Short-range correlation in 6-body wave function of 6Li; calc. gnd. and first 2 exc. states
1993DA07: Resonance 3 → 3 scattering and structure of 3-particle excited states of A = 6 nuclei


2001CA31: Three-nucleon interactions beyond A = 3 and 4
2001LE01: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of pion scattering from Li
2001NO01: Six-body calculation of the alpha-deuteron radiative capture cross section
2001PI07: Realistic models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions
2001TO18: Microscopic model for charge and matter distributions of nuclei

Shell model:

1988GU13: Correlated basis functions calcs. of low-lying excited states of p-shell nuclei
1988LOZW: Correlation effect on the shape of 6Li; calc. quad. moment and quad. transition
1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1989LOZZ: Shape deformation and transition width of 6Li in intermediate coupling
1990HO01: Shell-model study of light neutron-rich nuclei (mostly 11Li and 11Be, also 6Li)
1990RY07: Spect. factor of 6Li → α+d; α+2N model (antisymmetrization) comp. with shell model
1990SK05: Effective interactions in the 0p-shell and calcs. of A = 5 - 15 nuclei
1990VA01: Three-body forces in p-shell nuclei; (0+1)ℏω shell model space; improved E-levels
1990WO10: p-shell nucl. in (0-2)ℏω model space; calc. spectra and ground state properties for 6Li
1991LU07: Magnetic form factor of 6Li calc. in shell model, harm. oscill. potential with hard core
1991PO10: Effective shell-model interactions; calc. spectra of 4He and 6Li
1992GO17: Hartree-Fock shell model struct. of 6-11Li, 7-14Be; calc. binding energies, matter radii
1992HE21: Nuclear moments and radii used to test shell and collective models of nuclei
1992JU1C: Deduced new effective 0p-shell interactions; evaluated results for 0p-shell nuclei
1992KW01: Two and three-fragment clustering of 1p-shell nucl. in the framework of the shell model
1992LOZX: Double oscillator shell model with short-range correlations; gnd. and first 2 exc. states
1992MA49: Baryonic decay and 1p-shell hypernucl. spectrosc.; translationally invariant shell model
1992WA22: Effective interactions for the 0p1s0d nuclear shell-model space
1993GO03: Shell-model description of nuclei with 4 ≤ A ≤ 16 using Skyrme forces
1993PO11: Shell-model calcs. of several properties of exotic (and normal) light nuclei, A = 4 - 30
1993SK05: Calc. spectra and EM properties of states in 6,7,11Li in shell model with various 2-body forces
1993ZH15: Microscopic shell-model calcs. of the spectra of light nuclei vs. experiment (G-matrix)
1994BA24: Realistic microscopic shell-model calculations for A = 2 - 7 nuclei
1994BO04: Shell-model calcs. of transverse electron scattering form factors of states in p-shell nucl.
1994BO20: Descrip. of light nucl. with realistic interactions; analysis of gnd. and low-energy states
1994ZH07: Simple approx. for starting-energy-indep. 2-body effective interaction applied to 6Li
1994ZH10: Nuclear shell-model calculations for 6Li and 14N with different NN potentials
1994ZH23: Large-space shell-model calcs. for A = 2 - 6 nuclei; binding energies comp. with exp.
1995DA1J: Study of some exotic properties of 6-11Li nuclei (quad. mom. 6Li in the shell model)
1995YP01: Nucleon momentum distribution in light nuclei; single particle potential model
1995ZA02: Self-weakening of the tensor interaction in a nucleus
1995ZH32: Large-basis SM studies of 4,5He, 6,7Li with multivalued G-matrix effective interaction
1996CS01: Comment on 1994ZH23 questions adequacy of model for calc. of 6Li quad. moment
1996KU20: Realistic effective interactions for halo nuclei; 2-frequency shell-model approach
1996NA24: No-core SM calcs. with starting-energy-independent multivalued effective interactions
1996TH02: Test of SM interactions for nucl. structure calcs.; calc. binding energy and spectra of 6Li
1996ZH06: Reply to 1996CS01's comment on 1994ZH23
1997KA24: Shell model structures of low-lying excited states in 6,7Li; analyzed e and p scattering data
1997NA03: Microscopic origins of effective charges in the shell model; calc. properties of 6Li

Cluster models:


1990HO1Q: Alpha clustering in nuclei

Other articles:
1987LE1N: Coincidence reactions and the 3-body structure of 6Li; α+d, p+(nα) models
1988KA25: Convergence features in the pseudostate theory of the d+α system
1988KA38: Coulomb field influence on res. maxima in (α-n) cm system from d+α → α+ n+ p
1988LI1N: Analysis of E2 transitions between d+α cluster states of 6Li with the RGM
1988NE1C: Possibility of observing weak neutral currents in light clustering nuclei (6,7Li)
1988SR03: Features of direct and sequential Coulomb breakup of 6Li ions
1988SU12: 2-body forces and amplitudes in 3-body model for 4He(d, p)n with Ed=12, 17 MeV
1988WE20: Manifestations of the D-state in 2H, 3H, 3He, 4He, 6Li
1989BR23: Study of isospin violation in 4He(d, 3He)3H; refined RGM used to describe 6Li
1989DA05: Calculation of 0+ T = 1 states of A = 6 nuclei in α+2N model with local potentials
1989ER07: Exchange and correlation effects in the electromagnetic structure of light nuclei
1989HE17: Interference and off-shell effects of fragment scattering in elastic breakup of light ions
1989IS1A: Equations of RGM for a given permutation symmetry scattering of light clusters
1989KU21: Study of electromagnetic form factors of light nuclei; multicluster dynamic model
1989LE07: Knockon exchange contribution in resonating-group study of nucl.-nucl. interaction
1989RU06: Spin-dependence of the 6Li-120Sn interaction; d-α cluster folding (CF) model
1989SA08: Breakup effect on 6Li-nucleus scattering at intermediate energies; CF model
1989SE06: (6Li, d) stripping into high-lying unbound states of 16O
1989TR18: Two- and four-nucleon clusters in light and heavy nuclei
1990CR04: Tensor interaction effects in the 4He(2H, γ)6Li capture reaction
1990DAZT: Calc. A = 6 (J = 0,1; T = 1,0) multiplet in microscopic α+2N model; binding E, Coulomb E
1990DAZS: Matter and nucleon transition densities of 6He (0+), 6Li (1+) in microscopic α+2N model
1990DAZR: β-decay of the ground state of 6He in three-particle α+2N model
1990KU12: Detailed study of the cluster struct. of light nucl. in a 3-body model; EM structure of 6Li
1990KU27: Effects of the internal structure of the alpha particle in the 3-body problem
1990LO14: Cluster-model interpretation of the 6Li(e, e'p) reaction
1990RY07: Spect. factor of 6Li → α+d; α+2n model (antisymmetrization) comp. with shell model
1990VA16: Cluster effects and interaction in the final state of photodisintegration products of 6,7Li
1990WA17: Spectral function of p-n pairs in 6Li, from the 6Li(p, pα)pn reaction at 200 MeV
1991DA08: Dyn. multicluster model with hyperspherical harmonics; electroweak and charge-exch. reactions
1991ER1C: 6Li as three body α-2n system; role of exchange effects in electromagnetic form factors
1991HI07: Anomalous renormalization of cluster-folding interactions for 6Li-nucl. scattering at low E
1991KU1B: Multicluster models of light nuclei predictive power for strong, EM and weak interacts.
1991KU05: 3-body deuteron-nucleus scattering with extra resonance channels
1992ALZV: Parity-violating α-decay of the 0+, T = 1 state of 6Li; RGM calc.
1992CS04: Dynamical microscopic 3-cluster (α+ p+ n) description of the ground state of 6Li
1992ES04: α-d resonances and the low-lying states of 6Li
1992FU10: Reaction mechanisms in the 6-nucleon system with the multiconfiguration RGM
1992KA06: Self-consistent calculation of the interactions of very light nuclei with 6Li
1992KU16: Supersymmetric potentials and Pauli principle in the problem of dα scattering lengths
1992RA22: (6Li, d) reaction on 16 ≤ A ≤ 90 nuclei in ZR-DWBA and FR-DWBA formalisms
1992RYZY: EM properties of 6-nucleon system in multicluster dynamic model with antisymmetrization
1992VA12: Cluster effects in 6,7Li photodisintegration; photonuclear reactions on A = 3,4 nucl.
1993AR1H: Coupling of collective states in the continuum of light nuclei incl. 4He and 6Li
1993DU02: Potential description of cluster channels of 6,7Li nuclei
1993KU27: Prohibition and suppression of multicluster states by Pauli prin. in dynamical approach
1993MU12: Calculation of the vertex constant for 6Li → α+d in the 3-body model
1993RY01: Properties of a 6-nucleon system in multicluster dynamic model with antisymmetrization
1993RY1B: β-decay and muon-capture in A = 6 system, calculated in the dynamical α+2N model
1993SCZV: Polarization of nucleons in 6Li, a possible polarized isoscalar nucleon target
1993SC30: Nucleon polarization in three-body models of polarized 6Li
1993SH1G: Microscopic calc. of weak interaction in A = 6 nuclei; three particle α+2N model
1994CS01: Dynamical microscopic cluster model description of β-delayed deuteron emission from 6He
1994CS04: 3-body resonances in A = 6 nuclei; soft dipole mode problem of neutron halo nuclei
1994DU07: Calc. Coulomb form factors of 6,7Li; clus. mod. based on potentials with forbidden states
1994FE01: Three-body halos: gross properties calc. using hyperspherical harmonics
1994WE10: 6Li inelastic form factors in a cluster model; transition into low-lying T = 0,1 states
1995AR10: Neutron-proton halo structure of the 3.563-MeV 0+ state in 6Li; α+ p+ n model
1995DU12: Photonuclear processes on 6Li in cluster models based on potentials with forbidden states
1995EI1A: Search for 6Li D-state effects; discuss uses of polarized Li induced transfer reactions
1995ER1B: Calc. pion photoproduction and inelastic scattering off 6Li (α+2n model)
1995KU08: 3-body α+2N model with realistic nuclear forces; calc. many properties of A = 6 nucl.
1995KU1G: Spectral EM and weak interaction properties using the New Dynamic Model
1995SH1R: Democratic 3-body (α+2N) decay of A = 6 nucl.
1995SU13: Study of halo structure in light nuclei with a multicluster model
1995ZH21: One-nucleon spectroscopy in 3-particle model of 6Li nucleus
1996CS03: Parity-violating α-decay of 3.56 MeV Jπ=0+, T = 1 state of 6Li; microscopic 3-cluster model
1996RY06: Shell expansion of wave function in multicluster dynamical mod. with antisymmetrization
1996SU11: Occupation prob. of harmonic-oscillator quanta for microscopic cluster-model wave functions
1997VA09: 3-cluster model of A = 6 nuclei; uses algebraic version of RGM
1997VA05: Microscopic description of light unstable nuclei with the stochastic variational method
2001TO18: Microscopic model for charge and matter distributions of nuclei

Complex reactions involving 6Li:


1989OG1B: Neutron decay of very neutron-rich light nuclei studied with heavy-ion accelerators
1989SI26: Exp. results on light-charged particle emission in fission and scissions point parameters
1990GE07: Fragmentation experiments at intermediate energies

Other articles:
1987ST01: Projectile-like fragments from 14N beams at 15, 25, and 35 MeV/nucleon
1988BA53: Isotopic yield ratios of complex fragments from heavy ion induced reactions
1988BE56: Formation of light nuclei in reactions with 11B and 20Ne at energies of 18 - 20 MeV/nucleon
1988FO03: Angular correlations between light particles; heavy ion collisions near Fermi energy
1988GR32: Role of the Pauli principle in heavy-ion elastic scattering; generalized optical model
1988HA43: Quantum stat. model of fragment formation: entropy and temperature in heavy ion collisions
1988KE07: Cross sects. for 16O(7Li, 6Li) analyzed using finite-range DWBA (features disagree)
1988KH08: Exchange effects in nuclear rainbow scattering; microscopic calc.
1988KI06: Target mass depend. of neutron emission in collisions with 35 MeV/nucleon 14N ions
1988NAZV: Optical model analyses of cross sections for 210 MeV 6Li+90Zr, 208Pb elas. scattering
1988RA27: DWBA analysis of (d, 6Li) reaction on nucl. between 12C and 68Zn at various energies
1988TR03: Entropy in 12C+197Au at intermediate energies; quantum stat. model
1989BA92: Evaluation of hypernucl. production cross sections in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
1989BO59: Temperatures in heavy ion reactions; simulation via quasiparticle dynamics
1989CA14: ID of projectile sequential decayand incomplete fusion in 27Al(10B, 6Liα) and other reactions
1989GE11: Complex fragments emitted in excited states
1989GR04: Fission barriers of light nuclei; rotating finite range and rotating liquid drop models
1989HA43: Statistical decay of fragments from C+12C at 2.1 GeV/nucleon
1989KI13: Fragment production in 14N+C, Ni, Ho reactions at 35 MeV/nucleon
1989NA03: Fragmentation products with nonstatistical excited-state populations
1989SA08: Breakup effect on 6Li-nucleus scattering at intermediate energies; CF model
1989YO02: Nucleon transfer in 197Au+16O at E<10 MeV/u; projectile-like products observed
1990CH09: Coulomb-modified Glauber model description of heavy-ion reaction cross sections
1990GL06: Projectile-like fragment prod. in 14N-induced reactions at projectile energies of 60 MeV A
1990TA1I: The imaginary part of channel-coupling potentials for 6Li-induced reactions
1992AR11: α-cluster struct. of excited states of light nucl. from comp. of α-clus. and (6Li, d) data
1994SA33: Elastic scattering of 6Li from nucl. between 12C and 208Pb; strong-absorption model

Model calculations:

2000BH09: Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
2000HAZN: Structure of Li isotopes studied by Gaussian single-particle bases
2000TO11: Matter and charge distributions of 6He and 5,6,7,9Li within the Dynamic-Correlation Model
2001BH02: Nuclear densities of Li isotopes
2001DE19: A determination of the 6He + p interaction potential
2001LE01: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of pion scattering from Li

Electromagnetic transitions:


1990IS08: Configurational splitting of the giant dipole resonance in light atomic nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1993EN03: Strengths of γ-ray transitions in A = 5 - 44 nuclei
1997FA24: Effects of the nuclear tensor interaction, incl. E1 and M1 moments

Other articles:
1988ES01: Elastic electromagnetic form factors of 6Li from 3-body (α+2N) models
1988LI1N: Analysis of E2 transitions between d+α cluster states of 6Li with the RGM
1989ASZZ: Calculation of giant monopole resonances in light nuclei by phase space method
1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1989ER07: Exchange and correlation effects in the electromagnetic structure of light nuclei
1989KU21: Study of electromagnetic form factors of light nuclei; multicluster dynamic model
1989LI1N: Analysis of E2 transitions between d+α cluster states of 6Li with the RGM
1989LOZZ: Shape deformation and transition width of 6Li (shell model)
1990BU29: Possibility of observing an isoscalar E1-multipole in 6Li; potential cluster model
1990KU12: Detailed study of the cluster struct. of light nucl. in a 3-body model; EM structure of 6Li
1990LU06: Magnetic form factor of 6Li using hard-core common H.O. potential vs. data
1991BO1Q: MEC corrections to M1 transitions in A = 4 - 16 (p-shell) nuclei; shell model
1991ER1C: 6Li as three body α-2n system; role of exchange effects in electromagnetic form factors
1991JA13: Matrix elements of magnetic and electric moments in the supermultiplet scheme
1991UN02: 6Li elastic form factors and antisymmetrization
1992DAZV: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: static EM properties and β-decay of 6He
1992JU1C: Potential model, 2-body matrix elements used to obtain many properties of A = 5 - 16 nucl.
1992RYZY: EM properties of 6-nucleon system in multicluster dynamic model with antisymmetrization
1994BA30: Importance of nuclear effects in the dissociation of 6He and 6Li at E/A = 65 MeV
1994NA02: E2 properties of A = 6 - 10 nucl. (incl. some far from stability); shell model
2001LE01: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of pion scattering from Li

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions:


1989MU1G: Study of fundamental interactions with nuclear muon capture

Other articles:
1989KA33: Second-class currents and muon-neutrino rest mass in muon capture by 6Li and 3He
1989KA35: Meson exchange 2nd class currents and neutrino mass in muon capture by light nucl.
1989NA01: Calc. radiative-pion-capture and muon-capture rates using sum rule techniques
1989TE04: Weak neutral current effect on electron energy spectrum in nuclear β-decays
1990CH13: Muon capture rates in nuclei calculated and compared to experimental values
1990HA46: Muon catalysed fusion of nuclei with Z ≥ 1
1992ZH04: Pred. of constituent quark model (EMC effect) consistent with New Muon Collab. data
1993RY1B: β-decay and muon-capture in A = 6 system, calculated in the dynamical α+2N model
1993SH05: 3-body model calcs. of disinteg. of 6Li by solar neutrino and reactor antineutrino
1994BE1P: Nuclear transition in the muonic molecule tμ3He through intermed. state of 6Li(3+,0)
1994MU1E: 6Li(μ-, νμ)6He studied for information on weak hadron form factors; test standard model
1994TR1A: Study of (γ, η) reactions on nucl.; phenomenological amplitudes of the γ p → γη process
1995AM10: Re-evaluation of nucl. struct. function ratios for 6Li and other nucl. (New Muon Collab.)
1995KU35: Calc. μ-cap. rates on p-shell nucl. to determine const. of induced pseudoscalar interact.
1996MA65: Mesonic and binding contributions to EMC effect in relativistic many-body approach
1997BA12: T-noninvariant effect in muon capture by 6Li with decay to a continuum

Reactions involving pions, other mesons and baryon states:


1989DO1K: Production mechanisms and spectroscopy of Σ-hypernuclei
1989KH08: Theor. and exp. papers presented at IV Int. Symp. on Mesons and Light Nuclei
1989PA18: Exp. situation of Σ-hypernuclei; results from joint Heidelberg-Tokyo effort at KEK
1991CH1D: History, current status, and ideas for future research involving the (π+, K+) reaction
1994YA19: Highly excited states of light Λ-hypernuclei (including 6ΛLi)
1995HU05: K+ scattering from nuclei; present status, implications of new cross section data

Other articles:
1987BE2B: Inclusive differential cross sections of photoproduction of π0 mesons in 6Li
1988ER06: Calc. inelastic and elastic pion scattering by 6Li near the Δ33-resonance energy
1988GR1E: Systematics of inclusive double charge exchange deduced from data
1988NA06: π-6Li scattering investigated within Watson's multiple-scattering theory
1988ZHZZ: Meas. 6Li(π+, 2p)4He and 6Li(π+, p) over the Δ(1232) resonance region
1989BE1B: Photoproduction of π0 mesons on nuclei (incl. 6Li) at low angles near Δ33 resonance
1989DO1I: Production mechanisms and spectroscopy of Σ hypernuclei; experiments suggested
1989DO1L: Nuclear structure in Δ and S11 resonance regions; examines M1 trans. in 6Li
1989GA09: Pionic distortion factors for radiative pion capture studies
1989GE10: Threshold pion-nucleus amplitudes predicted by current algebra
1989KA27: K+-nucl. total cross section analysis; nucl. corrections calc. for q = 550 - 800 MeV/c
1989NA01: Calc. radiative-pion-capture and muon-capture rates using sum rule techniques
1990AM04: Production of ultraheavy hydrogen isotopes in absorption of π-mesons by 6,7Li nucl.
1990BO1Z: Measurement of the vector analyzing power iT11 in π±-6Li scattering
1990CH12: Inclusive radiative pion capture in nuclei analyzed from a many-body point of view
1990RA05: Charged-part. multiplicities after pion absorption on 6Li meas. at E(π)=150 MeV
1990RAZZ: Systematics of pion absorption on 6Li meas. from 50 - 200 MeV
1990TAZS: Spin effects in pion-nucleus scattering; iT11 and Ay obtained for scattering from 6Li and 15N
1990ZHZZ: Measured 6Li(π+, 2p) reaction around the Δ(1232) resonance region (A)
1991BE22: Coherent and incoherent η-photoproduction from nuclei, incl. 6Li
1991CI08: Momentum-space method calc. of strong-interaction shifts and widths in pionic atoms
1991GO21: Pionic atoms, relativistic mean-field theory and the pion-nucleon scattering lengths
1991KA1R: Calc. 6Li and 12C diff. cross sections for two-stage pion photoproduction processes
1991SE06: Evidence for dineutrons in extremely neutron-rich nuclei (some from 6Li(π-, π+)6H)
1991TR02: Inelastic photoprod. of mesons on nucl. with γ deexcitation of the excited recoil nucl.
1992AL23: K+ nucleus total cross section experiment and nuclear medium effects
1992KH04: Pion absorption on polarized nuclear targets
1993CH33: π-, nucleon yields from light targets irradiated by 2H and 3H beams at 1 GeV/nucleon
1993MA14: Effect of isospin on three nucleon pion absorption in light nucl.; comp. ratios to data
1993SA19: Influence of the nuclear medium on K+ cross sections
1994FE21: Spectroscopy of Λ-hypernuclei and hyperon-nucleon interactions
1995CA44: Unconventional medium effect in K+ scattering; microscopic optical model calcs.
1995ER1B: Calc. pion photoproduction and inelastic scattering off 6Li (α+2n model)
1996CA45: Relativistic Schrödinger equation of meson-nucl. scattering; includes recoil of target nucl.
1997FR08: Medium effect in K+ nucl. interact.; consistent analysis of integral and diff. X sections

Light-ion and neutron induced reactions:

2001DE19: A determination of the 6He + p interaction potential


2001LE01: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of pion scattering from Li



1989CH52: Experimental and theoretical status of strange-particle nuclear physics
1989DO1K: Production mechanisms and spectroscopy of Σ-hypernuclei
1989PA18: Exp. situation of Σ-hypernuclei; results from joint Heidelberg-Tokyo effort at KEK
1989ZO03: Hypernuclear physics; partial review of 4th Int. Symp. on Mesons and Light Nuclei
1992DO14: Open problems and future prospects for hypernuclear physics
1992GA30: Summary of Shimoda Int. Symp. on hypernuclear and strange particle physics
1994YA19: Highly excited states of light Λ-hypernuclei (including 6ΛLi)
1995BA20: Strange exotic atoms; optical model and density dependent potentials

Other articles:
1989BA93: Production of hypernuclei (including 6ΛLi) in relativistic ion beams
1989BA92: Evaluation of hypernucl. production cross sections in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
1989DE1Y: Observation of two non-mesonic decays in flight of Li and B hyperfragments
1989TA32: Schmidt diagrams and configuration mixing effects on hypernuclear magnetic moments
1991AK1E: Few-body Σ and ΛΛ hypernuclear systems
1992MA49: Baryonic decay and 1p-shell hypernucl. spectrosc.; translationally invariant shell model
1992MO30: Mesonic weak decays of Λ- and ΛΛ-hypernuclei (including 6ΛLi)
1993OH04: Highly excited states of 6ΛLi studied in microscopic cluster model (3He+ d+Λ)
1994FE21: Spectroscopy of Λ-hypernuclei and hyperon-nucleon interactions
1994LI1A: Ground state energy of the hypernucleus 6ΛLi; α+ p+Λ cluster model
1995SA17: Poss. narrow Σ hypernuclear states; meas. hypernuclear mass spectra for 6Li(K-, π±)
1996HI03: Three-body model study of A = 6 - 7 hypernuclei: halo and skin structures

Reactions involving antiprotons:

1986AU1D: Studies of nuclear structure in antinucleon charge-exchange reactions
1989DI11: Intranuclear Cascade model calc. of (π+, p), (pol. p, p) and (K+, p) spectra near 1 GeV/c
1990JO01: The strong-interaction fine and hyperfine structure of antiprotonic atoms
1992ZH19: pol. p elastic scattering on 6Li, 4He at 180 MeV; Glauber-Sitenko multiple scattering theory
1993PL05: Antiproton-nucleus annihilation at rest
1993SU06: Production of light particles after antiproton-nucleus annihilation; statistical models
1994ZH28: Elastic, inelastic scattering of protons and antiprotons by 6Li at intermediate energies



1989RE1D: The galactic evolution of lithium
1990MA1Z: Nuclear reaction uncertainties in standard and non-standard cosmologies
1990ST1H: Predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis in standard big-bang vs. light element abunds.
1993MA1M: Review of primordial nucleosynthesis beyond the standard big bang
1993ST1D: Cosmic ray nucleosynthesis in the early galaxy; abundances of Li, Be, B
1994BB15: Coulomb dissociation studies as a tool of nuclear astrophysics
1996RE16: Coulomb dissociation experiments of astrophysical significance

Other articles:
1988BA2I: Correlation between Li abund. and proj. rot. vel. in lower-main-sequence stars of α-Per
1988BR1H: Li isotope ratio in Pop. II halo dwarfs; test of late-decaying massive particle nucleosynthesis
1988CA26: Reaction rates of astrophysically important thermonuclear reactions involving light nucl.
1988DI1C: Effects of late-decaying massive part. on nucleosynthesis and primordial abund. of light nucl.
1988HAZA: Li isotope ratios from (p, α) cross sections
1989AU1C: Primordial lithium and galactic chemical evolution
1989BA64: Angular correlation in the Coulomb dissociation method for radiative capture processes
1989BO1F: Photoerosion and the abundances of the light elements (incl. 6Li)
1989CH1Z: Li abund. in cluster giants; constraints on meridional circulation transport on main seq.
1989DE53: Analysis of primordial Li abundance; standard big-bang and stellar-evolution models
1989GI1E: Carbon isotope ratios and lithium abundances in open cluster giants
1989GU1J: Thermonucl. breakup reactions of light nucl.; γ-ray line production and other applications
1989JI1A: Nucleosynthesis inside thick accretion disks around massive black holes
1989KI1I: Observation of resonant and nonresonant Coulomb break-up of 6Li
1989PI1K: Absence of 6Li in HD 84937 appears to rule out some non-standard theories of BBN
1989ST1L: Lithium abundances among solar-type pre-main-sequence stars
1990DE1O: Lithium in halo stars from standard stellar evolution
1990FU1H: Calc. 3He(3H, γ)6Li reaction rate using gen. coord. meth.; possible source of 6Li in BBN
1990MA1O: CNO and 6Li from big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN); impact of unmeasured reaction rates
1990SI1D: Spallation processes and nuclear interaction products of cosmic rays
1991AB1B: Discovery of IY Hya, a super Li-rich carbon star
1991BE05: Direct projectile break-up and its relation to the astrophysically relevant fission reactions
1991DE1E: Lithium abundances in carbon stars found to be lower than those for M giants
1991SC23: A simple expression for the cross-section factor in sub-barrier nuclear fusion
1992ST1A: Li, Be, B prod. via collisions of cosmic rays and interstellar gas nucl. in the early galaxy
1993LE1C: Deduced the 7Li/6Li ratio toward the ρ Ophiuchi diffuse cloud from observation
1993RE1D: The 7Li/6Li ratio and the stellar yield of 7Li
1993SM1A: The 6Li/7Li ratio in the sub-dwarfs HD-19445 and HD-84937 vs. Yale models
1993ST1F: Significance of the interstellar 7Li/6Li ratio
1994CH1K: Primordial abundance of 6Li and 9Be from stellar evolution models
1994KH07: Nonequilibrium cosmological nucleosynthesis of light elements; Monte-Carlo calcs.
1995IG06: Calc. astrophysical S-factor of α + d → 6Li + γ: S(0) = 1.441 mb MeV
1995LA1G: In situ synthesis of 6Li by galactic cosmic rays in halo stars
1995SC29: Cosmology and unstable nuclei and the dark matter argument
1995SZ1A: Reaction rate for 6Li(p, α)3He and 6Li(d, α)4He deduced from meas. cross sections
1997KI02: Optical theorem formulation of low-energy nuclear reactions
1997NO04: Nuclear reaction rates and primordial 6Li; discusses BBN production possibility
1997TA01: Possible inhibition of fusion for weakly bound nuclei
2001NO01: Six-body calculation of the alpha-deuteron radiative capture cross section


1988MC1E: Propagation chain and chain branching reactions for p+6Li fueled fusion reactors
1988PO1J: Aneutronic, nonradioactive nucl. energy generation in 3He-induced fission of 6Li
1989EU1A: Production of isotopically enriched 6Li targets by ion implantation
1989GA09: Pionic distortion factors for radiative pion capture studies
1989LE29: Searches for low-temperature nuclear fusion of deuterium in palladium (none observed)
1989ZI02: Electrochemical experiments in cold nuclear fusion (no nuclear fusion observed)
1990KO1W: Meas. LANSCE neutron flux from 0.025 eV to 100 keV rel to 6Li(n, α)3H
1996PE28: 6Li nucl. quad. coupling const. in tri(isopropyl)phenyllithium; chem. shift anisotropy

Other topics:


1996DA31: Nuclei with two-particle neutron halo: theory and recent experiment

Other articles:
1987LI34: Probability of forming 6-quark clusters and the increase of nucleon radius in nuclei
1988BE1Q: Theoretical explanation of the two deuteron alpha particle vertex
1988TR02: Interacting boson scheme for light nuclei
1989AR02: Quark degrees of freedom and nuclear photoabsorption
1989BA60: Investigation of E1 strength in Coulomb excitation of light nuclei (incl. 6Li)
1989KI07: Observation of nonresonant Coulomb break-up of 156 MeV 6Li projectiles
1989SR1D: Coulomb dissociation of light ions (incl. 6Li) predicted, comp. with exp.
1990MU10: Microscopic calculations of nucleon-separation vertex constants for 1p-shell nuclei
1990SR01: Prior-form DWBA analysis of the elastic breakup of 156 MeV 6Li projectiles
1994ME05: Quark antisymmetrization and deep-inelastic scattering; nuclear structure functions
1994SP02: Quark antisymmetrization and deep-inelastic scattering; nucl. quark momentum distributions
1995DO23: Phenomenological transition amplitudes in selected 1p-shell nuclei, incl. 6Li
1996FO04: Femtometer toroidal nucl. struct.; two-nucleon density distrib. in T = 0, S=1 states
1996ME16: Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of 11Li neutron halo; 6-11Li calcs.
1996TS01: Cross comparison of nucl. temps. from excited state populations and isotope yields
1996XU05: Quark and gluon distributions in nuclei investigated with parton model
1997ME11: Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of 6-11Li
1997PO12: Formula for Coulomb energy reproduces energy levels of light nuclei
1997SA33: Extrapolation method for determining nuclear vertex constants; Pade approximants
1997TA12: Exploration of E and Γ of res. by analytic contin. of bound-state as fit of coupling const.
1997WE03: On isotope thermometers: using isotope yield ratio to extract nuclear temps.

Last modified: 30 May 2017