6He General Table
Ground state properties:


1989TA1O: Methods of production of and possible uses for secondary radioactive beams
1990BA06: Radii and lifetimes of low-lying states of neutron-rich light nuclei
1990HA29: Nuclear structure at the drip lines
1993ZH1J: Bound state properties of Borromean halo nuclei: 6He and 11Li (as 3-body systems)
1994JO04: Halo nuclei, β-decay studies of drip-line nuclei, influence of halo on decay rates
1994RI1C: Nuclear halo states - - distinguishing features and experimental signatures
1994VA30: Clustering aspects of light exotic nuclei: 6He and 11Li
1996BA60: Few-body aspects of Borromean halo nuclei; compare calcs. and theory for 6He

Other articles:
1988DA22: Pauli focusing of particles and structure of the ground state of 6He in the α+2N model
1988MA44: Observation of 6He and 8He ions emitted after antiproton annihilation in nuclei
1988SU10: Cluster-orbital shell model and its application to the neutron-rich He isotopes
1988UC03: Narrow component of momentum width, neutron halo in 11Li, also 6He in DEM model
1989CH28: Nuclear-reaction cross-sections at high E and radii of radioactive nuclei (incl. 6He)
1989ES05: Inelastic EM form factor of 6Li (3-body model); uses 6He gnd-st. 3-body wave function
1989SA10: Total cross sections of reactions induced by neutron-rich light nuclei (incl. 6He)
1989TR18: 2-nucleon and 4-nucleon clusters in light and heavy nuclei
1989WIZO: Microscopic 6-body calcs. of ground-state binding energies and density dist. of 6He, 6Li
1990CH26: The charge and mass dependence of nuclear interaction cross sections
1990DAZR: β-decay of the ground state of 6He in three-particle α+2N model
1990DO04: Particle-hole symmetry and meson exchange corrections to the 6He beta decay amplitude
1990LO10: Semi-empirical model description of nuclear radii comp. with exp. data for light nuclei
1990SU01: Cluster-orbital shell model with continuum discretization, 6-8He, calc. rms radii
1990ZH09: Fragmentation of the radioactive 6He nucleus at high energies (α+2N model)
1991DA04: Jπ=0+, 1+ states studied in micro. α+2N model and method of hyperspherical functions
1991DA24: Decay of the ground state of the 6He nucleus in the three-particle α+2N model
1991SU03: Ground-state structure and the soft dipole mode of 6He in 4He+n+n model
1991WI05: Variational calcs. of few-body nucl. (3H and 4He); extension to 5He, 6He, 6Li discussed
1992DAZV: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: static EM characteristics and β-decay of 6He
1992DAZW: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: geometrical features of 6He and 6Li g.s.
1992DAZX: Faddeev and hyperspher. study of A = 6 nucl.: ground states
1992GO09: Halo effect in light nucl.; microscopic calc. of loosely bound nucleon systems (incl. 6He)
1992LA13: Influence of the separation energy on the radius of neutron rich nuclei
1992TA18: Revelation of thick neutron skins in 6He and 8He nuclei
1992VA1K: Breakup of halo nuclei from 1 GeV/A down to 30 MeV/A, phenomemological
1993DA1P: Continuum response of 6He, 11Li; calc. ground state wave function
1993FE02: The separation energy dep. of the nucl. reaction Xsect., Coulomb mod. Glauber model
1993FE04: Cross sections for Coulomb break-up of the halo nucleus 6He, 3-body model, no exp.
1993FE12: Nuclear interaction radii for light exotic nuclei; Coulomb-modified Glauber model
1993PA14: Relativistic mean field study of light nucl. (calc. binding E, rms radii, deform. parameters)
1993PA19: Effects of pairing correlation in light nucl. (calc. binding E, rms radii, deform. parameters)
1994VA07: Microscopic multicluster description of neutron-halo nucl. with stochastic variational method
1994VA16: Microscopic multicluster description of the neutron halo structure of 6He and 8He
1994VA32: Microscopic multicluster description of neutron halos
1995AO05: Binding mechanism of 6He and its excited states (4He+n+n 3-body model)
1995BE26: Probing the ground-state and transition densities of halo nucl. with sec. radioactive beams
1995FIZZ: Microscopic theory of nuclear reactions with 3-cluster channels
1995PU05: Green's function quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A ≤ 6 nuclei
1995VAZV: 6He in three-cluster oscillator basis; calc. ground state energy
1995VEZY: Variational calc. of 6He ground state in resonating group method 3-cluster approx.
1996AL24: Radii of halo nuclei from cross section measurements, Glauber model
1996FI05: Phenomenological 3-cluster model of 6He; hyperspherical functions
1996FI07: Ground state of 6He calc. with microscopic 3-cluster α+ n+ n model
1996SH12: Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation: ground-state properties of He, Li, and Be isotopes
1996SH13: Analysis of exp. with radioactive beams yield rms matter radii, suggest neutron halo in 6He
1996VE05: Variational calc. of 6He ground state in 3-cluster resonating group method approx.
1996WA35: Ground state properties of halo nucl. calc. using self-similar-structure shell model (SSM)
1997BA23: Neutron halo in light nuclei studied by mean-field approximation, Skyrme force fits
1997BA54: Microscopic study of the ground state properties of light nuclei
1997BA94: Lagrange-mesh calculations of halo nuclei
1997KA32: Root-mean-square radii of light atomic nuclei: neutron skin
1997KR10: Ground state energies and decay widths of particle-unstable nucl., Hartree-Fock approx.
1997LU08: Exactly solvable model for multineutron halo nuclei (6He and 11Li)
1997PU03: Green's function quantum Monte Carlo calcs. of ground and low-lying excited states
1997ST14: Polarization of single-particle orbitals and structure of exotic He and Be nuclei
1997WU01: Structure of 4-8He; calc. ground state wave functions for 6He and 8He using RGM


2001CA31: Three-nucleon interactions beyond A = 3 and 4
2001PI07: Realistic models of pion-exchange three-nucleon interactions

Special States:

1988GU13: Correlated basis functions theory of light nuclei: spectra of light nuclei (4 ≤ A ≤ 16)
1990AS06: Calculation of the energy of monopole giant resonances by the phase-space method
1990DAZT: (J=0,1; T=1,0) multiplet in micro. α+2N model with realistic αN and NN potentials
1990DAZS: Matter and nucleon transit. densities of 6He(0+) and 6Li(1+) in microscopic α+2N model
1990WO10: p-shell nuclei in a (0 + 2)ℏω model space; calc. spectra and intruder states for 6He
1991BO31: Super-allowed beta-decay of light nuclei at the neutron drip-line
1991SU03: Ground-state structure and the soft dipole mode of 6He from cluster-orbital shell model
1992DAZT: 3-3 resonant scattering and A = 6 nuclei excited states (α+2N model)
1992DAZU: Faddeev and hyperspherical study of A = 6 nuclei excited states (α+2N model)
1993DA07: Resonance 3 → 3 scattering and structure of excited states of A = 6 nuclei (α+2N model)
1994CS03: Three-body resonances by complex scaling; studied soft dipole resonance in 6He
1994CS04: 3-body res. in A = 6 nucl.; soft dipole mode of neutron halo nucl. from complex scalng
1994FU04: Halo structure and soft dipole mode of 6He in the α+ n+ n cluster model
1995AO05: Binding mechanism of 6He and its excited states from hybrid-TV model
1995FU12: Coulomb excitation of soft dipole states, effects on elastic scat., micro. CC method
1996SA49: Multipole excit. in light neutron-rich nucl. (incl. 6He, 11Li, 12Be); Hartree-Fock RPA
1996VA1B: New modes of 6He halo excitation studied with 3-body α+ n+ n cluster model
1997DA01: α+ n+ n model predicts 2+ resonance, soft dipole mode, unnatural parity modes in 6He

Shell model:

1988SU10: Cluster-orbital shell model and its application to the neutron-rich He isotopes
1990SU01: Cluster-orbital shell model with continuum discretization applied to 6-8He
1990WO10: p-shell nuclei in a (0-2)ℏω model space; calc. spectra and intruder states for 6He
1991SU03: Ground-state structure and the soft dipole mode of 6He
1991ZH10: Cluster shell-model calcs. of neutron and α-particle momentum distributions in 6He
1993CH06: Gamow-Teller beta-decay rates for A ≤ 18 nuclei
1993PO11: Shell-model calcs. of several properties of exotic light nuclei (Z = 2 - 9; A = 4 - 30)
1995AO06: Cluster orbital shell model predictions of low-lying three-body resonance states in 6He
1995WA36: Physical mech. of neutron halo on drip line light nucl. studied in unmodified shell model
1995WA33: Structure of 6He and 11Li calc. using self-similar-structure shell model
1996KU20: Realistic effective interactions for halo nuclei; 2-frequency shell-model approach
1996NA24: No-core SM calcs. with starting-energy-independent multivalued effective interactions
1996WA35: Ground state properties of halo nuclei calc. using SSM (see also 1995WA36)
1997KU07: Suppression of core polarization in halo nuclei; calc. pairing energies, comp. to exp.
1997ST14: Polarization of single-particle orbitals and structure of exotic He and Be nuclei

Cluster and alpha-particle models:


1994VA30: Clustering aspects of light exotic nuclei: 6He and 11Li

Other articles:
1988DA22: Pauli focusing of particles and structure of the ground state of 6He in the α+2N model
1988SU10: Cluster-orbital shell model and its application to the neutron-rich He isotopes
1989DA05: Calculation of 0+ T=1 states of A = 6 nuclei in α+2N model with local potentials
1989TR18: Two- and four-nucleon clusters in light and heavy nuclei
1990DAZS: Matter and nucleon transition densities of 6He (0+), 6Li (1+) in micro. α+2N model
1990DAZR: β-decay of the ground state of 6He in three-particle α+2N model
1990SU01: Cluster-orbital shell model with continuum discretization applied to 6-8He
1990ZH09: Fragmentation of 6He nucleus at high energies; microscopic α+2n model
1990ZH16: Unusual structure of 6He nucleus; momentum correlations of α-particles and neutrons
1991DA08: Dyn. multicluster model with hyperspherical harmonics; electroweak and charge-exch. reactions
1991KU1B: Multicluster models of light nuclei predict strong, EM and weak interactions
1991SU03: Ground-state structure and the soft dipole mode of 6He
1991ZH10: Cluster shell-model calcs. of neutron and α-particle momentum distributions in 6He
1991ZH1S: Neutron halo structure and particle momentum distribution in 6He and 11Li
1992ZH43: 3-body structure of 6He: α-particle and neutron momentum distributions
1993CS04: Neutron halo of 6He in a realistic parameter-free microscopic multicluster model
1993RY01: Properties of a 6-nucleon system in multicluster dynamic model with antisymmetrization
1993RY1B: β-decay and muon-capture in A = 6 system, calculated in the dynamical α+2N model
1993SH1G: Microscopic calc. of weak interaction in A = 6 nuclei; three particle α+2N model
1993VAZV: Multicluster model of 6-8He; calc. 2n removal spectrosc. factors, α-part. momen. distr.
1993ZH09: 6He beta decay to the α+d channel in a three-body model
1994BA42: Lagrange-mesh calculation of a three-body (α+ n+ n) model for 6He
1994CS01: Dynamical micro. cluster model description of β-delayed deuteron emission from 6He
1994CS04: 3-body resonances in A = 6 nuclei; soft dipole mode problem of neutron halo nuclei
1994FE01: Three-body halos: gross properties calc. using hyperspherical harmonics
1994FI13: Realization of algebraic version of RGM for 3-cluster systems (incl. 6He)
1994FU04: Halo structure and soft dipole mode of the 6He in the α+ n+ n cluster model
1994KO04: Mechanisms in fragmentation of 6He; microscopic calc. of 6He wave function
1994VA07: Microscopic multicluster description of neutron-halo nucl. with stochastic variational method
1994VA16: Microscopic multicluster description of the neutron halo structure of 6He and 8He
1995AO06: Cluster orbital shell model predictions of low-lying three-body resonance states in 6He
1995HI15: Three-body structure of 6He=4He+ n+ n using realistic n-n potentials
1995KA20: Binding and excitation mechanisms of 6He, 10He, and 11Li studied with 3-body models
1995KU08: 3-body α+2N model with realistic nuclear forces; calc. Coulomb displacement of 6He levels
1995KU1G: Spectra, Coulomb displacements, static characteristics using the New Dynamic Model
1995SU13: Study of halo structure in light nuclei with a multicluster model
1995VAZV: 6He in three-cluster oscillator basis; calc. ground state energy
1995VEZY: Variational calc. of 6He ground state in resonating group method 3-cluster approx.
1996FI05: Phenomenological 3-cluster model of 6He; hyperspherical functions
1996FI07: Ground state of 6He calc. with microscopic 3-cluster α+ n+ n model
1996FI11: 6He as a 3-cluster system: investigation of the ground state and continuum 0+ states
1996SU11: Occupation prob. of harmonic-oscillator quanta for micro. cluster-model wave functions
1996VA1B: New modes of 6He halo excitation studied with 3-body α+ n+ n cluster model
1996VE05: Variational calc. of 6He ground state in 3-cluster resonating group method approx.
1997CO22: Computations of three-body continuum spectra
1997DA01: α+ n+ n model predicts 2+ resonance, soft dipole mode, unnatural parity modes in 6He
1997GA10: Pauli principle in 3-body cluster model; momentum distrib. after 6He and 11Li fragment.
1997LU08: Exactly solvable model for multineutron halo nuclei (6He and 11Li)
1997VA09: 3-cluster model of A = 6 nuclei; uses algebraic version of RGM; reveals n-halo in 6He
1997WU01: Structure of 4-8He; calc. ground state wave functions for 6He and 8He
2001VA07: Algebraic model for scattering in three-s-cluster systems. II. Resonances in the three-cluster continuum of 6He and 6Be

Other models:

1994BB03: Evidence for halo in quenching of 6He β-decay into alpha and deuteron
1994CS03: Three-body resonances by complex scaling; studied soft dipole resonance in 6He
1994KO04: Mechanisms in fragmentation of 6He; microscopic calc. of 6He wave function
1997PU03: Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of ground and low-lying excited states in A ≤ 7 nuclei

Model calculations:

2000BH09: Nuclear densities in the neutron-halo region
2000EV03: Dineutron configurations in neutron-excess nuclei from the viewpoint of the Diffraction Model
2000EV04: Do dineutron configurations exist in neutron-halo nuclei?
2000KH18: Investigation of exotic ΛΛ6He hypernuclei by the Hyperspherical Three-Body Method
2000TO11: Matter and charge distributions of 6He and 5,6,7,9Li within the Dynamic-Correlation Model
2000YA18: Structure of light S = -2 nuclei and hyperon mixing
2001KH05: Study of Λ-Λ dynamics and ground state structure of low and medium mass double Λ hypernuclei
2001MA31: Photoproduction of quasi-bound ω mesons in nuclei
2001MY04: Analysis of 6He Coulomb breakup in the Complex Scaling Method

Complex reactions involving 6He:


1989OG1B: Neutron decay of very neutron-rich light nuclei studied with heavy-ion accelerators

Other articles:
1987JA06: Fragment production in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions
1987MA2F: Study of cluster emission and transfer in heavy ion reactions
1988BE34: Study of properties of helium isotopes in reaction with heavy ions
1988BE56: Formation of light nuclei in reactions with 11B and 20Ne at energies of 18 - 20 MeV/nucleon
1988GR09: Energy and angular distributions for 6He emitted in spontaneous fission of 252Cf
1988HA43: Quantum stat. model of fragment formation: entropy and temp. in heavy ion collisions
1988KE07: Measured cross sections for 16O(7Li, 6He) and analyzed using finite-range DWBA
1988KO10: Projectile fragmentations of 6He, 8He, 11Li measured at 0.79 GeV/nucleon
1988MA44: Observation of 6He and 8He ions emitted after antiproton annihilation in nuclei
1989HA43: Statistical decay of fragments from C+12C at 2.1 GeV/nucleon
1989SA10: Total cross sections of reactions induced by neutron-rich light nuclei
1990BEYY: Production of neutron-rich He isotopes in 9Be+18O
1990SKZY: Investigation of scattering of 6He and 8Li on Ag; measured cross section at 55 MeV
1990UT01: Quasifree fragment. of radioact. projectiles (incl. 6He); extended Serber model calcs.
1994SK04: Elastic scat. data of lightest radioactive isobar A = 6 - 11 nucl. below 10 MeV/nucleon
1998AL10: Study of spectra from fragmentation of 6He on Carbon
1999AU01: Study of continuum excitation in 6He from 240 MeV/nucleon 6He on C and Pb
2000EV04: Do dineutron configurations exist in neutron-halo nuclei?

Electromagnetic transitions:


1989RA16: Predictions of B(E2; 0+1 → 2+1) values for even-even nuclei

Other articles:
1991JA13: Matrix elements of magnetic and electric moments in the supermultiplet scheme
1991SU03: The ground-state structure and the soft dipole mode of 6He (α+2N model)
1993DA01: Monopole and dipole strength functions for 6He excitations (α+ n+ n model)
1993DA1P: Continuum response of 6He, 11Li; calc. monopole and elec. dipole excit. (see 1993DA01)
1994BA30: Importance of nuclear effects in the dissociation of 6He and 11Li at E/A = 65 MeV
1996FI05: Phenomenological 3-cluster model of 6He; hyperspherical functions
1997LU08: Exactly solvable cluster model for multineutron 6He and 11Li; hyperspherical expansion
1997WU01: Structure of 4-8He; grnd. state wave functions for 6He and 8He calc. with RGM algorithm
2001MY04: Analysis of 6He Coulomb breakup in the Complex Scaling Method

Muon and neutrino capture and reactions:


1989BR1O: Muon-catalyzed fusion; summary of theor. and exp. work

Other articles:
1988MA1V: Theor. results on initial sticking, stripping, and X-ray intensities for μCF reactions
1989CH2F: Muon production for energy applications: Cold fusion
1990HA46: Muon catalysed fusion of nuclei with Z > 1
1990KA44: Nuclear-structure effects in the polarization parameters of negative-muon capture
1993RY1B: β-decay and muon-capture in A = 6 system, calculated in the dynamical α+2N model
1994MU1E: 6Li(μ-, νμ)6He studied for info. on weak hadron form factors in nucl.

Reactions involving pions, other mesons and baryon states:

1989GE10: Threshold pion-nucleus amplitudes as predicted by current algebra
1995DO24: Exclusive charged pion photoproduction in 6He, 12B and 14C


2001MA31: Photoproduction of quasi-bound ω mesons in nuclei


1988CA26: Reaction rates of astrophysically important thermonuclear reactions involving light nucl.
1995GO26: Two-neutron capture reactions on 6He and 8He in supernovae neutrino bubbles
1995OB1A: 3-body and direct capture calc. of 4He(nn, γ)6He, 6He(γ, nn)4He reaction rates
1996EF02: 3-body calc. 4He(nn, γ)6He reaction rate (same work as 1995OB1A)



1989CH52: Nuclear systems with strangeness
1992DO14: Open problems and future prospects for hypernuclear physics
1992GA30: Summary: Shimoda International Symp. on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics

Other articles:
1988BO1W: Hypernuclear interactions and binding energies of Λ and ΛΛ hypernuclei (incl. 6ΛΛHe)
1988HU1F: The Λ-Λ interaction and the structure of the hypernuclei 6ΛΛHe and 9ΛBe
1988TA14: Σ-+11B and Σ-+6He produced using (K-, π+) reaction on 12C and 7Li at 715 MeV/c
1989BA93: Production of hypernuclei in relativistic ion beams
1989BA92: Evaluation of hypernucl. production cross sections in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
1989DA27: The 6ΛΛHe hypernucleus and the ΛΛ interaction; method of hyperspherical functions
1989HU16: α-particle model of 6ΛΛHe; calc. binding energy, spatial structures and ΛΛ interact. parameters
1989TA1P: Binding energies of light ΛΛ hypernucl. from observed values for 6ΛΛHe and 10ΛΛBe
1989TA32: Schmidt diagrams and configuration mixing effects on hypernuclear magnetic moments
1989ZH17: Few-body dynamics of doubly Λ hypernuclei 6ΛΛHe and 10ΛΛBe
1991AK03: Few-body problems with hyperons
1991DU1C: Three-body structure and interparticle correlations of the doubly Λ hypernucleus 6ΛΛHe
1991MO14: Continuum pion spectra for three-body decays calc. for 6ΛΛHe
1991MO19: Continuum pion spectra in the weak decays of 4ΛH, 5ΛHe and 6ΛΛHe
1991MOZQ: (π, K) hypernuclear production and pionic decay
1991PO07: Variational calc. of properties of 6ΛΛHe and 9ΛBe in ααΛ and αΛΛ models using H.O. basis
1991ZH26: Formation of ΛΛ hypernuclei by Ξ- capture in light nuclei
1992LI17: Hyperspherical harmonic method for solving few-body probs. applied to 6ΛΛHe and 9ΛBe
1992MO30: Mesonic weak decays of Λ- and ΛΛ-hypernuclei
1992SAZD: The strangeness S=-2 hypernuclei and the predicted H-particle
1992YA16: Production and structure of double-Λ hypernuclei
1993AD04: 5ΛHe and 6ΛΛHe calculations by means of the integrodifferential equation approach
1993HI1C: Binding energies of double-Λ hypernuclei (6ΛΛHe) and ΛΛ G-matrix
1993HI15: General formula for the coalescence model applied to formation of 6ΛΛHe
1993MI22: Binding energy of 6ΛΛHe hypernucleus calc. in α+2Λ cluster model
1994GI03: Novel aspects of hypernuclei; suppression of ΛΛ-ΞN coupling in 6ΛΛHe hypothesized
1994GI18: Importance of baryon-baryon coupling; hypothesize suppressed ΛΛ-ΞN conv. in 6ΛΛHe
1994LI52: Description of hypernucleus 6ΛΛHe by the ΛΛα model
1995BR20: Non-mesonic decay of hypernuclei and the Δ I=1/2 rule, measured for 6He(Λ)
1996HI03: Three-body model study of A = 6 - 7 hypernuclei: halo and skin structures
1997CA54: 6ΛΛHe as a ΛΛ interaction constraint: considers the ΛΛ-ΞN channel coupling
2000KH18: Investigation of exotic ΛΛ6He hypernuclei by the Hyperspherical Three-Body Method
2000YA18: Structure of light S = -2 nuclei and hyperon mixing
2001KH05: Study of Λ-Λ dynamics and ground state structure of low and medium mass double Λ hypernuclei


1988KOZH: Radioactive beam facility at Notre Dame produces secondary beams of ≤ 20 MeV 6He
1989BR1L: Discrete nucl. reactions studied with secondary, radioactive 8Li and 6He beams at 14 MeV
1989KO17: Radioactive beam fac. uses large supercond. solenoid; produces ≤ 20 MeV 6He beams

Other topics:


1986AU1D: Studies of nucl. structure in antinucleon charge-exchange reactions: planned 6Li(pol. p, pol. n)6He exp.
1996DA31: Nuclei with two-particle neutron halo: theory and recent experiments

Other articles:
1988TR02: Interacting boson scheme for light nuclei
1989GO24: Microscopic calculations of hydrogen and helium isotopes
1994SU02: Fragmentation cross sections of He isotopes and neutron correlations, Glauber theory
1997OR03: Fragment momentum distributions from the breakup of halo nuclei
1997PO12: Coulomb energies of light nuclei
1997TA12: Exploration of E and Γ of res. by analytic continuation in the coupling constant (ACCC)
1997WE03: On isotope thermometers

Last modified: 30 May 2017