Energy Level Diagrams A=4-20
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Energy Level Diagrams
for A = 4 - 20 Nuclei

To view "Chart of the Nuclides"-style interface for different format, please refer to the following:

To view all of the Energy Level Diagrams available for each mass chain, please refer to the following:

Some of these diagrams are based on the original drawings of Fay Ajzenberg-Selove; others were drawn in her style by the TUNL group. Each was updated the last time the mass chain was evaluated, and is available in three formats. To view previous Energy Level Diagrams from past reviews, please refer to the list at the bottom of the page.

In these diagrams, energy values are plotted vertically in MeV, based on the ground state as zero. Uncertain levels or transitions are indicated by dashed lines; levels which are known to be particularly broad are cross-hatched. Values of total angular momentum J, parity, and isobaric spin T which appear to be reasonably well established are indicated on the levels; less certain assignments are enclosed in parentheses. For reactions in which the present nucleus is the compound nucleus, some typical thin-target excitation functions are shown schematically, with the yield plotted horizontally and the bombarding energy vertically. Bombarding energies are indicated in laboratory coordinates and plotted to scale in cm coordinates. Excited states of the residual nuclei involved in these reactions have generally not been shown; where transitions to such excited states are known to occur, a brace is sometimes used to suggest reference to another diagram. For reactions in which the present nucleus occurs as a residual product, excitation functions have not been shown. Further information on the levels illustrated is contained in tables of Energy Levels for each nuclide in the evaluations.

Last modified: 28 November 2016